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Son Goku
Son Goku
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Pathos of Frieza

Mon Jan 28, 2013 10:52 pm
Destruction, chaos, death, and suffering, happening; the person behind most of these terrible actions was Frieza. Frieza was the one who was responsible for the near complete genocide of the entire Saiyan Race, including Goku's father. Frieza, a powerful and terrifying force of nature that many feared and was by many considered to be the stronger and most fearsome fighter in the world. Frieza’s complete lack of regard for life knew no limits, wiping out complete clans for amusement or to get something that he wanted, plus the guy looked funny like a weird alien and had a tail very different from a monkey tail.

He was walking around an island filled with strange inhabitants, but regardless of looks they were still good peace loving people. Today was part training and part father son bonding time for Goku and his son Gohan.
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:14 pm
Gohan walked alongside his father Goku with a large smile on his face. He wasn't exactly sure where they were right now, but he was too excited from being with his father after such a long time that it wasn't exactly at the forefront of his mind. With his hands at his sides Gohan wondered what was in store for him today. Was Goku going to teach him any new moves or powers? Maybe they would even be able to go fishing together!

His mind whirled with the possibilities of what was in store for the two of them. The sky was beautiful and the sun shone brightly down at them to light up a panoramic day.

"So dad, how have you been?" Gohan asks, curious to know what his father had been up to during their time apart.

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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:26 pm
Island Plant, a quiet island far out in the sea making it one that is not normally visited by outsides, the race that inhabits the island is mostly primordial due to this.
The weather is perfect, the sun shining brightly and reflecting off the waves, the soft clouds blocking only partial sunlight so the rays are not intense but offer a good amount of illumination.
The island itself is surprisingly ironic for the two men to be upon, little do they know that it is indeed the original birthplace of their ancestors of old, if they continue their advance deeper onto the island that reach a wasteland environment, large craters are in the earth which instead of permanently scarring the land, are now modified into homes for the residence.
Several inhabitants are seen around this small village on the island, some tending crops, and some simply relaxing in the summer air.
A bouncing sphere makes its way towards the two visitors, a small child with purple skin and a sideways oval shaped head rushes behind it, the ball coming to a stop as he picks it up and looks at the men, "Heyho!" He says with a big smile, one of his hands raising to wave at them before he runs off, the elder of the village which is the mans father makes his way over to them.
"Heyho travelers, what brings you to island plant this evening?"
Son Goku
Son Goku
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:49 pm
"I've been great Gohan." Goku replied to Gohan's question before remarking, "We should probably fish for something to eat I'm hungry." he stated, rubbing his stomach area with his right hand. Before they could hunt down some food, a random ball bounced towards them, then a small strange looking 'kid' says hello to them, picking up the ball and running back towards what appeared to possibly be the kids father or something.

"Oh, we're just out here taking a vacation and doing a little training. Nice place you guys got here." Goku replied, being respectful to the strange little odd looking people. "By the way, do you guys have any food I am starving." he asked, rubbing the back of his head and smiling some.
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:01 am
"Hi!" Gohan exclaims upon seeing the strange people that reminded him of fish. His stomach rumbles a little bit at his father's mention of food, a slightly embarrassed grin spreading across his face.

"Yes please, we're both really hungry!"

Gohan was excited to get into training soon, but it could wait for a bit if it meant they could get a few bites to eat. His mind still whirled in wonder at the thought of what powerful moves he might learn from Goku. At the moment he waits and watches the strange indigenous approachers, secretly hoping they have plenty of food they are willing to offer.
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Tue Jan 29, 2013 12:14 am
Happily the man agrees to feed them, "Follow me, we have plenty of space duck to go around!"
The man turns and walks off towards a large building, he opens the doors and the rest of the villagers are all sitting around a table, the leader of the tribe sits at his seat and gestures for them to sit at the empty seats around the table, once they do a cooked duck is brought out for each of them.

Meanwhile a sinister force makes its way to the island, the lord of terror Frieza himself finally finding the birthplace of the Saiyan race, interested to see if any of the dirty monkeys survived.
Frieza now hovers 100 meters above the island, "So it was out here after all, the dirty monkeys did a pretty good job hiding it but no matter, lets see what's left."
Slowly Frieza descends from the sky only to land in the center of the village, he is greeted by a villager who happily says, "Heyho traveler, where are you from?"
In response Frieza lifts up his right arm casually pointing at him with his index finger, a beam of energy being fired forth that pierces the man through the heart.
Another villager screams, "How could you do that, you monster?!"
Frieza looks towards him and aims the finger towards him as well, "Oh please, what I am doing should be considered a mercy killing, if I looked like you I would be begging people to do the same to me~" before a response is given a second beam of energy is fired piercing through the chest of the second villager.
"I do hope there is something worthwhile on this dead rock, I want to get some fun before I blow it up."

[Lazyness struck, it's final form frieza for the look.]
Son Goku
Son Goku
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:03 am
"Oh wow, thanks little guy. Mmmmm, I love duck. Let's dig in." Goku exclaimed in joy, breathing down large amounts of food in no time at all, the villagers bringing out more plates to which Goku cleaned off in record time much to the amazement of the villagers.

Things escalated rather quickly, before being able to finish indulging in the joy of food and eating, chaos ensued. There was the presence of large level Ki in the area that Goku could sense, and he was even able to feel a sense of malicious intent coming from the massive Ki presence. If not for thinking it might be something bad, he probably would have been more excited about it, but nevertheless his Saiyan blood made him feel some sort of adrenaline rush from the thought of fighting a new powerful foe. "Gohan, we need to go check that out." he said in a more serious tone, beginning to hear some screams from other villagers in the area meaning that whoever was there as probably doing evil things to the strange little people.

Wasting no time, and hoping Gohan would follow after him, he made his way out of the large building and towards the direction of the Ki presence, leading him to the center of the village, where a couple of dead villagers laid, the person behind the killings, who was the one with the large ki power level, was also there. Goku clenched his fists, his anger slowly sparking at the ruthless killings. "Who are you? And what have you done?" Goku asks, his tone hiding the anger inside of him, but still serious.
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Tue Jan 29, 2013 1:50 am
Gohan shoved mouth fulls of food down his throat almost as fast as his dad, nodding in thanks to the kind native people as he chewed and swallowed the meal in record time. The boy didn't sense the Ki nearly as fast as Gohan did, but the ominous presence was clearly felt moments later. Chaos began to ensue, his father's words perceived as the boy's smile melted away and his face turned serious for the coming battle situation. Adrenaline began to course through his veins as he followed his father, wondering what could be the source of such a strange an evil surge of power.

Upon seeing the strange being, Gohan leaps to land beside his father, eyeing the possible opponent with a narrowed gaze as he waits for a response to the question Goku has posed.
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Wed Jan 30, 2013 2:31 pm
As the two men exit the eatting hall they are greeted with the blazing illumination of fire, smoke filling the now burning village as Frieza stands before them now five meters away, his back currently turned to them up until they speak.
His head turns to the right as his form follows with his body hovering,
"So my search did turn out fruitful, there is a few Saiyan's that escaped their fate."
Frieza smirks a bit, noting the tail on the small one, and noting how the larger one resembles a handful of Saiyan's in the past, the hair being a major give away.
"So tell me monkeys, would you prefer to be incinerated alive, or have all your limbs ripped off one by one?"

Frieza's Stats:
Son Goku
Son Goku
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Pathos of Frieza  Empty Re: Pathos of Frieza

Thu Jan 31, 2013 8:12 pm
He could instantly tell that whoever this was but the fact was that this monster was going to be one of the toughest opponent he had ever faced, if not the toughest. He took his stance in facing this monster, his legs spreading apart slightly, while his hands still remained at his side. "I don't know who you are, but you're the one who's going to pay, killing these innocent peace loving people." he proclaimed to the monster, rage very apparent in his eyes. His fists clenched together, his ki starting to raise slowly, as he didn't even turn to look at Gohan before telling him "Gohan, stay out of this, I'll handle him." Goku was completely serious in his statement, not wanting Gohan to get killed by this monster because of the extreme Ki that he could feel coming from the cynical killer.
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