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Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Thu Aug 30, 2012 4:17 am
Prim ran into the forest and sat under a tree to cry. When she had left home he was a little kid, and now her brother is growing up. She had always been compared to the others in the family, but she still cared for her sibling. Primmy leaned over to cry in her hands. She didnt want anyone to see her like this. Much less her brother. At least she got to hug him before she took off.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Thu Aug 30, 2012 5:46 pm
Samaruo would roam around the forest, lurking in every corner to see if he could find his older sister. The last sightings of her from the villagers led her, they saw her running at a fast pace, with what appeared to be tears that were running down her face. Samaruo had to make sure that she was alright, though see was much older than Samaruo, she could be at times a bit clumsy, she might have gotten lost. However, Samaruo being the emotionless type, always enjoyed the goofy sister act. He then heard what sounded like sniffles, he would walked in the direction from where the sounds might be coming from. As he walked futher he stopped behind a tree, he saw the feet of Primmy, before he had passd the tree. He didnt like to her cry like this, it wasn't something she was known for. "There you are, you know it took quite a while for me to find you. You know your buddy stuck me with the bill, if this is one of those get out of paying tricks ." He would then walk around the tree so that he would now be facing her, she was crying. "Why are you crying, did i do anything wrong sis"? He would then sit down in front of her with his legs crossed. Samaruo wasn't leaving until he would figure this whole thing out.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Thu Aug 30, 2012 7:15 pm
Prim saw him sit in front of her and began to cry harder. "Samaruo, for the past three years I have felt such a deep guilt in me for leaving home and you. The things you didn't know were going on, like I kept getting compared to you and to every other male in the family. It was so hard having to prove myself worthy in our family. I never told you or acted sad in front of you because I knew you would say something to defend me." Primmy pulled up her knees and began to cry harder. " I hated it so bad its why I left without saying good bye, I am so sorry Samaruo." She said still crying.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Thu Aug 30, 2012 8:56 pm
"Is that so", Samaruo said as he kept quiet when he heard Prim talk. He would then look down at the ground, having thoughts about that night, the night when she left. He would remember everyday, Prim would never return to the house. He clentch his fist the more he thought about it. He was left alone, the day she left wouold also be the day that he was suppose to sign up for the chunnin exams. If Prim would have never left the house, Samaruo would have been a chuunin, possible almost a jounin. However, Samaruo felt that no matter what the clan required, family came first. When she left the house, Samaruo got a good look at what the clan really was, if only she would have stayed a bit longer. "Prim, I'd already forgivin you for that day. Please sis, stop crying, i had no idea that i was being compared to you. In fact, i envied your freedom, freedom to do as you pleased, without being brainwashed with that old Uchiha mindset. Im glad you arnt like the others, your definately worth to me, and i know you will become something big. You are my big sis after all, cant have you crying because me". Samaruo would reach out with him hand and shake Prim's arm, no matter what she did, Samaruo would look up to her. "Don't become like those other emotionless Uchiha you see around here, including me, become something more". Then he would crack a little smile that would be barely noticable.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Thu Aug 30, 2012 11:31 pm
Primmy still had tears in her eyes as she hugged her brother. She severely deeply regretted having to leave him because he was the one family member that was always there. She hugged him tightly. "Thank you for forgiving me. She missed her parents and hated leaving them but she knew she couldn't tolerate being belittled. "You're right, a lot of our clansmen are heartless." She said as she pulled back. "Little brother you can become so much still." She told him. Suddenly Prim began to feel a small twinge of pain. "Ow!" She said grabbing her head.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 8:33 am
He then was grabbed by Primmy, hugging him with a strong grip. He would hear her thanking him for forgiving her about leaving. At first he did feel a bit mad for her abandoning the family, but then he soon learned to forgive her. He knew some how that she still cared for all of us, she just needed to find her own way. When she let go, she mentioned something about Samaruo being able to stil become something more, he knew that all to well. During her absence, Samaruo managed to come across something, he gain an ability that would pave the way for him to still become so much more. All of the sudden, Samaruo heard Primmy gasp in pain. "What's wrong Primmy, what happened"? He would see her grab her head, she was clearly in pain.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 2:40 pm
Her eyes were hurting and they felt funny. For some reason she could see things in clear detail. There was a bright glow around her younger brother. Has it always been there? How come she had never seen it before? She felt a little light headed. What was wrong with her eyes? "You have a light around you...Oh no! No, No, this can't be happening, I was hoping it would but not like this!" Primmy said as she realized that she was in a state of deep sorrow and regret. She had activated her Sharingan. "Oh um, nothing little brother!" Primmy quickly looked down. The first stage of sharingan had finally happened to her, she knew her eyes were red looking with a comma mark on each one. She didn't want it to happen this way and now she had so many questions about it. First off , how the heck does she turn it off? She quicklly threw on her sunglasses from her jacket pocket. "Now where were we in our conversation?" Primmy asked looking up at him.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
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A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 4:56 pm
Though Primmy would try to hind the fact that she had gained her birthright of power, Samaruo caught a glimps of the it. She had awakened the sharingan at its first stage, Samaruo remembered when he went through that phase. The moment of sorrow, the sadness was to strong to be simply forgotten. She could fool him that easily, Samaruo would feel happy for his sister for unlocking her power from within. However, he would then look upon her face to see a possible new evil being born inside her. Samaruo would do anything to prevent this from happening to his older sister, to prevent the one thing that evenually causes all Uchiha to fall. "Prim, are you ok? Its weird at first, but it will eventually go away.". Samaruo would play dumb as if he didn't see her sharingan activate. The words he used, would give Prim the choice to tell Samaruo about her new found power. Samaruo would refer her as if she had a headache from crying to much, or make up one of her famous excuses. However, if Prim would tell Samaruo about the gift, he would inform her on everything he knew about the sharingan that he learned from experience. Samaruo would think abou having to keep a close eye on her, he would do everything in his power to prevent her from becoming one of those power-hunger, cold Uchiha.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 5:14 pm
"You noticed didn't you? Oh! Samaruo I don't know what caused it. " Primmy said looking down again. It was kind of embarassing. "It was the guilt and sorrow wasn't it, I have no idea what to do." Primmy paniced. "How do I turn it off?" Primmy kind of giggled at the thought of how silly she may sound saying this this. She took the sunglasses back off. "It will go away right, I am not stuck like this am I?" She felt so silly asking him. She leaned againt her brother giggling.
Samaruo Uchiha
Samaruo Uchiha
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 13060

A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE) Empty Re: A family reunion (Primrose & Samuruo)(PRIVATE)

Fri Aug 31, 2012 6:13 pm
Though Samaruo kept his usual face the same, emotionless without any wrinkle. He couldnt help but giggle on the inside, on how his big sister was freaking out about how she couldn't turn off her sharingan eyes. Samaruo knew if he was in Prim's situation, she what have took full advantage of it and play around with Samaruo. "Relax sister, your not going to be stuck like that forever. You just have to focus your chakra away from your eyes, so the sharingan could vanish due to lack of chakra. It would help if you would close your eyes while doing that". He then moved Prim as he got up, he would walk in a pacing movement. He would then bring up the question on where she was currently living, Samaruo would wonder if he would be allowed to visit sometime. "Prim, are you doing ok away from the house? I was wondering if you could tell me where you lived, just incase i had any free time to come and check up on you". Samaruo then wondered if she realized by now that she isn't really that responsible when it comes to certain things. Nevertheless, she somehow manages to make it through everything, regardless of what other people's opinons are.
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