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Mission Record : Katsuragi's Mission Log
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Ryo : 908900

It’s Elemental! Mission Empty It’s Elemental! Mission

Fri Sep 27, 2024 4:09 pm
Mission Name: It's Elemental!
Rank: B
Mission Location: Any borders

Challenges: Crafting
Task: Our local mine once again needs our help. This time, we're to find the rarer Tungsten veins, crush the ore, and wash it with alkalin solutions that allows one to create the tungsten metal. Get enough of it and smelt it, and we may get an ingot as a reward. Sounds good? It's because it is. Get to work!

Word Count Requirement: 4,500
Reward: 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP / 1x Tungsten

Character Requirements: --
Character Exclusive: --

Towards the northeast section of the infamous Moon island, trouble was afoot; swashbucking criminal footmen following their orders to receive their cut of the profits. They remained hiddened from the authories, their trade route hidden from the books of the now weary shinobi looking to arrest them for their crimes. Yet, if said group would fail in their attempt to transport the products into Tsuki, well, there were 10 other boats now brushing ashore to unload their precious cargo. Their system was damn near flawless, as their Crime Lord bosses factored in everything. They could afford to lose a few boats here and there. It wasn’t like the supply was short, human activity was pretty much dominate everywhere.

The Organ trade was a multi billion ryo industry for all looking to enhance their capabilities. Ripper Docs would pay by the thousands for organs to make tens of thousands for each successful implant. There was a good reason why in today’s time there were a lot less medical ninja in the spot light. There was too much money and freedom to be had, instead of tying themselves down to the shinobi system.

The sea salt breeze from the ocean light brushed against the backs of the traffickers as they nearly finished unloading the product into the Carriages. They were packed down nice and tight within the secret departments of the many carriages. The liquid within the mason like containers, housing the organs, were filled all the way to the too to avoid making any noise. The lining fur to avoid making noise when the cart was in motion. All housed underneath the under carriage. This wasnt their first rodeo, they knew what they were doing. So the million dollar question was, would this group succeed? Would they lived to day to hustle tomorrow? Mhmm, maybe…

Panning out a mile away, Katsuragi was seen nestled atop a rather large boulder placed upon an overlooking plateau.

Katsuragi's attire consists of a Yakuta black leather jacket, altered to that of a vest. The inner workings still functional with no hindrance. Underneath his vest, he wears a navy blue hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. Attached to the right side of his belt, a knife holster to which Bushranger(An ANT knife) rested in. The locking strapped to keep it in the holster was buttoned in, although easily retrievable with a willful draw. Behind, were attached two weapon pouches with various tools and such for assistance. His pouches are covered by his hoodie, but are still accessible with ease. His pants being that of a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His boots on his feet also being solid black of a leather material with an emblem labeled "EU", it's made of metal stitched to the tongue of the boots. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. He also sports a full beard. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. His most notable tattoo, aside from his spiderweb tattoos that indicate that he has served time in Pelican Island, was his Jashinist Symbol that is stamped on the right side of his neck. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His other tools and such were also assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique due to his skill with the hidden arms technique.

His crossbow, Mugger's Mark(An ANT Crossbow), is
held against his back with an adjustable rope strap that wrapped around his torso, right shoulder to the lower left side of his torso. Tied in such a way for easy retrieval.

The forestry hid Katsuragi from both his flanks. But allowed a clear line of sight ahead towards the beachfront where the boat touched down. Katsuragi gazed towards the crew in short intervals, avoiding the sun from hitying the lens of his black binoculars. Of course, it would be the bandit himself who would take on the mission even though he himself used to be a smuggler back in the day. He wasn’t a dog catcher, ratting on others. But once he saw the name Zukumiki on the reports. He had to intervene.

A while back, Katsuragi’s time in the rice country, he was introduced to two feuding families within the minor rice village. The Hashimoto, and the Zukumiki. The nasty business between the two took quite a toll on both sides, nearly killing themselves. But Katsuragi managed to take on jobs and help fortify the strength of the Hashimoto. Enough, that after the defeat of the Zukumiki in the rice, and the rall of the rice village itself, the Hashimoto Family were able to move to the infamous Tanzaku Town. However, it seemed that there were still remnants of the Zukumiki, still trying to recover.

Before the MadKat could intervene, he needed to make a plan with the other shinobi asssigned to crash this party. He grits his teeth in anticipation, he couldn’t wait to rumbled with one of his old enemies. Plus, if he did it right, he could walk out of here with valuable information.

“Lets see… about 20 in total. Five carriages. They probably got five more of these boats docking the island at various spots. Well, atleast that’s what I’d do. And they all are armed to the teeth, gawddamn…”, he drops his sight enhancers to avoid giving away his location as he tried to come uo with a plan. He would have ran in full throttle if he could. But after that fiasco at the red resort, to which he still didn’t find out who told on him to the authorities, he had to make sure he worked flawlessly with the shinobi assigned to him. He sighs deeply at the thought, but remembers time was a factor here.

He then proceeds slowly closer to the group, carefully keeping an eye on his whole surroundings; his pale eye helped greatly with that. Suddenly, he stops his advancement, hearing footsteps off in the distance. Someone was coming, his right hand hovered inches over the hilt of his bushwacker knife; he was ready to draw it at any moment. The other moon shinobi that was with him, advanced with him as well only to hold his position. He wanted to eliminate the the group as soon as possible to avoid detection. However, what was revealed to Katsuragi was cloaked in mysterious to the other non byakugan weilding person. As it got closer, he bites his lips in anticipation. Finally, it springs into life!

A lone guinea pig scurries on by the two, with Katsuragi trying to muffle his chuckling. The other shinobi berates him for the poor joke, as this mission was a serious task. Yes, he knew that there was nothing to fear, but couldnt help himself at the moment. “Yeah yeah, I wish it was ine of the pirates, but they are still on the beach. I wondered if they are still unloading the stuff, or waiting for someone else to meet up with them?”, Katsuragi said while looking at the other ticked off shinobi for input. “Thats a good question. Perhaps I should go back and hire an actual smuggler to hell me with this mission… Katsuragi! The only reason why I agreed for you to tag along, is because of your experience. You’re a  criminal!”, he gives a long stare towards the missing nin. He was ready to proceed on without Katsuragi at this point, his antics were not worth the stress.

Katsuragi stares back towards the direction of tgecbeach, silent, as he thinks back to the time he was released from pelican island. He shakes his nasty thoughts of him going back there. His tome spent there will forever be etched within his mind. He focuses on the task at hand by pressing onward, his partner right behind him with concern towards the madkats tendencies to be vexingly violent. He was, a volatile individual, never following the rules. But, he had to be, it was how anyone was able to survive outside the major village holds. Approaching the first targets, two of the smugglers were just up ahead, Katsuragi sees them through the tress with his pale eye. The group had already disburst throughout the inlands. Apparently the two were doing to much talking. Katsuragi, readying himself to take out the bandit, jolts forward from the bushes. His killing intent made visable through the help of his display of power skill. He gained the aura of a feral cat with a unkept pelt, the visable terror struck fear into the two henchmen as they fumbled to get ready. It was too late, one of the henchmen took a blow to the neck with Katsuragi’s Bushranger. The other target was taken out swifty by the moon shinobi in charge. They successfully take out the pair of henchmen without alerting the others. “Hurry up and check what they have”, Katsuragi said. The two shuffle through the pockets and inventory, but found nothing. They sighed and went on to take down the others.

Before they set off, Katsuragi rechecks the sleeve of one of the dead henchmen. He was curious before towards the array of tattoos on the arm, but didnt check it all the way through. Roling up the left sleeve, after inspecting the arm, he notices a family symbol he was all too familiar with.

Flashback Activated:


Katsuragi’s body froze, the could of the crossbow being cocked back was all too familiar to him. Single shot, short frame, and it was aimed at the back of his head. “Get up, now...”, doing as he told he was rushed towards the Zukumiki speaker. As he was guided around the hedge, his hands were held up high. His captor making sure his hands were in his sight at all times. “Look boss, we got us a peeper. He must be with the hashimoto family. But he looks, strange. He doesnt look like he’s from Tanbogakure. Hell, I dont even know anyone who dresses like this” The man in violet turns towards Katsuragi, his attire catching his attention.

“Hmm, well my friend, that’s cause you dont get out... but yeah he doesnt look it” the man in violet said while adjusting his own tie

“Yeah, I get that alot...”

“Doesnt sound like it too. You sound like the folk in Tanzaku Town. Yep! The accent is pretty thick. Oh why oh why is a citizen of quarter town out here in these parts?”

Flashback deactivated:

“Katsuragi! Hey!, wake up..”, the moon ninja was seen shaking the confused missing nin on the shoulder. He sighs upon seeing the madkat come too. The tattoo he saw was that of yhe zukumiki, but the color of the tattoo was violet. Perhaps that was why he thought of that particular man. He never really got to kill him, escaping when the hashimoto backup arrived to the scene. “Yeah, lets go. This day just got real fuckin interesting.”, he presses on ward to take out the rest of the smugglers.

Moments laters, the duo was seen standing infront of more smugglers that were taken out by the hands of the duo. Four of them, helplessly laying ob the floor, with pockets empty. One by one, them seemed to hit every decoy without fail. Katsuragi was just about to lose it, till his tsuki nin weaved a few handseals to summon a bird to which he held a summoning contract with. “Oh, a summoning. I used to had these dogs, thats how I got this wicked scar on my face. But I fucked that contract all the way up. Not even a pup..”, the tuski nin looks over to katsuragi after sending the bird high in the sky to do a little recon. “Yeah, Im not surprised. It’s the reason why the higher ups in the village have all been instructed to keep an eye on you. Honestly, I don’t know why we just dont send you to pelican island. But, apparently they think you coukd be a rea-“, his speech was cut short up witnessing his bird beibg shot at with a few bolts from crossbows. “Dammit, they’re gonna take off now”, he focuses jos vision toward the orgin of where the bolts came from. He sees a pack of three making it a run for it with a shipment in tow.

Katsuragi bolts towards the group, hurdling over the branches and grooves to seek out his prey. When he clears the forestry, he sees the three smugglers load the cargo into what seemed to be a carrage. One of the smugglers breaks off and draws a katanna as he charges towards Katsuragi. Katsuragi, still armed with his bushranger, charges and parrys a swift strike from the smuggler. He retorts with a swift kick towards the groin of the smuggler, to knock him off balance. The smuggler, although hit, recovers instantly and swings with a horizontal swing. Katsuragi parries once again, and ends with a jab towards the gut of the smuggler. He rips out the combat knife aggressively from the foe’s abdominal area. His hand, now stained with red blood, dripped onto the ground as his back up arrived. The tsuki nin muttering to himself as he witnesses the carriage pulling away from the scene. “Unless you can talk to the dead, we need to stop that ride!”, he bolts towards the vehicle with haste as well as weaving handsigns. The shinobi’s speed quickens, an enhancer technique to Katsuragi’s guess as he watched the shinobi in action.

Katsuragi’s form started to glow with a yellow tint, his inner gates throttling up to the third gate, unleashed rapidly to match the power output of his fellow teammate. The the two chased the carriage as best as they could, the sounds of the whips crashing against the horses got louder and louder as the two closed the gap. But, before they could make contact, the carriage spun out of control and veered off the dirt road and on to a hill that sent them down the edge of a nearby man made crater. It seemed to be a mining colony, here on the moon island? Katsuragi found that very weird. Among the cursing and telling of the two smugglers left on the chase as they slide down the mountain, katsuragi and the moon ninja slide down the mountain as well to catch them. The carriage, lucky for the smugglers, slide right down into the carved out man made cave that gave them direct access into the network of channels that spread throughout underground. “Wait, Katsuragi! Stop! We can’t go in there!”, Katsuragi comes to a complete stop with a bit of sass. “What the shit man! We could have had them. I can see! Look! There still heading down there, to the… left.”, the tsuki nin folds his arms. “I dont trust you that much to be completely reliant on you. Plus, that mine could be filled with gases and other harmful substances. We need to find whoever runs this mine and get more information; quick!”, the two scurry off to and search the area for more intel. The quickly realize that the mine was empty, as if the arrived on a day to which the mine was closed? ‘Miners get the weekend off?’ katsuragi thought to himself. He thought jobs like this were always active, around the clock. Eventually, after many twists and turns, Katsuragi and the moon ninja arrive to a trailer to which the madkat instant notices that someone was inside. “Hold on, someone’s in there…”, the two halt there advance. The tsuki ninja shouts out there presence, alerting whoever was in there to come out. After a few moments of silence, a lone figure revels himself to the two shinobi as the door swung wide open.

Within the frame of the door, stood an average height man dressed in a thick red and black stripped flannel with grey pants. His boots were brown, yet sturdy to endure the harsh mine. His face was harden and possessed a thick brown beard that matched his boots. He did so on purpose for purposes unknown. He stood 5 meters away from the shinobi, eyeing each one to get a measure of the two. He finally spoke with the typical roughneck deep voice. “We don’t want any, and we’re closed too…”

The two visitors stood there, vexed towards the foreman’s response. They werent here to sell anything, much less ask for any money either. “We’re here because we need to apprehend a couple suspects. They went flying into the cave east of here and we would like to get to them as soon as possible. A map of the layout of the mines would be helpful and some gear if you have to spare”, katsuragi looks back towards the east, wondering if the two smugglers got away.

“Hmmm, ID, now!”, he said as he walked towards the two. The moon nin pulls out his own swiftly, “my associate over here is Katsuragi, he’s with me.”

“Associate?”, katsuragi asked mockingly.

After inspecting the ID card, he looks over towards east. “We are in a hurry, please, we need to apprehend the criminals before they figure out a way out of the mines.”, the moon nin said, he was clearly reaching his limit at remaining professional.

“I see, well I’m the foreman around here. You can just call my murphy. Yeah, I have a feeling your friends won’t be making it out of the mine soon, that is unless they have the proper PPE. That section of the mine is filled with harmful gases, you need the right gear and knowledge of the tunnels to make it out safely. By now, they should be dead. It’s a good thing you two didnt go in with them, otherwise they you twi would be sharing a tomb.”

The Tuski ninja slowly turns towards Katsuragi, pursing his lips and given him the biggest I told you look of all time. “Yeah whatever homie, lets just go back to the village. You heard him, they dead no use goin in after them right.”, katsuragi said while turning his attention towards the foreman. “Been a pleasure, aidos!”

“Wait, we need to secure the shipment they brought in. Otherwise, they could easily end up in the black market still due to some other finding them. We need to destroy them. Now, Murphy, may we use your PPEs to secure them?”

“Hmm, I suppose so. But Im gonna need something from you two. The we didnt quite make the quota this week; we’re off a few tungsten bars. Since I had to send everyone home to avoid going over labor… wait. If you help me; I’ll give you anything you need.” Katsuragi shakes his head “do you think we’re really gonna let you pimp us out when we can just take yo shit by force. It’s just you; and like you’ve just said you got no back today.”

“Sure, go ahead. You stealing from tbe only provider of precious metals here on the island will do wonders for the Moon village. In fact, corporate might personally send a few mercs to thank you for your esteemed hospitality.”

“He doesnt represent the moon village, he’s only here to aid me in capturing the smugglers. We will help you, and turn you will give us what need, fair?”, the foreman nods his head as he guides the two to the other section of the mine which wasn’t laced with harmful gases. “Katsuragi, you shouldnt bite the hand that feeds you. This mine does a heck of a lot more than you know. If they cut us off, there goes all our weapons and armors, along with many other things. We just need to do this one favor and get what we need so we can get out of here. We already have spent way too much time on this mission already. Can you please help me out without causing anymore trouble?”, the pleading shinobi awaited katsuragi’s reply. The MaDKat actually took a moment and thought about the situation before he responded. “Yeah alright, I’ll play good cop. Guess we gonna make us some bars today!”, he said as the two finally reached the entrance to the mine.

Alright, here we are! Grab a pickaxe, and a helmet from over there and get to work. We were down 12 bars, but I came in today and did 4, so between the two of youse, you’ll need to come up with 8.”, the foreman walks off to tend to whatever the fuck he needed to tend to. Katsuragi, and the moon shinobi gear up with what they needed and headed into the cave. The cave was massive, and was already rigged up with an impressive amount of light source needed to see. The two eventually find a spot and begin to swing there pick axe, the chipping at the rocks echoed throughout the cave. Katsuragi, despite promising to be a good cop, instantly regretted his promise. The dirt messed up his entire outfit, even his precious shoes. He can already guess that he will be up all night cleaning off the muck and grime. “Well aint this nice, chippin away for minimum wage… you happy?! Cuz I aint!”, he swings down forcefully at the rock, exposing the precious metal he needed. This whole situation reminded him of his time in pelican island.

Every now and then, Inmates were sent to the courtyard to smash rocks. Sometimes, well most of the times, the boulders brought in were just basic rocks. No minerals or precious metals to be harvested. The warden to have them placed there for the inmates to simply break down. It was no easy feat, just harsh back breaking work for nothing. He could remember the data vividly of him going back to his cell, broken and beaten both mentally and physically. He said it once before, and he would say it again. He wasn’t going back to pelican island, they were gonna to have to kill him.

After all the raw tungsten was siphoned from the rocks and placed on a cart, they wheeled out what they needed and headed towards the refinery. Katsuragi looks back east towards the other section of mine. They needed the suits to protect them from the gases so going in there right now was out of the question. “What if they werent dead though…, like what then? Cause, if they dipped out before they dropped, we gonna look soooo dumb when we return back to HQ empty handed.”, the moon ninja sighs. “Well, I guess we take our punishment. It would fall on me I guess since I told you not to follow them in. Guess you’d take joy in seeing a shinobi get punished for once huh”, he sets the cart down and heads towards the workbench. Katsuragi also headed towards the bench, “yeah, that would be a sight to behold. But nope, I wouldnt snitch on you. We don’t tell on people and make backward ass deals that sell out teammates when a job goes bad. We got a code too ya know, the street code!”, the moon ninja looks ar katsuragi with a sense of confusion. “Street code? *sigh* whatever it may be, You have some qualities that I like. You should really think about turning over a new leaf. Although your criminal record wont be sealed away, you doing good fir once will go a long way. A way that wont see you heading back towards pelican island. I saw the way you kept looking towards it on the beach front. I thought to myself, he mist have either been an inmate there, or was born in kiri. And seeing how you are from Tanzaku town, I went with the first option.

“Yeah yeah, you figured me out. I don’t know about joining, but you guys got an interesting village. I can’t wait yo hit those waves when I get back.”, the duo finally got around to making the bars while using all the needed solutions and supplies the foreman wanted. Footsteps could now be heard coming from the duo’s six. The turn around to find the foreman looming over them as he eyes the bars. A bit rugged, but they would do. As long as they were in passible condition, the quota was met. “Thanks again for the assist, sorry I had to take advantage of you. I really needed those bar to be made, I’ll go fetch you your gear along with a map”, he returns with a crate full of gear and hardware. “Don’t worry, Sakura Corp made these, top of the line. You will have enough air supply to last you for 24 hours, that should be more than enough time to help you navigate through the cave twice!”

“Best of luck, you two”, the foreman said as he walks off with the crate of bars in tow. The duo gear up on the spot and make their way towards the mine in the east. “Lets get to it! Hold up, whats your name again? I never really got around to getting it”, the moon nin finishes his suit up. “It’s shinji, now lets go!”, the two bolt off to the east.

Arriving to the eastern mine entrance, the two notices the tire tracks that led into the declining entrance. The carefully enter with the suits worn over their clothes. “Katsuragi, you see anything?”

“Nah, if they really are dead, there chakra would have flowed out of their body by now. But dont worry bout it, I can atleast follow the track… where did they go. They stop right here. This makes no gawdamn sense.”, he feels a tap on his right shoulder. Shinji, once gaining his attention, points up to see what appeared to be a carriage pressed hard against the roof of the cave. “How?! How does that even work, or is even possible?”, he wondered. Regardless, the two get to work and managed to secure what was left of the cargo. The organs were placed in a tightly sealed mason jar, so the harmful gases didnt get in contact them. After securing then, the two were seen sauntering out of the cave with the cargo in hand. They were sealed in sealing scrolls, to which Shinji possessed them. Although he still didnt quite trust Katsuragi, he now was open to learn more about him due to their little interaction.

“Damn, this mission was intense as hell. It might have been easier if we smuggled the damn organs in ourselves and pocket the cash.”, he said while following shinji back towards Tsukigakure.
TWC/ 4,506
6,000 ryo
7,500 ryo ( A Rank missing Nin bonus)
1,500 ryo (30 AP coverted into ryo due to maxed stats)
Tungsten x1

1,500 words towards unlocking Graceful Physique (25% discount due to maxed stats)
1,500 words towards unlocking Natural Berserker (25% discount due to maxed stats)
1,500 words towards unlocking Shikotsumyaku (25% discount due to maxed stats)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

It’s Elemental! Mission Empty Re: It’s Elemental! Mission

Yesterday at 1:15 am
Katsuragi wrote:
TWC/ 4,506
6,000 ryo
7,500 ryo ( A Rank missing Nin bonus)
1,500 ryo (30 AP coverted into ryo due to maxed stats)
Tungsten x1

1,500 words towards unlocking Graceful Physique (25% discount due to maxed stats)
1,500 words towards unlocking Natural Berserker (25% discount due to maxed stats)
1,500 words towards unlocking Shikotsumyaku (25% discount due to maxed stats)

It’s Elemental! Mission JPYXIpT
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