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Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Oct 25, 2021 5:16 am
The anticipation and rigidity of the lad’s muscles as witnessed by the red eye told Noboru that he was trying to hold back his excitement; he understood the feeling all too well. It was deserved, to be sure, but one must learn to temper pride with humility lest the shine of their glory blinds them from the pitfalls ahead. He also knew that all too well.

When answering to the Raikage’s proposed promotion, the orange haired colossus dropped to one knee, accepting the charge. Noboru always felt conflicted with these demonstrations of reverence; he felt he might not deserve it -- after all, the Jugo nearly caught him in a field that could’ve folded Noboru into a briefcase for all he knew -- yet it came with the territory, and it served him well to maintain this semblance of power whether he was the one yielding it or another. He motioned with his right hand twice upwards just as he disabled his techniques and dojutsu. “Glad to hear, now get back on your feet.”

He then halted himself as Satoru asked a question. “Go ahead”, he said, hearing the next question. “You are correct”, he confirmed, squinting his eyes ever so lightly as he listened to Satoru explain his findings regarding the red eye. Six months well spent indeed. He chuckled before explaining how it might be ironic for the hunted to scavenge themselves. Reflected in his words was the entire history of the Kumogakure, as well as speckles of Noboru’s own history. The Jugo asked if one such red eye might be available for sale, and further offered his own organs for the sake of the Kumogakure. Noboru chuckled, his eyebrows raising. “That’s quite generous of you, I’m sure our Hospital will be more than willing to take you up on that offer.” He scratched his hairline, thinking, before pointing it at Satoru momentarily as he spoke. “We recently came across two Sharingan, and both have been offered to two promising ninja from our village. Speak with Ichigo Sato anyway, if either of the candidates refused the eye, you can have it. I’ll write to Ichigo to inform him you’ll be coming. But there’s something else you should know.”

Satoru was definitely different, no longer the same lad that hunched over and wore a raggedy cloak and a gnarled stick. He bore himself proudly, looking over his shoulder only to find more people to drink with or to cover for his allies. ‘Twas near enough to make a grown man cry. But he halted himself. If Satoru was to take in organs and offer them willingly, and especially as a chunnin of the Kumogakure, he should know how Kumogakure operated.

“Every ninja of the Kumogakure is a tool for the village, the Raikage included. Tools of war to be used against the enemies of the Lightning Country, and tools of maintenance for the benefit of the country. As tools, in death, your bloodline will be recycled, so to speak. That is how we came about the Sharingan in Ichigo’s possession, as well as mine. Your willingness to share in life is commendable, still. I just think you deserve to know you are getting equipped with Kumogakure tools, for the benefit of the Kumogakure. It may be cruel, but in this world, we must do all we can to stay alive.”

“Now”, he snapped his fingers and brought back the robe and hat of the Raikage. “You are officially a chunin of the Kumogakure, so I expect you to behave as such. Visit me at my office, I want to learn more about this chakra control you discovered. I will also file your promotion into the system and you should see it reflected on your account. I have one last question though.”

“What was that field? Was it something like Temporary Paralysis?” He started to robe himself and adjust his hat back on his head.

WC: 653
TWC: 2055
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
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Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Wed Oct 27, 2021 3:26 am
Satoru remained in still as he eagerly listened to the Raikage. The prospect of the Sharingan being available at the village and in the hands of non-other than his buddy Ichigo was a promising outcome for the young Jugo. Naturally, he couldn’t disregard the fact that the eyes were allocated to other members of the village, one of whom being the winner of the Chuunin Exams no doubt.

Satoru nodded in response to the Raikages explanation relating to the Sharingan before being engrossed in the speech that followed. It was very much interesting to Satoru that the village operated under the guise of treating the ninja as tools and yet everyone within the confines of the large walls acts in the capacity of catalysts for the growth of fellow ninja. While the Raikages explanation made perfect sense to the Jugo who had read countless book about the tyranny that plagued the village as well as the literature that established the importance of psychological disassociation between life as a Ninja and a villager.

Naturally, Satoru responded with another nod in acknowledgement of the Raikages rhetoric. The conversation then turned to the topic of Satorus promotion. As the Raikage proclaimed that Satoru was now a Chunin of Kumogakure the orange haired giant responded with a “Thank you, sir.”

Satorus interest was peaked at the Raikage queried into the nature of the field style technique that the Jugo had utilised. “You have a sharp eye Lord Raikage.” he chuckled as he slowly rose from the ground, now a Chunin of Kumogakure. “Think of it as…” he raised a palm to his chin, “A technique that would have restricted your strength and movement potential.”

“I figured from our previous interaction that there was a high likelihood of the engagement evolving into a close quarter bout and so I hedged my bets with an effort to temporarily bind your bodies strength and speed potential.” he paused for a moment before nodding to himself a couple of times. “Probably worth givin’ you one of these if you don’t mind, sir.” he advanced towards the Raikage while performing 7 hand seals in quick succession before raising his index and middle finger. “It’s a Seal that acts as a method of protecting against techniques of the aforementioned nature. If you would be willing, I can place it on you at no detriment to yourself. You would need to navigate chakra into the seal to activate it though.”

If the Raikage allowed the Jugo to place the seal, he would do so at the Raikages area of choice. Upon placement, a small teal colored diamond seal would form on the area in question to signify the placement of the Seal of Protection. An observant onlooker would recall a similar seal on the Jugos right pectoral muscle. If not, Satoru would simply lower his extended hand, cancelling the placement.

WC – 470

Seal of Protection – 45AP (A)
Not tracking AP as we have it on tap and fights over lol
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Nov 01, 2021 7:32 am
Noboru listened intently to the lad as he rose from the ground and presented his theory on how Nobo might act, and as such, the use of a physical restrainer would’ve spelled trouble for the Raikage. Add to that the Swamp of the Underworld, a technique famous for ending anyone who skips leg day, and you’d have the recipe for disaster. That was a good confirmation that he had made a good decision in elevating this man to the rank of a chunin, he would’ve been wasted as a genin.

Satoru explained there were ways to counter it, and offered to place a seal on Noboru for that purpose. Noboru held up his right hand. “I would rather you teach me how to perform this seal. I am trying to… expand my portfolio, so to speak. I wouldn’t mind learning that body aura that you used, it probably boosts the power of your chakra, doesn’t it?”
WC: 156
TWC: 2211
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Nov 01, 2021 2:08 pm
Satoru didn’t take the Raikage for an expert in Fuuinjutsu and so the request to be taught both the seal and Satoru prior augmentation caught him off guard. Naturally, he obliged the Kage, “Yes it does augment chakra moulding capabilities.” He responded as he began showing the hand seals while explaining the method in which to mold the chakra relevant to the Seal of Protection while also covering the properties he would have to incorporate into the Seal to ensure that it’s functioning as intended.

If the Raikage was successful, Satoru would move onto the Soul Expulsion technique, mentioning: “This body aura also protects you from similar style weakening chakra to some degree.” He would add as he’d go onto explain the intricacies of forming the aura and how it shaped your soul after performing the seals. Naturally as someone who was more than adept in Ninjutsu, the Raikage would be able to pick this technique up with relative ease.

Once both techniques were taught and in turn learnt, Satoru would await patiently to be dismissed by the Raikage. Should he be dismissed, he would make his way out of the Arena collecting his Legacy Kunai in the process.
[Possible Exit]

Claiming Chuunin - will do WC stuff later
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Ryo : 0

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Nov 01, 2021 4:33 pm
Approved Rankup, congrats!
Noboru Kaito
Noboru Kaito
Stat Page : The father,
The son,
The daughter
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 155

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Sun Nov 14, 2021 8:35 am
The young Jugo seemed to be surprised about the request, whether because Noboru didn’t strike him as a Fuinjutsu expert or because he was startled that the Raikage denied him the opportunity to apply a seal, he couldn’t really tell. But this was one of the rare instances in which Noboru was not driven by the paranoia of allowing someone to touch him, but rather by genuine curiosity of the art the Jugo could teach him.

Noboru paid attention to the man as he spoke, explaining the intricacies of the techniques, going through the hand seals, chakra molding, and application. The redhead was quite surprised by how enhancing his chakra volume differed from enhancing his musculature; he never felt power like this, and wondered what it would be like if he had greater chakra reserves to boost. On the other hand, he had never wondered what someone with greater chakra reserves felt about their own bodies; how could they live if they were so fragile was beyond him, but he had seen great feats from people who were not as physically capable as he was.

Thanking Satoru for his time in explaining the Soul Expulsion and Seal of Protection techniques, the two departed in different directions, the exam now finalized.
WC: 210
TWC: 2421
Claiming at 50% Teaching Discount:
1250 towards A-Rank Soul Expulsion
875 towards B-Rank Seal of Protection
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Nov 15, 2021 12:46 am
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Into the Lions Den - Page 2 Empty Re: Into the Lions Den

Mon Nov 29, 2021 8:33 am
Total Word Count = 3830

Claiming = 905 + 220 = 1125/1125 - 3000 - 610 / 1125
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