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A new purpose and a new Power [Sage] Empty A new purpose and a new Power [Sage]

Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:49 pm
After the departure from his home in Kumogakure the boy would find himself in the realm of the foxes, the eternal tricksters and one of the most prominent races of the summon realm. Currently on top of a large mountain surrounded by trees, a lush area filled with what seemed to be statues of past great foxes lining against a long row of stairs, if one were to continue to walk they would easily reach the domain of the foxes who had made this their domain, home and realm.

In the inner domain of this great place laid the body of Yaju who was slowly healing up from not only the mental battle of himself and Yuriko, but also due to other ailments that had troubled his body that he was not aware of. Currently the four summons that were under him employ: Kouen, Koan, Kagura and Kanbaru each sat to the side of him talking amongst themselves about something that didn't make sense yet but soon it would become clear to him. After what seemed liked hours of being out cold and asleep he would finally begin to stir and the four fox brethren would each turn to the man and speak almost in unison," So the cub finally awakens from his little slumber...surprised he isn't dead yet but if he was going to die at this point we wouldn't have chosen him now would we," three of them spoke this while the youngest one would nuzzle his face before poking him in the face with his paw," Brothers don't be mean to Mr.Yaju...he has been through alot," although the three of them would laugh at the young naive one, they would sit down and await for Yaju to fully be aware of his surroundings.

Yaju slowly sat up groaning for a moment as he tried to make sense of where he was but seeing as he was surrounded by the four brothers which meant he was safe for the most part. After fully gaining his wits and looking at his body he would shake his head and pat the little on the head," So where am i or more specifically what are you four doing here,"  Kouen, Kagura and Kanbaru would look at each other before looking back to Yaju. Slowly Kouen would step forward to speak for all of them and stared at Yaju for a moment before speaking," Get up and follow us for the elder wants to see you. Let it be known that if you fail what the elder is going to give you then you will lose not only the ability to summon us...but your life as well," saying nothing further he would wait for Yaju to stand up and follow.

Yaju now stood in front of the elder fox as he glared down to the boy and finally spoke," I have had these four guardians bring you to me because it is time for you to undergo the training that i have personally chosen you for. You have no say in the matter and when this is over you shall have a new power...and a new purpose," the fox stood up or rather sat up and as he did Yaju had to take a step back. This fox had been almost as a tall as half a building and as he looked up to it, the large fox would look down to him," Prepare yourself and do not fail me," from that Yaju would be lead to a peak of mountains, where each one had their own wind.

Yaju was told to get onto one of them where he was soon given a block of wood," For the first test you must sit on this plank and meditate to bring your mental state and physical state into one being. As you are now, you would not be able to focus on the next stage if your own body is in such turmoil," the fox elder spoke to him. Yaju would nod and run up the peak using his chakra to propel him up the mountain until he came to the peak. Sitting the board down he would soon sit on it and balance slowly as the wind began to make him rock back and forth. Luckily Yaju already had a sense of balance when it came to his body, but as he began to meditate he would see what the great fox meant.

Inside of his own mind he would begin to see not only flashes and images of his father and more, but also the images of what happened prior to coming here. Koan the smaller fox and propped himself onto of his head to watch him, unknown to Yaju that he would not be able to come down until his issues were solved. Inside of his own mind he sat in the same stance as he did outside, the images of his past and present flashing more and more until finally the image of his father appeared to him," Still crying over everything you weakling...doesn't surprise me that the little one is going to leave you for a sword, maybe if you were a real man it wouldn't have happened like this," the phantasmal form goaded and poked at him trying to throw him off balance.

Yaju remained with his eyes closed as he spoke," You have done nothing by torment me all my life, you ruined me from the start and even now your actions have still affected my life," it was at this point that the image of his father would grasp at his throat and tighten his grip," hahahaha you were a weak pup then and you are a weak pup now, can't even hold on to your own instincts and here we are watching you giving up everything for what? A new power or maybe a new chance at redemption," on the surface however his body was slowly began to wane and move while on the inside the two of them would continue to struggle," You were right i am weak...but i am only weak because i tried to follow your path and its not mine, i should have let it all die with you and moved on. But now i have a chance to become myself and i am going to take it no matter what," his father however would jump back and chuckle without saying a word.

Soon the image of his father would disappear leaving him with a clear mind. The moon would shine over him as the three brothers and the elder fox watched for a moment,"[color=green] He is doing pretty well for a novice although i wonder how his body is going to deal with the Nature chakra training...he may seem fit to handle chakra and physical tests but the next step will test his resolve to learn," the brothers however knew this to be true due to the statues of the many who had failed.

Hours passed as Yaju sat in the same position and the winds of the mountain continued to blow his body to and fro without knocking him off almost as if he was sleeping while in the neutral position. It was after a few moments that Yaju would hear the patter of footsteps on the other peak before opening his eyes and looking over to the elder," It is time for the second test before going to the final peak and completing your training. Be known that if you fail this test you will die and be forever stuck here," Yaju nodded for a moment although he was wondering what he meant by being stuck here forever if he was going to die anyways.

Yaju was lead to a waterfall where a couple of foxes were sitting on each side of it slowly, each one looking over to him before nodding. The elder fox would pull from its back a bottle of sake," this will allow your body to slowly take in nature chakra until you are able to do it passively, but be known if you cannot learn to regulate it in less that 24 hours then your body will slowly begin to overload on nature chakra and you will turn into a fox and soon into a statue," Yaju blinked as he didn't believe this and as it stood it was a little weird to him. Taking the sake and drinking it he would drink all of it as recommended and sat under the waterfall.

The water's heavy flow fell onto his body like a ton of bricks as he shivered and slowly began to meditate while the fox sage explained how to channel it in," You must slowly pull the Nature Chakra into your body and allow it to meld and become one with you. Remember if you take in too much your body will begin to show the effects, and soon you will become one of the fallen," remembering his time limit he would nod and concentrate. With the Sake influencing his chakra for the time being he could slowly feel the Nature chakra flowing into his body, the feeling itself was hard to explain. It felt natural and....warm while his regular chakra had felt angry and aggressive.

At first he felt as if he was getting a good grasp on the concept of channeling the nature chakra into his body, but since he was new to it he could not gauge how much was too much. Within moments he could feel his body changing into something different as a pair of ears began to sprout on top of his head. Opening his eyes quickly he would look up and groan," Shit...," he could not actually finish his sentence before the elder fox shit slapped him and caused his body to return to normal," You weren't even thirty minutes into it before your body changed...try again," Yaju sighed for a moment before returning to his meditative stance and continued to try.

It would be fifteen more attempts before Yaju had six tails, the ears and his hands were becoming fox like," Dammit i cannot even control this chakra..what is it i am doing wrong," the fox sage slapped him again and returned him to normal before growling. Tossing him one final bottle of sake he would sigh," This is your last attempt before your body fully becomes a statue and you die. This is the only piece of advice i am going to tell you; use the principal of how you mold your chakra," Yaju blinked for a moment as he drunk the last of the Sake and went back to his stance. Once again he would begin to channel the nature chakra into his body but the words of the old fox lingered inside of his head.

Thinking on what he meant by using the same method as he would if he was molding his chakra he would take a deep breath and absorb more than the average amount of nature chakra to the point that his body began to transform, but at this point he would begin to compact and mold the chakra in his body making it smaller and less spaced. Slowly his body would return to normal until there was a single tail, fox ears and on his cheeks were two black lines. The Elder Fox would smile and nod seeing as the only one to actually master the fox's sage transformation  had passed. Standing up he would call over to Yaju who would stand up and jump over to the elder fox and smile," I think i finally did it.. i finally obtained this power. Of course as he continued to take in the new chakra due to the sake his body would become accustomed to it as he moved around and tested the new form of his. Light...nimble and of course strong, Yaju was happy with this and landed by the elder fox as he chuckled," Well done my Kit now since you have finally awakened and learned how to access nature chakra, you will now  go on in life with a new purpose and power. Now go back to your home and train to get better with your sage mode. If you need anything Koan will transport you back here," with that Koan would jump onto his head and whisk him back to his home.

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A new purpose and a new Power [Sage] Empty Re: A new purpose and a new Power [Sage]

Mon Apr 21, 2014 8:57 pm
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