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Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Bite the Dust v2

Tue Nov 16, 2021 2:14 pm
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The Summit had concluded and it was time for the Jugo and his comrade to make their way back to the Land of Lightning. Having just departed the city centre of the Tea Country, the duo quickly found themselves in an open area of natural earth that spanned 500 meters in every direction. There were scuff marks along the ground and signs of struggles which indicate an element of activity in this area. The Jugos eyes wondered as he muttered, “Keep close.” to the Deputy Kage. As it stood, both Satoru and Ichigo were in the centre of the 500 meter field and there wasn’t a single obstruction in sight. Both were clad in the Darkened Skies armor but they had their wits about them.

To the north, past the 500 meter point there was a large body of water. To the east and west, past the 500 meter point were large forests while 500 meters to the south there laid a decent sized mountain. As he stood, Satoru faced north, in an effort to spot the cause of the scuff marks but there wasn’t anything in sight. “You see anything?” he muttered to Ichigo.

WC - 195
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Tue Nov 16, 2021 3:15 pm
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A lilac eye hidden underneath the Darkened Skies Mk II armor scanned the area, a desolate place where both men found themselves surrounded by nothing more than natural earth. Ichigo and Satoru, at the center of it all with 500m around them in every direction. Past each point, north, east, west and south would be a large body of water, forests and a mountain respectively. With one of his dojutsu activated the Drunk remained on guard in case an unpleasant surprise decided to show up. "Nothing so far, the moment someone enters the 100m mark around us they won't be able to hide from us". Unless using something that concealed themselves from even the Byakugan of course.

Slowly moving a couple of meters to his left Ichigo created a safe distance of 5m between Satoru and himself in case a situation arose where both men had to act, avoiding to get in each other's way. "Even though we seem to be alone it won't hurt preparing as if we are to engage in battle", his distorted voice underneath the mask would suggest. Considering they were in an area unbeknownst to them it was better to be safe than sorry. While the Jugo faced north, Ichigo would be facing west, not that it mattered much since his lilac eye granted him 360-degree vision within 100m of their position. Perhaps the Deputy was mistaken but for some reason he had quite the ominous feeling, as if he expected something to happen. In which case he would react immediately.

(WC: 256)

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Wed Nov 17, 2021 12:36 am

Ifour had been tracking Ichigo Sato for days now, and still had not found an opportunity to strike which was frustrating to say the least. Ifour was a hitman for hire and his target was the Deputy Kage of Kumogakure. Another shinobi within the village had sought out Ifour’s help in order to take out Ichigo so that they may have an opportunity to backfill his position upon the deputy departing from the world of the living. Ifour coughed. “How pathetic. To think a shinobi would pay me to kill someone from their own village is the reason why I do this job. But its been 4 days and I still havn’t had a chance to catch him alone… he’s been accompanied by some brat.” Ifour mulled over his options.
“I’ve already accepted the payment… I could run. No, I can’t do that- my reputation is on the line… I’ll never be able to get another job again if I don’t follow through. Alright, looks like I am going to have to face this one head on, but it doesn’t mean I should run in there guns blazing… I’ll devise a plan.”
Shaded by the thick forest 500M to the east of the duo was where Ifour was hiding. He ripped his shirt and made small cuts on his arms to recreate a scene as if he had been attacked. Ifour planned to catch Ichigo off guard so that he could initiate a surprise attack during the moment of vulnerability. This wasn’t the first time that this tactic had worked for Ifour, and he hoped that it wouldn’t be his last.
Now that the proper preparations had been made, it was time for Ifour to follow through with his plan. Ifour exited the tree line and did his best impression to limp in the direction of where the two were last scene. If his information was correct, the two would be traveling this route back to their homes and Ifour was sure to run into them.
Ifour came within 50M of the two and began to yelp for help. “H-help me! I’ve been attacked! Help!” Ifour called out to them. Ifour was approximately 5 foot 11 inches tall and about 40 years old. He was wearing normal commoners clothing which made it easy for him to fit in- nothing of which gave off the idea that he was a rouge ninja or a shinobi. “P-please help! I’ve been attacked!” Ifour would yell out once more, continuing to limp towards the shinobi. Ifour was careful to study their movements in the case that they attacked him without reason- for all he knew, these two could be rouge ninja themselves and not his respectable deputy marker.
WC: 454
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:18 am
It is to be noted that Satoru wore a large black cloak over his armor to protect it from the elements. The cloak in question extended over the Jugos hands concealing them in their entirety. Because of how loose the cloak was, the Jugo would be able to perform an assortment of hand seals with relative ease – without anything ever realising.

With that in mind, he remained silent and motionless. He consumed the tell-tale signs of a fight: the first was the scuff marks; they were thoroughly ingrained into the ground as if created to serve a purpose. The next were the cuts in the western trees; they were all mostly symmetrical and progressed towards this open land in quite a linear direction. With the quantity of cuts, one would assume that there were multiple assailants in pursuit of an entity and yet with 500 meters of open land, the trained individuals who ended up causing these marks in the ground were unable to spill an ounce of blood?

Something was off and quite quickly the Jugos suspicions were confirmed. From east, an individual appeared: Satoru merely observed him via his peripheral vision, neglecting to turn and face the potential risk to himself and the Deputy Kage. As a result, the Jugos right shoulder would be aimed in the direction of the new arrival, his left – facing the Deputy. Satoru flashed the O for OK by bringing together his left index and thumb together: judging from the previous analysis of the veins protruding through one side of the Deputies temple, the Jugo figured that Ichigo was potentially utilising the Hyuuga Kekkei Genkai, the Byakugan.

The OK was intended to signal to the all-seeing eye of the Deputy; Satoru didn’t want Ichigo to react to the new arrival as to not rouse any suspicion. At first, the strange figure entered the 50 meter range, as far as Satoru could tell through his peripherals, the individual was injured: wearing the garms of a commoner but no single commoner would be able to escape the trained individuals who created the aforementioned assortment of scenes.

“Interesting.” He thought to himself, as the foe neared, now entering the 30 meter range. Despite being injured, this individual was moving at speeds twice that of the Jugos top speed so his progress up the field was somewhat concerning. As the man entered the 30 meter radius, his body aligned with Satorus; the Jugo pivoted, his body now facing the injured stranger with his compatriot located 5 meters behind him, 35 meters from the potential foe. “Stop there.” Boomed the Jugos voice as his left eye lit up with the crimson hue of the Sharingan. His eyes now seeing the new arrival in full view began dissecting information in relation to the wounds: the limp looked exasperated; the cuts on his arms were shallow and the directional trajectory of the weapons used indicated to the Jugo that the wounds weren’t created by aerial weapons.

The cuts were all uniform in size, shape and depth; as if they had been planted or perfectly placed on the old mans body. As the man stood at a height of 5ft 11, the only thought that entered the Jugos mind was in relation to how such a frail looking male could have survived a chase over 500 meters, only sustaining minor cuts and damage to his clothing?

Either the man was being chased by amateurs: which was unlikely due to the impacts on the surroundings scenery or he was having them on. “What’s your name?” Satoru inquired, his eyes very much focused on the mans legs. If the man responded, the Jugo would go onto ask, “Which leg did you injure?” – once again, if the man answered, Satoru would go onto ask the man – “Jump on the opposite leg as high and as hard as you can.” – his tone was commanding, direct and to the point. If at any point the old man failed to comply, the already half-mast flags of red would come to soon be bathed in his blood.
WC – 675

Nature Stacks – 2/6
Infinity Stacks – 3/6
2000 AP
- 10 Sharingan 3 Tomoe
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Wed Nov 17, 2021 2:48 pm
The ominous feeling Ichigo felt during their walk got confirmed as he noticed an individual suddenly made his appearance coming from the eastern side of the area. The Drunk's lilac eye, safely hidden underneath his mask, had no trouble picking up on the presence the moment they showed up in his 360-degree vision. So far a distance of 50m separated the two groups, the Drunk waiting on the cry for help before slowly turning into the stranger's direction. Seconds ago his Jugo companion signaled him through a simple motion, both men agreeing not to immediately react in order to not raise any suspicion.

Now that the stranger had entered the 35m range, 30m from Satoru considering Ichigo was currently standing exactly 5m behind the Jugo, perfectly hidden behind the bodyguard's impressive stature, the moment for the Drunk arrived to carefully observe both the individual as well as their surroundings in case others were lurking around the area. As he did, lilac eye still a secret from the newcomer, a couple of things caught his attention, all which only raised the suspicions he already had. The cuts on his arms were shallow, perfectly placed almost as if they were caused with a purpose. Ichigo's first thought was "these were inflicted on himself", however the Deputy remained silent as he continued his observation.

Going by the stranger's story, that of being attacked, a few other points came to mind. The man was dressed as a commoner, why would a group of bandits attack a commoner and if so, why did they do such a poor man's job? Given his profession, that being the head of the medical institute, the Doctor realized all of it had to be an act. Supposedly a limb, but still able to close the distance at double Ichigo's speed? Higly unlikely. Although not a detective it wouldn't exactly be rocket science to figure out something was amiss, even more so taking into account a Kage summit was just finished, a gathering of high ranked shinobi who may or may not have ended up as a target for assassination.

Still at the same position, exactly 5m behind Satoru and 35m away from the stranger, Ichigo noticed how his companion had started striking up a conversation, in case the man replied he would then be put to a test which would decide the Kumogakure delegation's next course of action. Of course, Ichigo prepared to react to anything at anytime.

(WC: 408, TWC: 664)

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Fri Nov 19, 2021 9:36 am
The brat that had been tailing Ichigo commanded Ifour to hault once he came within 30M, which he did. “M-my name is Ifour! Please you need to help me! M-my wife! She’s hurt bad in the woods!” Ifour pointed behind him while maintaining an exhausted and injured posture. “T-they ambushed us! Please! You’ve got to help us!”
The bray then asked Ifour which leg of his was injured and instructed him to jump on the opposite leg as high and as hard as he could. “Fucking kid.. what is this a circus?” Ifour thought to himself. “A-alright! It’s my left leg! I think it’s fractured!” Ifour called out to the duo, and then doing his best impression, would begin to balance on the opposite leg as hard as he could. Upon jumping, Ifour would let out a shriek “Ahh fuck!” and then plant his injured leg once more and begin to grab his shin with his opposite hand. “You see! Please we don’t have much time, they may still be in the forest!” Ifour would shout out.
If the two shinobi before him were honorable, they would rush to Ifour’s aid and once they turned their backs to him is when he would strike.

WC: 204
Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
Survived 2021
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Village : Kumogakure
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Sat Nov 20, 2021 10:08 am
The façade quickly fell apart. As the supposedly injured male obeyed the Jugos instructions, the man went onto jump on one leg, propelling himself 26.25 meters into the air with a monstrous jump, one that rivalled the even the greatest of athletes known to the Shinobi world. It was at this moment that all of the red flags well and truly registered with the Jugo. As the old fella reached the maximum height of 26.25 meters, Satorus hands flew into action. First, his left hand formed 4 hand seals while his right fished out a single Legacy Kunai. He tossed the Kunai rearward embedding it into the ground 2 meters west of his location, just within 3 meters of his compatriot. As Satoru completed the four hand seals, a demonic manifestation of his soul began forming around his body, his Chakra and Vigor now enhanced thanks to the use of Soul Expulsion.

The instant his right hand released the Kunai with it’s downward trajectory being angled towards the ground between Satoru and Ichigo; the hand went into a series of hand seals of it’s own. The left hand performed 5 hand seals while the right performed 6 just a moment or so after the left. The first set of seals provided a mode of amplification for the second set of seals as it allowed Satoru to mould chakra at a higher power  before dispatching it to his intended location. Satoru selected ground below the descending 40 year old, exactly 30 meters away. As the foe wasn’t within 3 meters of the location, he was able to select that as the centre point for the Swamp of the Underworld technique. The technique would come to expand up to a range of 22 meters, with the base 10 meters being combined with the likes of an additional 12 meters due to the strong chakra power of the Jugo.

The Swamp carried a power of 160, expanding just a bit faster than the males rate of descent, moving out in all directions at 110 speed. This in turn meant that by the time the male had finished completely descending towards the ground, the Swamp would come to be fully expanded. If the old man failed to take evasive action, he would find himself stuck in the Swamp, being dragged below the surface at 55 speed.

After performing the seals for the Swamp of the Underworld, Satoru would come to perform an additional 6 hand seals, releasing a wave of intangible, invisible aura that would expand up to the maximum radius of 15 meters around the Jugo where it would then persist. If the foe decided to enter this radius, he would be met with a subtle surprise in the form of a debuff. The debuff would come in the form of reduction of the Chakra and Speed stats by 50 each. If the foe didn’t enter the radius, the aura would persist until cancelled by the Jugo or until the duration of its usage expired.

WC – 497
AP: 2000
-32 + 10
-32 + 10
-40 + 10
-32 + 10
= 1, 824 80 Health 110 Speed & Power – Power Amp for Underworld - ((175 - 50) / 2) = 60 + 50 = 110 + 50 AMP for Power.

Vigor: 175
Chakra: 170
Speed: 50
Strength: 5

Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Sun Nov 21, 2021 1:57 pm
It appeared the stranger planned to keep up his act a little longer, the man agreeing to comply with Satoru's request of performing a jump. The Kumogakure delegation's suspicions were confirmed the second they witnessed the opposing individual's movement, the so called commoner jumping up into the air to an impressive height of 26.25 meters, a distance only trained martial artists were capable of reaching. A feat no ordinary people could achieve. Now that both men were certain they were dealing with a hostile threat there would be no reason to hold back, something the Jugo bodyguard realized all too well. 

As the old man reached the maximum height of 26.25 meters, the Storm Operative hands flew into action, forming a set of hand seals before some sort of aura manifested around the Jugo's body. The Drunk noticed the kunai within 3m of his current position to the west, knowing it had been thrown there for a reason. Ichigo watched how Satoru, after doing the necessary signs, selected the ground below the descending 40 year old, exactly 30 meters away. Having selected the centre point for his technique the Jugo would expand the forming swamp up to a range of 22 meters.

By the time the male finished descending the swamp would have fully expanded, if the stranger was unable to evade he would find himself stuck in the swamp and dragged below the surface. The Deputy kept watch, remaining on guard the entire time in case he needed to react to anything requiring him to do so, noticing his companion activated yet another technique. Through his Byakugan, the lilac eye still hidden underneath the mask, Ichigo saw how Satoru released a wave as the aura surrounded the pair, expanding up to a radius of 15 meters around the Jugo. The Drunk remained cautious the entire time, ready to react if necessary. 

(WC: 312, TWC: 976)

AP + Stats:
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Tue Nov 23, 2021 10:43 pm
Ifour had made a grave mistake. Of course, this exertion of shinobi strength which propelled him to a height of approximately 26M into the air, would be a dead giveaway that he was not actually injured. Ifour reached the pinnacle of his ascension and as his momentum began to shift, Ifour would observe the brat that had accompanied Ichigo begin to motion his hands to perform a hand seal. A nasty trick to say the least, but Ifour would expect nothing less from a village shinobi- always playing the hero when they were just as grimy as him. Ifour’s sharingan would manifest at the completion of Satoru’s first hand seal. As Satoru completed the remained of his handseals, Ifour would be pointing his feet and his body would become slightly angeled at 45 degrees and his decent back towards the earth would begin to change from a straight drop to an angled path back towards the Earth. Below Ifour, a change in the ground surface would occur and Ifour knew it must have been due to the brats jutsu. Ifours trajectory would now place him 5M closer to the duo from where his ascent original began and when he reached the 21M mark from the ground and 25M away from the duo, Ifour’s sharingan would begin to glow, and his chakra and speed would become enhanced. With his keen eyesight, Ifour would select a location in front of him, 20M’s from his current position, on the ground. In a flash of light, Ifour would disappear from his current location and reappear once more on the ground, approximately 10M away from the duo and 3M from the perimeter of the swamp that Satoru had created.
Upon appearing at this new location, Ifour select a point between the duo and himself, 3 meters in front of where Satoru was standing and 5 meters above the ground, and at this point of origin, a black sphere would spawn and begin to expand with intentions of devouring his targets.
As the sphere expanded, Ifour would begin to backpedal for 2M backwards, putting him 12M away from Satoru, and 9M from where the sphere originated.

Satoru Jugo
Satoru Jugo
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Bite the Dust v2 Empty Re: Bite the Dust v2

Wed Nov 24, 2021 4:58 am
The foe now having realised that he had ousted himself, shifted his centre of gravity to allow for a more strategically viable descent towards the ground. His descent would prove to be one that caught the Jugos crimson eye by somewhat of a surprise. It had to be noted that this Shinobi could not see the hand seals formed by the Jugo as they were performed on each hand individual – disguised by the likes of a black cloth that loosely obstructed the view of his hands.

With a burst of light, the enemy vanished, re-appearing on the ground 10 meters from Satorus location. By his metric, he had placed himself 3 meters outside of the Swamp of Underworld, but it appeared that the foe had mis-calculated. As the foe had teleported directly in front of Satoru, their bodies effectively parallel to one another – the distance between the Jugo and the male was 10 meters. Likewise, the distance from the centre point of the underworld was 20 meters – with the distance comparative – the swamp expanded to a radius of 22 meters, so the foe wasn’t out of the woods.

As he back-pedalled to create 12 meters between himself and the orange haired Jugo, he was effectively placing himself inside of the Swamps Radius. To be precise, the foe was within 18 meters of the Swamps Radius. What allowed the man to move back at a leisurely pace wasn’t that he was outside of the Swamp Radius, but more so that the Swamp had only expanded 5.5 meters at this point. Likewise, the Omin Aura had too expanded to 5.5 meters.

Satoru didn’t require a second invitation to strike. The likes of the Devouring Sphere formed 5.83 meters from the Jugo was laughable at best. Almost every practitioner of the Space Time arts had access to this rather mediocre technique. The instant the large dark sphere entered the 1 meter radius of the Jugo, an invisible chakra field began expanding from Satorus left cheek. Typically, it would go onto expand to the maximum radius of 20 meters at the speed of 130, power of 180. But on this occasion, it would come to consume the entirety of the Devouring Sphere technique the instant the two techniques made contact. The likes of the devouring sphere now turned into a mass of harmless chakra that would appear to be drawn into the Jugos cheek. His vision, un-obstructed by the absorption.

Naturally, at this point Satorus Soul Expulsion faded, not by design but by choice. The point in reference was the instant the devouring sphere began to be absorbed. His body instinctively reacted – it now empowered by the likes of Nature Chakra – a single horn forming in the middle of his forehead as a crimson chakra cloak manifested around his body; this was the by-product of his True Sage transformation. Vigor enhanced to 215 – Chakra at 210: it was time to rumble.

The instant the Chakra cloak activated, it carried a power and speed of 215. It had to be noted that despite the 12 meter gap to his foe, the opponent remained motionless, taking things at a leisurely pace in turn allowing for him to be caught by the likes of the Omni Aura technique. Chakra and Speed debuffed and with Satoru enhanced, his eyes now trained on his foe, his hands came together forming 3 hand seals that were quickly chased by a clap – followed by an additional 8 handseals and with that - 8 vents began forming around his torso. His hands, attire and tools didn’t obstruct the vents in question as they erupted into a pure beam of destructive chakra. The beam had a height of 10 meters, width of 10 meters and would eventually expand as far as 100 meters should Satoru allow it to. Naturally, this beam of destructive chakra would travel at a power of 250, with the speed of 230 thanks to the Ninjutsu Enhancement technique used by Satoru.

Unfortunately for the foe, he was stuck between a rock and a hard place. The Swamp of the Underworld continued to expand from his rear and as both his and Satorus bodies were effectively aligned with one another he wouldn’t be able to out-speed the ever-advancing wall only having the opportunity to move a measly 5.6 meters in the time it would take for the beam to close the 10-meter gap.

AP 1, 824
- 15
- 38
- 75
- 19
- 38
= 1639 AP
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