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Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:47 am
Risako was mulling about, wishing she had something better to do than guard the gates. Because honestly, she was a chuunin, and surely there was some sort of domestic violence or animal abuse case she could be cracking down on, instead of just standing at a gate that saw next to no action. Really, that was all she wanted. Too feel the rush of fighting with someone she knew could have a crack at actually hurting her. Not that she wanted to get hurt, she wasn't a masochist. Risako just wanted the chance of receiving an injury. Sparring with Zennal, Mako, and Ryugia held its benefit in the form of experience. It did not however, give the kunoichi what she was looking for. It's kind of like getting off brand food. Sure, it's alright, but it's definitely not the real thing. 

Stretching her arms to the night sky, she yawned. Her ears perked as the next ninja on the gate guard duty came up behind her. Without a word, she turned, nodded, and used the surface walking technique to get half way down the wall, before jumping off. Being a relatively broke girl, she was in desperate need of some ryo, meaning that rather than going home and going to bed, like she should, she ran off to the mission center building thingy. Since she was pretty fast, Risako arrived in next to no time, and kicked open the door, a gesture that was beginning to become a habit to her. 

Having been the third time Risako had kicked open the door that day, the thin black haired lady at the desk had very little patience which was completely visible at this point, stood up and practically shouted at Risako, "Dammit! What is wrong with you?!"

Risako shrugged her shoulders and walked up to the desk, "Sorry, I guess," she said as she chuckled. Pissing off the workers at any business or institution, or whatever you wanna call this place brought Risako great pleasure. Maybe, it was because she is an asshole, maybe, it's because she's still pretty much a kid. I'll let you decide. Cutting to the chase, she then abruptly said, "I'm sorry, I really am, but I need another assignment." Yawning, she finished her demands, "Make it an easy one."

Having had enough of Risako to last a lifetime, the thin woman yanked a piece of paper and handed to her. "This is the easiest one we have right now. Get out of here." Lying, she handed Risako a paper that had to do with some people abusing animals and such. Although, on the paper, it didn't seem that hard...

Smirking, Risako turned around and stuck one hand in her pocket. The other hand, waved to the girl while she said, "I'll be back in a bit." Then, as she exited the building, she kicked the door open again. Which, did in fact break the hinges. This would definitely come out of her pay check. Likely, the whole paycheck. 

Being the manliest ninja in Konoha meant that she had to manly her way out of the door. The only solution was by kicking it off it's hinges. This would come to bite her in the ass later, in the form a paycheck being docked. Which really, when you need them phat stacks, just sucks. 

Emerging into the night from the building, our heroine peered into the piece of paper/scroll/whatever you use your imagination cause I'm tired right now, looking for an objective to complete, so she could be disappointed when she found out she couldn't claim her phat stacks. Once she gazed into the abyss that was the paper in moonlight, after about ten minutes she was able to make out the words "Dog fighting ring in the south eastern side of Konoha, the rounds start at two in the morning." Why does that letter seem to be poorly written you ask? It's certainly not because I messed up and have to retype this whole post do some weird and accidental copy/pasting. No, it's not that at all. 

Having read the scroll/paper for all its knowledge, Risako stood up and darted off through town. Which, at night, was pretty empty. The streets, which were usually bustling with all sorts of friendly faces, at best held three or four shady looking characters at night. I say shady, because they were all some slim looking people. Risako was pretty sure she saw one of them practicing the shadow clone technique. She just couldn't tell who the real slim shady was. Anyway, since the post I had got deleted in an awful accident, (R.I.P. Baby doll,) here's a shortened version that contains the basic points. 

Risako finally found the house that note had detailed. It was off white, with a green roof, had a boarded up second story window, and a lawn chair sitting right next to the mail box. Risako could tell with out looking, that this place was shady. No really, it smelled like homeless people and disgust mixed with hatred. Whatever hatred smells like. 

Anyway, our little heroine transformed into what appeared to be a drunken man. Her transformed state held a comb over, some messy clothing, and she was holding a bottle of beer. The bottle of beer was just a rock that had been transformed with her. (Just so there's no underage drinking huehuehue.) With her disguise, she approached the building and knocked. 

The thing that answered the door came to a complete surprise to Risako. It was a short, pale, hairless little guy. He wore huge glasses and funny looking clothes, and honestly, she had to try not to laugh. From under his large nose, he said "Pay up the admission fee." Being one of those weird people that can't leave their money alone, Risako dropped him a pouch of ryo that held 100, and only because she assumed that she would be getting reimbursed for this. Once inside, she was led to the basement of the building, which held about thirty people in it. 

How she was going to get a reign on thirty people, she didn't know. Oh waaaiiiit, yes she did.

Having been putting some major work into her fuinjutsu, Risako was fairly confident her plan would work. From the way the crowd in the rather expansive basement looked, none of them could have been ninja. Then again, giving it some thought, she realized that they had managed to give the slip to the Konoha authorities for weeks. Rather than burst out in full speed, she began to just mingle with the crowd in spot that held larger groups, placing chakra draining seals on people and things, by patting them on the back or pretending to get a cup of water. By the time she came full circle, having returned to her original location, and also having placed the seals, she activated them. Being civilians, or animals with minimal amounts of chakra, the seals drained them of their energy in mere seconds. 

Only one man stood, and even then, he barely held the strength to keep himself up. With her mission sort of done, she left the building and stepped into the yard. Looking to the night sky, she held the horse seal to her chest, and launched the biggest wall of fire she could straight into the air. Seconds later, a member of ANBU flashed into existence, holding a blade to her neck. Holding her hands up, she squeaked out a "Hold up, I'm on a mission." In a flash, that she could only barely track with her own eyes, the sword was tucked back in its sheathe. With out words, she handed him the paper, and he nodded, heading into the building. To her, this was a mission complete, and she went ahead and darted off to the mission head quarter building. 

Upon arrival, she entered through the broken door, and asked the thin woman for her payment. All the thin woman did was point at the door. Risako started rubbing the back of her neck, as she was handed a paper that said her pay would be docked until the door was paid for. It even had a signature, from a Jounin or an ANBU that made it official. Sighing, she went on home and passed out. She'd just have to sell something to buy food for now. 

[1400 WC
7 stats
784 towards chakra draining seal
616 for distress seal

Last edited by Risako Akara on Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:40 am; edited 4 times in total
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 11:50 am

The link isn't clickable. Could you please try again? <3
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:01 pm

I'm confused. This is a 6k word mission. And you can't pick and choose rewards. If you just want stats why not do regular trainibg. Or do you just like the storyline of this mission?
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:18 pm
Pretty much I just like the story line.
I wasn't going to claim it as a mission, which I think I've seen other people do before, but I could be wrong. XD
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:28 pm

That's alright, just take out the mission link and you're free to do it as training. <3
Risako Akara
Risako Akara
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The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Tue Aug 18, 2015 12:29 pm
Sweet. Will do.
Akihana Akari
Akihana Akari
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 223500

The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo) Empty Re: The mission that doesn't count as a mission (solo)

Wed Aug 19, 2015 7:58 am

approved <3
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