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Kobe Ume
Kobe Ume
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Wed Dec 17, 2014 8:48 am
There was a boy standing and looking onward to the destroyed village he once called home. It was now lifeless as ever but the snow still feel. How could such a thing as snow make everything seem so peaceful, how could snow make the destroyed village almost look like a snow playground, a snow heaven! But no, This place used to be full of life this place used to be home to many this place used to be safe. Maybe Laz was right when he felt something wrong with the death of Naka maybe this place wasn't so safe after all. The more he thought about it the more everything seemed like it was supposed to happen. This was his conclusion, if he hadn't fell in that river he could have been here or the group could have returned with him if they already didn't and here they could lay in a frozen grave. He wouoldn't dare to enter the village it would be wrong so very wrong to do so. A place he only lived here for a few years and yet in a matter of time it was gone like everything else he came across. His family, His limbs, his home, and now maybe even the few people he could call friends. Making sure his metal arm was fine he would double up the bandages around it and his metal leg. Covering most of his face with his scarf he would kneel before the village gates and pray. Who was he praying to? Well any god he could think of that could possible let his friends at least be all right. Right now the snow began to fall harder than it was maybe a blizzard was coming? If so then maybe with that it could cover the rest of this village and truly make it a frozen graveyard...

Standing up he would began to head back to...where? where could he possible head to? Right now he doesn't feel welcomed in kumo nor does he want to go to konoha so where in this very world could he go? This was a questioned he began to ask him self as he fell backwards down unto the snow covered ground. At a time like this he might have shed some tears but it was to cold to do so without them freezing on his face and for once Laz ran out of ideas, no pranks to play, no hints on where to go, there was nothing but hate and sorrow. "I'm going to find and then kill whoever did this..." he said lowly as snow began to cover his lower body. right now he just didn't feel like getting up.
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Mon Dec 22, 2014 6:16 pm
A small, yellow dragon, about the size of Laz's palm, would land on his shoulder, and wave a map in front of his face. The map would detail the location of the summon area, with the tag line, "Kiru, Kira, inside. Don't lose map."
If Laz would follow the map, he would be led directly to the summon cave, of which only he could enter as he had permission. Laz would find the cave to be warm and inviting, as well as Kiru, who had been notified of the boys existence.
Kobe Ume
Kobe Ume
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Mon Dec 29, 2014 4:28 am
Standing up Laz would grab the map from the dragon and would stare at it. " Uh...dragons...I wonder if that other dragon is there." He thought to himself as he would follow the map to the location marked with the big red X. "This feels like a treasure hunt" he mumbled to himself. Laz was kinda bad with directions which was proven by his recent travels. This time he found the cave which supposedly let to "Dragonland" but like every other cave it was dark so he wouldn't enter it. Instead Laz would walk to the entrance and would yell Hello which was echoed back to him.

"Anybody home?"

"Anybody home?" The caved echoed back
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:10 pm
The entrance to the cave would shimmer slightly, and Kiru would appear from the darkness, in his black Koukan outfit, though with the hood down. "Laz? Where have you been? You never made it to Taki and i feared the worst."

He looked concerned, and he was. Something was off about the boy, he just couldn't place it. It was staring him straight in the face and he knew it, but couldn't see what it was for the life of him.
Phoenix Wright <3
Phoenix Wright <3
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:57 am
Laz released a sigh of relief when Kiru had stepped out of the cave but he became nervous when he was asked where he have been. Laz had choices to avoid the question and seem suspicious,  lie to him or tell the truth. Clearly avoiding the question would cause more trouble and lying could also leave to future trouble but the truth could hurt too. "Well..." Laz said as he started to think of what to say."When we left I got lost and fell in the river when I sorta some how knocked myself unconscious. ..." he would have stopped there but that wouldn't explain his long absence and if hw told him about his time in kumo that could lead to the missing arm and leg and the fun teleporting into another dimension thing. "You see...I kinda woked up somewhere in the land of lightning. ...and found my father...that was not really a good thing kinda bad given the fact they ditched me and then- whatever,  just some family bonding time" he didn't want to go into too much detail about his family because of now he doesn't really care much about and he wouldn't want to bore kiru. "Yeah so that's where I've been with meh pops and caravan. Yes he has a caravan... why I don't know so don't ask about it." Finishing what he had to say about where he has been he would then ask the obvious and much depressing question/questions.  "So....did blizzard spirits go rampage on the village because we were trespassing on there land? " he said it like that to make it less deprssing than it was and to add a little humor then again he wondered if he sounded stupid "....Also where is Mugen and the others I didn't see them at the village...well their bodies then again I didn't set one foot into the village but with wishful thinking there here with you right?"

Still trying to keep his tone a little humorous Laz would then stare at kiru for a bit. Yeah he had just this crazy idea for a second what if..kiru killed everyone? His name stands for kill and he seriously just came out a dark and spooky cave nor did he see the others...and if blizzard spirits did attack the village there could be a chance this Kiru is a fake or more likely possessed. The idea sent shudders down his spine as he would slowly take a few steps back. "Stupid..stupid stupid..." he mumbled to himself as the gears began to move in his head. "He dude make us fight a bloodthirsty dragon...." Laz thought to himself
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Sun Jan 04, 2015 3:21 am
Kiru listened to the boy, thinking for a minute. "You really should have found us immidiatly. As for what happened, a missing nin named Youka and a gang of his destroyed it. Kuro Hozuki, Kira, and I are the only known survivors. Mugen was in Taki, which was also destroyed so I have no idea of his status."
He was in a more serious mood, simply from that he he didnt like thinking of Yuki, and had been actively avoiding the subject.

"Come in, make yourself at home. Its a lot roomier then it looks. Id recomend training with Kuro, since your both a little below Kira and I in strength. He shouldnt be hard to find."
With that, Kiru would enter back into the cave, a little stiffer as he went to go find someway to calm down.
Kobe Ume
Kobe Ume
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Sun Jan 04, 2015 7:49 pm
"Strength? Did you seriously say I'm weak? I may not be as strong as any of you but I have survived this world alone for the past weeks. There is a difference between our strengths yeah but with the right strategy I could lead a mere 2,000 man army to take out 20,000....with the right strategy I could take out you, a village,  a dragon, a demon or anything! " Laz wasn't actually in a good mood as of now and him exploding on kiru could lead to bad things. "Now if anyone isn't going to look for Mugen I would be happy to then again you probably didn't really look for me when I needed you...." he said as he would clench his metal fist. Laz then realized what he said which put a wave of guilt over him. "I'm. ...sorry....I didn't mean what I said its just been kinda complicated right now as in starting to hear things complicated. .man for second there I thought you went pyscho and killed the village. dp know your name means kill right? But anyway I guess when you try to hold things in you would sorry it won't happen again."

Taking a breather laz would begin to feel a little better after getting somethings of his chest but more importantly this could be good right? For once Laz was becoming true to himself then again it could be bad since he is acting like his father. Either way Laz was tired and needed some rest. "Is it weird that I never made it to Taki which was then destroyed then I would have came back here immediately but I was pulled further away and if that didn't happen I could be in still in the village. ..guess I'm rather lucky than unlucky. Kiru I need you to promise me something well two somethings first, we find Mugen and anyone else that's missing then if we find the people responsible for this ask them why instead of chopping them to little pieces and feeding them to your dragon, speaking of which how is your dragon haven't seen him since we played duck duck kick the dragon?"
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Tue Jan 06, 2015 5:47 am
Kiru would listen to the outburst calmly, and try and not take offense. He knew this was a lot to take in, but he hadn't meant to imply the boy was weak in any way. He had the capabilities to be strong, as any did. He didn't quite have the raw talent Kuro does, but that didnt always mean anything. "I didnt mean to imply you were weak, simply that the tasks ahead you aren't prepared for, and that is my honest opinion. Id love to search for Mugen, but I have no where to look. If he is alive, I will find him or he will find us, but we cant go wondering the world. He is a capable shinobi. Kuro and you both survived on your own, I trained Mugen just as well as you."
He chose to ignore the dragon comment, because secrecy and all that jazz.  "We cant afford to let our enemies live. I have no right to take their lives, but it has to be done out of justice for what they've taken. There will be no torture on my watch, but they wont get away with this."
Kobe Ume
Kobe Ume
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Wed Jan 07, 2015 2:46 am
"Alright Cool. You said the others are here right? Then maybe we could liven this depresso expresso cave up a bit since I'm here." Laz said to try and lighten the mood up. He would then proceed into the cave with a somewhat fake grin trying to persuade himself everything would be fine but as he know from kiru's words everything from now on won't be as smoothed as he would hope it to be. Dragons, there was dragons everywhere which was pretty cool to laz. "Kiru you have all these dragons and you can't share one?" Laz said as he would run in further into the cave. "This place is awesome!" he yelled as he would see the little houses as well and a..a hot spring? "Best hideout ever1 I call the green house over there by the way." Being inside this cave really cheered laz up, just a little. "So when can I see the others? I have this funny story to tell you all well not really funny kinda dangerous but it is filled with adventure...and pointy objects..and a crown!"
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Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard Empty Re: Standing at the gates of a frozen graveyard

Sat Jan 10, 2015 10:04 pm
Kiru nodded at the claim of the boy towards the greenhouse, though the plants tended in their may bite. He had found that out the hard way. "If you would like, you can try to train with one. I just have to.."
With that he held out his hand, pointed at Laz. "I hereby grant this boy access to the power of the Uzumaki Chain Dragons."
With that, a scroll would appear in his hand, which he would flip to Laz. "Just be careful, they aren't a very humorous bunch towards outsiders. Get yourself settled the best you can and i'll send the others to meet you."

With that, Kiru went on his way, waving to the boy and giving him a smile. He hadn't been happy with life as of late, but at least his students had turned out okay. Hopefully this would all turn out for the best.

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