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Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

what lies beyond my home? (p) Empty what lies beyond my home? (p)

Fri Dec 31, 2021 9:44 pm
With a flash zaled arrived into his own dimension's specific resting area the reception hall, The sounds of various dialects and mass crowds of individuals and beings enjoying the countless variations of beverages and foods was refreshing. The screens throughout the layer of arruboth were littered with countless forms of each layer, Some in enactment of some kinds in the vast dessert layer, others enjoying meetings and cuing into discussions with various induviduals discussing mutual benifitials which did not matter much.

But of course this was easy as the creator himself was noted as within the confines of the dimension now, and he himself was now sitting back with a glass of wine provided from the black machine in the office he was in. Upon glancing through the screens and flipping through countless scrolling variations of the infinite azure layer. Zaled set it to rest as a few induviduals faced off in a good ol hand to hand face off each one circling doing fake outs in a seeimingly beautiful waltz of hand to hand combat, and dance. Both evenly matched by the looks.

zalee took a sip observing the spectacle as the tidea shiftes and then one had sent the other stumbling slightly, a clear exciting speticle as the stalemate pretty much sung true to the words to zaled as he smiled and noted the thing through the rewind of his screen.

"who knew that even a slip of balence spells that the fight is over eh?." zaled spoke up as the one who was off balenced took the fury of his opponent for his mistake. A strike, a kick and the man was swept of mf his feet, only to draw zaleds attention as the attacker kept up the pressure strikes, and kicks somehow keeping the opponent afloat.

ohhhh now this is impressive.

zaled thought as he watched the guy floating eventually yeild and struggle getting up. This after of course getting left in this unique state for as long as he did. Zaled sat back inbthe chair watching the fiasco continue, apparently diffrent realms had diffrent aspects, or as he understood at a glance, universal rules they imparted in their non inclusive influences on the realm. Seeing it aa such it made sense. It amused zaled signifigantly to say the least, and made it a fresh take, unlike the normal home dimension this was useful to see what was out there. To gleam slightly into the possibilities of the imaginative vortex of creators hopes, dreams, and even ways their laws of reality worked. It reminded him of his days when he toyed with puppets, although constructs were limited in the slightest due to well an single object like many things could only be influenced according to what one could fit on it.

But diffrent approaches facinated zaled more then simply overpowering or just getting to the point. He sipped his wine and took ahold of the core conglux from his broken puppet. He though more to the nature of this creation, along with the idea behind the aruuboth dimension. Here it was comfort and time to relax and enjoy his refreshing time,But likewise he wanted to flex his dimensional poweres a bit more.

Zaled gleamed the unique faint energy around the induviduals and pinched his screen to zoom in. It was to his undersranding a functional anchor, of course it is fair as it was his own link and area within the folds of space, and time, a fold within reality itself. The reassurance of others enjoying their comforts, and customs was more then a means of study, but respectfully a show of welcone, as there was much more out there inbthe unopposed realities beyond kunai slinging and fire ball spitting conflicts.

shame really, we are so tiny in the grand scheme of thing, but perhaps we can share this some day with my world. even if breif, it may just inspire a bit of wonder.[/]

Appareny the next round began as the beings recovered and zaled with keen interest watched more of the combat commencing, it was like freindky and even sports like, with a glance through a secondary screen zaled noted that some even had switched to the same channel and had begun to place bets. Similar to most simple tiurneys within his realm, but more easy going, a tournament full f the greatest, an interesting prospext to him, as the kage did not exactly partake in showcasing their own skills, another dull reminder to why he chose more of a hermit life.

The simple contestants were an odd creature with wraps, or gloves, its young now was comfy in a pouch like appendage with tiny gloves. Oversized feet, and it was apparent enough to say a kick from this ripped creature was more then likely lethal, but it had honor, and a code to follow humane arts of hand to hand rules.

[i]what manner of creature exists outside these realms? i must contact them and find their secrets.

zaled mentally mused as unlike lethal arts the creature fighting an crazy swordsman looking similar to warring periods attair, and an impressive set of weapons. He simply flipped and stomped his way commencing the same odd floating occurrence he saw before. Zaled placed the glass of wine down and placed his hands together wondering if perhaps gleaming this aspect was measurable by his visual powers. It only made sense that by what he could observe. The hits were precise, and only lasted for either a small moment extended by rapidly decreasing substantial margins,by the base idea.

"3 to five blows depending on what happens of course... interesting."
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

what lies beyond my home? (p) Empty Re: what lies beyond my home? (p)

Tue May 03, 2022 5:01 am
The matches continued to his amusement, and some over opposing creatures, like an live view of an oni of sorts of mythical lore, which of course made zaled mentally specupate that perhaps mythical legends were more on the temporary cross over of reapities, and well the human psyche attempting to rational out the fear, and adding wealty, fame, favors obtained. It was easy to tie greed, and attempts to weave manipulative means to generations to come. Granted zaled while watching this match up with a winged bae of beauty weilding light, made it clear, that perhaps there were no direct cooorlation and what one deems godly, was merely normal average to others in diffrent realms. 

The oni figure was a grappler, and the angel like figure was basic with a variety of kicks and utilized her wings as both a means of assisted combat, and unpredictable means of melee uses which he could assume were the perks. All which the brutish fighter blocked or took with little concern, or so zaled thought, the shock was on the brutes face as the woman aimed a drop kick and sailed over a sweep. 

hm, so striking at a spot while evading obvious ploys. it makes sense as  any motion  avoided is easy to strike with an counter measure, unless too wild. ahhhhhh....

zaled observed the motion once more where the larger being was not being knocked up. The lack of grounding made it easier to keep him up in the air, at the disgression to their realms rules imposing here although he would dread living in a place where a single mistake a person can flick you up, and slap him into submission for hours untill they felt like ending it and the ground being a blessing. But it made sense, the influence was limited, but controlled to a degree, untill he noted the brute after 4 blows of this case raised his hand in a yeilding motion. 

odd i suppose there is some limit in this conpetition beyond my view, but well seeing it as sportsman like makes sense, damage must be accounted for by an overseer of sorts, and the fight is based on that.... fascinating. unlike home an arm is an arm, but to knowing such an idea will go far, another concept to borrow.

Zaled thought as though he kept the same thing on now watching some large man way to big to flip, desl with an well built man  although clearly 350 pounds lighter  began to fight, his attention shifted to the thunderous tragic  scene of the desolate lands. The fight on one of the many platforms  involved now weaponry of sorts, a being in full clad armor shouting ocscenries such as murder, and sinister saber, While a traditional samurai helm off of course was crossing blades, Either the weapons were ineffective, or the laws were diffrent, where wounds were based on well defeat and the likes. Each fight seemed divided and a quick suscession of a minute or two, The fierce clashes and skillful array of movement, and avoiding over head cleaves of each weapon was a sight.  Then zaled spotted it, perhaps it was thanks to observing the other realms basis of combat, a mistake was made and the hulking knight skillfully ducked an shot to his head,  An uppercut of sorts was done, and the samurai was airbound, There was a dreadful red bloody aura about the being as he swung his behemoth blade, and added a crimson  hue slash to it that the samurai barely blocked. He recoiled as it seemed empowered beyond mortal understanding. and it was clear the mans defenses were crushed.

The hulking armored man lifted the   samurai and roared "out of my sight!'  and tossed him off the edge then clumsily followed his advarsary.  An most peculiar actipn,maybe it was stupidity? Zaleds thoughts mirrored the possibility

well that was interesting, a beast of a man weilding the most unsavory of weapons with ease. We run into all sorts between the lanes, and folds of reality. It makes me wonder, though, and just drives my curiousity a bit more. But i suppose we can put this on pause as it shall continue on in my absence.

zaled thought With a wave the screen went off, and he unfurrowed his traveling supplies, and the jar with tge deceased boys remains were banished along with the body to the empty eternities.Although for a  split second he admired the vast void beyond. The drain of chakra was apparent but nothing to sniff about. He could call upon the rest at will,but now headed into the next room Which after a few moments filled with steam and the sound of running water, as he soon was complete and now shaved, cleaned, and relaxed offically donning back on his uniform now a black robe with As such his desires hostimg an large letter Z on the back in gold.  Another glamce through the screens covering the realm of arruboth And noting nothing in particular that troubled him, zaled  headed out the door and into the main reception hall.

Where the bustling crowd of many creatures all of a commom dialect spoke, some sold, soms ate, others merely talked, The halls expanded endlessly and yet there were the black machines with marked toileties, the energy of the dimension sorrounded each creature which included zaled, And was a simple observable phenomenon. Some with a word ported off to another plane, while others spoke to the planes this dimension offered, and therefore ported. It was obvious he could not sense these beings exactly, as unlike his home dimension they  did not posess an open or obvious accesss to chakra, Although to the basic sense, he had no doubt many could easily adapt Accordingly.  Zaled  approached the food area, where various comtests of eatery from creatures to foul smelling foods, where they were questionable. Calls for bets, to chugging contests. Zaled waved his hand over a counter and his desire of a roasted pig, and side of rice mterialized, but granted a glance over showed an induvidual walking off with fine bread in slives with what looked of fine beef mashed in a reasonable size

what is that? Many of these beings defintly have foods beyond what is served here. An observation is in order. 

zaled thought as he picked at the pig at one of the set tables, it only made it clear everyone had their own tastes in the  food, offered, and it truly did work out that way, foods from beyond the stars and folds of reality. conversation and cheers over the entertainment provided at the screens. 

heh it is an transdimensional bar, with remote entertainment, perfect! just the way we can envision the place of peace.

zaled thought as he soon heard it the cheers of many voices further down as bets were made, and several large beings and rather large humans speaking a thick accent started cheering in uscision. The drinking contests had no time limit, And although interested zaled began to down the meal before him and noted the screen now hosting  a fight between a crazy haircut man in a traditional Gi, and An elderly man well ripped and toned with well a rediculous hair cut.

"he needs to fix the bald spot." 

zaled muttered and several observers chuckled in agreement. Although the fact was easily drowned out by the percision, speed and power both showed, the old man was a thought making zaled wonder what he was capeable if one subtracted 40 years from the man's age, but the gi wearing man was defintly no push over, even the keen obseveration and standard overview of taijutsu spoke that these people soared beyond the natural realms of hand to hand combat, and even his realitys best would not last. 

who knew these people are madness itself. Granted, it comes to no surprise, however i wonder Dl thoes rules impart their ability to withstand the torment and strain of full force combat.... most impressive.

it surprised him up to now, he had only assumed that it was mere kumite, but much more, some blows had him question and then it hit him, each realm of orgin of course had their set laws in their makeshift, it only needed a proper counterbalence. As such with a curse there must be a blessing or a means to alivate the cost, via it be enabling a fighter to be able to fight endlessly in an grand standing toitnament of sorts, or be it that no civilization or being can surpass its own creators. It was a fair trade of course.

Zaled finished the wine as the fighters vsnished and he gazed at one of the varied instances of the hall of the chosen. A small meeting of sorts of villianious birgands? it meant little as it was merely one of many infinitie possibilities, and as a general idea, no need to stick any further. The gambling had gone quiet as just as many beings exited and emtered as he figured. Glancing around the hall as its creator zaled watched now interested for future ideas to incoperate. Some muttered strange phrases and vanished. Others could link a hole of sorys that played as a portal. Some turned the handles in odd ways to leave. One or well to be exact several by merely vanishing, granted by his gaze they seemed ghostly. 

there are so many ways they enter and exit,granted by their own force of will and unique abilities. And here i thought the continent of shinobi was unique. We are but small microscopic in the eyes and seams of existance.... luckily i made it a place of meeting, a nexus of sorts.

the entertainment surely showcased enough, and yet it kindled with the former pupeteers mind. Now witnessing not even a crumb of the truth. But it left him hungry for more. Still it wasnt without its needs. This was merely an area of meetings withbthe other realms for dispute and discussions in varied privacies. Each as warrented their own for infinite space as they needed.

This however made the uchiha now certain as the creator its best he figured the ways to utilize its rules to its fullest. Another duanting task that like any other means would warrent very fruitful results in regards.

The man gave a small wave to the visitors and with a smile and nodd to standbyers he initiated the internal teleportation ability and warped into the infinite Azure.  Taking a small step upon teleporting into the area, and smiling. 

(exit, teleporting to infinite Azure.)

total WC:2,728

1600 to learning Timeline splitting

1,128 to learning singularity
Shinrei Yamato
Shinrei Yamato
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Yamato

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Living Clones : Kanzaki
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Clan Focus : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
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what lies beyond my home? (p) Empty Re: what lies beyond my home? (p)

Tue May 03, 2022 9:39 am
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