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Itami Himitsu
Itami Himitsu
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Mission "After the party" Empty Mission "After the party"

Sun Feb 03, 2013 6:53 am
Mission Name: After the Party
Type: Chores
Word Count: 400
Reward: 500 ryo

Task: A local family with a lot of money threw a party last night and has requested some ninja assistance is cleaning up the mess. Your mission is to help clean up all the remaining food, trash, and other items left by the party guests.

Itami was walking along the streets of Konoha. He has been called on a simple chore mission to clean up some house which supposedly had a party last night. He hated this kind of missions. He had skills, he was a good ninja. Being called on a stupid mission like this, made him feel underappreciated, but he knew he couldn’t do anything about it because he was still just an academy student. He hoped he’d graduate from the academy soon … Then he will be able to show everyone just what he is capable of.
For now though, he had to clean up a messy house.
Sighing, he put his hands in his pockets and turned a corner, arriving into the richer part of the village.
When he reached the right house, he pulled a paper out of his pocket and read the instructions again, careful not to miss any details. The end of the note said no one was going to be home and he should let himself in with the key they left on a wall lamp. He looked up, spotted the said lamp and reached on top of it to obtain the key. He picked it up and opened the door.
He stepped in and surveyed his surroundings. The hallway led to the living room, which was, from the looks of it, the main room of the party. Trash littered the floor and there was leftover cake on the coffee table. Taking his jacket off, Itami rolled up his sleeves and got to work. He put all the trash in a garbage bag which he took outside. Edible leftovers were put in the fridge in the kitchen which luckily wasn’t such a mess as the living room but had what looked like a broken vase on the floor. Itami leaned down and carefully picked up the bigger pieces, but still somehow managed to cut his finger in the process. He nonchalantly put it in his mouth and swept the remaining shards of the glass vase and put them in the trash can.
When he was finished with cleaning up, he checked all the rooms to make sure he didn’t miss anything. He opened the window to let some fresh air into the stale smelling living room and then turned around towards the door. This mission was ridiculously lame but at least he’d get his reward now that he was done. He went outside, locked the door, put the key back on the wall lamp, and walked away.

[TWC: 417]

[+3 JP]
Yasahiro Yagami
Yasahiro Yagami
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Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 27500

Mission "After the party" Empty Re: Mission "After the party"

Sun Feb 03, 2013 4:29 pm
Approved for +500 ryo & +3 JP.
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