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Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
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Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:45 pm

“Dance with me, make me sway.”, the delicate singing voice of Mizuki would drift from her room, through the slightly ajar door and out into the silence of her home. She had put Souji to bed hours ago and whether or not he was really asleep it was hard to tell - his heartbeat only gave him away if he was panicked but in the comfort of her home he was rarely panicked. Earlier she had made it clear to the boy that she would be gone for the evening and wouldn’t return until daybreak - but she would return. She still remembered the crease that had formed in between his brows; worry or was it concern? Either way she worked to console him until that crease was smoothed out - his trust had always been given to her with more ease than anyone else… and that made it paramount for it to never be betrayed or mangled in anyway. As her first promise to him she had remained truthful to her word and transparent with any and all questions he had asked of her; why hide it from him? 

She continued to move around her room, the bedding sliding haphazardly off the edge as it had been thrown around in a fit of nightmares from the nights previous - the warning given to Souji to not worry when he heard them had fallen on deaf ears and he had rushed into her room anyways, Byakugan active and a heartbeat that was matching hers. The sight of him instantly brought her back to earth and she had shoved her mental strain aside to attend to him instead - motioning him to join her as she scooted over; he laid on her chest til he fell asleep, her fingers running through his dark tousled hair as she stared at the opposing wall - reliving the nightmare for the next 3 hours in silence. Finally she came around to the mirror in her room, the tall stand alone thing that showed the moon incarnate - pale luminescent skin set in contrast to the deep ashen black hair that fell around her frame like a cage. Arching an eyebrow she would pull it all up into her usual sleek pony tail but even this wouldn’t seem enough for her and she would frown a bit in contemplation - perhaps with all the changes that have happened… this would be another change. Another time though this was not the time to be changing her looks she had to meet up with Zaine for their Guard Duty. Closing her eyes she would roll them back in her head with irritation - the things the civilians of Suna would request body guards for were sometimes so trivial; she couldn’t help but apply the thought of the upcoming assignment to the time she played body guard for a rich man and his wife with the aid of Kenshin not long ago. If these people simply knew how to defend themselves she could spend her time doing more meaningful work… at least Zaine was on assignment too, she had so much to tell him.

Checking the time she would tap quickly down the hall to Souji’s door to listen more intently - the deeper breathing convinced her he was asleep, and with a fleeting hand on the door she took off toward the front; exiting the home with a quiet click of the lock. She wasn’t worried about his well being, not only would not one think to come near the monolith that was known to house her, but the boy could take care of himself need be. The cool night air raised goosebumps momentarily over her skin as a breeze passed over her exposed skin, but the night air smelled so sweet and felt so calm that the bit of cold didn’t even register - the trip to the home for their designated guard wasn’t a long one and it was only after about 10 minutes that she was skirting the edge of the property.  She had chosen to show up first to allow her years of experience lead the way, so to speak - she had raised herself on this very activity; for a variety of purposes but very rarely was it to protect those inside the perimeter she was scouting.

As she edged around the property, a handsome estate with at least 2 levels and two gardens that wrapped around the home from front to back by a stone path, it was a bit gaudy and flaunting of wealth in a distasteful way but… it wasn’t her money. The area was clear, the only heartbeats she was able to pick up were those of the inhabitants when she drew near enough to the home - each foot fall was silent as she picked her way through the property. Having circled the home several times she was finding her pace to be growing… anxious - where was Zaine? He wasn’t one to be late and she was sure he was doing his own scouting or preliminary checks or.. Hell Raleth might even be holding him up. Or… the crease of worry pressed in between her eyebrows as the thought passed in a flash - he hadn’t tired of her? Had she stepped over a line.. Had Souji been too much? She had to admit, she had sprung so many things on him in such a short amount of time - how would he take this latest and biggest bit of news?

As her worry began to morph into exasperation and even anger, the familiar steady heartbeat began in her ears at the very edge, growing stronger as she turned to see him striding up the path towards her. Normal friends might be joyed to see someone they had been waiting for, they might even fling themselves at their friend to encircle them in a hug as his friend Ral does to the two of them - not her though. She wasn’t going to wait for him to completely make it to her, no, after the initial flash of relief her face turned disapproving and her fist clenched as she began toward him as well - reaching him and greeting him with a swift punch to the left arm. “Where have you been! I thought something happened to you.”, they were close enough she didn’t need to raise her voice to convey her feelings, instead the hiss and worry seeped into her words as if they were born from them. Obviously she knew he was in no real danger, especially not for the level of threat they were to be guarding from but… damnit when a time is set a time is set. “Whatever kept you this time better have been good, gonna have to get you a new watch to get it through your head - standing me up will be the death of you.” As she said the word ‘head’ she would punctuate it with a tap to his forehead before finally giving him a soft smile, “Don’t do that to me Zaine…”, her features would soften as she eased into her usual self, the sun-like warmth of his presence having its usual effect on her. 

“I’ve checked the perimeter a few times now and nothing has come up, a little over the top on the landscaping if you asked me but uh.. It's pretty at least?” She would jerk her head slightly as she motioned him to follow her, the two would walk along the path in silence for a moment - her lavender eyes closing as she focused around them both for outside noise. Keeping her eyes closed also made it easier not to make it obvious she kept glancing at him, still worried about his reaction to the other night and then of course the news she was going to be breaking to him tonight… would he be excited for her or would he think she was reaching to high to fast? Really why does his opinion matter to her anyways? I mean she only just met him a few months ago, how does someone so new ingrain themselves so wholly in her life without her even noticing it? Taking another half glance at his profile as they walked, the moonlight lighting the area and casting a halo white glow on the grounds and illuminating her skin, she wouldn’t lie to herself though his opinion mattered to her the most so… here goes.

“Hey Zaine, I have some… pretty important news I wanted to share with you - promise you will give me your honest opinion on it?”, her pace had slowed slightly as they walked, her eyes now watchful as they were in the tombs. With a deep breath she hastily said the news, quick to analyze his reaction - “I am set to be the second Kazekage any day now. I have shown my growth to Kenshin and he said I have finally become strong enough to take the mantle that was… that always mine, apparently. I wanted to know, what you thought of that.. actually.”

WC 1504
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Mon Nov 02, 2020 7:01 am
A smile brandished his face as he walked at an unusually slowed pace towards his destination, the cool air of the night brushing against his skin as the moonlight refracted off of the bilateral scarlet pride of the Uchiha clan- he had been assigned to a rather tedious mission but was more excited than he could put into words, so much so that it surprised even him. His excitement didnt stem from the task at hand but rather the company that had been mutually assigned to the mission- it was someone that he had become quite close with in the passing months and he had so much to tell her that he feared he wouldnt know where to start upon engaging. Still, he pressed forward, completely oblivious to the fact that amongst his excitement and enjoyment of the agreeable climate, he was running more than a bit late- this was completely out of character for him but then again, he wasn't exactly the same as he had always been as of lately. His physical appearance would be close enough to his baseline as he sported a long sleeve dark blue shirt with the crest of the Uchiha clan place on its back along with straight legged black pants- his feet bore brown sandals and strapped tightly to his back was his prized weapon and keepsake Benihime, it's hilt angled upwards at a diagonal from his right shoulder. He opted out of bringing his basic katana as he felt it along with his weapons pouches would be unnecessary for what they had been assigned, plus with Mizuki by his side anyone dumb enough to engage them would probably need as much of a handicap as possible. As he reached the property at which they were to post guard duty he would see a larger estate that had two floors to it with as many gardens to match- he would groan as he realized the type of individual they would be guarding was sure to be uptight and a handful to say the least. He would shake his head softly with a slight smirk as he continued his approach and tried to get his mind back on to the positive of the situation and where she might be located on this lavish property. 

He would continue up the path of the residence looking left and right to see if he would catch her in the distance but it was to no success as he thought to himself "As late as I am? Theres no way she's getting here after me. Maybe she went loo-" He would halt his thought process as he brought his gaze back forward and there she was. He would smile as if it were reflex as he continued towards her and by her expression at first she was relieved to see him as well, though he noticed a tension building up in her forearm and clenched her fists- no doubt, she was a bit upset about his tardiness. Still, he continued towards her and hoped that maybe he could get out the first words and smooth the situation over but the second they got within physical range he would see the tension in her muscles build up even further as her arm raised and its force was directed at his left arm as she let loose how she felt. Her words came at him a hundred miles an hour and were mixed in their message, "I cant tell if she was worried or if shes upset. I think for once I actually dont know what to even say. But I cant keep quiet either.." He thought as she continued on making it more clear with each word that her intense scolding was coming from a place of sincere worry for him- this discovery served to do less punitively and more in the area of making him happy as he smirked and spoke back to her after she told him "not to do that to her". "Well, I figured you had everything covered here anyways. Theres wasnt too much of a reason for me to rush right? Although if it gets you this riled up, maybe ill show up late a little more often." He would say as he laughed, walked forward a step and made direct eye contact, she would notice that unlike usual his hair was now parted in the middle so that both of his sharingan would be revealed at all times. "In all seriousness, im sorry I worried you. I didnt mean to Mizu. It wont happen again." He said with a smile as he listened to her brief report on what she found- he wasnt surprised to hear that not much had taken place and that things were calm, in fact he was relieved.

After her report he would take stride and follow slightly behind her as they walked the perimeter of the estate- he was a bit confused as to why she went from being as talkative as she was earlier to a much more silent and almost observant demeanor. He was able to monitor her body language with the peripheral view of his eyes and she seemed almost nervous? He couldnt be too sure but he noted she moved in the same fashion as when she took him to the ruins of her clan, "I wonder if everythings alright.. Maybe I should ask her? Or does she not want to talk about it?" To his luck the silence would be broken by her stating she had something to share with him followed by a deep breath- the suspense was almost more than he could handle but the following news was more than deserving of it. Her words seemed almost surreal as she told him that she had been selected to become the Second Kazekage of Sunagakure. He would respectfully allow her to finish before he exploded out with joy for her "Congratulations Mizu!! I.. I almost cant believe it. Thats incredible news. When did you find out? And more importantly why arent you more excited about something this big?" He would give a slight pause before continuing "I think you're going to make a fantastic Kazekage. I dont think anyone else deserves the title more in fact. Ive seen you interact with the villagers and the other shinobi and anyone would agree that you're a key reason that the village is enjoying such a prosperous period of peace and success." He hoped his words would assist in creating a more open field for her to express how she was feeling- he couldnt be too sure but she came off as though she didnt feel ready to become the leader of the village.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Sat Nov 07, 2020 8:42 pm
Her eyes widened in shock - she wasn’t sure what she was expecting but this level of happiness definitely wasn’t her first instinct. Taken aback by his unusual rush of emotions she would look down with her lips parting as if she was to speak, before quickly shutting them and releasing a nervous laugh. “I uh, I found out just a few nights ago, after a spar with Kenshin in training grounds 10, you know the one for Jounin and up- it was disguised as a test of skill. If I managed to beat him then I was proving I was able to handle threats to the village. I uh heh uhm its still sort of sinking in for me y’know? Haven’t quiet wrapped my head around the idea of leading our nation, I am young and I still have so much to learn but…”, She would purse her lips curiously as she examined his expression, “-apparently Kenshin wasn’t the only one who believed I was not only capable but ready.” As she was now really examining his face she would raise one eyebrow skeptically at his hair part before reaching up and messing it up a bit - making the part messier but not pulling the hair into his eyes. “Don’t get too prim and proper on me now.” 

A real smile would spread across her face though as she looked away from his gaze and out onto the quiet grounds - Kazekage indeed. She wasn’t the type of woman to exclaim in excitement, so few good things happened she was used to celebrating them internally, where she could cherish the feeling but his excitement for her was a bit intoxicating. Their walking pace had picked up, her own heartbeat now dictating how fast her legs moved - hearing his praise and acceptance of her role was a relief to say the very least; perhaps she cared more about the thoughts of others than she wished to let on. “Well. If I have anything to say about it, and I think I just might now, Sunagakure is going to hit heights only dreamed of by those before me. I have, so *many* plans and I'm going to need my people for them all to come to life -” She would reach out and grab his forearm, giving it a squeeze, “-Konoha is first on my list.. Just know I haven’t forgotten about your dreams. Raleth may have let some things slip on that mission but that's neither here nor there, we can heal the world.” Her hand would drop from his and her gaze would turn upward as she stopped in the middle of the path, her hands coming together behind her back. “Do you know why I love this country so much Zaine? I love it because it turns the worst in people into the best parts of them. It made a child assassin who survived by following the thread of hate in men's’ hearts and it forgave that life of crime without question… turned it into a Kazekage.”, with her face still turned up to the night sky she would look over at him, thin tear tracks going down her cheeks. 

With a chuckle she would take a deep breath and shake her head, “Enough about me though, what about you? How has Sunagakure been treating you?”

WC 555
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Wed Nov 11, 2020 5:11 am
The tone of her words told more than her actual speech ever could- it was so clear just how excited she was to make the village and seemingly the world a better place and this was much to his surprise. He had never thought her to be anything less than giving or just but at the same time he didnt realize that she cared so deeply about changing the lives of everyone for the better- he would smile as he kept his view straight ahead, making sure to keep his focus on the path ahead visually while lending himself mentally to her message in totality. The idea that she sparred on par with Kenshin himself came as another surprise to him as he had never truly seen her in combat, well not formally at least- other than the one instance of her showcasing her speed in her home or briefly on their last mission, her powers were an utter mystery to him but he had to assume that the same could be said about his own abilities to her. "I would have given my left hand to watch that fight.. a better look at either of their skillsets would have been priceless." He thought just as she reached over and messed with his hair a bit as it appeared that she noticed the slight change he had made to it, "Fair enough. I wont, but my father always told me when I was younger that I should proudly wear my eyes. I never truly understood what he meant and to be honest I felt that he was just being old fashioned. Ya know? All the customs and rules regarding the Sharingan like when it was disrespectful to engage it or when it was customary." He would pause for a moment as he he smiled softly and looked at her directly, at a momentary loss for words as he couldnt help but stare in awe at how the moonlight managed to hit her complexion as though it was placed in the sky for that sole purpose, "I finally feel like I understand what he meant. He didnt just want me to stop covering my eyes with messy hair. It was more than that." He would keep his eyes on her as she grabbed his forearm and continued to speak, her words sparking a topic that he couldnt believe she was bringing up. 

She spoke of plans regarding Konohagakure along with the fact that she had spoken to Raleth and this could only mean that she understood how the two of them felt about their past home- he couldnt help but look away slightly in embarrassment, his cheeks reddening a bit. "I never wanted you or anyone to question where my loyalties lie. I am a shinobi of Sunagkure now and always.. but I cant help but notice whats been going on in my old home. It isnt right and im glad you feel the same way." He looked back at her as he stopped walking, watching her take a few steps forward after his pace had halted- she spoke about her story and how it lead to her becoming the Kazekage and this was truly a phenomenon that only a village as unique as Sunagakure could produce. After she asked how he had been fairing in the village, he was unsure how to respond to her- so much had happened and there were only two options to convey the information to her without spilling over details. She would no doubt turn around to face him in order to inquire why he stopped walking and when this occurred she would be met with the familiar face of Zaine Uchiha that she had come to know but with a slight difference. "I've been dealing with quite a bit since you and I took our little field trip to find out about your family and it turns out that you and I have a lot more in common that I thought. Atleast as far as lineage goes.." Upon looking into his eyes she would be met with scarlet irises of a faintly darker tint, the tomoe pattern within the eyes would be identical bilaterally and would have taken on the shape of the sun- though the eight rays that stemmed from the center would boast an embowed appearance rather than a streamlined one. It was the first time he was choosing to show anyone the new form that his eyes had taken on and he felt confident in his decision to show her- it only seemed fitting that his new Kage remained informed on his progress in detail, or at least that was part of it. "Im sure you've seen something like this before.. probably very recently seeing as how you had a bout with Lord First for your new title. He's actually the one who educated me on what the Sharingan was fully capable of, though I found my way to it on my own."

He would sigh as he picked his pace back up and started towards her, hoping that she would maintain her position as he approached- there was more that he wanted to tell her and he needed to do it face to face without any interruptions, mission or not. "Just give me a moment to explain something to you." He wasnt even sure where to begin so he decided to continue with his current strategy of diving in head first and dropping the news on her as a whole "I went against what I believed in. Completely. Thats why I even saw Kenshin recently. Im sure you can guess by now but he transplanted DNA from another clan into me so that I could gain a bit of strength." He paused only momentarily to gauge her expression before continuing "A few days later I was keeping up with my hypertrophy based training of the Sharingan and in deep thought about what I had done for hours, I mean it could have been 2 or 12, its still a bit hazy. But once I centered myself and came to accept my situation and what it all meant, my eyes were different. I guess about as different as I am now. He took a moment to think about how ironic it was that he was struggling to tell her the secrets of these eyes and the blood dampened history and future surrounding them- he couldnt believe that this was such a task for him but she had disclosed her clans history in its entirety and even granted him strength from it; he owed her the full explanation. "Along with a pretty big change in appearance, i've gained access to far more power.. at a cost." His left palm would raise to his left eye, covering it as he looked down slightly and continued his explanation "These eyes come with the steep price that if I use them too much ill eventually lose my sight. No matter how slowly it takes place, the end is inevitable, my light will be gone." Returning his hand to his side he would close the remaining distance between them until they were no more than a meter apart "The only way for me to subvert this end is to take the eyes of another member from my clan and exchange them for my own. Its a ritual that has taken place numerous times and typically ends in the death of an Uchiha. The notion sickened me at first. But then, if I have these eyes, what right do I have to judge? I dont plan on going through with killing for the sake of power but what if I need to use them to protect the village? or Ral? or even Souji? Or.. you?" He would allow her time to digest what she had just heard as it might be a lot to take in- he didnt worry that she would find his clans past to be barbaric but rather she would look at him in a different light from here on out and that simply wasnt something that he could bear.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Mizuki Ohta
Mission Record : Mizu's Log
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Clan Specialty : Medical
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 330650

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Mon Nov 30, 2020 12:07 am
A soft smile would flit over her lips as she heard his words - advice from a father is something that she would kill for, especially when it's so accurate; being able to see the golden glowing eyes in full was something that only added to her ease when in his presence. Customs and rules, oh how she knew about those, spending those months combing that tomb had taught her loads about the customs and traditions that her generation was meant to uphold - but with just her as the sole survivor who was to stop her from changing those traditions… the world over. The faint smile would widen further as she listened to the embarrassed explanation and attempt at righting a worry that had never even touched her mind. With a soft tone she barely spoke above a murmur as they were only a few paces apart, perhaps the implications of her words would be lost to the winds, “Your loyalty to Suna was never in question, and your loyalty to me is more unwavering than I think anyone realizes. Perhaps even you.” 

Pulling her eyes away from the sky she looked over at Zaine, stood a few paces back where he had stopped, but the look on his face was not embarrassment anymore - as the red in his cheeks had burned and faded back to his normal warm complexion - no this look was worry and apprehension and..- Her violet tinted eyes would widen as the swirling pattern formed over his eyes, now scarlet with deeper red tints in the center paired with a pattern reminiscent of the sun. She would take in a small sharp intake of breath as she had only ever seen eyes like that in a singular fashion - but she was not fearful, in fact she was more in awe that those around her were growing in such power and that they were sharing and growing with the knowledge in ways she could only imagine. It was incredible and intricate, the detailing was a perfect contrast to his straightforward nature - her eyes kept flitting back and forth between his as if she couldn’t get enough information fast enough. “That I have indeed seen, but eyes of that pattern are a first for me, they must manifest individually?” Her question was more of an out loud pondering and less of a direct question, because the moment it passed her lips Zaine was approaching her with a look of renewed determination.

Raising her right eyebrow she would stand straighter so as to be ready for whatever declaration he was about to make - transplants.. Transplants were taken against his belief system for the grasp of higher power; she knew that reasoning and for his worry to run so deep it was not an easy decision for him. Her expression remained unconcerned and searching for the other shoe to drop but it never seemed to come, in fact his worry seemed to be that she was going to react poorly to how he is growing stronger. She had remained silent, vigilantly listening to him and feeling his emotion through his explanation as it was written all over his face. Her face would instantly drop into a frenzied worry as she looked over his face as if the oncoming blindness was coming then and there, she wanted nothing more than to ease his own upset as quickly as possible. Tentatively she would reach out her hands and take his in them, closing the gap into half a meter, her eyes remained down cast at the hand she held clasped in her own. 

“The only one who will hold weight of judgment over you, is you, Zaine. Your journey toward power is of good intention, even now you worry about protecting the village and those you are close to..-” taking that moment of pause in her words to look back up into his face, “-we will figure out a way to get you what you need, just know that you have me to help you every step of the way.” Her tone was sincere, soft and thoughtful as she tried to make it clear that she was on his side and by hide side through this process that was to come. She would have been more articulate with her words, more thought provoking and determined but the closeness was fogging up her ability to think clearly.

WC 732
Stat Page : Uchiha, Zaine
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 26900

Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 8:12 pm
In this moment it was almost as if his sense of hearing had been magnified ten-fold and this wasnt due to any bolstering on his part or conscious effort- rather it was related solely to the amount that he wished to hear every word she spoke. What felt like an eon would pass by reflecting only moments in reality and finally she would speak to him, her words equally as soft as the smile she dawned subtly across her face- she affirmed that his loyalty was never in question as far as the village went and more importantly to him, in regards to her personally. Whether she realized it or not she had placed the connection between them in higher standing than that of the village and even if it was only for a moment, that was all he needed to confirm what he had felt for months now. "Well I suppose it depends on who you're asking. If you went to Souji or Raleth to get their opinion you might hear the exact opposite. Apparently my loyalty to you might go a bit overboard from time to time. But then again.." He would smirk "You're soon to be the Kazekage so I suppose loyalty to the village is synonymous with loyalty to you, Lord Second." He would laugh a bit before stopping to let the sound of that sink in, "Lord Second Kazekage huh? Yeah.. if anyone would be right for the position its her. She'll continue to improve upon what was established and make the village an ideal place for everyone. But how can  help her in all of this?" He would shake his head slightly as he banished the thought of bringing himself into the situation- this was about her after all and he was sure as time went on he would be able to cement a position to help her in his greatest capacity.

She seemed to be quite intrigued by the specific tomoe pattern that his Ascended sharingan displayed as her eyes dashed back and forth, no doubt observing and analyzing them- regardless of how comfortable she was around him, her desire to analyze and develop conclusions due to curiosity and need for preparation was something that no one was exempt from.. but oddly enough this was one of the aspects of her personality that endeared him to her the most. Listening to her words in regards to his eyes his serious expression would become completely overshadowed by a grin that he couldnt contain as he watched her- and unable to help himself, he would make use f one of his basic abilities with the sharingan by copying her exact eye movements, his scarlet irises now dancing back and forth to the same rhythm as the violet pools that he was now all too fond of.  He began to laugh as he was sure she would stop once she caught on but he would intercept quickly and clarify his intent "I'm sorry for teasing you, but I felt like I had to show you how you looked. Your eyes were ready to race right out of your head." His laughing would continue and even grow as he spoke again "Wait wait im sorry, I cant be imprisoned for teasing the Kazekage right?" He hoped that she would find this even half as funny as he did- short-lived, his laughing would come to an abrupt halt as he realized that this was the first time that he had laughed or even truly smiled in weeks, something that was stranger than the new eyes he bore. Had he been unhappy recently? Or perhaps stressed with all the change in his life? The reason, whatever it might be almost seemed trivial when juxtaposed next to the remedy that had found him accidentally and now stood before him, Mizuki Ohta. 

The worry that had come over her as she learned of the truth behind his eyes only served to further drive him towards comfort and peace- she truly cared for him and it seemed now that she might even be a bit more concerned about his well-being than he was. Utter shock would take him over as she reached for both of his hands and began to speak, reassuring him that everything would be okay and that together they would find a way to rectify his situation. He would bite his lip in reflex to keep himself from getting choked up at her empathetic and tender response and as if to keep her from seeing this he pulled her in close to him by her hands, lacing his hands around her lower back and subsequently erasing the 2 foot distance between them. "Thank you Mizuki. Just knowing that you would go so far to help me is enough to make feel at ease." He would loosen the tension between his hands allowing for their bodies to separate only enough to permit their eyes to meet once again- the last time they were this close to each other was at her home and he remembered feeling anxious and even nervous but now all he felt was rooted and undeniably certain that there was not another place or person he would rather be with at that moment, his feelings now anchored and sound. The sun shaped pupils in his eyes would spin as they reverted to the traditional three tomoe triangulated around a singular pupil before rverting once more, leaving behind his base yellowed irises. He would smile softly as he looked back and forth slowly at her eyes while simultaneously closing the distance between them until there was no longer a part of them that was truly separate, his lips would meet hers for only a few seconds and he would pull back just as slowly as he had approached. "I hope i'm not out of line with my forward demeanor tonight, Mizu." Two firsts would occur as he had kissed her and addressed her as Mizu for the first time- one of which would continue for as long as he had the pleasure of knowing her and the other, well he could only hope. 

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Survived 2021
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Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Wed Dec 02, 2020 9:39 pm
Pulling her curiosity back a bit she couldn’t help the flush of color that flooded her pale cheeks, the moment his eyes matched her pattern of intrigue it was obvious she had been had. Truth be told he was the only Uchiha she even felt comfortable enough making prolonged eye contact with, the only one she felt safe being in this close proximity with anymore if she was being completely open with herself.. She hadn’t even realized how close she had gotten to him, the curiosity called to her like a siren driving men to their watery graves. The moment his eyes caught up with hers she dropped them with a bit of embarrassment, the memory of the last time she had stared into Uchiha eyes trying to claw its way up from the depths she had it buried. He had no way of knowing just how far she had grown and how this act, as innocent as it seemed, was a huge step in her recovery - and perhaps even the final piece to the need for revenge that nagged in the back of her heart. All of these thoughts were cleared from her mind as Zaine continued to speak, making a joke about how she had looked which made her laughter swirl with his in the darkness. 

His deep and warm laughter would stop suddenly though, making her look back up at him sharply, her own laughter - the pitch of bells, coming to a swift end with concern. The whole moment was easy to meld into her reassuring comments that had brought them even closer but what she didn’t expect her hands to be pulled forward and the warmth of a summers sun to embrace her - sun spots touching the small of her back while her face was gently pressed into his chest. Of course her hands were pinned for only a moment and while in any other circumstance this would have been a big issue she was.. Unafraid of Zaine - there was a level of trust and assurance in him that her guard could, and had, been completely down. The familiar scent of Cherry Tobacco, Rain and Warm paper would fill her lungs, the comforting beating of his heart pressed to her ear - she could stand there for as long as he would let her… of course as soon as the thought was through her mind she felt his grip loosen and with a heartbreaking look she would catch his eyes. 

Every worry, every horrific deed, every reason this man would walk away from her slammed in from all angles - the wildly different lives the two had lived had almost made certain that these two should be adverse to one another; The Sun and The Moon. While these thoughts were sharp and biting they held no power over her - not when the trace of his clan faded from his eyes and the golden eyes would show - they chased worry and doubt from her vocabulary. With the ease of falling asleep her eyes would close and her hands would slip up around his neck as their lips met. As he pulled away she realized she had stopped breathing and drew in a sharp gasp as she tried to process what had just happened, the look on her face was far from upset and was more shocked and pleased than anything else - giving a few quick blinks her violet gaze focused on his and her lips parted to speak but no words came out. Quickly closing her mouth and pressing her lips together firmly to try to quell the tingling on them she would shake her head dismissively - “Nowhere near…” It was like she was seeing him in an entirely different light, or rather she was finally admitting to herself that this was the way she had always seen him and only now was it something she could allow. 

Pressing her fingers softly into the back of neck she would slowly retract them - sliding them down his arms as she tried to regain herself. “This…”, she would pause as the smile forced its way full force over her lips causing her to have to clear her throat, “We will continue this on another night, you can be sure of it. Dinner at my house tomorrow, I’ll cook, it’s a date.” With heavy reluctance she would fully pull out of his grasp, the fingers on her right hand sliding down to his hand and slipping in securely. With a deep breath she would come back to the serious note of the mission they were on - as much as she didn’t want to. “Come on Zaine, we have a rich pig to keep safe from the consequence of his greed.” She would give him a sly look out of the side of her eye, the smirk of a joke pressing a dimple into her cheek.

WC 813

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Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:28 pm
Her words post embrace gave him all the clarification needed that he had not just made a grave mistake and although throughout the course of this action he seemed to come off as confident, he was truly nervous that maybe he had misread their encounters up until this point- he smiled at her as he took a moment to look up to the sky, taking in the moon and the stars and then back at her to ensure he would not forget this moment, though he already knew something like that would be beyond his capabilities. Almost as quick as the moment happened it seemed to vanish but this wasn't upsetting to him- to be fair he had gotten so caught up in the moment that he had forgotten why they were there together in the first place, so he was grateful to Mizuki for reeling him in. He would raise his hand that was not being held by her, making it into a fist as he smiled "Right! You can count me in, i'll be to your place tomorrow evening with bells on and of course we cant forget why were here in the first place and just because you're going to be the next Kazekage doesnt mean that you get to take it easy on missions up until your coronation." He would chuckle playfully as he began to walk side by side with her around the perimeter of the estate, for at this point the mission had turned into a rather pleasant night out with a dear companion, or at least that's what it had been up until that moment.  

30 Meters off in the distance a man positioned himself amongst the greenery, hidden to the naked eye under the shroud of the night- he carried with him two mid sized axes that intersected on his back with straps holding them in place. He dressed in all black and his hair was that of a dark brown that curled naturally and didnt pass his ears- sporting a half mask would make it nearly impossible to identify him even up close and this would be to his advantage in the event that a hasty retreat post engagement with the enemy was required. He would see two figures in plain sight, a man and a woman and from that distance the reflective metal that diverted the rays of the moon attached to Zaine's arm gave away that they were shinobi from the village. He would swear in anger to himself as he realized his mission just became leaps and bounds more difficult, for he had expected at most one shinobi- two was more than he bargained for but at this point it was too late to turn back. He would hug the shadows ensuring to keep his footsteps quieted and his position unnoted as he made his way closer to the two shinobi, stopping once he was within 10 meters of them. He would reach for one of the axes on his back with his left hand as he formulated a plan to blitz his two foes, striking the woman who he perceived to be the weaker target first, evening the odds and hopefully throwing the man into a confused state- he would then plan to capitalize on the opportunity and strike down the man. "They haven't even noticed me.. hmph some 'shinobi' they are. This is gonna be easier than I thought.." 

Zaine would look over to his left at Mizuki and smile again, still on a high from their most recent interaction and unable to get it out of his head and focus back on the mission completely "So, I've been meaning to talk to you about Souji." He would say, hoping that maybe introducing a new subject to the situation would help him to detour his persistent thoughts of her "I never really spoke to you about it after I left your home that night and placed you in bed. Sorry about leaving by the way.. I know I agreed to stay the night but there was something I had to take care of. Anyway, I never really asked for your blessing but I wanted to let you know if he hadnt already that I accepted him as my student and I plan on taking direct supervision over his progress as a shinobi until he reaches the rank of Chuunin. I should have let you know sooner but we've both been so busy. I hope you arent bothered by this arrangement." He would say as he paused for a moment, halting his pace and facing her directly. At this point the perpetrator in the shadows was still 10 meters from them in a bush, awaiting the perfect time to strike- little did he know, one of the two shinobi would be well aware of his position and would provide sufficient evidence that his "plan" was ill informed and rooted in underestimation. 

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Mon Dec 21, 2020 3:32 am
The smirk stayed on her face as she watched him raise his hand in enthusiasm, declaring into the night with a strong voice and a brightness that only someone like him was able to muster in the dead of night. The moon hung over the two with a dreamy glow that made the perimeter they walked feel less like a chore to ensure some shmucks safety and more like a stroll in some lavish garden that existed for them alone. Their steps were nearly in sync as Mizu attempted to match her pace with his - granted he was taller than her by a decent amount she was used to quickening herself to match those around her. She could feel the slight blush still touching her cheeks as she squeezed his fingers gently between her own, a new sensation of feeling his heartbeat and hearing it at the same time being something she hadn’t noticed she craved before this moment and-

The same moment she noticed the new undeniable heartbeat slide into range behind her, Zaine began talking with a tone of reluctance and perhaps even distraction. Furrowing her brow she faced Zaine with a look of intense displeasure - at first he would assume it was due to what he was saying when in fact she was disgusted at the rat that had come to infest the garden. Bringing her hands up from her sides, she instead held them out of view in front of her chest and between the two of them ready to fly through any handseals at a moment's notice. “Nevermind that now, we have company.”, the words came out like a hiss as she looked to the side quickly and back at him. “Directly behind me in the foliage, their heartbeat is so loud I can’t believe you can’t hear it. Do you have eyes on them?” She would wait for his confirmation before deciding what to do next - she could have easily turned and completely destroyed that side of the garden and the intruder with a brilliant fire jutsu but was that rat really worth the destruction of a place that now held a special place in her heart - no.
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Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]  Empty Re: Height of Wealth - [Mizu/Zaine]

Tue Dec 29, 2020 5:54 am
Pure bliss is how he would describe the feeling of locking hands with her as the walked beneath the moonlight- how had he gotten so lucky? Sure, fortune seemed to smile on him more often than not but never to this level. He couldnt help himself as he looked to her face once more, taking in the moment and ensuring that it was if nothing else, reality. This moment of ecstasy would seemingly turn to ashes in his mouth as he saw the change in expression on her face- something was wrong, but what? He understood that they needed to be on high alert but for the most part the night had been completely peaceful, so why did she look so serious all of a sudden? The words that accompanied her expression would be short, direct and concise- there was an enemy in their midst and she was able to pick up on it almost immediately. "An enemy? At our 6? I can't believe I didnt notice.. But I guess I have been pretty wrapped up in her tonight. I need to get it together." He thought as he began to scan the nearby area, his sharingan now activated and his walking halted. "From what I can see in front of us there's no one so I guess the only enemy would be the one you're picking up on from behind us. Maybe we should wait for him to make a mo-" This suggestion would be cut off prematurely by the assault that was to be launched by the perpetrator.

The shinobi shrouded by greenery and shadows would hesitate with his axe in hand as he noticed the two halt their pace- he found it peculiar as he was completely sure that there was no way they had picked up on his presence. "Hmmm.. maybe I ought to go for a more sure shot attack. There's no point in holding back if it only gonna make things harder for me later down the line." He thought as he strapped the axe back in a crossed position with his other one- he would take a moment to assess his distance from them and his arsenal of jutsu before settling on the technique he would utilize and without another moment passing he would fly through the handseals Snake → Ram → Monkey → Tiger at a speed of fifty as he focused the chakra he had been building up in his stomach up to his chest before releasing it from his mouth in the shape of a fireball ten meters in diameter- the fireball would dart towards the two shinobi at a speed and power of 50 as it charred the grass beneath it, leaving smoldering earth in its path.  "They havent even turned around yet, looks like i'll be able to get that rich son of a b*** quicker than I thought!" 

The surrounding area would light up with a bright red and orange hue as the assailants attack encroached upon the two shinobi- Zaine maintained his forward facing position as he was sure Mizuki was well aware of the approaching jutsu. His first instinct was to begin chaining handseals together to create 4 walls of earth to stop the technique in its tracks but he would only be able to get through three handsigns as he looked over at Mizuki and began to see her do something he had never seen in his time as a shinobi.


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