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Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Mon Dec 29, 2014 7:38 pm
Karumi's mind begins to wander as she thinks over the words of her mother, the beautiful vision of her appearance lingering within her head. Having viewed such with her very own eyes, those eyes that were a gentle brown similar to her father's, though lighter. She wondered if she'd ever gain such beautiful white eyes like her mother had. Taking in the silence of the evening in the mountains where she had come to train herself, having learned of her Hyuuga heritage, though very late compared to many. It seems she was a late bloomer in everything these days but the thought of training and getting closer to her mother's strength kept her emotions calm. 

The blonde standing up from the large rock she had begun to rest on and with a hop she lands on the ground. Bringing her hands together she begins to take practice into controlling the chakra circulating through her body. Bringing her eyes to a close as she listens to the rustling of the trees around her from the cold winter breeze and her breath rises visibly. Turning and flowing throughout her veins and into the very core of her body, she could feel the very essence that felt like it itself was alive. Chakra, the necessity of any human being and the main energy comprised by those that wished to perform the Ninja arts. She began to understand why it was so important, as it felt not just as a tool to her for her techniques but also as a sort of life force.

(Total WC:260) 
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:34 pm
Today had been one of those days in which instead of being amongst the village working, Yaju had been in his domain, the mountains, looking into the distance of his village surrounded by the many wolves he lived and fought with. It had been an interesting month in the village with the sudden influx of ninja and the growth of them as well. It hadn't been too long since he had even passed a couple of students through their genin exam, a process in which had brought a smile to his face. The best thing about the moutains had been even in their height, the lingering mist had made the ground and the scenery perfect.

It was after a moment he could feel it...the feeling of another chakra which in turn made him turn in the direction of it. Someone else had been on the mountain side, while he wasn't the one who had gotten visitors up here it had meant some villager or ninja had walked up here for something. The heads of the wolves that had been sitting with him turned to the location of the area, a light growl leaving their mouths before he quelled them," Peace....I'll see who our mysterious visitor is," with that he would walk off towards the direction of the strange person in hopes it was one of his ninja and not some strange person. His footsteps were silent but not without notice as he came up behind Kasumi and stopping," So what is it you are doing up here miss," his red eyes looking over her for a moment as he waited for a response.
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Mon Dec 29, 2014 8:54 pm
Turning on her feet when another voice had been risen suddenly, she had pulled a kunai free from the strap around her leg.. though her suspicions were quelled when it had turned out to be the Raikage and not a ninja from another village. She slips the kunai back into it's holster and clips it shut, letting her auburn eyes settle up into the red ones of the man named Yaju. "Ah, sorry.. I had merely come up here to train and unlock my Dojutsu, Raikage-sama.." The title and honorific had come free from her lips, knowing to treat such an important individual from her home village with as much respect as possible. 

The wind had picked up and blown along the golden locks of her hair as the light of the moon above gave light to the strands. She continues further along her words, following her train of thought. "Or at least attempt to unlock it.. so far it seems to be quite tricky, I doubt I can manage it anytime soon as I am now." 

(Total WC: 437)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Mon Dec 29, 2014 10:51 pm
"Very quick and perceptive reflexes you have there....what was it...Karumi correct? You were the one i recently passed in the genin exams," his mind wasn't as bad as he thought it had been as he was quickly able to bring up the girls name without some form of concentration. Tilting his head for a bit he would wave a dissmissive hand as he chuckled," Up here you can simply call me Yaju, this is my home and as such i leave all of my duties and responsibilities in the village, so you're up here to train your doujutsu huh?," he had known by some margin that the girl in front of him held the same lineage as he in some way or another, the both of them adopting different last names opposed to the Hyuuga surname so many others did.

He had been watching her as she focused the chakra to her eyes, but there had been a more...subtle trick than just using your chakra. Stepping down from where he had been he would stand beside her and smile," You were on the track of it earlier, but there is a more....simple way of doing it," as a result he would activate his byakugan, instead of veins however his eyes would simply glow and dark red as he looked around," Imagine extending your eyesight via your chakra....opposed to rushing it to your eyes, let it flow like a stream and you will get it," deactivating his he would look over to her and smile," Its that simple," although in his mind it was, it could be the opposite for her. For now however he watched and waited, his eyes laid firmly upon her as he watched her every move.
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Tue Dec 30, 2014 12:34 am
Karumi nodded a little as she witnessed his usage of their dojutsu and explained how quite simple it was, at least to him. However it did not exactly help her from his explanation but it served to give another outlook on focusing the chakra. Bringing her hands together again she began to mold her chakra, feeling the stream of it's movement once again. She was beginning to scratch at the surface of unlocking it, easing her chakra through it's internal points and towards the crux of her eyes. She breathed out, mentally reminding herself that it should act as an extension of vision, she allowed the process to go slowly, for the chakra travel as a small river and ease it's way up around and at the core of her eyes. The eyes themselves began to feel different from before and she could feel the veins at the side of her eyes begin to pulse, as though coming to life in pattern to her heart beat. Every pulse reminding her she was getting closer, though she did not yet open her eyes, needing to wait further and apply more as it did not feel as though it had reached it's peak. She stops for a moment, letting herself sit down and take in her surroundings around her, mapping them out from memory and breathing in the chilled air that made her lungs prickle with cold. Every sensation was being memorized to her memory, placing Yaju's words and her own practice to her mind to be taken whenever she needed to activate these eyes of hers again.

Once her eyes finally begin to open and the narrowed glance becomes more full she stares up to the moon, the white of her eyes now reflecting off the vivid beauty above her. Lowering her eyes she focused the chakra to the core of her eyes and the veins now constructed fully at the sides, activating her Byakugan. She could see the life of the forest around her, the chakra signatures that were now visible from behind the many dark trees the mountain held. Even the wolves that were in a pack together that Yaju had previously been residing beside. When she turns to snow-like white eyes up to Yaju she catches the chakra points that made up his body and the sheer control and power that emanated from him, it was no wonder he was made a Kage with the difference in sheer power that the other Hyuuga member held alone. "I can see it now, the flow of your chakra and the points that they pass through along your body and towards the core at your chest. Though at the moment some of it is more focused to your eyes to maintain our Dojutsu. This is.. Amazing, I never knew this was what my mother was able to do.. and now I can."

(Total WC: 918)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Tue Dec 30, 2014 1:06 am
A small smile came across his face as he watched the new genin work with her chakra in order to activate the Byakugan. He remembered when he had first been training for it, the constant yelling of his father pushing and clawing at him in order to get it right before finally he did. His eyes which had indeed been holding their clans doujutsu would subside, his once glowing red eyes returning to normal as he clapped," Congratulations on unlocking the Byakugan although now that you have done that, there is more for you to learn. Case in point the Gentle Fist style," there was a small distaste in his voice when he had said that but he would no doubt continue," With your Byakugan you can easily see the tenketsu or chakra points of a person, like you can see mine now. Now with our taijutsu, we can strike these points and simply close them or once you become more advanced you can destroy them completely," as an example he would walk up to a nearby boulder and stand in front of it.

Both of his hands would slowly begin to glow with a bright blue energy, the result of his chakra being slowly pushed out of his tenketsu to form a blade. With three single swipes of the chakra the boulder would have been destroyed," Once you get to a level like mine, you can use chakra control to make something akin to blades and slice the chakra points, severing and destroying them completely messing up someone. Although the method i just showed you is...kind of barred by the main Hyuuga's so if you want to learn that at some point, you would have to forsake the traditional style," with that he would walk back over to her and sit down for a moment. He wanted to know what else she wanted to learn from him while also learning more about her.
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Tue Dec 30, 2014 9:59 am
Watching in awe of the others technique she found herself excited to practice, keeping her byakugan active for the moment while raising her arms slightly and parting them with one before her and lowered while the other was raised behind her. Lifting the lowered hand and curving on the heel of her foot she began to push her palms forward while also swiping them down along the air, keeping her movements as a fluid motion while smiling, there was no chakra behind her strikes though she certainly was practicing with a similar style akin to the Hyuuga's taijutsu. It was more like a dance than the actual fighting style as she was merely putting forth the movements she followed under her mother while she was a jounin, the long bangs of her golden hair running along the air with each step and turn of her body. She eventually ceases, having put her right foot forward and returned to the position she originally had started with, raising up to stand and brush herself off. "Heh, sorry.. I just remembered some movements that my mother used to practice at home, I wanted to follow it before the thought left my mind again. However, the sound of the Taijutsu does interest me.. though I don't know if I want to stick with just what has been passed down through generation, is it possible to mix both tradition and the new together?" It was digging at the back of her head, what kind of abilities could she learn with these new eyes and as she found keeping the Byakugan active to be a slightly tiring process right off the bat, her eyes returned back to normal. 

(Total WC: 1,200)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Wed Dec 31, 2014 9:51 pm
As he watched her movements his mind went back to that of his father, who had at one point made his own branch of the Gentle Fist, using animal martial arts with the precision of the Byakugan. Many of the traditional Hyuuga had often called him mad or blasphemous because of his dedication to finding his own way through the Gentle Fist, so he had excommunicated himself and his family from the Clan. The small memory had brought a smile to his face, showing his fathers defiance through his own actions but at least he perfected his own style of fighting. Shrugging the idea off for a moment he would smile for a moment at her thoughts," It could be possible, but if you do...are you willing to accept the negative reprecussions of the rest of the clan? I was excommunicated from the main branch years ago along with my father, but you might still be in it no? I say if its what you want then go for it," chuckling if only for a moment he looked out into the distance of the village. Before he had forgotten he looked up to her and pointed towards his eyes," The best way to work on keeping them activated for so long is to work on your'll come to you in time, but its your best bet," case in point him still having his on after so long, but his veins had never shown.
Karumi Yukata
Karumi Yukata
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Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Thu Jan 08, 2015 6:59 pm
Taking the Raikage's words to heart, she gives a small nod, crossing her arms beneath her chest. "I'm prepared for the reprocussions of my actions and I'm already rather distant with my family as it is, my mother being the only one I've ever truly trusted in comparison to my father. I will most likely deviate from the path of the main branch and find my way. I would like your help to do that, as besides my mother.. you're the only one that I feel that I can trust as closely. It will take time for me to get stronger, I know that.. but I'm willing to learn. Please take me under your teachings, Yaju." The request itself was a rather bold statement as requesting teachings despite her position of being a mere genin was rather rare. However she had taken into account the rumors that others had been taught directly beneath the Kage of their own villages and with Yaju being trusted by her, she felt this was perhaps one of the only ways she could unlock her full potential in the world. "I shall not disappoint you.. I promise." Going a step farther she had even lowered her head in that of a bow towards him, seeking his approval for the teachings and to show that she would make him proud of his decision, should he accept. 

Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Wildforce Red
Familiar : Wildforce Grey
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 22000

Winter White Eyes [Private, Training] Empty Re: Winter White Eyes [Private, Training]

Thu Jan 08, 2015 11:31 pm
A slight nod would come from the young Raikage whom had studied the young woman in front of him with amazement and a sense of familiarness from her. She had an opposite life than him although the extent of what had happened in her life were unknown to him, but the point was that both of them were of similar backgrounds. Another had been asking to go under his tutilage and the thought had once again occured to him that he wanted another student, yet this was the first one in a while that had boldly came to him. Before he could speak she would slowly bow to him which to avoid her being kicked off the mountain, he swiftly moved forward and tilted her chin up in such a way that she wouldn't be bowing but looking into his eyes," First rule if you are going to be my student, No bowing. Second rule is that you will never forsake what i've taught but only use it to protect those you care for and to protect this village. If you agree to these then we can start your training in the morning," if she had agreed he would smile and nod before turning around and walking off into the mist, his form disappearing shortly after.

[Exit, 1356 all going towards weaponry spec and 6 AP]
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