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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Tue Nov 27, 2018 5:57 pm
The world was a vast and wondrous thing, filled with so many conflicting ideals and civilisations that one could never tire from traversing it when soaking in the culture. Yet, this did little to alleviate the calling of the warmonger, the urges that festered deep within his core, forcing him to exert a tremendous amount of his will onto others. It was perhaps an irony, he thought while walking through the luscious greens of the forest, a light layer of frost coating the vicinity while his feet steadily crunched across the path, an irony that little had changed since his infancy. He'd grown stronger, wiser, more ruthless.. yet just as he had been back in those early days, he felt unfulfilled. As if he had not realised the full scope of the glory he should attain. He'd claimed two villages for his own, having ruled over three, and still.. he felt unaccomplished. Takeo.. that man got to wander the world at his own leisure, striding across lands barred for most others because of his strength alone.. he could soak in the world and not worry about a thing.. yet the kage was chained to his hive. He felt himself succumbing to the asinine way of the passive king, like those who had reigned before him.. the step in leadership which preceded either death or loss. Such a thing could not be allowed, he'd have to resist and challenge it, even if it meant slaughtering thousands upon thousands, sacrificing hundreds.. his goal would have to be realised, no matter the cost, no matter the tie severed.

It was in times like these where his mind was plagued with lucid thoughts, gripping his cortex and strangling it until he could no longer control the impulses. If he was away from people, isolated, surrounded only by nature and the sounds that came with it, then he could suppress himself. To feel a connection that surpassed even the hollowness within the man without empathy. While he traversed through the forest, he found himself singing a song from his youth that he'd learned from a crew his father had allowed him to sail with; a small party of raiders, yet honour bound to one another. "My mother told me, someday I would buy, a galley with good oars, sail to distant shores. Stand in the stern, steer a fine boat, then head to harbour, kill a man and another. " Xyxer would repeat the song while he made his way to the most desirable monument near Konohagakure.

Coming across the clearing, the lightly clothed male ran a hand through his now white hair with blue streaks running through it. His physical change had came rather abrupt, although it wasn't too much of a surprise given that this was his natural appearance.. the affects of a drug could not last forever after all. Just as much as his internal self was in conflict, so too was his physical, perhaps even tainted by the twisting turmoil. Samehada was still slung across his back, a deep connection having been made with the sentient bond that made the man compelled to take it with him regardless of what he planned to do.. like a puppy without legs. Around about now the two imposing statues of the Senju and Uchiha respectively came into view, their seals of confrontation an interesting sight for the man. From what he's seen, nobody in Konohagakure cared for honour, nor respect.. perhaps that was something reserved for those inside its walls.

Channeling his chakra into his feet while he stepped onto the running water source which lead into the waterfall, he listened intently to the roaring crashes of the waves down below and the open environment around him. For a moment he could almost feel free.. unburdened by the responsibilities his legacy had cost him. The weight on his shoulders at a transient surcease. He advanced towards the edge of the waterfall and peered over the edge, once again feeling the pull he'd felt when he stood at the top of his own tower.. yet this was not the time. No, he'd simply relax out of sight, able to collect his thoughts and resist any calling. Dropping a short distance from the edge he landed on one of the two jutting rocks from the waterfall, crouching down onto the edge of the rock while splashes of water licked at his back and the thunderous water behind him caused a sense of belonging to wash through him.

His eyes closed so that he could absorb the calmness of the environment, easing the gnawing hunger within.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Sat Dec 08, 2018 4:14 am
It had been weeks since the kunoichi had arrived back to Konoha, having been greeted at the gates by the man she detested the most. Kotsuzui had been her savior back then, standing up against the bastard better than she, his emotions being suppressed in a manner the Hyuuga could not mimic. Her feelings, despite her best efforts at hiding them, were worn on her sleeve, her eyes betraying how she felt- all one needed to do was glance into their pupil-less depths. She was weak, still lacking the strength that many great shinobi wielded, and meeting others from the three villages had done little to help her. Friends was not what she desired to obtain currently, no what she desired was power, the only thing ninja truly needed to ensure they stayed alive in this cruel world. The kind of power she wanted only one person held, and that person had entered the village with the rest of the Kirigakure delegation, she had sensed his chakra nearby before the Chuunin Exams had started, when the parties participating had begun to arrive.


He was unlike any shinobi she had met before, able to bend the will of others without so much as breaking a sweat. He commanded an army that was more loyal to him than they were to themselves or their ideologies. He had defeated two of their strongest using basic combat, not a single jutsu aided him in taking them down. He was a monster, both physically and literally.

But he was a beast she needed.

If she could learn from him maybe she would be able to make Yensung Aburame beg for mercy at her feet, the cries for his life falling on deaf ears that felt no remorse for his coming death.

With those thoughts on her mind the white haired woman set out from her room in the Hyuuga district, leaving her wolven companion behind to protect him from the blood thirsty wolf in sheep’s clothing, in search of the bluenette. She had failed to request his teaching when she had traveled to Kirigakure after the war, but this time she was far more determined to not let the opportunity slide through her fingers. The meeting with the murderer reaffirmed why she needed Xyxer’s help, and that she would do whatever it took to gain it. With her eyes full of fire from her resolve, she used her chakra sensory ability and Byakugan, that could see a mile in all directions because of her rigorous training with it, to try locating where his general whereabouts were, knowing without a doubt that he would’ve been the one to escort Kirigakure’s participants. Xyxer was a man of honor and pride, thus having someone else perform a duty for the kages was something she couldn’t see him do. There was also the fact that the kages of each village would want, or need, to be there for their participant’s matches, to gauge whether they had done their home justice or not.

It didn’t take long for her to feel his familiar chakra signature, although it was faint and getting harder to sense as he continued moving away. Her byakugan couldn’t see him yet, but she kept it active as she began walking fast towards when she felt he was. She hoped he didn’t mind her disturbing him for the last thing she needed was him getting angry at her and lashing out. Death would be inevitable at that point, taking away her only chance at vengeance in a single action.

After several minutes of walking from the Hyuuga compound to where she had felt the pull of Xyxer’s chakra signature, the scenery began to change, going from the noisy, crowded streets lined with houses and shops to a more natural, greener area. Trees and small shrubs sprouted all around her as she walked deeper through the leaves, her silencing boots allowing her to walk over the barely frosted ground without making a sound. The forest was quiet and empty, save for the few birds chirping in their perches up above, as she traveled alone. The Mizukage had left the area a while ago, she was far behind him and knew very little of where he might be going for there wasn’t much outside of the forest that she was aware of.

She kept walking in the same distance for a couple minutes longer until the quiet sound of rushing water caught her attention. The noise alone had reminded her about the monument built in an open valley in honor of the Senju and Uchiha leaders. She felt it made sense for him to travel there, a calm waterfall and seclusion from the bustling crowds of people in the village. If someone wanted to get away and relax, the valley of the end was just the place for them.

Thus Hikari used her ears and byakugan to locate the waterfall and statues, jogging over when her doujutsu caught sight of it. She had never personally been out there, but the sight before her was breathtaking. It was an open area, the monument in the center, with trees surrounding it in every direction near the edge of the open field. The Hyuuga deactivated her kekkei genkai in order to fully take in what she was seeing.

To get a better view she used her surface walking jutsu and gently climbed onto the water, feeling it ripple under her feet with each step she took closer to the edge. It amazed the light haired female to learn that Konohagakure had a waterfall and such a magnificent monument so close to the village. The waterfall alone reminded her of Kirigakure, and for a moment she wondered if Xyxer had felt the same way when he first saw it. Could the mighty beast even harbor such feelings?

A soft breeze blew past, dancing with her white tresses and cooling her ivory skin. It was a serene, beautiful place, somewhere she felt she didn’t quite fit in. The hostility and wrath in her heart were clashing with the calm, gentleness of the environment, being soothed by the rocking water, yet nothing it had to offer could fully extinguish the flame burning within. She had come there with a purpose, one she had to accomplish even if it meant being turned away.

Her only dilemma was the whereabouts of the aquatic man she had been searching for. He wasn’t above the waterfall, yet after realizing she hadn’t checked behind or in front of the crashing water, she peaked out over the edge, focusing her chakra to the water to keep herself from falling into the little lake below. The day was too cool for one to be soaking wet, and it would be just her luck to catch a cold if she did wind up falling in, and a cold was the last thing she needed.

“Hello Lord Mizukage,” Her voice was loud and clear enough to be heard over the thunderous roar of the waterfall and as she spoke she dropped to one knee, kneeling the moment she started talking to show her respect for the man sitting upon one of the two jutted out rocks. Despite the water being cold against her bare leg, the Hyuuga continued talking with her head bowed towards the man who sat almost completely beneath her, give or take some. “I do hope I am not intruding on your alone time. If I am then please forgive me, I will just discuss this matter with you at a more convenient moment.”

At that moment, should everything have gone accordingly thus far, a rather large gust of wind swept through the area, catching the kunoichi off guard with how strong it was compared to the previously gentle one that caressed her hair earlier in the day. This monstrous air current was enough to move the petite woman just enough for her surface walking to break when it pushed her off the edge of the waterfall.

Hikari, lilac tinted orbs widened and pulse racing, tried frantically to land a chakra laded hand on the curtain of water behind her, but to no avail as her arm tried to curve backward. She was falling at an alarming rate and would just barely miss hitting Xyxer or the rock on her way down. Her mind combed through a multitude of options, ways for her to prevent injury or lessen the blow if she couldn’t protect her feeble body against all of the damage.

(WC: 1,422)
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:00 pm
In the wilderness hours passed like minutes, and minutes had the audacity to dwindle into seconds. A momentary peace was obtained without the hassle of socialising , a token of calm in the chaotic world that was being crafted. Over the past few years, the world had slowly yet surely been gently influenced into a deformed state, much like a malleable vegetable that was grown to malform into a peculiar shaped container. Sometimes it was done purely for amusement, other times people had things to gain from the chaos that would ensue.

What could be gained through chaos was almost bewildering. Initially Xyxer had put little thought towards the idea of causing conflict in order to further his own agenda.. Yet he had only been ANBU at that time. To cause psychological conflict between enemies was not what they had to do, but to be figures of sheer intimidation and ghouls that lurked in rumours: The dreaded Abysswalker that stalked the piers of Old Kirigakure, the Demon of the Hidden Mist that moved with his blade as if it was a mere extension of himself, the Wrath of Tengakure that destroyed its enemies with impunity. Those titles, all meaningless now.. Relics to be left in the past with the identity that bore them.

Evolution came when one was forced to either adapt, or sink into history with queer hopes of being remembered in the history books. When he’d initially put on the mask of ANBU, he recalled the safety that had came when the warmth collapsed over his face and restricted his features to naught but black obsidian orbs and an almost tribal marking of a shark. Perhaps there was something to be said that he’d never earned a moniker that resembled a shark like the fabled Kisame had, then again there was little room for rumours back in those days.. when his violence was supreme and aimlessly thrown around.

The mask had been more than to merely hide his features, some of his companions of a weaker constitution had used it to hide away from their shameful acts. To pretend it was not they who snuffed the life from a young child, but the ANBU that had the mask. They fooled themselves into a state of disbelief and perhaps even verged on insanity.. Pathetic. To shy from any act was pitiful, yet to disgrace oneself by distancing from brutal tasks was something so vile he couldn’t aptly label his disgust.

In Tengakure, wearing the mask had been much different than his home village. The Abysswalker in the Village of Skyscrapers had initially carried the same childish sadism, yet this was slowly changed by Kenchi, the man’s young companion, as well as the Tenkage that had shown almost an uneasy sense of calmness in the face of any scenario. It was at those points that Xyxer truly understood that he could have been a good force in the world, the ANBU that people praised and respected for chivalry and honour.. Alas, only the code of honour had carried through, a trait that was ingrained into the very genes of Xyxer Tadashi.. Yet as clear as the white hair with blue streaks and the heterochromatic grey and amber eyes of the man, his genes were changing.. Finally recovering from the pills he had taken all that time ago.

It had been difficult to repurpose himself when he transitioned from ANBU to Kage, a step that had confused him so much when he was no longer required to kill unrepentantly as he had done in the name of his village. He was now to lead, to provide a future for his people and to ensure their safety was not infringed. Other Kage believed that protection came from being docile and friendly with neighbors, yet Xyxer understood it all far better than them. The mask that he had worn as an ANBU had been discarded, yet a Kage required a mask nonetheless and who better to wear it than one who could not feel like others.. But could act out the emotions that were needed. To feign heartfelt compassion not only for their subjects, but neighbors, with full capability to execute them on a whim. That was his strength. That was why Kirigakure could not be successfully invaded for Xyxer was always on the attacking front, providing the best defense in the form of offense and intimidation. Kirigakure was now seen as a village of conquerors and soon enough their reputation would precede their presence, all because he refused to crawl into a fetal ball in the face of adversaries.

Now, while within the borders of what was considered the Fire Country, the Hozuki felt the rushing of the somewhat cold water behind him. Konohagakure.. The village that had produced an innumerable amount of formidable shinobi, the village that was stamped into history so often it may as well be another word for history itself. The village had fallen to him so easily to the point that he had felt cheated of a meaningful fight.. A duel with a god that he had been promised. Viper Uchiha had been no more when he arrived, the man that had given the order that caused Sameonna to find her body decapitated when she met Xyxer again. The life of a shinobi cost one so much that it was easy to forget humanity, for that was what tended to be the ultimate price. To feel for others was the greatest weakness a ninja could possess, another burden on the mind when it should solely be primed on the task at hand.

All of the shinobi he had seen in Konohagakure did not share the same thought of the Kirigakure-bred man. They believed that empathy was a strong characteristic for a ninja, so that they could better serve their people and keep them safe, which of course had been proven wrong.. Yet there was no need to challenge this view as the best thing was to understand it. The depth of Konohagakure was vast enough to warrant the respect of the Leviathan, if he only focused on the values of Kirigakure then there was no more room for evolution, and when one could not adapt they were doomed to fall behind until destiny forgot them, and to fade away into obscurity was the greatest death Xyxer could imagine.

An almost perfect legacy had been forged, just as he had always dreamed of since his youth. He would be remembered with how much he’s done by his village at least, yet now even other villages had the chance to taste his name on their tongue and to feel the power that oozed from his monikers. The bulging mass of Samehada’s scales served to further his legend, a weapon that was unlike any other and twice as terrifying as any that could be perceived. In fact, he almost believed that he could change how he was perceived so that others no longer called him a monster nor a tyrant.. He could become a hero, yet the game would no longer be fun if that was the case. The fun game of pitting man against man, village against village, friends against friends. Since the start the world had been a fun little game to keep him intrigued, and while it had done so for such a long time, he found himself growing dull and bored of it, so clearly, he’d have to shake up the rules.

A feminine voice cut through the silence in his head, almost jolting him had it not been for the water that kept him mildly in touch with his surroundings. Instead, his head cocked backwards and his eyes opened to make contact with the girl that seemed to loom almost ominously over him from the ledge of the waterfall. It was almost impressive how she seemed to follow him like a little dog that could not be shaken off, perhaps even endearing that she had traveled so far away from the safety of her own village, as if she now felt like the man could be trusted to not harm her.

Ironic that she pondered if she was cutting into his alone time, given that she had came out so far and into such a quiet area only to ask such a thing. His lips curled upwards to reassure her, a faint squinting of his eyes to solidify the friendly expression while he spoke, “Nonsense, Hikari. I always have time for a dear friend.” He spoke lightheartedly, turning himself slightly so he wasn’t entirely cocking his head backwards as that was quite the pain for the muscles in the neck.

As swift as she had came into his vision, she fell from the edge. It was like the hand of a wind elemental shoved at the small of her back so that she would be punished for his disturbance.. Perhaps a testament that he was more than a mere mortal if the elements themselves sought to act on his behalf. Almost instinctively a hand shot out from his side, coiling its fingers around the descending forearm of the clumsy Hyuuga Jounin. His strength would support her for now, yet his arm was fully extended out from his side and away from the rock and waterfall, giving the girl no comfort to place her feet for support.

While he held the girl out from support, there’d be a brief glimpse of true neutrality on his features. A hollowness that gnawed at everything that claimed him as a human. Yet it was temporary before the mask found another face to wear, this one conveying amusement as his lips curved upwards as he cackled at her expense. Perhaps it would make her more relaxed, after all, where was the fun in talking to someone who was entirely tense after showing themselves up? “What do you need, besides lessons in balance?” He inquired with a short, almost inaudible laugh at the end of his words as he blew air from his nose. Shinobi of Konohagakure.. Truly the finest.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Mon Dec 24, 2018 5:02 pm
As her petite frame fell the look upon Xyxer’s face and what he had said replayed in her mind. Hints of disbelief dotted her lilac orbs at how friendly and kind he had been towards her, someone who wasn’t anywhere close to being on the same level as he. He had called her a dear friend with a small smile dancing across his lips, a sight she never would’ve expected from the man she wished to teach her. Hikari wondered if this was a sign that her request may not be as far fetched as it originally seemed.

Yet her mind could no longer think about how gentle he had looked or what it might mean for her, for she needed to focus on other matters at hand such as the water coming closer and closer each second as she plummeted downward.

When her attempts at rescue failed, she thought she’d have to brace herself for the chilling impact as best she could to limit the damage done. However just as quickly as she began to fall, she stopped, and to her astonishment, it was thanks to the blunette.

Former blunette she realized as she turned her head to look at the man who saved her and whose locks of hair were just as pale as her own, mixed with a few remaining strands of blue. Hikari had always thought blue was his natural color, as well as his eyes being a natural silver but they too were changing, this time to a burning hue.

The initial shock of his change took her a moment to recollect from, it was only after she was done that the words he spoke were registering to her and the embarrassment of her fall sunk in. She had been looking him in the eyes but after he finished speaking and laughing she moved her gaze to his fingers tightly squeezing her porcelain skin as a light pink dusted her cheeks. She had just made a fool of herself in front of the one person that mattered the most.

“Thank you, Lord Mizukage, for catching me.” Her voice did it’s best to hide her shame as her eyes moved to meet his again. Even if she wanted to curl up in a cave and die of humiliation, she had to look him in the eyes for it was the respect he deserved and doing anything less would be a disgrace. After his slight, barely recognizable laugh, she spoke up again to answer his question, her voice full of sincerity dashed with a hint of confidence, for she knew what she wanted and being timid wouldn’t get her anywhere “My reason for disturbing you was to actually ask if I could please be taught by you as your student. I’m tired of being the weak and pathetic medic, I want to become as powerful and feared as you are, Lord Mizukage, and I'll do whatever it takes to prove myself if I need to.”

She didn’t avert her gaze, unless he asked her to, while she braced herself for his unknown reaction, thankful for the cool drops of water that jumped out from the waterfall and onto her back to keep her temperature from rising as she anxiously awaited what he would do. Xyxer was hard to read to begin with, and there was no way of telling how he would take such a request from someone he’s looked down upon before for her lack of strength and ability. Hikari hoped he saw potential in her, enough to take her under his wing and guide her, but there was also a part of her who thought he’d react negatively and try to harm her for even asking such a ridiculous question from THE Mizukage.

(WC: 2,050)
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Wed Dec 26, 2018 7:37 pm
The fallen Hyuuga was now suspended by the might of Kirigakure, rosy cheeks a token of gratitude, or embarrassment. Xyxer was unsure on which. Mild amusement paraded through the thoughts of the Mizukage. The girl had marched this far from the safety of her own village to be in the presence of a man often referred to by beast and as a monster by the denizens of her own village. Perhaps time would heal the wounds of defeat for Konohagakure, yet Hikari had accelerated the process for herself and sought to learn from the foreign invader rather than deny him.

His grasp remained latched around her arm so that she could finish her dialogue, his fingers tight enough to leave a soft imprint on her flesh for a few minutes once released. It appeared that a fire beat beneath the breast of the Hyuuga, it almost reminded him of the clanmembers he knew back in Kirigakure.

"Being a medic is a noble profession, there's no reason to consider yourself pathetic for it." The spattering from the waterfall behind him dashed against the two of them, he opened his mouth once more to further impart his thoughts, "Yet I fail to see why someone who once dedicated themselves wholly to this role.." Xyxer released his hold on the girl to assist her delayed descent down below, continuing without missing a beat, "Now seeks to be feared?" Conflicting eyes followed the movement of the Jounin while she plummeted like a stone.

During the brief moment where Hikari fell from Xyxer's grasp, he mused on thoughts of the girl. She'd been one of the few to eagerly welcome Kirigakure, or rather, sought to learn from them rather than openly despise them. Her single favour had been spent merely to visit their home and perhaps even have a lesson from the man, and here she was again.. seeking lessons from the man that mercilessly caused the slaughter of her fellow defenders. A fond memory he had of her was forcing her to heal his current student from Konohagakure, Kotsuzui, merely so he could beat the shinobi down again.

Pushing forward a little to sit more on the edge of the jutting rock he kept his gaze on her from above, curious to her response to his previous statement. Xyxer had nothing but respect for medics, a profession that put them in harms way if they were to fight people without honour, yet fortunately Xyxer upheld those values more than any other living creature.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 75700

The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Sat Jan 12, 2019 7:18 am
Lilac tinted orbs widened ever so slightly as the ashen haired man’s deep voice cut through the roar of the waterfall beside them. The kunoichi had always thought he believed all medics were pathetic from the way he always acted around her, yet he had just said it was a noble profession and one she shouldn’t think so poorly of being. Hikari was unsure as to if Xyxer meant that she wasn’t pathetic because she was a medic, but because of her own lack in ability, or if he meant she wasn’t pathetic at all despite one of their early encounters featuring him mocking her for being so weak and pitiful.

Before she could try and ask for him to explain further, he went on to continue speaking. As the words registered to her, the figure of the Mizukage was starting to become smaller. He had released her, no longer was she staying still in the air by his hand. Wind chilled her uncovered skin all around her as she heard Xyxer finish his question, wondering why a medic wanted to be feared. It didn’t make sense and probably wouldn’t unless he knew why she wanted to become stronger, but Hikari wasn’t sure if vengeance was something the older man frowned upon or welcomed with open arms. Would it immediately get her killed for daring to murder someone from her own village or would it win over the cold heart of the beast, moving him enough to agree?

Hikari didn’t know Xyxer enough to figure that out by herself, and asking the man what his thoughts were on it was definitely out of the question. Thus instead of dwelling on what might not even come to happen, she moved her attention to her surroundings, her eyes taking in how much velocity her petite frame was falling at and how far away the surface of the lake was. Given the shorter distance she had to fall compared to the top of the waterfall, she wasn’t nearly as worried about getting injured as she would’ve been. So she allowed her eyes to wander above, where she saw Xyxer was watching her, amd their eyes connected for a few seconds before she was submerged fully underneath the waves, the tattoo on her back having activated itself right before she fell to buffer the fall. The tattoo chakra barrer was invisible to the naked eye and extended over all of her skin, even going so far as to reach a foot past her body in every direction to make sure attacks would hit it first before her.

Thanks to the tattoo saving her from any potential damage she might’ve received from plummeting into the water, the Hyuuga resurfaced a few seconds after she went under, her hair sticking to her face and clothes so wet they were beginning to weigh her down. Not wanting to stay in the less than warm water nor keep the kage waiting, the snowy haired woman pulled herself out of the water and stood on the rippling waves with her surface walking technique. As she walked back over to the waterfall, she made sure to move her sopping hair from her face and checked that all of her clothes were just as they should be. She didn’t feel like dying from embarrassment at unknowingly flashing the Mizukage or anything like that.

Her face was neutral, holding no real emotion to it as she climbed her way back up to the rock where her companion was sitting on, which didn’t take too long even with her shorter legs, and upon her arrival to the rock, she chose to sit next to the kage, her left shoulder touching the waterfall and her legs dangling off the edge, giving the man enough space if he so desired it. What did bother the Hyuuga was the chill that ran up her spine every time a breeze blew past, her drenched clothes doing little to keep her body warm against the wintry coolness of the fire country. Yet she fought the shivers as best she could, not wanting to show weakness in front of the man she just asked to become her teacher. Being cold from the wind while he was sitting under the coursing water like it was nothing wouldn’t help her odds of him agreeing at all. He’d probably mock her for not being able to handle a bit of cold air for a short amount of time.

So with her arms at her side and her eyes looking over at the firey gaze before her, Hikari decided to try her best at answering his question, unless he spoke first then she would react accordingly to whatever he had said. Her voice was calm as she said, “To answer your question, Lord Mizukage, even though my profession as a medic isn’t pathetic, I as a shinobi am. I’ve barely proven myself to be strong and wish to change that, yet I also wish to no longer be pushed around or mocked for not being able to protect myself or those I’m supposed to be able to save. If I had more power then I would be feared and others wouldn’t be able to stop me from doing my job, unlike what happened during the war.” She paused a moment, letting the words sink in but also giving herself a second to decide if she should continue or not, although she immediately chose the former, “I failed as a medic back then...and I don’t want to become rendered as weak as I was at the mercy of those who were enemies ever again.”

She was honest in her feelings, her words holding sincerity in them. Sure she didn’t mention Salzem by name, but his death was referenced as someone she was unable to save, for it was true. There were many she couldn’t save because she had been knocked unconscious or forced to stand by the Mizukage’s side instead of her own during the remaining moments of the war for herself. She didn’t know how he would react to her words, however; despite them being from her heart, he might not care about that and think she was out of her mind. Maybe he wouldn’t see the validity in her reasons, thinking they were just as pathetic as she was. Hikari didn’t know, and could only hope that he didn’t laugh in her face at how preposterous he thought they were.

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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Mon Jan 14, 2019 7:40 pm
Like a stone, the snowy-haired Hyuuga fell without his help and found herself submerged in the water depths beneath them. Perhaps symbolism could be found in such a scenario. Maybe Xyxer could reference her crashing beneath the watery surface to resemble Konohagakure during their invasion, yet the thought did not happen through his mind. He merely saw a girl that was a medic descend deeper down into the light blue waters beneath them both, a slight bubbling from the constant stream of water crashing a few meters away from her. His gaze remained on her while she clawed her way back to the surface, finally using the surface walking technique when she rose. She was easy to be shocked, that'd have to change if she was to be a student. The question itself was a daring one for someone to ask, let alone a kunoichi from the village that had been at the end of his ruthless attitude.

Water weighed down her slender form, a cause for amusement to the man that focused primarily on suiton jutsu, and hailed from a land of water. It seemed foreign on her, yet still, she approached him with the same determination as before, undeterred by her landing. She even clambered under the oppression of the water spewing atop her when she scaled the rocks, earning the attention of Xyxer through sheer determination.

Eventually, she sat down beside him, even wetter than she'd been after she emerged from her prior dunking. She afforded him enough space so he didn't raise an issue, his head temporarily turned to look at her while she talked before his gaze fell downwards once more. There was wisdom in acknowledging ones own weaknesses and seeking to improve them even if it meant going to the enemy. She wanted power so that she could earn the same fear that Xyxer himself did, yet the terror others had for him came from something other than his strength. She was still new to the world of shinobi, or at least, Kirigakure. "Your strongest shinobi were incapable of defeating my own. Do you truly think there would be a difference in the outcome if there had been four of you against me? Even with any training you could potentially have." His calm voice inquired once more, the girls thoughts somewhat peculiar to him as they seemed to betray her profession. Medics do not seek to be feared, nor do they want power. Most of them desire to keep others alive and focus their efforts on excelling in their field. Something about this was... wrong.

Removing the sash from his shoulder and over his head, he rested the esteemed blade of Samehada behind him, balancing it carefully so that it didn't weigh too heavily at one side, checking to make sure Hikari hadn't fallen. She did seem clumsy given her actions over this short encounter. After that his hands gripped at the hem of his shirt, pulling it up and over his head and tossing it onto the center of the bandaged blade. His proficiency in physical combat was evident by the toned muscle of his body, maximising the power of his varied strikes. Discarding his sandals on the blade as well, he pushed forward to drop from the height of the jutting rock with chakra pooling into his feet before he landed on the lake below.

Assuming the girl followed him, he moved towards the end of the cascading waterfall, speaking before he entered it himself, "The first thing to learn is breathing. Breathe too fast and you're out of stamina before your opponent has started sweating. The best way to regulate your breathing is through learning to control yourself even in uncomfortable environments. In this case, the cool water crashing upon us." With the explanation over, Xyxer himself walked into the midst of the glacial stream, turning around so that he could see outside before his legs steadily folded beneath him so he could sit crosslegged.

Initially there was a shock to his own system, as there always would be with temperatures these cold, but soon enough his breathing regulated itself and his diaphragm itself was in charge. The entirety of his stomach seemed to collapse inwards while he practiced this technique, before it filled out once more, repeating it steadily with his back straightened out so there was no hiding from the waterfall that had already drowned Hikari.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Sat Jan 19, 2019 1:38 pm
His voice was calm and dominant as he tried to delve deeper into her reasons, wanting to break through the surface of her words to find the hidden truth. She couldn’t afford him knowing the second part of why she had sought him out, he very well could kill her for it. Betraying the very people you are supposed to defend is against the honor of a shinobi...if one were to break it, she wasn’t sure honor could protect them from being dealt the same dish. Yensung had followed the orders of the victor at the cost of killing one of their own, yet would Xyxer consider Yensung’s murder by her hands treason? Even when he deserved it for breaking Konoha’s own loyalty, and having tried to kill their Hokage on top of all that?

Hikari didn’t trust herself to come to a conclusion, unfamiliar with the judgement of the silver haired shinobi beyond his idea of honor being important. Honor was vague and full of endless possibilities in and of itself, and the man before her was no typical person so the usual thoughts of honor might not apply to him. He could’ve very well made up his own definition for the word so that it would morph with his blood lusty background, even if that was more tale than truth.

Her voice was soft yet confident as she replied, answering him with honesty, for there was no point in trying to lie to this man, “No, not against you. You’re far too strong, even if we had several more skilled shinobi to fight you for after all you hardly broke a sweat against three… but if I had been stronger then I could’ve been more useful during the war in another way. I would have been able to stand my ground against one of your own instead of having to follow their orders like an obedient dog, which would have allowed me to save more people from death, something I wasn’t able to do since I lacked the ability to fight back without getting myself killed, and we both know a dead medic is useless. My weakness during that time is something I’ll never be able to forget, but what I can do now going forward is to stop it from ever happening again.” She paused a moment, her lilac orbs glancing over at the man beside her, hoping to get a glimpse at how he was reacting to her words. Did he pity her for the weak speech she gave, or did he understand where she was coming from, moved by her determination and resolve to change herself? “Which is why I seek to gain the same power and fear you wield, Lord Mizukage.”

After some time between the duo, potentially after he pondered her apparent monologue, he took off the sash that connected the chakra eating sword to his back and placed the weapon onto the rock behind them. The held tightly to the rock as he moved, not wanting to be pushed into the water by an uncontrollable force yet again, the thought of humiliating herself in front of him again was too much to bear. Luckily fate seemed to be on her side as she remained in her seat while he moved about, the constant motion drawing at her curiosity and causing her eyes to look over at him, although immediately she wished she hadn’t. His chest was bare, muscles rippling as he took off his sandals. She averted her gaze just as quickly as she had glanced at him, her cheeks heating up at the sight of a man being half naked in her presence.

Hikari knew it wasn’t that big of a deal, that some shinobi wore scantily clad outfits all the time (such as herself when she was first starting out as a shinobi of the Leaf), but she had never been this close to someone so calm about being shirtless. His lack of modesty shocked her, and her own modesty caused her to become embarrassed about it. Although it didn’t seem like he noticed her reaction for he jumped down from the rock shortly after, falling with a grace and elegance she doubted she would be able to replicate. She could feel he was an expert in this kind of environment, moving with ease around the water and not being affected at all by its freezing temperature. Living in Kirigakure must’ve helped him adapt to all types of watery landscapes she thought to herself before she followed suit behind him, focusing chakra into her feet in hopes of landing as he had done.

Her fall wasn’t nearly as perfect as his, but far better than when she clumsily tumbled down without thinking of what she could do. Once she landed beside him, stabilizing herself from the fall, he gave her a training tip and explained the exercise they were about to do. Controlling their breathing in even the harshest of conditions, hence the waterfall, to build their tolerance and ability to not become winded as easily as their opponents. It was a training experience she had never done before, one she probably never would’ve thought to do either, and opened her eyes to just how skilled and hard working the man was. How many shinobi could say they sit under waterfalls to train their bodies and minds like this? No one else she knew of, that’s for sure.

“I see.” She said in response, a hint of curiosity in her voice, her head nodded in acknowledgement of the exercise. “How did you figure out this type of training worked to help you strengthen your ability to control your breathing, Lord Mizukage?”

Once he finished he walked right into the stream of water, unfazed by the sudden chill that covered his entire body. Her eyes widened slightly at his actions, amazed he could do such a thing and not be bothered by it even as he turned around and sat down with his back taking the brunt force of it. She knew it was her turn now, and despite the worry bubbling in her stomach she also knew she couldn’t keep him waiting. The petite woman had asked him for this, there was no backing out now. So with a deep breath she unzipped the fabric still clinging to her body, a rosy hue dusting her cheeks as the dress came off, leaving her in a red strapless bra and black shorts that barely covered anything.

As she walked over to the waterfall and her companion, she placed the dress in her storage displacement dimension along with the silencing heels she had taken off before she started walking. Despite being nervous about how she’d react to the constant beat of coldness against her skin, she welcomed the water in hopes it would cool down her warm face. Which it did, as well as cause her porcelain skin to prickle with goosebumps at the sudden drop in temperature. It took everything in her to hold back her hands from rubbing her arms in an attempt to warm them while she turned to face forward under the pelting spikes of ice that the water felt like upon her body. The circular tattoo sitting across her back was visible while she spun around, and if he glanced at her the multiple colors could easily draw his eyes to it for her hair, since it was still tied into a high ponytail, did nothing to hide it.

While trying to familiar her body with the new environment, her back pleaded with her to flinch away from the stream as she pushed to straightened it just as Xyxer had done, the goosebumps still dotting her skin as she rested her arms on her crossed knees. Her breaths were slow yet shaky as she forced her body to decelerate itself, her heart pounding against her chest from the sudden shock and her lungs wishing to breath heavily to accommodate its rapid pulses. Yet her will was stronger than her body, and despite the few things she couldn’t change due to them being an automatic response to the cold, she could remain relatively solid and firm because of it.

(WC: 4,501)
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The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Sun Jan 20, 2019 12:04 am
Her voice proved an entertaining contrast to his own. While she spoke confidently about her views, there was something murky hidden between the lines. Perhaps a lack of true certainty in what she was saying to the man. A betrayal of conflicts that he had discerned from the start. A medic did not want others to fear them, yet that was all she fixated on. Inside her heart she truly craved power and yet in her folly had mistaken that for being the crucial element she lacked. It was almost laughable.

Deciding to reply to her after initiating the training so as to save time and waste less energy, he bided his time until he was under the freezing temperatures that felt as if they were engorging his muscles. Chances are, the water probably was. Being Hozuki did have some additional benefits in this style of training after all. She asked another question yet this one was more focused on the training. Understandable for one who sought to actually learn rather than merely be taught. A promising quality.

Craning his neck to the side while the water washed over him he finally responded, “Why do you want to seek the same power and fear, when we are vastly different? Unique in our goals and approaches. You wish to emulate me when my actions are not that of a medic, so they can not be replicated by one. Do you not want to be a neutral party that saves lives anymore?” After each sentence he notably paused to recollect his breath, not wanting to exhaust or distract himself too much under the icy duress he had willingly entered, yet he could not allow the girl to go untested. Her stance was not that of a medic, but of one who wanted respect. Help would only come when she was willing to expose her thoughts to him in their entirety rather than hiding behind the coveted idea of wanting to heal others, yet simultaneously wanting others to tremble at her name.

Following up shortly afterwards, his eyes temporarily closing so that he could blink out excess water that fell from his crown, “Observation. People breathe quicker in stressful situations, which combat is. The fear of losing not only the fight, but your life… and greater than that, your loved ones. It all weighs someone down more than any armour could. The invisible burden that chained you if left unchecked. Here. In the isolation, I learnt to find my solace. A home I also discover on the battlefield.” The explanation was brief, yet it highlighted the importance enough for him to not feel as if he had to expand upon it anymore.

When his eyes opened once more he caught sight of a peculiar thing. Rosy cheeks and somewhat stiff actions while she relieved herself of her dress. Had she not highlighted the event so much by postponing so long it was unlikely that he would have paid much attention. Interesting garments to wear for a kunoichi, attire that seemed to highlight her assets. His vision dropped momentarily and perhaps involuntarily for a few seconds before rising back up, a large wolven head catching his attention on her back.

He didn’t take her for someone that would adorn her body with tattoos, yet he’d come to learn that every marking on a body had its story to tell, and where was the fun if he left a prominent one unheard? “In the future, use bandages to strap your chest down so that they don’t interfere with your movement.” Xyxer stated, offering the advice to the girl that desired to become his pupil. ”What’s the story behind your tattoo?” He followed up, preferring to not beat around the bush. His back straightened out further while the glacial stream helped to subdue any carnal passions that may have risen to the surface.
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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Clan Specialty : Byakugan
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Ryo : 75700

The Weight Of Those Before Us [P] Empty Re: The Weight Of Those Before Us [P]

Mon Jan 21, 2019 7:19 pm
As she was prolonging her disrobing he called out from the freezing wall, continuing his inquiries about her motives and rationale. It seemed he was far more keen on reading between the line’s than anyone else she had ever encountered, able to notice how her explanation didn’t truly match up with her reasons and also how her desires didn’t match those of a typical medic. The young girl inwardly sighed to herself, knowing that she’d have to let the cat out of the bag and have to prepare for his potential backlash once she revealed to him the full truth. Hikari hadn’t expected the expose her real intentions so early on, she had hoped to tell him once they had been training for a while and gotten to understand one another better.

Yet it was not so, and thus the snowy haired woman tried to braced herself for the worst possible outcome while she gave her reply, “I do wish to continue saving lives as a neutral party, that is something I won’t just give up on; however, there is one life I will not save. That one life is why I seek your power and fear above everything else I’ve said thus far, even though my previous reasons do still apply.” She paused briefly, taking a breath before continuing, knowing the next few words would be drastically different from how he perceived she was like, “I want them to tremble when they see me and beg to be spared after I’ve defeated them.” One last pause gave her a bit of time to build up a bit more courage to finish her statement, the uncertainty as to if he felt the same way she did weighing heavily upon her, “As you’ve said we may be different in many goals and professions, Lord Mizukage, but are we different in terms of having desires to crush someone?”

Soon after the man soaking in ice closed his eyes, answering her previous question about the training. She was glad he hadn’t ignored it for she was genuinely curious to know his answer, and kept her eyes, which were full of amazement, on his as he spoke to show he had her undivided attention still. Being able to analyze situations and come up with unique ways to combat them seemed like something far above her, something she wasn’t sure she’d ever be able to replicate, but getting to see the insight into how he had done so might prove useful. So she listened intently to his words, making mental notes of the valuable pieces. It amazed her that he had thought of it purely from observation alone, coming to the realization after witnessing that people under stress breathe quicker than those who aren’t.

The moment she got comfortable, as much as someone sitting under a frozen waterfall could be anyways, and began adjusting her breathing to cope with the sudden shock, Xyxer spoke up once again, this time offering her some advice on her garment choices. Her cheeks heated up once again at his comment, embarrassed for wearing the wrong kind of clothing and having to be told that by the man she wishes to be taught from, and a bit from the notion that he had glanced, even if for a second, at her chest to notice what he was wearing despite the fact that it made sense he would see it since she’s clearly in his line of sight. Hikari knew it shouldn’t have bothered her as much as it did, but this was the most ‘intimate’ thing she’s ever experienced and that fact is what prevents her from being able to control her blushing.

“Thank you for the helpful advice, Lord Mizukage, I wasn’t aware that was the better way to go about it.” Her voice tried to hide how flustered she had become, for she was indeed grateful to hear his tips. Having grown up alone since the age of ten it was a bit challenging for the young girl to have learned all of the do’s and don’ts of life, and it seemed bandaging her chest was one of the things she didn’t learn correctly, having based her decision when she was younger off of some ads she’d seen showcasing kunoichi lingerie and she’d never seen any ads about bandaging one’s chest.

As they were conversing, her muscles and body began to relax from their tightened forms, slowly beginning to adjust to the water assaulting them, but her back remained firm and stretched out, while her arms rested on her thighs and her hands laid on her knees with the palms facing upward. It was after this that he asked her about her tattoo, her back instinctively arching for a second at the mention of it. Hikari had forgotten he’d see it when she undressed, and was realizing that because she had failed to hide it, she’d now have to explain it to one of the few people she wanted to never find out about it. Fate truly was being cruel to her today, setting her up every second with something new to defend against the cold eyes of the Mizukage.

“A rather short story really, it’s to commemorate my little brother who was murdered last year. He’s depicted as the white wolf.” The words were slightly more monotone than usual as she spoke, having already forced herself past the grieving stage. It hurt to think about him, but it was usually only a dull ache rather than a crying outburst now, she had trained her mind well enough to do that much. She had to be strong always, never faltering least she want to get attacked for being weak. Hikari also didn’t want Xyxer to know who she was talking about, already worried enough he’d mock her for having such a thing in the first place, let alone if he knew it was for Salzem, the shinobi he ordered her village to kill during the war. How pathetic she had been back then, even he had mocked her for being unable to save the one person that meant everything to her.

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