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Rin Togakawa
Rin Togakawa
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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Tue Nov 21, 2017 1:07 am
Revan strode through the forest, his eyes darting from place to place as he made his way through the woods, apparently, there was a waterfall and hot spring somewhere in the area, that were rumored to increase one's spiritual power significantly, of course, Revan was not an idiot, but considering he was still recovering from his wounds in the war, a hot spring would do him some good, besides which the trip up here would be some good training, or at least so he hoped. Picking his path through the woods carefully Revan made sure to avoid any of the larger trees, their massive trunks were certainly beautiful to look at, but they were also large enough to hide a person behind them, he'd seen many a man lost that way, traveling through the woods only to be taken by surprise by one of kumo's shock troopers, the man was torn in two as his screams demoralized what remained of the yukigakure forces. 

Shaking himself out of his thoughts Revan pushed on, following the sounds of running water till he found himself entering an enclosed glade, a waterfall allowing water to trickle into a sequence of steaming hot pools. The man smiled as he strode forward into the glade, curious about just what made this place so special
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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty Re: A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Tue Nov 21, 2017 3:12 am
Once again the stitched and scarred Jounin of Hoshigakure found himself walking through the Tachibana Wildlife Reserve with a small smile plastered firmly upon his face. The sun was still high in the sky, but thanfkully the canopy of the extremely thick and lush forest was protecting him and anyone else in the forest from the deadly rays. The shade and darkness of the tree's were lit up only by the faint rays of sunlight that flowed through the canopy, something that only served to make the surroundings all the more beautiful for the scar faced teen. 

As per usual he was clad in a pair of black pants, an off white dress shirt, and a black tie, over which he wore a long, black trench coat. On his hands were a pair of fingerless, black leather gloves, and on his feet were a rather new looking grey shinobi sandals. And finally, to complete the look, his long silver mane flowed freely down his back, with the only hint of styling seen being the braid that started just above his right ear and flowed down to his chest. If one who knew him were to look closely, they may note that his hair had actually grown a little longer than usual, reaching past his lower back and now coming to a stop at his upper thighs. Oh yes, and how could he forget the fact that he had recently started tying his Hoshigakure headband around his right bicep, above the trench coat of course, so that people could easily see what village he was currently working for. 

All in all, Kenshin looked mostly the same, with a couple of small differences here and there... oh wait, there was actually one major difference that anyone would notice, and that was the new addition to his face. That would of course be the stitched scar that reached down from just above his right brow down to his right cheek, along with the eyepatch that he was wearing to keep said eye unknown to the world. Now, despite what one may think, Kenshin could see perfectly well out of that eye, and that view of the world was not stopped in the least by the patch that he wore over the eye... no, if anything this was an... improvement... one that he had made to himself. Yes, the socket that had once housed one of his natural eyes, now housed one of the eyes he had gained from the very man who so kindly 'donated' his Water Heart, back in Waterfall Country so long ago. 

He knew not the name of the Doujutsu, nor did he know the name of the clan that the boy descended from, but he was starting to figure out the abilities of the eye. So far he had discovered that the eye itself seemed to bolster his chakra reserves, and that it could be used to see the chakra of others. But he knew that there had to be more to this eye, and he knew that it's secrets were connected to the Water Natured heart that was beating within his chest. Eventually he would figure out the secrets of this eye, and when he did his powers would no doubt grow exponentially... and that eye was only the beginning of what he had planned. But... until those plans were brought to fruition they were just idea that were floating around in his head. 

At this point Kenshin would chuckle lightly to himself and shake his head, freeing himself of his thoughs and surveying his surroundings. Hmm, he was in some form of clearing... with what appeared to be hotsprings, and a waterfall, how strange that he had never found such a place before. Indeed... how suprising it was that one as antisocial as Kenshin hadn't heard of this place before, or that someone who came here as little as he did had not found such a place before... not very suprising is it. 

Damn, he really must have been lost in his thoughts, as it was only now that Kenshin could feel the chakra signature that was entering the small clearing. Kenshin wasn't exactly hidden from the man, but nor was he within plain sight of him, Kenshin bring quite far to the mans right as he faced straight ahead into the clearing. 

The medic would give a light hum, something that the man may or may not be able to hear, before leaning down and studying one of the various hot springs that dotted the clearing. 

How fascinating.

WC: 762
Rin Togakawa
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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty Re: A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Thu Nov 23, 2017 9:47 pm
As Revan stepped into the glade, moving towards the pool in the center he was startled to hear a quiet humming, not like the buzzing of insects or other creatures of nature, no this sound was very distinctly human, spinning around in the direction the noise was coming from Revan was surprised to see a rather imposing figure, he tensed for a moment as he took in the many scars that decorated the man's face and body, wearing far too much black to be anything other than a ninja or a goth... or in this man's case perhaps both. Revan allowed himself to relax ever so slightly as he took in the headband tied around the man's arm, but only a little, indeed for all he knew the man had acquired that headband off of the corpse of a hoshigakure shinobi, Revan had certainly seen his fair share of men dressing in their enemy's colors to put them off guard, once again his mind drifted back to that battle in Yuki's great white forest, the confusion as men wearing yuki's colors turned on each other, transport wagons, and command tent's exploding due to sabotage, and Kumogakure forces surronding their position as they tried to re-organize themselves after loosing so many of their commanding officers. Revan shuddered at the thought, still wondering just how he managed to escape that catastrophe alive. 

Shaking himself back to the present moment Revan looked over at the man again before deciding how to deal with the man, he didn't exactly look like a ninja, but then again, Revan looked down at himself, neither did he, he'd come up here dressed in his civilian garb, a simple blue tee shirt with a plain red collared shirt thrown haphazardly over the top, his plain brown pants weren't anything special to look at either, apart from the headband he had stitched onto the back of his collar he didnt have anything indicating him as a ninja of hoshigakure either; given that this was supposedly peace time the odds of the man being a hostile ninja we're relatively low, so revan decded he didn't need to immediately jump to hostilities, but even so he wasn't exactly welcoming to the man. "Well hello there stranger, I haven't seen you around the village before, I don't suppose you're from the recon mission to Yukigakure that's due back in a few days?" Revan said his hands casually sitting in a pair of pockets that had been stitched onto his shirt. It was a fairly casual stance to those looking inward, of co, in reality, Revan's left hand was grasped around the handle of a kunai, ready to pull it out if the man attacked, or agreed that he was from the mission. If the man was a hoshigakure ninja then he'd know that no such mission had been dispatched, but a spy would likely jump on the opportunity to gain an excuse for not being recognized.

If he gave some other more plausible excuse for Revan not knowing him, then the man would nod before walking forward and proffer his right hand and offer his hand; "The name's Revan, It's a pleasure to meet you" He'd say before pausing and waiting for the man's own name.
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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty Re: A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Sun Nov 26, 2017 3:14 am
As the silver haired youth continued to study the hotsprings he would miss the rather startled reaction of the other person in the clearing. Apparently he had not been expecting to run into anyone else in what was essentially one of Haven Countries most popular tourist destinations, but since Kenshin himself didn't notice he couldn't really mock the man for it... too bad.  

"Well hello there stranger. I haven't seen you around the village before. I don't suppose you're from the recon mission to Yukigakure that's due back in a few days?" the man would ask, earning a small sigh of annoyance from Kenshin. Really, couldn't the man see that he was trying to inspect the hotsprings. It wouldn't matter too much if he knew how they had appeared here... but that was the thing, before Dusk had created this forest, the entire area had been nothing more than a desolate wasteland. 

"If the people that were sent on that mission were due back in a few days then why exactly would you assume that I am one of those people?" Kenshin would ask without even looking up at the man. 

"Surely if I were one of the people sent on that mission I would still be in the ruins of Yukigakure, digging through the snow and corpses for whatever it is that they are out in that frozen wasteland for." The scar faced young man would say as he finally looked up at the other person in the clearing. Really, Kenshin wasn't exactly one to mince words, and in his mind sending good shinobi out to scour the ruins of a village that had long since been picked clean was nothing more than a waste of manpower and resourses. 

"Kyousuke is a fool if he sent people out to those ruins. The vultures picked the corpse of that village clean long ago, and then Kumo went and 'claimed' those ruins from whatever fools were still squatting in them..." Kenshin would say, trailing off near the end as he narrowed his eyes rather dangerously at the young man in front of him. 

"And who exactly are you?" The Jounin of Hoshi would ask rather suddenly, cold eyes boring through the man who stood before him. The man was right about one thing... he and Kenshin had never really crossed paths before, which while not really a strange thing in a village as large as Hoshi, set some small warning bells off in Kenshin's mind. Even more warning bells were set off by the fact that the man seemed to possess information that only one who worked in the administration department of the Unseen University, or one of the kage's aids, would possess. But what set the most warning bells off... was the fact that he knew of this mission yet he didn't know who was on it. If he had heard of the mission from someone who had been sent on it then he would most likely have heard about some of the people they were being sent with. If he was one of Kyousuke's aids, or he worked in the administration department, then he would have had a hand in choosing the people who were on the mission

"I find it extremely suspiscious that you, an unknown party that I have not seen arounds the streets of Hoshigakure once in the last year and a half that I have called this village home, would know more about the missions that Kyousuke is sending people on, than I... a Jounin of this village." The scar faced albino would say as he rose up to his feet and continued glaring at the other person in the clearing.

"I suggest you choose your next words carefully stranger... as they may be your last."

WC: 632
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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty Re: A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Thu Feb 22, 2018 4:57 am
The silver haired Jounin would simply blink as the body of the suspicious man hit the ground. It was actually rather strange, one moment he had been planning to kill this stranger if he did not give a satisfactory answer... and the next the man collapsed. It was rather obvious that the man was dead, as he was no longer producing a chakra signature... but he had to admit, it was rather disappointing that he did not get to kill the man himself. He was definitely going to be taking the body of this unnamed man for study, simply to find out just why he had dropped dead so suddenly. And who knows, maybe he would actually get something useful from the corpse... like for example, the heart that had stopped beating mere moments ago.

With a small smirk on his stitched and scarred face Kenshin would form the rat hand seal, followed closely by the dog hand seal. When this was done particles of light would slowly begin to coalesce in front of Kenshin, forming into the shape of a cylinder. Once this process was complete a scroll would be clutched firmly in the pale hand of the Jounin. This was of course a Corpse Storage Scroll, and the soon to be home of the corpse that lay before him, but before the body was sealed away he needed to assimilate the heart.  

The pale teen would open the scroll next to the rapidly cooling corpse, and without wasting any time he would form the hand seals required to perform the Chakra Scalpel technique. Once the required seals were formed his gloved hands would be coated in a blue, blade-like aura of chakra. This aura would slice through flesh and bone like a hot knife through butter as Kenshin ran his hand along the man's ribs, making an incision just large enough for him to slip his hand into the man's chest. The aura would fade away as soon as the incision was made, and the heart thief would push his hand into said incision, the threads within his body already going wild as they prepared to assimilate a new heart.

With but a thought the threads would start to flow from Kenshin's hand, slowly slithering their way through the still warm torso of the dead man as they approached his heart. When he felt the threads encircle the heart he would begin to withdraw the threads, knowing that they had already severed all of the veins and arteries that kept the heart attached to the man. What Kenshin withdrew from his body was a pulsating mass of threads, beating steadily in his hand as his threads pumped a steady mixture of chakra and blood into the organ to restart it.

With his free hand Kenshin would pull the collar of his off white dress shirt away from his body, before pushing the pulsating mass of threads down the collar and towards his chest. Almost immediately one of the larger cuts along Kenshin's torso would unstitch itself and draw the threads and organ into his body, pushing it into the ideal position. The Jounin would release a rather shaky sigh as the organ was pulled into his body and put to work alongside the others. It was strange, the assimilation process usually felt rather intense, but this time in particular was so much more than usual, so much so that he was almost shuddering.

Perhaps it was because this was his fifth heart, or perhaps it was because this heart actually possessed the last element he needed. He would have to run a few tests on himself to figure it out... but he doubted he would be able to find anything significant. What he really needed was the corpse of a Tau... that would provide him with far more answers than he could get from running some tests on himself.

Either way, with that done Kenshin would seal the corpse into the scroll, put the scroll in his coat pocket, and make his way back towards Hoshigakure. He would need to return here at a later date to inspect the hot springs further, but for now he had to get this corpse back to his lab to run a few tests.

WC: 712


TWC: 2106

Claiming the corpse of Revan Uzumaki (Who died to the AC)

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A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO] Empty Re: A rather unexpected meeting [P][IO]

Thu Feb 22, 2018 5:00 am
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