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Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 9:35 pm
It was little past sunset when Prim decided to go to a place she use to hang out. Atop a building that was abandoned, Prim sat and relaxed reading a book by candle light. Navi was busy so she decided that maybe just being alone wasn't to bad. She figured Navi would find her when he was done with whatever he was doing. she had left a note for Viper so he wouldn't worry about her. In a way she wished she had someone to talk to, or that someone was there so she wouldn't be alone. its not really good to be out so late. She sighed and turned the page of the book.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:37 pm
Azaiyo would continue to embrace his alliance's land, Konohagakure no Sato. As he would discover more and more things, he could reflect upon the objects he saw, elaborate on them, and use them to his advantage- a good sight to see. It seemed many historical monuments rested in this village along with many unique shinobi; shinobi similar to those of which Azaiyo has seen in the past. Traveling through the land, Azaiyo would see tours occurring. It had seemed like a perfect time for Azaiyo to finally become another teacher of this village. Many Hidden Leaf would fight to their fullest extent as Azaiyo would pace over to what seemed to be known as the Okinaga District. Azaiyo was hesistate on entering this portion of the large area, as it seemed to be of great importance, much beyond his thoughts. However, looking forward, he would see a small shadow resting only a mile away. With a blank face, both killer and peaceful-like instincts, and an unbreakable mood, Azaiyo would slowly approach the shadow. A small gust of wind would cross the aisle as Azaiyo would smell someone, or perhaps something in front of him. "Hello?" he would ask as he would go back to his previous, standard and formal stance.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 55500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 10:54 pm
Navi landed silently on a rooftop of one of the buildings in the Okinaga district, he had sensed the presence of another chakra nearby and decided to check out the source of it. Activating his Navagan eyes he could see there were at least two chakra presences ahead of him, one being Prim's and the other unknown. Navi decided to remain hidden and wait for the newcomer to reveal himself. Instead Navi watched from a few rooftops over, entirely concealed and silent, observing from the distance.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:22 pm
Primmy was startled. She could see a figure close to her. "Wh-whose there?" Primmy asked seeing a shadow. She stood up and began to panic, "Great I have gotten myself into another situation." She said to herself. She was stuck on the rooftop with an unknown person, and she had no where to run. Primrose stared at the shadow hoping the person would show themselves. Maybe this person wouldn't hurt her, maybe they were friendly, she crossed her fingers.
Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Fri Sep 07, 2012 11:57 pm
Azaiyo's vision of the images afar would grow dramatically. Still approaching the shadow, he would now see two other shinobi before him, one male, and one female. Both would hold very steady posture, framed almost as if they were to engage in battle. Looking upon the lady, Azaiyo would immediately notice her eyes. "Sharingan, huh? A relative of Viper I suppose?" Azaiyo would ask as he would turn to the right, now towards the male. Now examining both of these shinobi, they were Hidden Leaf as well. "Do not take me as a threat." Azaiyo stated, "I am a man of honor, loyalty, dedication, and most importantly peace. Today I come here as the Deputy Kazekage to futher enjoy the great things this village has to offer, for it is now my home as well. You should know that we now stand on the grounds of the Fire Nation. Aside from this, I come here finally to gain the trust of my new comrades, for I have already gained those of my own village. My name is Azaiyo, and you?" With his love shown upon the two, Azaiyo would throw his Sunagakure headband at the male, revealing that he meant business.
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 55500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:10 am
[.... I wasn't standing next to her, I was hidden a few rooftops away and watching. I guess I just have to pretend I was always there?]

Navi catches the headband and looks at it, meaning the man was most certainly a sand village ninja, which was currently allies with the Leaf Village. Navi relaxed his guard a little bit and looked at Prim, wondering if she knew him from somewhere. "Why are you here sand ninja?" Navi asked him, curious as to why a deputy of the Kazekage would be here of all places.

Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:47 am
Primrose didn't sense any danger from the deputy kazekage, but she kept close to Navi regardless. "Navi..." Primrose started, "who is he?" She asked hoping Navi knew him because she didn't. She had traveled outside of Konoha but she never remembers seeing this person before. Where as he said he was an ally of Konohas, Navi still seemed to question him, even though he wasn't as tense. "Navi..."

Hisashi Saio
Hisashi Saio
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:19 am
Still looking upon the two on the rooftop, Azaiyo could sense weird feelings. The two looked puzzled as Azaiyo had no choice but to speak even further about his travels. "I am not here primarily to experience the village, but the people." Azaiyo stated, "This is not something new for me, as I have done this plenty of times before. I want this nation to be the best that it can be. We are a bigger community now, so we need more heroes. I tell the truth, and nothing but the truth, and am only looking for new friends to join me on this future conquest." Azaiyo would focus more on the lady specifically now. "Miss.Uchiha, how do you wish to grow with that Sharingan of yours?" Azaiyo would leave this plain and simple as he would smile, trying to give this lady a thought of positivity and salvation. "The Sharingan is a powerful thing, but do you really need to go through its complete process?" With this, he would turn to the male. "Sir, what are you dreams?" Azaiyo would smile once more as he knew his questions would really sink in to the hearts of the two. Azaiyo would now look down as he would say his final words before allowing the two to give their response. "Picture it...your future."
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 55500

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Sat Sep 08, 2012 10:47 am
Navi cringed when Azaiyo brought up her eyes, Prim's new Sharingan was a hot topic, and he was surprised that even this allied and trust sand ninja had brought them up. "She's not the only one with eyes," he said to him, revealing a red symbol in his retina. Navi had a unique kekkei genkai, a Byakugan/Sharingan hybrid. While Prim's Sharingan was indeed important and had the potential to be powerful, he wanted to take the focus off of her. His eyes would certainly startly Azaiyo, as the Navagan was completely unique to him, and there was nothing else like it in the world.

Navi extended his hand, with the sand village headband in it, to Azaiyo. A friendly gesture, acknowledging the fact a ninja ally of theirs had come to visit. "Know that you are always welcome, please ask if you ever need our assistance deputy Kazekage." Navi was indeed sincere, but his eyes still glowed with the strange dojutsu.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Out late (Private/No kill  Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo) Empty Re: Out late (Private/No kill Prim, Navi(?) Azaiyo)

Sat Sep 08, 2012 12:49 pm
Prim hated having her eyes mentioned, well, at least this person wasn't trying to kill her for them. "Eyes like mine come with consequences." Prim replied. That's how she felt about them anyway. Azaiyo didn't seem dangerous, he seemed nice, and if Navi trusted him she felt he was safe to talk to. Prim noticed Navi turn his eyes on and she couldn't help but stare. They were mesmerizing to her. She had never seen anything like them and they had a beautidul glow.
Primmy had a feeling that when Azaiyo landed on the roof he didn't mean to scare her, more than likely he was just out exploring the village. "You frightened me when you landed on the roof. It's very unlikely to see people on the rooftops. I do it to get away from everything or spend time with him." Prim said to Azaiyo then looking toward Navi.
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