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Uchiha Benji
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Sun Dec 27, 2020 8:00 am
After the flames were over, the boy noticed through the window the legs of the Naughty Kage moved towards the house. Because of the sharingan, he had a much faster reaction time than his partner, so he noticed it before Gonk. He saw everything in slow motion. The moment he saw Naughty Kage started moving toward the house, he activated Full Utilization and just told his companion: Stay behind me! The NaughtyKage already moved 1 meter toward the house, when Benji started stepping toward the door in a straight line, with his max 129 speed. The boy went 5 meters in total, toward the door, while forming hand seals at max speed: Horse → Dog →  Ram →  Dragon → Tiger → Snake. (V7 Great Fire Annihilation) The instant Benji completed the series of handseals, he raised the Snake handseal to chin level. At that time, Naughty Kage was 2 meters from the door. NaughtyKage couldn't see that the boy had noticed him, nor that he had walked toward the door, since NaughtyKage had already set out for the house, and the boy had deliberately made sure NaughtyKage didn't notice him. The boy stood 5 meters from the door. The moment the door opened, the boy immediately fired his technique at the door toward the Naughty Kage. A 25 meters high, 25 meters wide fire wall went toward the NaughtyKage. As it emerges through the 8-inch gap, it expands there again to 25 meters wide and moves another 35 meters forward. The NaughtyKage was 5 meter away from the boy and suddenly this attack came as a surprise. If he may have had time to use FireBall jutsu, it won’t save his life either, as this technique is more powerful and will destroy it as well as NaughtyKage. NaughtyKage burned crisp in this huge fire and immediately lost his life. At such a low distance, there was no chance of avoiding this attack, which went toward him with 110 speed, and 110 power. Gonk and Benji completed the mission, and after NaughtyKage's death, they both return to their own homes. They successfully got out of this snowglobe.

WC: 357

TWC: 2350

Boosted Stats:


exit post.

I'm waiting for Vlad's reaction, and after I'll do my claimings.
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Sun Dec 27, 2020 5:15 pm
The door had opened only about 5 inches, the Sharingan instantly picking up on the chakra of the Great Fire Annihilation, by the time the door had opened to 5 inches, the fire had moved around 7 inches as it was expelled the moment a millimetre of the door opened, with Benjis vision completely blocked by his own jutsu. The Naughty Kage, instinctively moved his left hand towards the wooden door knob, securing his grip on it just after it had a opened further 4.8 inches, pulling it back shut at top speed and strength. Even if he failed to shut the door on time, having stopped the door after it had opened only 9.8 inches, the great fire would simply slam the door shut on arrival and as it was travelling in a linear fashion in the form of a wall, no one side of the fire would approach faster than the other which would ensure that no flames would escape and harm the Naughty Kage before the door was fully shut by which point he would have been fully protected by the door, it’s strength and durability identical to that of the walls that surrounding the interior.

The fire would continue on its trajectory, with the 25 meters of height and width being compressed into a height of 10 meter and a width of 10 meters because of the dimensions of the shack, and with the fire having nowhere to escape, with the door shut and the interior airtight, the third law of motion would come into play. The instant the Great Fire Annihilation clashed against the wall, as it was weaker, triggered an opposite reaction which effectively pushed the Great Fire Technique back at the direction that it came from, striking and burning Benji alive before residing Gonk to the same fate.

WC – 306

OOC – Claiming both hits, feel free to call a Battle Mod if you disagree or find anything in my post unreasonable.
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Tue Dec 29, 2020 10:29 pm
Okay, first up I would like to apologise for the wait on this. I've been a bit busy lately and lost track of time yesterday. But, let's get into this shall we.

Closing the Door

So, from what I read when I was being called in, a major point of contention was that Vlad closed the door. Now, this would be a valid point if Vlad hadn't done it the way that he had, because he had his character change his actions and close the door only after he opened it to see your actions in progress, which then allows him to change his actions into this. Now, I will say that kicking the door open to the point that the door itself swung open, then it being changed to only being 5 inches isn't going to work. So, I'm gonna say the door opened fully... but Vlad still has more than enough time to close the door before the GFA reaches him. So, ruling on this, Vlads actions are indeed valid.


Now, I'm pretty sure this was all I was asked to come in to clarify, but if I'm wrong feel free to let me know. Now, do keep in mind that just because his actions go through now doesn't mean that the hits he claimed will, you guys can still post your own reactions to this, but you'll need to make sure you do stuff correctly if you wanna survive this. All in all, I have to say this Hunter is helping you guys get better, and I am quite happy to see it from all of you.

If you have any other issues feel free to DM me, or post another BM request.
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Thu Dec 31, 2020 6:42 pm
As Benji made his hand seals and prepared for the jutsu, Gonk stepped one meter to the left at full speed, so he was directly across from the window, and could still see the door. Just like Gonk asked, Benji created a thin stream of fire out of his mouth, which expanded and moved towards the door. But before the jutsu grew to full size, Gonk could see the door close again, leaving them trapped inside the house with a wall of fire. 
Gonk quickly turned to Benji, panicked. “Quickly, cancel the jutsu!” Gonk yelled, for he knew of the closed door. If Benji didn’t immediately cancel the jutsu, Gonk would draw his katana and stab him in the chest at full speed. Gonk wouldn’t be dying to his teammate’s flame. As soon as the wall of fire disappeared, be it from Benji’s free will or death, Gonk ran forward 10 meters at max speed, weaving five hand seals as he went. Gonk stopped directly in front of the window and immediately spotted the Naughtykage, who was still standing in front of the closed door. Gonk immediately used water dragon jutsu, and caused a puddle five meters directly behind the Naughtykage to silently rise up in the shape of a dragon. The dragon was 20 meters tall and 3 meters wide in the body, and had a head that was 4 meters long and 3.5 meters wide. Immediately upon formation, the dragon’s head shot down at the Naughtykage, traveling at 61 speed. The dragon’s head slammed into the Naughtykage, who had no way of knowing of the dragon’s existence, killing him with a 61 power strike. The dragon would then bring his head up 3 meters off the ground, ready to strike again if necessary.
[Jutsu Used: Water Dragon Bullet]
[AP Used: 45]
[AP Remaining: 619]

Last edited by Gonk on Fri Jan 01, 2021 12:43 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Added jutsu used and ap costs)
Uchiha Benji
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:58 am
As soon as the door began to open, the boy fired the fire jutsu toward the NaughtyKage. Benji created a thin stream of fire out of his mouth, when his teammate, Gonk noticed that the door was closed. At that moment, he immediately shouted at Benji to stop this jutsu. The boy immediately grasped what his partner was saying, thanks to his quick reaction time, and canceled the jutsu before it would have grown to its full size and before it could harmed himself or his partner, Gonk. Then he saw that the door in front of him was closed. He immediately began to form hand seals with his max 129 speed: Tiger > Rat > Dog > Boar > Slam hands on ground ([V7] Blistering Web). At that time, underground nets began to spread within a radius of 15 meters at a speed of 95. Benji stood 5 meters in front of the door. NaughtyKage stood directly on the other side of the door unsuspectingly as the web reached below him. At that time, the boy also felt that the NaughtyKage was standing on the net, so he immediately formed the "Ram" hand seal and caused an explosion just below the NaughtyKage. Then a 4 meter wide and tall fiery explosion happened directly at the NaughtyKage position with 95 power. The door was closed at the time of the explosion and the explosion is not strong enough to damage the door or walls, so Benji and Gonk are safe inside the house. NaughtyKage can't spot this jutsu underground, so he is likely to fall victim to the explosion and die in it immediately. The floor of the wooden house is made of natural trees, so it has 75 health. The floor was 20 centimetes thick.

WC: 286

TWC: 2636

AP things:

OOC: claimed a hit

Last edited by Uchiha Benji on Fri Jan 01, 2021 10:59 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : AP things)
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Sat Jan 02, 2021 9:12 am
As the door shut, the Naughty Kages hands flew into a series of handseals in the hopes of deploying an effective counter attack. The instant he completed the last hand seal, he heard a yell from the interior. ‘Quickly, cancel the jutsu’ shouted one of the visitors, so loud in fact that the Naughty Kage could hear it outside. The Naughty Kage made use of his foot once again in order to inch the door open approximately 8 inches at top speed, observing the quickly fading Great Fire Annihilation with the aid of his Sharingan. The density and relative velocity of what was left of the technique indicated to the Naughty Kage that it was being dispelled in accordance to the instructions provided be one of the two boys. Taking advantage of the now small obstruction created by the fading flame wall, the Naughty Kage raised the Tiger hand seal, releasing a 6-inch-wide stream of fire through the 8 inch gap, effortlessly as threading a needle. The stream moved at top speed, evolving into the 20 meter fire ball of destruction, effectively torching everyone in its wake. The moment the Naughty Kage fully released the Fire Ball, the great fire wall that was cancelled by the Uchiha had completely faded and so he reached out, once again at his top speed and closed the door of the shack.

At this point, the purple haired Genin had only just began to move as he awaited the complete disappearance of the Fire Wall while the Uchiha simply stood there likely in awe of the Naughty Kages brilliance. The newly formed fire ball moving directly towards him at full speed, power and size. The 20 meter diameter of the Fire Ball filled every gap in the shack as it moved from the entrance inwards not sparing a single nook and cranny of the 10 meter by 10 meter shack. While unable to destroy the walls, the technique would hit the Uchiha, roast him on the spot before continuing to do the same to his comrade.

WC - 342
Speed: 69
Great Fire Ball Stats: 75 Speed & Power
1041 AP – 10 – 40 = 991 AP

OOC – Point after Benji stopped Great Fire Wall would be void for him as he doesn’t meet the requirements to perform the Blistering Web technique and his action were contingent on it. #Read.
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Sun Jan 03, 2021 10:14 pm
Gonk had just started running forward when he noticed the door opening once again. Benji was still five meters ahead of him, as Gonk hadn’t even traveled a meter. Upon seeing the fireball, Gonk immediately stopped and started forming five hand signs at max speed.
“I’ll have to get the power of this jutsu just right,” Gonk realized. “Too much and I’ll flood the house and kill Benji. Too little, and I’ll be burnt to a crisp!” While forming the hand seals, Gonk called out “Benji, get behind me,'' loud enough that Benji could hear, but not so loud that the Naughtykage could hear from outside. A large amount of water then burst out of Gonk’s mouth, spiraling and turning into a vortex, moving at 61 speed. Benji would be hit by either this spiral of water or the fireball if he didn’t move when Gonk told him to. Gonk would rather have the boy live, but if it were Gonk or Benji, Gonk would save himself without hesitation. To the luck of the people in the house, Gonk had gotten the power of the jutsu just right, and when the vortex collided with the fireball, they both disappeared to nothing. As soon as the two jutsus canceled each other out, Gonk made a mad dash for the door, traveling at his max 88 speed, not wanting to spend a second longer in the house. Gonk threw open the door as soon as he reached it, and stepped out of the doorway and into the snowstorm. If the Naughtykage was still in the doorway, he would receive a 63 power punch in the face, killing him instantly. If not, Gonk would move one meter away from the house at max speed and remain on guard for what would happen next.
Nerd Shit:
Uchiha Benji
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Tue Jan 05, 2021 2:00 pm
Benji, thanks to the Sharingan, had a terribly quick reaction time. The boy saw everything in slow motion. As the door began to open, Gonk didn't even realize what was happening, Benji immediately turned 180 degrees back and ran at full speed toward Gonk. By the time the door opened 8 inches, Benji went already 3 meters towards Gonk. So when Naughty Kage started using jutsu, Benji was already 8 meters from NaughtyKage and Gonk was 10 meters away. The jutsu was traveling at about the same speed as Benji, a very little faster, which was almost imperceptible. (Jutsu speed is 75, Benji speed is 69). Benji went around Gonk and stood behind him before Gonk started his jutsu. At that time, the Fireball was 7.5 meters from Gonk. So Gonk had plenty of time to use jutsu to destroy the Fireball technique, and Benji stood safely right behind Gonk. By the time the two jutsu collided, the door on which the Naughty Kage stood was already fully open. So the two jutsu destroy each other and so Gonk and Benji survived NaughtyKage's attack unscathed. Benji is on standby and ready for the counterattack.

WC: 194

TWC: 2830

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Wed Jan 06, 2021 7:54 pm
As both the Naughty Kage and Benji performed their actions at an identical top speed, by the time the door had opened 8inches, Benji would only be 8 inches into his 180 degree rotation. The instant the fire ball began forming, expanding, and traveling forward, Gonk released his Great Vortex Technique in the hopes of countering the Fire Ball. With Benji moving at a speed of 69 directly towards Gonk, who was releasing the Great Vortex 1 meter to the right of Benji that was travelling in a linear direction expanding to a length of 50 meters with the diameter of 25 meters at the speed of 60 in the time that it would have taken Benji to travel 2.7 meters, the Great Vortex would have expanded and travelled approximately 2.3 meters, effectively capturing the young Uchiha in its radius, hitting him like a truck. With the Uchiha only having a measly 5 strength, he would be unable to resist the Vortex technique thus caught in violently churning water that would inevitably tear him apart.

At this point in time, with the speeds being relative, the Fireball would have travelled a distance of 3 meters from the entrance. With a gap of around 5 meters between the two techniques, if Gonk was to cancel the technique at this point he might be able to save Benji from the Great Vortex however, the technique would no longer over power the Fire Ball that would come to roast them.

On the other hand, if the Vortex was to continue, it would have to travel a further approximate of 2.5 meters before violently crashing against the fire ball. It would immediately destroy the fireball before continuing to fill the room while heading towards the entrance. Meanwhile, the entrance of the property would still be closed so as the Vortex connected with the far wall, if Benji was still alive the impact force of the connection would further reinforce his death sentence.

Furthermore, at the point of collision if Gonk cancelled the technique, enough water would have been accumulated to trigger the opposite reaction upon collision with the wall connected to the entrance. With that, the Great Vortex would immediately double back towards the duo, potentially putting them out of their misery.

On the other side of the door, the Naughty Kage would stand, holding the door shut while waiting.

WC: 396
991 AP – 10AP = 981 AP.
Impact Force = 122 ((60 from Base Power Speed /2) + (125/2 Env Damage)).
Claiming Hit on Benji via Great Vortex.
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The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter] - Page 2 Empty Re: The Boy, The Grinch, and the Copycat [Hunter]

Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:55 pm
As the water spewed from his mouth, Gonk noticed the boy wasn’t behind him, but there was nothing he could do about it, so he watched as Benji was ripped to shreds by his vortex. It was a shame, but nothing Gonk could have avoided. Unfortunately for himself, Gonk didn’t lower the power of the jutsu enough, causing the vortex to overpower the fireball, and continue on. Since the house wasn’t big enough for the jutsu to fully spread out or reach its maximum length, the churning water turned back towards him. Before it reached him, Gonk quickly canceled the jutsu, which caused the building to fill with harmless water, that because of his gills, Gonk was able to breathe. As soon as the vortex was gone, Gonk started swimming forwards 10 meters at his max 113 swimming speed, while moving a total of one meter to the right to place him directly in front of the door. As soon as he reached the door, he stopped and used his full 63 strength to open the door that the Naughtykage held closed. As soon as the door fully opened, all of the water started to flood out, pouring Gonk out with it. Gonk fell out of the cursed house, and directly on top of the Naughtykage, if he was still standing there after the door was ripped out of his hands. Seeing who he landed on, Gonk wasted no time in grabbing a kunai or his sword, and instead slit his throat with the sharp scales on his right arm. If the Naughtykage had moved at some point before Gonk landed on him, Gonk would run straight at him with his full speed, as soon as he tumbled out of the house, determined to catch the Naughtykage and kill him once and for all.
A Few Notes:
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