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Kita Hajime
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:22 am

It was another night, and Kita was on attempt number two of avoiding whatever strange dreams awaited him when he fell asleep. The first attempt of using warm milk didn't work out so well, so Kita was trying a more medicinal approach. Next to Kita's futon was a small glass of water. In his hand, Kita held a single sleeping pill. "Well. Here goes nothing." Kita put the pill in his mouth, and quickly took a swig from the glass of water, washing away the powdery medicine taste from his mouth. Kita set the glass of water aside, and waited. It took a while before the pill started to kick in, but eventually Kita felt the telltale signs of exhaustion, his body beginning to go numb, his eyelids becoming impossibly heavy, and the slight noises of the waking world beginning to fade away. It wasn't long before Kita finished drifting away from this world, and into the realm of slumber.

Kita found himself in a particularly strange dream. It wasn't the familiar images of a snowing, freezing landscape this time, and for that Kita was grateful. Rather, instead Kita sat inside a large leather armchair, in the middle of a large study. Books were stacked neatly on shelves attached to nearly every wall within the room. Various oddities were lain on tables within the room, each of which seeming to be at the very least, tangentially related to ninja history. To Kita's left sat a large fireplace, radiating heat and light throughout the study room, casting everything in a flickering orange glow. To Kita's right sat a small ceramic cup on a small wooden table, with some brown drink inside. However, the most peculiar part of this room was the fact that near immediately across from Kita, in an identical arm chair was another living person. He was an old man with a beard as white as the winter snow. He possessed a rather large stomach that was securely covered by a red coat with fluffy white hems. He peered at Kita with icy blue eyes through circular rimmed spectacles, with a playful smile dancing across his face. "Hello Kita! It's nice to see you again!" Kita looked at him, puzzled. Kita knew that he shouldn't expect any real world logic to apply here, as this was all just a simple dream, but it all felt so real. He didn't have even the slightest clue as to who this man was. "I'm sorry sir, but have we met?" The man gave a low chuckle, and nodded his head, reaching towards the table that the drink sat on, where a plate of cookies seemed to have appeared when Kita wasn't looking. "Oh yes, we've met many times now. It's okay, I don't expect you to remember me." He pointed to the drink. "You should have some! My wife made it for you herself." Kita reached over cautiously, taking a sip. It was hot chocolate. The man was right in that the hot chocolate was pretty good. "She makes a much better hot cocoa than I do. Unfortunately Kita, I didn't bring you here to drink hot chocolate. I actually wanted your help." Kita's brow furrowed slightly. "Alright, I'm game. Seems like it could be a fun little thing to do until I wake up. At least I'm not out in the ice and snow. What exactly is it that you need me to do?" The man looked at Kita, and smiled sadly. Kita's eyes slowly widened with realization as the man explained what he needed Kita to do. "Well Kita, I'm in charge of creating and delivering several goodies to shinobi all around the world each and every year. It just so happened that I worked my team a little bit too hard, and they've run off with a sleigh of valuable supplies. I need you to go out and find them for me. If you do that, I'll be sure to pay you handsomely." Kita stood up slowly, his eyebrow raising. "You're the one who keeps sending me out into that snowy place, aren't you? Sorry, but I'm not just going to go ahead and let you-" were the last words Kita was able to squeeze out before the man snapped his fingers, and with a poof of snow, Kita was teleported back into the desolate snowscape that he had found himself in so many nights in a row.

After a long period of cursing his luck and swearing to the heavens about how unfair this all was, Kita decided to get to work. Thankfully he had chosen to wear his furred brown pajamas, so he would be warm enough for the landscape. Kita looked around. For the most part, it was the same barren, empty landscape that he had seen previously. However, Kita noticed a set of numerous footprints and sleigh treads leading towards a pine forest way off in the distance. Having no other leads, Kita decided that it was probably the best place for him to go to find the missing supplies. However, as soon as Kita took the first step towards the forest, Kita heard a poofing noise behind himself, similar to the one that signaled his own arrival.

Word Count - 873

Last edited by Kita Hajime on Thu Dec 03, 2020 11:26 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Editing title)
Uchiha Benji
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Thu Dec 03, 2020 1:33 pm
Benji had a kind of really tiring day. Because he had a lot of task to do.. He doesn’t really like it when he has a lot to do. So it was this morning. He got up and had so much to do that he didn't start to do for him either, so he just lay in his place all day. Yes it is pretty tiring for him, lay and do nothing.. What a lazy bastard... So after lying down all day, he decided to sleep a little, because the good things, never could be enough. He also made his bed to sleep, lay down, made himself comfortable when...
"I don't have to pee, I don't have to pee.... I can sleep... I don't have to pee...." - throught it Benji - DAMM IT.... Why exactly now, when I'm in full of comfort... I hate my bladder... - shouted it angry
After this rage, he got up from the bed, and rushed to toilet. When he did his job, he became thirsty. He went to the kitchen quietly, because he didn't want woke up his parents and brothers, and warmed a milk for himself. When it was ready, he drank the full glass of milk, and went back for his bed. He lay inside the warm bed again, he pulled the blanket over himself, and closed his eyes.. After that he smelled gingerbread and hot chocolate again, like he did in the past. He opened his eyes, and looked around in the room. It was a stranger room, which he had never seen before. It was a bright, pleasant room. the light from the room came from a fireplace. Benji saw a huge man who sat in a rocking chair. His vision was still blurred as he now woke up, so he wiped his eyes and then immediately recognized the figure.
- Ohh.. This is HollyKage again.. He need again my help?? It will be too much... - throught it Benji depressedly.
He sat up in the bed slowly, and after adressed the HollyKage
- Hello Sir again! - told him Benji respectfully - Why did you bring me here again? - continued it the Uchiha
- Ho-ho, so are you awake know Benji. Get up, come closer, and drink that, after I will tell you everything - pointed to a cup of hot chocolate at table
- Okay, I hope it is a hot chocolate again - answered the young boy
After this he got up from the bed he stretched out for a good length of time, and he embedded. He stepped slowly towards the table, grabbed the cup, but it was too hot for touch it.
- AHHH DAMM IT - shouted up Benji
- Ho-Ho, be carefully my little friend, try to grab it's ears - he said with a laugh
After that Benji grabbed the mug's ears and started to walk towards HollyKage while he sipped slowly his delicious hot chocolate. When he reached, he sat down on a chair next to HollyKage..
- So - sipped a little from hot chocolate - what do you need know? Do you need my help, sure?
- Yes.. To be honestly there is a little problem. I have a lot of employee, and maybe sometimes I am too hard with them, because for if I were not for that, we would not be able to provide enough means for the shinobis. And that would be a huge problem, am I right? - looked at Benji for confirmation
- Yes, you are right, I think. But what is the problem? - asked curiously the young Uchiha
- They scaled a lots of mysterious woods, and they escaped. You have to find, and bring back them. But you will have a help, I already sent one shinobi about 5 minutes ago. You have to team up, and capture these elves.
- Okay, then send me to him!
After that converstation HollyKage snapped his fingers, and with a poof of snow, he teleported Benji to a snowy, cold place. The young Uchiha spotted a figure in the near, so he started to walk towards him. When he got close range, realized that he had already seen this figure before that. 
"This the shinobi who used KageBushins, for help HollyKage in the workshop" - remembered Uchiha Benji
- Hey! Hello! So are you here again? You are helping to HollyKage sure? You used the Shadow Clone jutsu last time. I remember to you brother.. Ohh sorry.. I am so indecent. I forget to introduce my self. So my name is Uchiha Benji from Konohagakure! - he held out his hand for a handshake - And what is your name? Your ShadowClone jutsu is so cool! I would love it, if I could use it as masterfully as you do! Do you have other cool jutsus? I think I could learn something from you, you looks so strong.

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Sun Dec 06, 2020 2:54 am
As he tossed and as he turned in his bed. Yet again another sleepless night. But this only happen ever so often that he could not sleep well. The last time this happened he had to pass out cookies. Flow would sit up and look around his dark room. Only this time it was not a dark and it was not his room. It was the room he woke up in the last time. Looking on a frown would come across his face and he would get out of the bed. What was in his head came to light as he heard the sounds of Christmas tunes playing. He just knew he was in that crazy Christmas place again. A dream in which he could not escape until. He had competed some type of goal. Flow would soon walk out of the room. Looking around he would see him again. It was the Hollykage waving down at him. As Flow rolled his eyes. The old man would say to him in rhythm yet again. " Flow oh flow with your eyes so bright. Could you please help me tonight?" Flow know what was up and he was not down for it.

As he made his way to the table Flow would say to the HollyKage. " Ok ok ok the last time I helped you I admit it helped me as well. But do tell me what it is that you need me for this time?" The Hollykage eyes would light up with hope. As he started to explain to Flow what had happen to him today. Looking on he would even say he got two others to help Flow out. To which his eyes would grow bigger at this. Flow would stop the Hollykage as he had heard enough. " Fine alright Fine I will go get this stuff back for you. But please old man stop invading my dreams and bringing me here geez." As he said that he would leave out of the work shop. As he was walking he would spot two people. Soon enough he would teleport right behind them. " It happened again how did that old man do such a thing? What type of justu do he even knows?" Looking at them two he would see Benji and wave at his fellow leaf ninja then he would see another person." Hello there you two it looks like we are team mates for this thing?"

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Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:33 pm
Murata steps from the flurries of snow behind Flow and Benji, sipping at her hot cocoa. She is surprised to see that her teammates did not bring their delicious drinks with them. Perhaps they had been rude, or used improper language in presence of the dear Hollykage? What a shame. Kita is here, as are two unfamiliar leaf-nin, one older and one a little kid who couldn't be older than ten. Oh, is this going to be awkward? She certainly hopes not. Perhaps the Hollykage is attempting to bring them together to mend political wounds with a bit of holiday spirit.

"Good evening, companions!" she says jovially, stepping forward to give Kita a friendly punch on the shoulder as she passes him. "Are we all ready to tear the fruits of the workers' labor from them?"

Murata has never been much of a sharp political thinker, but she does do a lot of reading. It amuses her that such a strange dream would spur her to act in a labor dispute in such a way. Perhaps her subconscious is guilty of her participation in Kirigakure's machinery of power?

She studies the tracks left by the sleigh, sipping at her cocoa thoughtfully. There are the twin lines left by the sleigh itself, of course, but what she is more interested in is the footprints. There are several sets, indicating that despite having access to this vehicle, they have largely been moving on foot. It's loaded full to bursting with their prize, then? The tracks are fairly deep. She examines the hoofprints left by the reindeer leading it - they have a sort of drag to them, as if the beasts move reluctantly, spurred on by captors. They lead into thick, foreboding forest. It seems like a move to discourage anybody from following, though it will certainly slow the thieves down as well unless they have access to some strange seasonal tricks. Murata looks back towards the team.

"Onwards, then! Please smile, Kita. You are looking as glum as the scenery."

Kita Hajime
Kita Hajime
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Mon Dec 07, 2020 4:17 pm
It was only a few moments before other shinobi began to show up. They appeared one after the other in a rapid succession, and Kita was almost certain that they would continue to show, but they stopped after the fourth of their group arrived. Kita looked at the other the ninja. Two of them were unknown to Kita, but the third was a familiar face. Kita breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Murata had appeared amongst the other two ninja. At least he wasn't alone in his unconscious mind.

The first of the ninja arrived a little while after Kita did, just as he was beginning to walk towards the forest. Kita turned around, observing that it was a younger lad, even younger than Kita was. Judging by his headband, Kita assumed that he was a ninja from Konohagakure. Kita's brow furrowed. He had heard something in the past about Konohagakure, but he hadn't really been informed of the situation in question. His mother had mentioned in past something about Konohagakure being a vassal of Kirigakure, but Kita hadn't paid much attention at the time. He walked up to Kita and extended a hand, seemingly recognizing him, and introducing himself as Benji Uchiha. Kita almost felt that he should recognize the last name, but he simply couldn't remember where he had heard it before. Kita was about to tell the young lad that he was mistaken, until he mentioned his Shadow Clone Jutsu. After that, Kita was about to inform him that he didn't remember the lad, but shrugged. It was a dream, so it was entirely possible that this kid knew him, but Kita didn't know the kid. Kita reached out and shook his hand. "I'm Kita, Kita Hajime. It's nice to meet you Benji! I appreciate the compliments. I spent a lot of time working on my Shadow Clone Jutsu." A thought crossed Kita's mind, and he grinned. "You asked about some of my stronger jutsu? I do happen to know how to make shadow clones of my weapons. I'll show you when we catch up to the workers that we're supposed to catch."

Moments later, another shinobi showed up, instantly materializing behind Benji. This one also seemed to be from Konohagakure, and Kita began to wonder if this dream would just be filled with Konohagakure ninja. As he rematerialized, he addressed Kita and Benji. "Hello there you two. It looks like we're teammates for this thing?" Kita nodded. "I think so. Apparently we have to go ahead and get back the man in the study's supplies from his workers. It should be easy enough, assuming that they aren't very strong. It's nice to meet you by the way! My name is Kita Hajime. You are?"

The last of the shinobi arrived. It appeared that Murata had made an appearance in the dream. She walked by Kita, playfully punching his shoulder as she went. "Good evening companions!" She said, smiling as she did. "Are we all ready to tear the fruits of the workers' labor from them?" She walked over to the tracks in the snow, and examined them. Kita wondered what she was thinking about. "I've gotta tell you Murata, it's good to have a familiar face here. I was worried for a while that I wouldn't know anyone at all here." She stood up and looked back at the other three, giving a warm grin. "Onwards then! Please smile, Kita. You are looking as glum as the scenery." Kita gave a nervous chuckle, and followed the kunoichi into the snow, tracking down the rogue workers.

As they walked towards the distant forest of pine, Kita talked a bit with his companions. Specifically, Kita talked with Benji, who seemed particularly curious about his ninja techniques. Kita was more than happy to oblige, as he felt a particular pride in what he had managed to learn as a ninja. "Remember what I told you about earlier? About cloning your weapons? Well, it's a jutsu called the Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu. It's relatively simple, but very useful. When you throw a shuriken or some other similar weapon like a kunai or senbon, you use the Ram, Rat, Bird, Boar, Tiger, Ox, and Tiger again in that order, like so, and you'll create about 50 copies of whatever weapon you threw! It won't go off right now, because I haven't thrown a weapon, and I'm not using any chakra, but you might see it in action in a little bit if the workers decide to get hostile." Kita felt his brow furrow as he checked the side of his pajamas. To his surprise, as he reached down for his ninja tools, he actually found them. He found his katana as well, which he hadn't noticed was attached to his side. It was a pleasant surprise, even if it was a little jarring. Maybe he would actually need them for the upcoming confrontation? Regardless, Kita decided to change the subject. "So enough about my jutsu for now. We were all brought in by the same old man right? White hair and beard? Red suit? A bit large around the stomach area? I don't know much about him, but I was hoping that you all did. I keep having weird dreams about snow and stuff every night, and I think that he might have something to do with that. What do you guys know about him?"

After some time walking, the group stood at the base of the pine forest, the tracks of their quarry disappearing into the trees. Kita looked at the rest of the group, and then back at the the tracks. "So, are we all ready to beat up some factory nerds?"

Word Count - 956 Words

Total Word Count - 1829
Uchiha Benji
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Tue Dec 08, 2020 9:43 am
After the boy introduced himself, the shinobi from Kirigakure kindly returned the introduction. The introduction revealed that Kita Hajime is his name and that he has worked quite a bit on his technique. Then he saw on the shinobi's face that Benji's admiration for his knowledge filled him with pride, and he kindly made a recommendation to the boy.
- "You asked about some of my stronger jutsu? I do happen to know how to make shadow clones of my weapons. I'll show you when we catch up to the workers that we're supposed to catch." - said it Kita
Ohh I may have heard of this jutsu before. This seems like a very powerful technique, I hope I can learn from you - answered Benji
Then came a 3rd shinobi in addition from Konoha. He gestured to Benji from afar, and Benji returned the waving with a smile. It was good for him that another man had come from their village. Once the 3rd boy got to them, he immediately started with a greeting and asked if this would be the team for the mission. Kitari responded immediately to the new teammate.
 - "I think so. Apparently we have to go ahead and get back the man in the study's supplies from his workers. It should be easy enough, assuming that they aren't very strong. It's nice to meet you by the way! My name is Kita Hajime. You are?"
- Yeah there are now 3 of us. It will be a very easy task for us boys. We have to teach some lesson to these elves. - said Uchiha Benji confidently - By the way, I am very happy, because I see another face from Konoha.
Then the 4th shinobi arrived, presumably the last. Starting from her headband, she also came from Kirigakure. Judging by her gestures, the two of them already knew each other with Kita. She tapped Kita on the shoulder friendly. Kita happily greeted her in their circles. He was happy to have a familiar face here, too, so he felt less unique.
- Hello my name is Uchiha Benji from Konoha! Nice to meet you! I think you are the last member of our team, so we can start it!
The group then set out on their way through the pine forest. From the past, Kita and Benji walked. The weather was quite cold, windy and snowy, but it was already common in the Land of Iron. Benji specifically hates extreme weather, so he hates this country too. I mean, he only hates the weather for half of it, he really liked the city fair. As they walked silence reigned over the company. Only the thickening sound of the wind could be heard. It was a new situation for everyone, with new people. Benji sank into his thoughts. He thought he could learn a lot from Kita, and he hoped it would happen that way. Suddenly, Kita's voice broke the silence as his question turned to Benji.
-"Remember what I told you about earlier? About cloning your weapons? Well, it's a jutsu called the Shuriken Shadow Clone jutsu. It's relatively simple, but very useful. When you throw a shuriken or some other similar weapon like a kunai or senbon, you use the Ram, Rat, Bird, Boar, Tiger, Ox, and Tiger again in that order, like so, and you'll create about 50 copies of whatever weapon you threw! It won't go off right now, because I haven't thrown a weapon, and I'm not using any chakra, but you might see it in action in a little bit if the workers decide to get hostile. - led up to Benji
"Ohh Shuriken Shadow Clone of course! I knew I have heard it somewhere. I learned about it in Academy"- thought is Benji - Ohh yes, I learned it in the Academy. It is a very, very dangerous jutsu.. 50 copies from a Shuriken, oh my god... I hope I can learn it from you, when you will use it. To be honestly, I will have a help for it - the boy said mysteriously, but then he thought of his Sharingan
After that, Uchiha Benji’s motivation increased even more. I’ve been less and less bothered by the bad weather and that it has to be here. Now he wanted to learn at all costs. A thousand images played out in his head where he uses the newly learned jutsu. He will be able to win against a lot of shinobi with this technique if he manage to master it. After the conversation, Kita changed the subject.
-"So enough about my jutsu for now. We were all brought in by the same old man right? White hair and beard? Red suit? A bit large around the stomach area? I don't know much about him, but I was hoping that you all did. I keep having weird dreams about snow and stuff every night, and I think that he might have something to do with that. What do you guys know about him?" - changed the subject Kita
- Yes, white hair and long white beard. He is old, and little bit fatty. His clothes are completely red. Slightly annoying figure. I can’t rest myself for days because he is constantly harassed me with asks for help. I’ve already told him to finally let him sleep, but he constantly wants something from me. He’s always the same, and always in the same snowy cold stupid place. I hate the cold anyway and I hate that much movement. At least I could rest during sleep. I've tried everything I can to sleep through the night, but I'm constantly awake here. He’s always talking about some reward, but I think he’s just lying to me. I don’t know much about him, just his name. And that he has something special power, because he can always teleport me. Quite a mysterious, strange figure. - answered Benji
Then, after the conversation, they walked for a while and reached the depths of the forest. At that time, Kita spoke as to whether they were ready to search for the elves. Benji had been ready for a long time, in fact, he couldn't wait to finally see that strong jutsu. 
- Okay guys, I'm able to detect a chakra when it is nearby. I think let’s scatter into 2 teams, and when one of us finds a clue, signal the other team. They don’t seem too strong, but let’s be careful. No one should ever be underestimated, they are dangerous because we do not know them. - warned his companions the young boy.
Then the boy closed his eyes, then opened them and shouted "Sharingan!" And his eyes turned bloody red. Then the boy's vision changed, but he hadn't noticed a chakra nearby yet. 
- Kita I think we should be on one team, because Ghost can also detect the chakra. Do you agree with me? - asked him Benji
Then if Kita says yes, they will start right away and Benji will keep exploring the forest with his eyes. If the elves are found, the other team is notified immediately. However, if another team notifies them, they will go there immediately.  However, if his peers don’t agree with this plan, he will follow his peers ’plan, not sticking to his own vision this time around.

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Tue Dec 08, 2020 10:08 pm
Soon enough Flow would look around and see the group of four. Two of them were clearly not a face he would know. But this is a dream after all and him revealing himself would not be so bad. As he looked on as the other shinobi would talk talk to him. His name was given as Flow would hear this. Thinking to himself for a minute he would say. " Nice to meet you all and it seems the holly jolly guy pucked you lots as well. But to be clear my name is Flow Ghost Uchiha. I am, well we do not need to get in there. But I see you all as not so bad. As it is christmas and we are all on the same mission." Looking on as he said that the Konichi would start talk. She would began to make a small conversation with the one Flow was just talking to. It seemed the two seem to know each other and then Flow would start to think. "Is it something of a trend that they all got zoomed here out of the blue? Just what was going on and what in the world was a little helper?" 

Next the Konichi would start to do her work. As she looked around the place Flow would take a eye to it all as well. Looking on as she came to an end. Seeing what she had stopped at. It was the freaking woods of all places. Flow even though he learned neared them he hated them to say the least. They was too creepy for his taste. " Ok then it looks like we will be heading deep into the forrest of these dead tree woods. But when we find these little helper people. Just what will be our game plan here? As I am sure we can not use true force on them. But we need to get back everything that they took. I say we put them in a genjustu and call it one. But that is just in case nothing else goes as planned." He would say that as he looked on to say the least. As Flow would wait to see what would his team of four do next. As he truly was not a person who liked violence in any way or form. Which is why he opt to use his genjsutu skiil.

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Wed Dec 09, 2020 12:55 pm
Murata nods along with Kita and Benji's plans, turning towards Flow. "That leaves us together, then?"

They skulk forward through the dim, the dark shapes of gnarled, barren trees looming all around. Murata's movements are dead quiet, even the chain links of her armor silent by some strange power. If Flow pays close attention, he will see that she is not so much as leaving footprints.

Benji had split the teams based on his understanding of their sensory abilities. She is unsure of Flow's exact abilities, but she does not hesitate to reach out with her own chakra. Murata forms the Seal of Confrontation, focusing deeply to stretch her perception outwards with Mind's Eye of the Kagura. Her teammate's chakra signatures reach her - Flow of course quite close, and Kita and Benji off to their right. Further, just on the edge of their perception - coming into clearer focus - is something... strange. An elusive, strange, flickering thing, prickling at her awareness in greens and reds, feeling warm and cozy. As they move forward, this strange energy separates more clearly into defined forms. It isn't... quite chakra, but it certainly is residing in people-shaped containers. Very small people shapes.

"I have them," she murmurs to Flow - before bringing her hand to her lips to let out a haunting, droning whistle signal to inform the other team that their quarry is in sight. It's a Kirigakure signal, so it is good that they split up in this fashion - she is unsure how mutually intelligible they would be with Konohagakure's. It would be a design flaw if they were, really. "You were to use illusions, yes? Now is your chance. Be careful. I do not think they use Chakra, exactly."

[TWC: 624]

leaving out AP expenditures bc real combat can't happen in the holiday threads, etc. (and I'm lazy)
Kita Hajime
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Yuletide Log Retrieval [Open to 3] Empty Re: Yuletide Log Retrieval [Open to 3]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 3:08 am
Kita nodded in response to Benji's question. "If you and Flow can track chakra somehow, then it might be better if each of us split up to cover more ground. Just so long as we don't go too far." Kita and Benji split off from Flow and Murata, Kita and Benji diverting themselves to the right while Murata and Flow went to the left. Kita followed along behind Benji, attempting to stay quiet as his footsteps crunched through the snow. Kita winced with each step, certain that he would alert their quarry of their position, yet nothing came.

Kita followed behind Benji as he scoured the forest with his reddened eyes. Kita wanted to ask him what it was, but knew that now was not the time. Kita looked at it, and memories began to resurface. "I wonder if it's similar to the Byakugan? I mean, Kato and Kasumi were able to track things with their eyes, so maybe this is some sort of offshoot from that ability. I don't know, the veins in his eyes don't seem to swell up. Maybe I'll find out after the mission." Kita followed behind Benji for just a few more moments, before hearing the sound of a whistle.

It was only a moment before the memory was connected with the sound. This was a Kirigakure whistle designed to signal other Kirigakure ninja. Its intention was to alert those who knew the signal where the location of the other person was, and sending those who didn't into a panic, wondering what sort of animal could have made a noise as sinister and haunting as that. Even knowing that it was just Murata, it still sent a chill up Kita's spine. He help up a hand to stop Benji, and whispered in a low voice, "That's a Kirigakure whistle. It looks like Flow and Murata found our workers. Follow me." Kita channeled chakra to his feet, and leapt into one of the trees, making sure not to let his feet crunch against the snow anymore (Tree Climbing/Surface Walking Technique). Kita waited for Benji to follow, slipping through the trees towards Murata's location. From his position in the trees on his way to Murata, Kita could see some of the workers that they were after hidden below. His eyes widened when he saw that each and every one of them was a small person, no more than three feet tall. They had pointed noses and ears, and all of them wore festive red and green clothing. "Well. I'm interested to see how this dream gets any weirder."

It wasn't long before Kita found his way back to the other ninja, leaping as silently as he could to the empty space beside Murata. He failed miserably, and a loud crunch emerged, causing Kita to wince. It wasn't time to feel bad about it though. Kita turned to Flow and Murata. "I happened to see a couple of the workers that we're supposed to catch. I didn't happen to see the sleigh unfortunately." Kita paused for a moment, assessing his options. "I say that our best option is probably to split up, and corner them from a couple different sides. That way we can take them prisoner without casualties, and we can catch them in one foul swoop, cutting off their escape route at the same time." Kita paused for a moment, pursing his lips. Kita nodded once, deciding on a course of action as he placed his fingers together in a cross, summoning two shadow clones on either side of himself (Shadow Clone Jutsu). Kita looked at the two clones on either side of himself, satisfied in his work. "I say that we head them off from three different sides. Each of you can take your own approaches, and I'll back you up. Flow, you take this shadow clone. Benji, you can take this one. I'll stay with Murata. We'll all follow commands." Kita nodded once, satisfied. He was ready to be done with this mission. After helping these dream shinobi out, Kita would make sure that he would wake up as soon as possible, sound asleep in his bed.

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Word Count - 694

Total Word Count - 2523

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Yuletide Log Retrieval [Open to 3] Empty Re: Yuletide Log Retrieval [Open to 3]

Thu Dec 10, 2020 5:26 am
approved plant boi
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