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Your Name Upon Thine Tongue [P, Solo] Empty Your Name Upon Thine Tongue [P, Solo]

Mon Nov 14, 2016 6:02 pm
The day has started off with a slightly uneasy-feeling, to begin with. The ombre grey and charcoal-smudged overcast clouds made Genevieve a bit worried as she watered her garden that morning after breakfast, watching at the soil hungrily lapped up their needs for the day as she anxiously wondered whether to cover them up or not. If the storm was to come, it would be wise to cover them up before she went running and perhaps not go for her jogging session this morning; but without the smell of the coming storm on the wind, thick and musty in the billows, she decided to not cover them. With a short jog on her agenda before she went to the training grounds, Mia returned her watering can inside and locked the door, tying her hair back in a high ponytail to ensure that it stayed out of her face and her view wasn’t obstructed, she locked up the house and went for her daily jog in the woods.

It was a place not frequented too much by other shinobi and that’s what Geni liked about it; the forest was quiet and scarcely held any people to make her feel any more subconscious about herself than she already did. With her High Lady-blessed hair, she earned enough stares and they make her feel uncomfortable and unwelcome more in the Village than she did in the Church, with the only difference being that people in the Village actually cared to share time with her and the other church members well… did not. However she was overjoyed by the friendliness of the Villages whether they be ninja or civilian and their seemingly undisturbed stance by her off-putting hair. Honestly, sometimes the only thought that crossed her mind was how great it would be to dye it all a different color if it weren’t for the fact that it would be a major disgrace to her religion. Something- Something like brown or black. Something common. Something painstakingly normal. Some type of solid hair color where she could blend in with everyone else and not draw so much attention to herself.

Today, as distance roll of thunder pattered through the overcast clouds, the path in the forest was brisker than usual of fellow joggers and patrolling ninjas. Not that ninjas particularly patrolled this way, but it was just- odd to not see anyone around at this time of day. Perhaps it was the briskness in the air that forecasted a chilly, ‘snuggle-up-with-cocoa’ day, or the foreboding storm clouds; she didn’t know. She did know that when she stopped at the water fountain to fill up her water bottle and sat down on the bench next to the water fountain, she noticed the same thing she always noticed; The Old Path. It was not the technical name but it was merely the name that Geni mentally called it;

Once perhaps it was a beautiful jogging path that curved into the trees a bit and slopped down, maybe there had been something even more to it; but now it was blanketed with years and years of neglected debris and dejected leaves of all seasons. Who knows why it suffered such treatment or why it was no longer a favorite route for the villagers? Geni had been more intrigues and curious by where it actually went to and why it was blocked off by nothing more than a Forest Ranger brushing leaved into the foot of the path before carrying on by sweeping elsewhere. For a long time she had felt drawn to it, but mentally stepped down from the challenge for she never really had proper attire to go and investigate; but today was different as she wore the new outfit she had bought herself the night before. Though it was just a simple pair of black jogging pants and a simple grey tank top, they were the first clothes she had actually bought with her own money; but they were also fit for her to explore a bit.

So she got up, drank up all of her water before refilling it, and crossed from the familiar path and onto the unfamiliar one.

The first step filling her with a sense of thrill… that had the slightest aftertaste of power.

Still this did not hinder her as Geni made her way down the path, following the vaguest remnants of a path. Along the way, she was moving leaves and such aside to find the proper path, letting it be known to the world once more, and so she knew where to do. Going deeper and deeper into the woods and down this path, she found a tall pile of leaves; the barest hint of something metallic underneath. She drew nearer she brushed at the metal timidly, slowly revealing a longer piece of metal and the more she pushed leaves away, the stronger her assumption that it might be a buried park bench grew.  When the leaves were moved aside, she had indeed unearthed a park bench and sat down, smiling as she felt accomplished by this small amount of progress. There was something… off, though. She could feel it in the air and it wasn’t the closer rolls of thunder or the smell of rain finally in the air- It was something different. Like there was something lurking out in the woods… just lying in wait...

Geni stood up and looked onwards, seeing clues about the path curving to the right, perhaps back towards the other path she had just came from. However, as she began to move leave aside with her shoes again, she found that the black path deferred again, and continued to move the leaves aside as the corner of something metallic revealed itself on the ground. Thinking it to be a sturdy grate and not looking around to see the area around her sloping downwards, she stepped gingerly onto the metal and stepped forward on it- letting a long and painful groan from the old metal resound through the dense wooded area, as the metal gave away from the ground and gave out from under her.

It wasn’t a grate. It was a metal railing that had, once long ago, kept other joggers safe from going over the side like Geni now did; however, it had fallen over at some point and it’s base keeping it steady had been peppered with thick rust that ate at it’s base, and eroded away by many storms past; and Geni tumbled down the side with it. She didn’t even have a moment to yell as she slammed into the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of her lunch, and rolled down towards some place she didn’t know; arms lashing out wildly to catch onto something. Anything at all. To stop her descent.

Finally they grabbed onto something and she was jerked abruptly upward by her hand catching and gripping onto something cold and rough, making her look up to see what it was. She had fallen in the span of 30 second, seconds, perhaps 3 meters from the path, and held onto a large rock that awkwardly jetted out from the sharp, 30 degree slope/cliff/whatever she had fallen down. Geni swung her other hand up onto the rock as she caught her breath, sucking in a breath of air to yell for help- the rock began to lean towards her. It too, had been a victim of storms and time, it’s pain newly awoken by it’s surprise ‘guest’ who hung on with all her weight; pounds of pressure that dislodged the boulder as the fragmented railing slid past the both of them, from loosened earth around its base. Once more, Geni fell… now followed and accompanied by a boulder about her size. As she fell, she tried to move the boulder away from her mid-air, only to be thwarted by slamming into something hard and solid during her fall. The wind knocked from her once more, she weakly summoned a shadow clone before her as the boulder came rushing towards her. The clone lasting long enough against its ‘opponent’, to deter the boulder’s upwards, giving Geni enough time to roll out of harm’s way on what she caught a glimpse of to be a cracked cement slab under her, covered mostly with leaves but revealed with her movements- before the boulder came crashing down.

Right onto the crack in the cement. She watched in a world where time slowed, how the boulder impacted and shattered the cement under it’s drop and weight, falling into some dark place unknown to her- and she watched as the slab crumbled around her. Geni’s movements were no faster than molasses as she got to her knees, then her feet, and tried to run as the ground beneath her crumbled- and she fell once more.

Down the Rabbit Hole, to Wonderland.

But from a lay of light, to all those where she fell.

At some point, Geni groaned and woke up; wet, cold, bobbing about. With a look around as the light fluttered in from where she fell, she seemed to reside in a small body of water where the boulder and the cement fragments had piled up enough to make it shallow for her, and she sat up among them with a headache running through her head,

“Did you sleep well, child?”

Geni felt a shudder run down her spine. The voice was dark and a grumble of a sound; it was not something that belonged to someone pleasant or someone forgiving, no parent or brother. It was the type of voice you would expect horrid things from; A murderer, a villain or perhaps something vaguely resembling what the plague might sound like the way it scraped and gritted against the ear drums in a way reminiscent of sandpaper or a cat’s rough tongue... It came not too far from Geni’s right, and she slowly looked across. Across the room was a faint and sickly green glow, and a large, reptilian creature sat against the floor leisurely; large tail flicking about like a cat’s. Bright green eyes watched Geni as she slowly stood up- fumbling and losing her footing as a bit of rock shifted under her feet, “Careful now. Floors a bit… shaky.” The creature sneered and a gurgle of dark and mocking chuckling bubbled up from it’s throat as she looked around and turned so that the creature was before her perhaps about 5 or 6 meters.

The whole area seemed to be some cavern to an underground place of some sort, the walls perhaps 40 feet high with grey stone, littered with strange markings that could have been words from some other time. The ceiling vaulted  to support the gargantuan creature who laid on the same-colored stone floor, which was embedded with too-perfectly place rings and rings of words, rippling out from the smallest of its center to the largest ones brushing against the walls and edges. Shameless in their thirst for more girth to their forms. To Geni’s right, just outside of the rind of stones, seemed to be some type of archway that dipped into the water- or perhaps it wasn’t even that. Perhaps it was a waterlogged path into this area. Then she looked to the large creature, just watching her; tilting it’s dark horned head in amusement as it studied her. “Don’t worry child, I can’t move, so I can’t harm you.”  It assured her and repositioned itself a bit more comfortably- and that’s when she noticed it. Attached to the neck of this giant reptilian creature, was a thick black shackle and a chain that wound to the wall behind it; the only thing making it stand out in the darkness of the cavern, was pale markings that she vaguely recognized from a distance in a faintly yellow ink.

Markings of fuinjutsu; Sealing markings. They seemed to reside on a fresher ink, upon the floor as well.

Geni stepped forward from the ring of crumbling and unstable rocks, and onto the solid floor at the edge, the creature residing far opposite of her, as it continued to watch her. “It’s been awhile since I’ve had guests… even unexpected ones. Who might you be, child?”  The creature grumbled, it’s voice losing the grittiness and growing easier on the ears as she looked at him, bowing to the creature as it let out another chuckle.

“I am Genevieve Oasis, sir.” She greeted and the creature smirked, “And who might you be?”

“Hm...Perhaps if you were to take these chains off, I’d tell you.”  The creature purred and raised up a single long claw, tapping the sharp tip of it on the collar, and Geni felt a pang of guilt. “I’ve been down here so long, it’s grown a bit tight…” It was in their teachings to be kind to everyone- no matter their skin color or their shape, or their past or tendencies. They were all the High Lady’s precious children. She looked at the creature warily then her gaze flickered to the seal on the floor. If the water from her clothes dropped onto the seal- it would weaken it and this creature, whether it be good or bad, would be released- “Come now, child, I don’t bite…”

“I… don’t think so, sir.” Geni voiced and the creature scowled at her denial as she looked at it, “I don't know if you’re malicious or not… and even if I let you go, there’s no promise or guarantee of my safety, and there’s really no point even if I pity you and your circumstances.” She looked at the back wall where the end of the chain was- and all though it looked stable and as if it bit deeply into the wall, there was no telling how strong this creature was should the seal be damaged and voided of power. Though before she could move her eyes away, that’s when she noticed it- below the base of the chain, something only glimpsed at past the creature’s dark plum skin and thick black spikes- looked to be a large scroll- but her attention was drawn away as the creature let out a booming laugh and grinned down at her,

“What a sharp girl you are! I like you a bit more now… I’ll forgive you for crashing in the way you did.” The reptile purred, moving and sitting up- growing and size and towering over Geni five-fold, “How about… we strike a deal, girl?” The reptile offered and she watched as it moved about, wings unfurling partially and shimmering in the dark from the reflections off the water’s surface, to give a better look at the chain in the wall and the scroll behind it. “This scroll here… is my summon scroll… If you free me, child, then I will give it to you-”

“Excuse me for interjecting, but I believe your words to be insincere and untrue.” The reptile snapped its head around abruptly to glare at her, “If you have been trapped down here ‘so long’, as you say, then I am supposed to take your word, even though we have just met?” The reptile hesitated as she carried on, trying to hold up a claw to stop her, “And then, hypothetically if I do release you and get your scroll, how am I supposed to get back home and out of this area? How do I know that you weren’t chained up here because you… you... killed people? How do I know you were not locked here for committing some type of crime and being a criminal all together, and now you’re here trying to con me into letting you roam freely among people again?” She has boldly and assertively carried on; giving no heed or moment to the reptile’s weak mutters of ‘wait-’, ‘hang on-’, ‘hold up there-’, or ‘just a moment-’. When she had said her piece, she took a deep breath and the creature awkwardly sat there like some child berated by it’s parent, “Well?”

“I, um, I’ll give you the scroll, free of charge-” “That’s not good enough.” “I’ll get you out of this cave.” “No.” “I’ll give you the tattoo of my kind-” “Not interested.” “The Sage Mode of my people is really-” Growing tired of the reptile, Geni abruptly asked, “Why were you chained up?” To which the reptile twitched and lowered its head,

“Because I killed my summoner.” The reptile voiced, “So...I was summoned by another and trapped here… And my name removed from the list of summons...”

“He did terrible things… and I had to partake… He fought another summoner and tried to make me devour my own brother… so I killed him to save my brother.” The creature said, “And I was deemed ‘unfit’ and a ‘monster’, so they sealed me here… and then the catacombs and hallways flooded and I knew they weren’t coming back for me.” Geni walked closer to the creature and it lowered its head and put it to the edge of the seal, igniting the barrier to arise, and rested his forehead against the barrier and looked at Geni. “I would very much, like another chance to clear my name.” She stopped at the barrier and looked up at the creature, thinking about it,

“...And… if I gave you this chance? Would you refrain from something like that?” Geni asked and the creature looked at her, “What will you give me?”

“Everything and anything.” It answered, “If you wanted my blood? You’d have it. My flesh; My Wings; My claws and my fangs; they would be yours and yours alone to use. I would rely on you to gauge my redemption, child.” Geni closed her eyes and thought about it,

“I want the scroll first. Then everything comes after.” She said slowly and the creature hesitated, “Do you not trust me?” The reptile sulked a bit but reached it’s tail backwards and lodged the tip of it’s tail into the wall, using it to pry the scroll out. The creature caught it in it’’s clawed hand and put the scroll on the floor, rolling it to her. The item rolled through the barrier and into her hands, and she set it tenderly on the floor, moving and unraveling it. This scroll only had 1 other signature. “How… do I sign this? I have no ink…” “Cut your palm, and put blood onto each pad of the hand you wish to use, to summon my kind… Them put your hand on one of the empty slots, and write your name in the slot in your blood. To assure that it is you.”

She looked around then looked at the reptile- and then it’s claws. “Um, please put one of your claws up to the barrier, sir.” Geni requested and the reptile absently followed her request, to which she cut both of her palms on the very tip of the claw; making the reptile hiss in complaint. She ignored it’s protests as she signed the contract and put the fingerprints of both hands on the paper- So that he could be summoned with not just one, but two hands and he cooed at the cleverness of it. “And now I leave-” She said jokingly and the reptile started frantically trying to cause up a rebuttal before she smiled at it, “Just kidding.” The creature sighed warily, “Um...are you a lizard then?”

“I am a dragon… see the wings?”  It grumbled and Geni grabbed who handfuls of her dampened dress, and squeezed the water from the fabric onto the seal; dissolving and melting some of the characters, before she made a break in their uniform design with a precise swipe of her shoe; and the barrier faded away as the dragon grinned, offering it’s neck to her, “This one too, Genevieve Oasis.”

“Are you going to take me out of here and be good?” “Yes.”  Geni touched the heavy ‘collar’ around the dragon’s throat. It seemed to be some type of hammered metal, but there was a huge keyhole in it; too small for the dragon to get to and unlock, but large enough for Geni to put her fist in with a twist of her wrist. She put her hands in it and brushed her fingers against the levers and gears inside of it, pushing up and pulling down at random for perhaps 15 or 20 minutes, until there was a heavy clunk and the shackle swung open; the dragon’s claws stopping it from hurting her in the slightest. As Geni assumed it’s first order of business was to laugh at her and fly away, instead, the dragon moved it’s talons over the scroll where she had up her name, and opened up its mouth wise; releasing the faint smell of something dying and decaying, and bright green insides, as it bought it’s hand up and slip it’s long tongue out to greet the flesh. When it moved it’s hand away, the symbols for her name were burned neatly into his tongue as if she had written them there himself.

And without much warning, the dragon grabbed the scroll and her, in it’s tail, wrapping about them tightly but securely, before going over towards the hole she fell in front and began clawing as the hole to enlarge it as Geni squeed in alarm and displeasure. When the hole was big enough, the dragon crawled through it and took a huge gulp of air; slow and steady taking a few more, as it easily moved up the slow she fell from, and set her down. “Thank… Nameless One.” The Dragon grinned, having set her back in front of the abandoned little bench and water fountain she had found; just as it began to rain.

“To summon me, the hand seals are Boar → Dog → Bird → Monkey → Ram followed by placing your palm upon the ground or similar surface; but you must offer blood… OR you may use a ‘summoner’s tattoo’- like this one-” The dragon said and pushed its claw to her wrist as Geni stared the beast. She didn’t realize what it was doing at first before she felt a searing pain and hissed, looking at her wrist as the reptile burned something in to her left wrist and then her right wrist, grinning as they began to fade to match her skin tone, “If you slide the blood between the guardians- I will come to you.” And with a dark chuckle, the dragon grabbed the scroll and vanished.

Leaving Genevieve there to let the smell and cold of the rain soothe her burning wrists, and leaving her alone on the strange path once more. Only so she could hurry home before the rain drenched her anymore than she was already drenched.

[Total WC: 3815]
[Claiming: 19 stat points + Summoning Contract: Dragons of Mt. Shinra (The Nameless One), Summoning Tattoo: Dragons of Mt. Shinra (Left and right inner wirst) ]

Last edited by Genevieve Oasis on Fri Dec 16, 2016 12:41 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : ##9966fff)
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 4:35 am

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Tue Nov 15, 2016 8:59 am
Akihana Akari wrote:
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Edited to add claim for stats, and locations of the summoning tattoes :3
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Tue Nov 15, 2016 2:10 pm

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