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Team 3 Meets Empty Team 3 Meets

Thu Aug 15, 2013 11:21 am
Mokuzai had just passed into the genin rank, upon passing, students are placed into teams with senseis to perform missions, and help out the village. Mokuzai bored out of his mind with wait, had his hands crossed and his back straight, the perfect student pose. He wondered exactly who he was going to be partnered with. He remembered seeing Kojin, Leander, and Raijin and wondered if he'd be partnered with any of them, but since he didn't know he was waiting. He began to day dream of the kage asking him his service be requested personally due to him being such a great ninja and all. 

All of the sudden in the middle of his day dream a shriek voice was heard. "Mokuzai Senju" Moku abruptly stood up, and with his hands at his side and his back straight, he spoke "Yes Ma'am, Mokuzai Senju reporting here." Due to your individual strengths they had high hopes for this new team. "Each of you are very skilled, possessing traits we had not seen before...Mokuzai, Ryan D. Uchiha, and Minoru Kinzokutei, We present you as Sunagakure's Team 3 genin squad. We are very short on sensei, so please do us proud, and decide things as a team, you will depend on each other, and a leader is not needed!"

Moku turned his head looking at his new team mates, he had never seen them before, but he'd do his best to make sure team 3's name was known. He sat down to let the other genin be recognized, and was dismissed. He walked out of the room, and awaited both to come out and meet him. He was excited to be the first all genin, no leader squad.

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Team 3 Meets Empty Re: Team 3 Meets

Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:16 am
Moku heard Ryan, and Moku walked up to Ryan, and extended his hand for a shake. "My name is Mokuzai Senju, you can call me Moku. Since we are on a team, we shall succeed together." Moku understood the hard trials of being without a sensei but assure Ryan he would try his best to help keep the team together, and on missions to come back safely. "So tell me about yourself" Moku said as he curiously lifted his right eyebrow

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Team 3 Meets Empty Re: Team 3 Meets

Sat Aug 17, 2013 1:41 am
"I, myself, have goals. To protect all that endanger their lives under my watch. My dream is to be the person everyone depends upon. As for trees...why would I grow that? I use water jutsu" Moku looked at Ryan awkwardly since even he had not known what Senju were meant to do, as he did not grow up in a Senju clan house. Therefore, he didn't really get the joke. Moku looked in the class for his third team mate whom seemed to have fled before they got a chance to meet, oh well another day. "I was hoping to get to meet our other member, but I guess its us for now"

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Team 3 Meets Empty Re: Team 3 Meets

Sat Aug 17, 2013 9:34 am
Mokuzai Senju grabbed Ryan by his shirt and pulled him in close. "My mother named me before she died, its my name, say one more thing and I'll hurt you in a way, even med-nin can't fix" He felt an uncontrollable rage, which was in a way awkward considering he had never met his mom. Although, what she did for him, gave him life, and cost hers in the process. Therefore, Moku had gotten riled up. However, he knew he could not just loose his mind. Whilst holding Ryan's shirt he sighed and looked at Ryan with a deep stare "Don't ever talk about my mother" He let go of Ryan's shirt, and turned his back on his team mate. "See ya tomorrow" he said as he walked away with his hand in the air.

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