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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Sun Mar 24, 2019 1:54 pm
After Kenshin had created his shades he had started to move towards the village proper, intending to clear the Kazekage’s tower personally and claim it as his own. But before he could the artist that had carved a bloody swath through the defending forces had asked him to spare a moment, something that he was more than happy to do for the man that had been such a great source of entertainment for him. He would beckon the man forth, seeing no reason that the two couldn’t talk as he made his way towards his destination, and perhaps even as he did what he wanted to depending on whether they faced further resistance.

“I never thanked you for your assistance in crushing their paltry defenses” The Ragdoll would say as the duo walked through the sandy streets of Sunagakure, the everyday townsfolk notably absent as they no doubt cowered within the surrounding buildings.

“Slaughtering them had gotten boring weeks ago, but their infestation ran deep and I needed to cleanse all of the offshoots before I targeted the main hive” He would then say, the annoyance clear in his voice as he recalled all of the other outposts that he had destroyed… and the boredom that he had felt as he did so.

“You were quite impressive, I haven’t seen many that were quite as adept with a blade as you were. You’re definitely more skilled than I am with a blade, but I’m sure you noticed that my style of combat isn’t nearly as precise as your own. The way that you broke their spirits afterwards though… that is what truly impressed me. There are likely countless that could’ve slaughtered those weaklings, but not quite as many that could crush both their hopes and spirits quite as thoroughly as you did.” The silver haired man would then say, watching Kutari out of the corner of his eye with a dark smirk upon his face.

“But that is enough of that. What did you wish to talk about?” The Immortal would then question, wondering if perhaps the still relatively mysterious man wished to ask him for payment for his little performance.

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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Sun Jun 02, 2019 2:37 am
Chaos would continue to envelop the eardrums of the various occupants of the village entrance as a fine silhouette orchestrated itself across the settlement bestowing gruesome justice throughout its wake, such horrific sounds of mayhem laying waste to a scene that only hours before conjoined in peace and harmony. A reality that once upon a time would be music to the mercenaries ears deriving a pleasant chill down his spine, now only a dull pitch would resonate throughout his core, transcending the mundane forms of entertainment he once pursued long ago for something more refined and potent. Though the pitch still resided within Kutari, it’s muffled tones would hint at a dry pleasure that could barely supply satisfaction for his twisted soul, a determined grasp would beckon him to activities filled with purpose and accomplishments he previously could only dream of, now finally able to be within his grasp. The sparks of war would succumb to their wildest dreams as flames of anger and wretched screams continued throughout the village as the two invaders traveled within the village’s streets sightseeing the galore of bodies accumulating, Kutari intending to take refugee outside of unnecessarily large mahogany mail building, it’s charred and damaged exterior suggesting it’s inevitable demise as one step onto the property would cause the superior being to collapse. A distasteful sight to behold, one the lone Uchiha absently gazing upon as he listened to the sinister stranger by his side, words of praise slithering out of his tongue as he spoke of Kutari’s skills. The words he chose to recite would suggest a lengthened conquest that at least traversed several weeks, suggesting that the thrill he gained from hunting and slaughtering the shinobi of this village had subsided throughout his apparent vendetta towards the community, comparing them to an infestation and colony of bugs needing to be dealt with. Kutari continued to keep to himself, aiming to gain as much information about his new accomplice that he befriended in one of the more uncommon methods this world has to offer, wishing to decipher what sort of Shinobi he was and the reason behind his actions and gathering such feeble members for his siege - was he that confident in his capabilities to handle the forces of an entire village alone? He surely had the manpower and combative aptitude to handle the village without his aid, though the way he went about exercising the patterns of his forces couldn’t possible suggest arrogance to show off his powers, his companions seemed to be studying Kenshin specifically as if wishing to learn more. Was the disaster that befell Sunagakure nothing more than a spectacle to teach inspiring criminals, a live museum performance for the gathering class to take notes of and study? If so, the being he unexpectedly befriended seemed to be much more sadistic and tyrannical than he initially believed.

Kenshin continued to speak on Kutari’s actions with delight as the maniacal way he handled the forces before him brought the albino to an ecstasy only agony and suffering could promise, the ambar eyed swordsman would recognize that demise filled stare and ruthless smirk from his own records, sensing the same euphoria he once experienced long ago bearing witness to horrors and misfortune that would bring many sick to their knees. Kenshin and Kutari were similar in that regard, harboring a need to invoke calamity upon all that laid in their path, though it seemed as if Kutari was beginning to deviate from the previously shared road as it began to cultivate into something cold and apathetic, incapable of reaping joy and happiness from his cruelty though commencing in it nonetheless, while Kenshin remained nestled between the sadistic treaches he initially succumbed to. Despite these circumstances and seemingly uneasy terrain to forge new relationships, Kutari would begin to experience faint expressions reflecting compassion and admiration for Kenshin, as if this albino monstrosity was someone he could genuinely sympathize with and understand through their sick and deranged faiths, an anomaly he never believed would come true due to the shallow world he encased himself within for so long; the image Kutari held of his being was inherently incapable of mutualities or friendship, the darkness which summarized his soul surrounding themselves ever so graciously around Kutari, a pristine barrier that occupied the vacant space by his side for years, allowing him to grow accustomed to lacking trust and faith in others and operating as a solo unit. A laughable dream to believe a possessed soul could ever find success in frivolous human affairs, a machine built only to bestow death and chaos upon his creators foes, snatched away from his family long ago and only embodying hate and corruption for the world to perceive, the likelihood of such an unworthy existence happening upon a treasure of such magnitude is unheard of, though it seems the roots of this bond have already been planted. The Uchiha lacked fear and agitation in the face of Kenshin, instead holding respect and appreciation for the power he governed and the uncanny similarities of the two, whilst Kenshin was able to reciprocate these feelings, recognizing Kutari’s own strength and potential at hand as the units’ abilities complimented one another. Though painfully aware of the massive difference in the amount of combative strength and destructive force in the two’s arsenal,  he could but only view the man to something comparable to an ally and friend, not as some simple follower or pupil to this overwhelming force. Kutari was not one to blindly trust others and believe in their words, though Kenshin would be the first that caused Kutari to consider otherwise, not for his power but instead the morals he upheld.

As the two gained relatively decent distance to be out of range for eavesdroppers from the entourage Kenshin traveled with, Kutari would turn to Kenshin after arriving at their intended destination, facing him as he was able to get a clear look at the maniacal face that only seemed to reflect the world he left behind only recently - a physical representation of a crazed and ruthless king with few to question his authority, the catastrophe that captured Sunagakure simply a product of his dull decree. He surely gained some form of pleasure and accomplishment from his wrathful attack, though it was clear he barely took their forces seriously or was even weary of the defense to be had, little to no satisfaction to be had other than torment from Kutari’s eyes. However, the Uchiha left behind such a method of living, having expressed such pleasantries on the now decomposed and maggot riddled bodies of so many who so much as glanced upon the cobblestone he intended to travel upon, the drive he once had to unleash undirected calamity simply for fun had receded long ago from view, now replaced with a need to grow power and obtain fulfilment against powerful foes like Kenshin, up until now completely oblivious of their presence. The octaves one could reach whilst being burned alive never seemed to grow old, neither the satisfying audio of bone disintegrating or puncturing internal organs and watching the crimson descend upon their clothing, though it could only go so far as the wraith’s already sunken emotions dragged the excitement and joy from such activities with it, requiring a new passion of battle to replace its wake.

Kutari would peer upon the crumbling village as the mayhem ensued, attempting to test his psyche a final time in hopes of rediscover the single drop of emotion he was able to achieve after his time in the pits, before such an environment coming off as a prestigious amusement park for Kutari to experience, the fears of becoming a calloused and unreachable individual drowning in muted isolation dictating his current actions as he glared significantly for a spark, for nothing to appear. He smiled softly, slightly tilting his head as he stared upon the blood stained sand in unwanted defeat, bestowing a final goodbye as the few signs of life he held vanished without him even noticing long ago, he was truly destined to be bound to this everlasting hell.

Raising his face, he’d look into Kenshin’s optic scans with a renewed apathy and muddled facial expression, slightly lowered eyelids suggesting a trance like state as he walked into the prison willingly, fully embracing the man he tried so hard to run away from despite it being a futile attempt, he’d finally prepare to speak absently after several seconds of silence between the two in the midst of a battlefield, “ Your praise is appreciated, however my show wouldn’t have went on without your performance outside the walls of this monotone village. The overwhelming control you had over the battlefield was mesmerizing and simply powerful, though it would be considered a generosity dubbing the entire scene a battle for Sunagakure, if anything the sheep obeyed their butcher during the culling. Those black...beasts of yours were also a very interesting sight to behold, it’s clear your body isn't of normal human design or anatomy, ” Kutari would pause as he beckoned his chin looking over the shorter fellow’s figure. His skin was certainly inhuman and a product of experimentation of some sort, unless there was truly a bloodline out in this world that would give birth to such unnatural beasts, though such details weren’t necessary as of now, continuing his thought process, “ As you may be able to tell based upon my actions and attire, I’m unaffiliated with any village that’s currently been established, to be frank, I'm not entirely sure what’s been going on in the Shinobi world in detail for some time now, you could say I originate from an underground organization of sorts against my free will, and after escaping went in hiding to gather my bearings and live the rest of my days the only way I know how: kill those who need killing, and rob whoever so much as looked in my direction. Though as much as aimless killing may be satisfying, it’s grown a bit dull especially with my prey being nothing more than prey and barely a challenge. From there, I did a bit of digging and learned of Shinobi villages and the nearest by me, intending to challenge the strongest Shinobi in Sunagakure seems there’s nothing but sand and dirt in this place after all. ” Kutari would begin to gesture at the field around him, making it painfully obvious he was referring to the streets around him, mocking the proud families and so called warriors that resided in peace within these sand dunes before now.

After gesturing at the scene around, he’d take up a more stern and strict posture as he placed his balled fists in his pockets, tilting his head as he stared at Kenshin with a curious skepticism, attempting to unravel the ploy to be had with their actions this very day, the time for his true reason calling Kenshin becoming reality, “ I’m not sure why you’re here or decided to lay waste to this village and its inhabitants, I’m unsure if you’re affiliated with another village that was at war with this one or what else for that matter, though what’s clear to me is your strength, a level of aptitude I want to obtain and utilize. As I said, all I know how to do is kill, that’s essentially what I was raised from a youth to comprehend: knowing my way around a blade and which lub of tard in the crowd needs to meet its end, the one sent in to retrieve and get out without a sound, espionage and information gathering. I can offer my services if you want, though let it be known that I'm not interested in being some simple follower or loyal subject of yours, neither apart of whatever that entourage you left back there of students you have at your disposal. I need allies, strong ones, especially those that I feel I can understand and sympathize with, a luxury unheard of in this wretched world we’ve found ourselves within. I like your style Kenshin, and it’s clear to me you’re one of the oddities I’ve met that I can get along with, but what exactly was the purpose in all this? Why were you at this village, what made them your enemy? What are your plans at the end of this day? Before I can assist you I need to know what I’m getting myself into, which I’m sure you can understand. I have no home or relatives to depend on, no place to belong or calling to be had, no humanity or emotions as it was all snatched away from me long ago, all I can hope for now is to enjoy the thrill of battle with powerful foes before I myself fall on the battlefield and meet a warrior's end, though before I die I want to at least know I had some purpose to acknowledge before I awake from this forsaken nightmare. So, what is it we’re fighting for? “ Kutari would wait in anticipation, hoping a satisfying answer would soon come forth to present itself so he’d at least feel at peace with the decisions he’d made today. Time seemed to slow down as he wished to learn the truth of this entire day and why it transpired in such a way, earlier expecting to either die by a Sunagakure Shinobi or live to see another desolate day, now finding himself questioning  a potentially powerful ally and willingly agree to partner up with him. It would be ludicrous not to think his days were nearing as the sudden switch in his demeanor and attitude towards others was unbelievable, though he reasoned surely that would be fine since he wished for death regardless to finally meet an end to his horrid days. A sickening feeling would begin to overwash the teen as he began to experience what felt like hope, as if pleading that Kenshin supplied a reasonable explanation so he could accompany him on this rather bizarre and perfect alliance, the opportunity to be filled with fruit for the both of them. He’d watch Kenshin modestly as he could feel his body beginning to ache as if a deathly grip kept him paralyzed to the ground below him, waiting for Kenshin to refuse his offer to deal the final blow upon Kutari’s essence.

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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 1:56 am
Kenshin would listen to everything Kutari had to say with a small smirk on his face, the similarity between the two appearing to be even more striking with each and every word that spilled from the lips of his fellow predator. When the wildcard began to explain his desire to know the reason that The Ragdoll had decided to lay waste to the shinobi of Sunagakure that smirk would become quite a bit darker, due in most part to the man's mind wandering back to the beautiful piece of art that the two had created. When the man offered to join him, but not as a simple follower or student, but as a true ally, Kenshin’s smirk would simply stay in its dark state, imagining the carnage that he and this man could cause if they decided to truly join forces. It did sound like quite the idea, and truthfully it was an offer that The Immortal was interested in… but could he truly bring himself to place even a modicum of trust within the man… well, that has yet to be seen. When he began to explain his desire to fight for something more Kenshin began to see the true potential of what sort of relationship he could build with this man… this extremely skilled and somewhat powerful fighter.

“I will not lie, I originally came here for the same reason as you… to test myself, to test just what I could accomplish with the level of power that I hold right now… and well, you saw the results.” The silver haired Uzumaki would state, a small chuckle escaping from his pale lips as he finished speaking.

“I honestly hadn’t expected it to be so… easy, I was honestly disappointed by just how pathetic I found their feeble attempts to end me were. Truthfully… I was holding back the majority of my power, yet I still could’ve slaughtered the lot of them with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back.” The Ragdoll would admit, a dark glare on his scarred face as he thought back on how pathetically easy these pitiful shinobi had been to slaughter.

“My plans for the future though… I plan to attack each and every so called ‘Great Village’, to test the strength held by the shinobi hidden behind their walls… and if they disappoint me, slaughter them like the vermin that they are. The weak deserve their fate… and the strong will either learn to accept that, or they will be dragged down by those weaker than them and perish themselves. The pampered and coddled shinobi within their walls will learn just how unsafe they truly are… they will learn exactly what type of monsters dwell within the darkest places of this world… and they will learn that weakness is death.” Kenshin would explain, the anger that he felt towards the weakness he had seen intensifying with each and every word that escaped from his mouth.

“But first… I need to see whether my students are ready for the path that I will be leading them down, and for that they will need to be tested. I intend to have them slaughter each and every soul that still lives within this village, every last man, woman and child will be butchered and I will display their corpses along the walls of the village… a message to the weaklings of Kumogakure. They will see what is coming for them and they will prepare, but while they do that I will continue to dismantle their empire, butchering their people in the lands they claimed and weakening their position in the world… and eventually, after their creation has crumbled around them I will go to their village, to the seat of their empire… and I will burn it to the ground with them inside.” He would then proclaim, dark glee in his eyes and insanity clear on the mans scarred face as he looked wide eyed at the man who declared his desire for an alliance.

“But first I will need to gather my students for this test… and I would rather you leave the civilians untouched, it simply wouldn’t do for you to deprive the little ones of their fun.” The man would then say, his insanity once again being buried beneath an amused guide.

“If you are still willing to ally yourself with me… then I welcome you to the fold. But for now I must really begin to prepare for this little test… so if that is all I must be off. I shall send for you when I need you, but for the time being simply make yourself comfortable.”

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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 5:04 am
The words Kenshin spoke would be like music to his ears, as if listening to his own psyche’s intentions and focused thoughts projecting themselves back at him only to solidify their confidence. Kutari listened with a clear interest and appreciation of the man’s words, like a pastor reciting the sacred word and the loyalist of the faith wishing to be overwashed with it’s petrifying truth.  He experienced something that he hadn’t visualized or be aware of for quite some time now: relief. The fact that this man he met only minutes ago seemed to relate and understand where he was coming from, even to the point of traveling so far to these lands for the same reason as himself came off almost as fate; it was almost surreal that someone else would suddenly share the same intention and care to partake in this particular act like himself on this exact day. Not to say Kutari explicit believed in fate and the likes, though there was something at work or the very least wishing to aid Kutari to find allies for something coming, or maybe it was repayment for what’s been happening for so long now that he deserved a break. He’d agree with the words that spew from Kenshin’s mouth, the forces of this village were underwhelming and childish at best, being an easy walk in the park and stroll to traverse as they made their way down the gates of the village and now stood above the village as the dominant force with no scratches outside of the sand which grinded amongst their skin. He agreed wholeheartedly that it was a disappointing sight, believing that this was a renowned Shinobi Village that people looked up to as a major influence and powerful force was simply laughable - an inside joke for the Shinobi of the village to keep up with, surely believing their ancestors glory and fame they built into the village would keep those who dare had the power to stay away, though that obviously wouldn’t be the case. Kutari had wished for a favorable battle, but it was nothing more than a pleasant walk along the beach, sightseeing and looking at praised landmarks.

It was an interesting intention to test the might of all great villages by attacking each and every one, though he had no place to judge due to his current position being a product of that same mentality. His idea would sound enjoyable and like it would offer a great amount of time for Kutari to battle and experience different fighters for him to combat, this way those of the current world would be forced to grow stronger and become powerful foes if they wish to stop the calamity that traveled to their doorstep, checking and verifying the combative might of each and every village that claimed themselves to be great and influential. Kutari had no qualms with the words Kenshin was saying and the thought process he followed, so he appreciated carrying out the same slaughtering process to those who were weak and feeble that he took part in just moments ago. The image he was forging was utterly baffling in it’s similarities to Kutari, his disdain for village systems seemed personal compared to Kutari who had no prior experience or knowledge of the village systems, though the idea of them after learning of their presence was idiotic in nature, sapping away the freedom and empowerment found with roaming freely throughout the lands and instead becoming subject to defend a collective bunch of individuals you’d barely even know the name of. The selfish Uchiha would only attempt to live for himself, and any others who tried to get involved or suggest he should act otherwise could simply die.

It seemed by Kenshin’s wording that the people he found himself with were actually pupils wanting to watch and learn from his power, his test to see the little things challenge themselves and prevail was certainly a great sight to behold, even more so if the ones being slaughtered try to rise up and fight against them, what would happen? Kutari felt it to be a favorable and ideal scenario to test their might, though it seemed they weren’t able to learn much from the sight of Kenshin’s conquer more so the power he possessed and what they can hope to obtain in the future. They seemed pretty green and weak in most regards, though maybe in the future they’d turn out to be quite powerful people to do battle with, given they have the aptitude and drive to prevail over the struggles and carnage of this world. He hadn’t looked at their faces too precisely beforehand, seeing that they were pretty weak and only had so much power and not worth his time, though maybe once they rendezvous with them once again Kutari would look them over and test their might. Though if they were too scared of blood or even trying to fight the remaining Sunagakure villagers, he’d personally feel a desire to lay waste to their existence, however it wouldn’t be his place to decide that or give them such a fate. The fact they didn’t even try to take part in the fighting and simply observed was odd, though maybe the powerless truly are too scared to act first and need time to jump into action, it was clear from his own past a similar truth could be established and realized.

Kenshin’s passion of hatred for Kumogakure in particular was overwhelming, it was clear there was some underlying vendetta the two forces had in the past that’s never been revolved, this man’s been in the Shinobi world for quite some time. The Uchiha was convinced to ally himself with Kenshin, to help him with this test of wits and power which will expand throughout the world to create an everlasting struggle to one up one another and create formidable foes. He’d follow such a passion and intention into battle willingly, and pledge his sword to such a cause; Kutari would begin to view Kenshin in a different light, their initial introduction to one another skewed and difficult to express the underlying commonalities between one another. Two sides of the same coin, they’d support one another and share similar conceptions and able to check the other when one may be incorrect or out of sync with the other to provide a devastating combo of defense and offense.

Kutari would be happy for this day, a moment in time he found someone just or even more insane than himself, but through some unnatural events sharing common ground with one another. He’d speak after Kenshin would finish his words and signal at the time of their farewell, catching the man before he’d set off to carry out his task as Kutari had more business with the man, something he’d been hiding for quite some time and after seeing Kenshin as the man he could put some faith in with their similar philosophies potentially aiding in his conquest for both parties, “ I appreciate the words you’ve said today, I can say without a doubt both our mentalities are similar in quite a few ways and intentions align more than I was expecting, I’ll gladly accept your welcome to your intention to rid this world of the weaklings that continue to clog our path. With this new understanding we’ve found, I actually have some business I’d like to come to you with, you could say this is but a preview of the plunder my services reward for our cause.” As Kutari neared the end of his sentence, he’d extend his hands out in front of him as he activated his storage displacement, where particles would begin to re-materialize presenting what he was offering on the table to Kenshin. The slothful process would take some time as the technique simply lacked power and haste, though what would surface would be three scrolls, two lodged between sections of his fingers and the final on the left hand he held out for extra handling, the contents within at maximum capacity due to his previous planning. As Kutari would kneel down before Kenshin preparing the scrolls as he opened each scroll to full capacity he’d speak again, “Simply put, out on my travels around the world there have been quite a few people that needed to die, and a portion of them that held interest I decided to store away when I got the chance and had the time to spare. I’d do some reconnaissance learning about their backstory and who they were prior to see if their corpses would have some sort of use to those still of the living, and well…,” Kutari would get up and stand beside Kenshin as the scrolls were fully extended and vertically placed from the two in front of them on the sandy turf. He’d begin to surge chakra through the scrolls before a puff of smoke would erupt from their encryptions and evaporate in the air, exposing the bare bodies of the three corpses he stored long ago for a chance like this one.

After a pause, he’d begin to speak again once verifying what he was going to do from this point on, a thought he’s had for quite some time and a bit odd for someone he only just knew, though this was an optimal point in time to bark up such a tree, “ The one on the left is named Shoku, Shoku Uchiha. I’m unsure of her origin entirely but she showed up in the underworld social zone I was residing within for some time, she would get in trouble quite often and I recall one moment in particular where she was attacked in a tavern over some frivolous issue before joining my gang and I for some random chat, from then on I began my investigation about her. I’m unsure if she’s awakened her Sharingan, but surely it’s worth something even now. Not truly surprised she ended up dead.” Kutari would look over the young petite girl with her raven black hair with a uniquely placed red streak as one of her bangs, she was definitely one of the more flamboyant ones out of their group, though weakness would be the main downfall of her in the end.

Kutari would continue on with his encored show to the monster before him, giving a brief explanation of his next possession as he gestured to the dark blue pony tailed girl in the middle, “ This one here is Ashe Senju, a clan name I’ve heard of for some time for being hailed and prided in the Land of Fire and having quite some power, her and Shoku showed up in my district together and were seemingly inseparable runaway teens for whatever reason. She was a timid and quiet one, and was unlucky enough to happen upon the aftermath of the recent artwork I displayed in an alleyway featuring a cascade of bodies. There was one sole survivor, and when she refused to kill him for me to prove she wouldn’t run off and begin chattering her little head off, well...I only found out about the two’s relationship after that day, it’s a good thing Shoku never had the chance to confront me about it.

As his showcase would near its end as he looked toward the final body, he’d stare for some time as he laid eyes upon the redhead he somehow found himself in possession of, and oddly enough felt the most fond out of the entire trio as they had the most encounters together, though overall it was nothing more than business in the end, “ The last one on the right is Amaterasu. It seems as if she hailed from this clan known as the Akari, she was a rising Missing Ninja wielding popularity for her deeds - I actually went on a contract with her that went south, nothing more than a setup by our contractor wanting to take her out due to the success she was having. People talked about her accomplishments and features her eyes possessed being able to turn golden or something of the sort. She was strong willed and admirable, and actually the founder of the group I was apart of for a brief moment.  I’m sure she would’ve turned out to be quite powerful if she survived.

Kutari would turn to Kenshin again after stating the three bodies he was planning to offer to the man, stating his price and interest to see if he’d be willing to cooperate, “ These bodies hold powers and influence that I’m sure both you and I can benefit from handsomely, and I very well don’t need the entire corpse to take advantage of their traits. I’m unsure whether you know of anyone who has the aptitude to put these corpses to good use and our best interest, but I want to offer them to you due to the power I’m aware you already have and connections that most likely would follow. In return, I want to be paid for the quality of DNA and Dojutsu I’m giving you in order to support my own interests while I remain here and obtain better equipment so I could be a greater asset for the battles to come, alongside obtaining transplants from the Senju and Akari DNA I possess here, and whatever other DNA you think would suit someone of my talents or would bolster my own chakra reserves with invigorating power that only a bare few could obtain. What do you say to my conditions?” Kutari would stare at the man in his eyes as he wished to know if he could obtain greater power with the aid of his new companion, he’d been holding on to these bodies for this very moment and once seeing his opportunity couldn’t hold back and wished to strike. At the very least he could relieve himself of these bodies he currently had no way to utilize and obtain space to supply Kenshin with more bodies to come.

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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:30 am
Kenshin had to fight to hide the grin that came to his face when Kutari proclaimed that he was more than happy with the similarities between Kenshin and himself, as well as his acceptance of the offer to work with The Ragdoll. It was then that the man decided to give but a taste of how useful he was going to be… and oh what a taste of usefulness it was. The three corpses that he had to offer practically had The Mad Medic salivating in desire, and the stories that he had for each intrigued him quite a bit. Uchiha, Senju and Akari, two of the most powerful clans in Konohagakure and the most well known and powerful clan within Hoshigakure… a clan that held figures such as Akihana, Hikari and Valen. Three very powerful clans with bloodlines that were both well known and feared the world over… and they were being offered to him, albeit not freely, but he had long since come to understand that nothing in this world was truly free. But what a combination that genetic cocktail would make… Uchiha, Senju and Akari, with that alone Kutari could truly become a force to be reckoned with.

“I will pay you very handsomely for these treasures… how does twenty five thousand ryo sound to you? Along with the requested transplants of course. I do not have anything in current… inventory, that matches what you desire… but once I acquire something valuable and powerful enough to offer an ally of your calibre I will send for you. I will personally perform these transplants, regardless of whether you are willing to part with the corpses… but if you do not accept then I will require one of the organs from the Senju in return. Nothing is free even among allies, and I am sure that you understand that… now come” Kenshin would offer rather generously… but he knew that the DNA on offer was well worth the money, even if he would’ve offered a significantly lower figure for the corpses if it hadn’t been his new ally. By the end he would gesture with two fingers for Kutari to follow him… it simply wouldn’t do to perform the surgery in some dirty back alley.

Assuming Kutari did follow Kenshin would navigate the streets and make his way towards the tallest building in the village, something that based on its positioning and size he assumed was the Kazekage tower. As the two entered the building Kenshin knew that his intuition had been successful based on the paperwork he could see sitting on the entrance desk, and after reading a few of the forms he was able to tell that the Kazekage’s office was on the top floor of the building. He would make his way through the halls until he came upon an ascending staircase, and when from there he would begin to make his way up, and after quite a bit more walking that I cannot be bothered describing both Kenshin and Kutari would reach the top floor. Without any preamble The Ragdoll would walk past the confused and scared looking secretary with nary a word, her stammered protests ignored by the conqueror and his newly found ally as they walked into the empty office.

Without any preamble the Uzumaki would ask the man to unseal the bodies of the Akari and the Senju on the empty desk that sat near the back of the room, by a rather large window that overlooked the entire village. He would instruct Kutari to remove his shirt and begin to form the seals required for the Chakra Anaesthetic technique, which he would inform Kutari of as the mans shirt was removed before jabbing his fingers into the center of his chest. When that was done he would waste no time in going through another set of hand seals and allowing his hands to be engulfed by a deep blue chakra that seemed to be shaped like blades, and using said blades to slice the bodies open just above the hip, the incision on the Senju being a little larger than the one on the Akari. As he worked he informed Kutari that he would need to do the same to him, getting the man to take a set on the desk near the corpse. Once he did so Kenshin would waste no time in making a set of incisions above the man's hips, but still below his ribs. When the incisions were made the Uzumaki would place his hands aboves the incisions he made on the corpses and begin to manipulate his threads, allowing them to emerge from some of a set of stitches on the palms of each hand and enter the corpses.

The threads would sever and pull a single kidney from each of the corpses, and without any preamble some threads would enter the wounds that he had inflicted on Kutari, doing the same with him before the new kidneys were placed within his body and held in place by his threads. As they did this the Uzumaki activate his Mystical Palm Aura to attach the organs correctly, before withdrawing his threads.

He would inform Kutari that there was a chance the bloodlines may actually work immediately, but that they would undoubtedly awaken in time. With that done Kenshin would allow his threads to enter the Senju corpse again, this time working on severing the liver and pulling it free of the corpse. It was quite a large organ so it took some time, but he had made the incision more than large enough to pull it free without much effort. All the while he had been using his threads to do the same within his body, and with but a thought the clothing of his upper body would seemingly fade away, although in truth they simply merged with his ‘pants’. A rather large stitched ‘cut’ in the center of Kenshin’s torso would open and the Senju organ would be pulled in by the threads within, all the while his true liver was deposited onto the corpse. From there Kenshin would activate the Mystical Palm technique and use it to attach the organ to everything it needed to be connected to just like the Uzumaki kidney. From there the two men would likely go their separate ways, Kutari leaving the corpses and organs on the desk as per Kenshin’s request

WC: 1072


TWC: 2222

If coinflip is successful 1500 words towards Senju DNA adjustment, claiming (25% max stat discount)

722 words towards Byakugan, 989 words remaining

If coinflip is unsuccessful I’ll post claims after
Hikari Hyuuga
Hikari Hyuuga
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:45 am
Here is your roll~
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:45 am
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:48 am
Courtney is a good luck charm confirmed
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 7:48 am
Courtney, stay online for me real quick hold on
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A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari] Empty Re: A Tale of Two Monsters [Kutari]

Fri Jun 07, 2019 8:33 am
Oh shit, before I forget, claiming the corpses of Shoku, Amaterasu and Ashe from Kutari, and giving him 25k. Will deduct the ryo from my account when he posts
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