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An interlude to the plot Empty An interlude to the plot

Thu May 19, 2022 10:55 pm

Mission Details:

"Back all ready aye?  Barely herd the tink o the bell."  Hook's gravel ladden voice rumbled from a cloud of smoke.  The room was empty except for himself and the broker.  Outside the cramped back corner office the sound of respectable and well paying patrons could be heard getting their nails done.  Looking down, Maku brought his own hand to near his mouth, blowing over the drying clear coat.  They did do marvelous work, he had to admit.  Almost made the place having a black market broker in the back a shame, it'd be a pitty if a place like this got shut down one day.  

"Yea well, I didn't get to get the spa treatment last time.  Thanks for the spot on that, I used your name for a free mani pedi."  A familier boyish smile crossed the black haired man's lips.  A smile that hadn't been there nearly as much as it once had.  His activity had started to bring back a certain vitality he had lost in his day to day.  The need for new and different jobs, not doing the same thing each made a difference.  Amazing people could live in such a way right?  "Besides, money is still tight, and your slug said you might have something for me."  Only a mild look of both disgust and regret crossed his face, though from the puffing cigar smoke it could have been missed by Hook.  The slug wasn't a pleasant thing to wake up to on one's chest....add that it ahd been the summoning of Akihanna and well......moving on.

"Well....yer specifcs ain't as fer givin as they once were aint they?"  He muttered not bothering to hide his displeasure.  The missing ninja brokers got their money by finding people to fulfill jobs.  Jobs that required a....messier outcome tended to pay more.  So it was very likely that this more tame approach, Hook felt, was costing him money.  Still, Maku didn't feel it was time to do anything more than the bare minimum.  Low stakes stuff so as not to atract unwanted attention from the above, or the underground.  "But this one should be fittin yer."  He'd spit out as he passed over a dossier.  Maku would take it, scanning through the details.  

"Seems simple enough, they just want someone to check out their defenses?  No catch?  No surprise ambush?"  He would say eyeing the broker carefully.  Jobs like this tended to get messier than they let on in paper.  Sure it started with an "inspection" and then midway through a abndit group that they had mysteriously forgotten to mention would appear out of nowhere and the real job would a discount rate he might add.  "I'm not fighting anyone..."  He would saying eyeing seriously.

Hook rolled his eyes clearly impatient getting the better of him.  "No nuthin like that.  Even gave yer a fake name."  He would push over another folder, inside fabricated papers lending his visage to a new identity.  A former Iwagakure shinobi that had escaped the vilalge destruction and now contracted for archetecutre for the seedier group.  Looking it all over, it suprisingly all seemed to check out.  Giving it one more look over whyile Hook continued to huff and puff, he felt satisfied.

"All right, I'll take it."  He'd say standing.  The folders underneath his arm.  "I'll see you in a couple days."  He'd say with a faux salute.  Leaving the parlor, he'd make his way to the same inn he'd stayed at before.  A simple place, and it was there he had dreamed such magnificent dreams.  It was with these thoughts that he laid his head down.  He knew deep down that he was still floundering, still within an ocean of indeicison on what the next steps where.  What his purpose was.....and dreaming of a different helped.  While laying in bed, his mind wondered to the forbidden place, he thought slighlty of the mission, and he thought of other people as well.....

Outside he could see some twinkling lights, the stars dancing within the sky.  It was almost like a visual lullaby offering him promises of dreams.  Still sleep did not come easy, as it never does when one is hoping for it to come easily.  His last thoughts while awake was that of his blood brother, his chosen brother, and the girl whose story had become interwoven and splintered from that of his own.  A team of inidivuals that had all met, all expierenced this life togther, but never at the same time....what it could have been....

Temples littered across the base of the great tree at the center of Takigakure. Some where truly spots of religion, while others were more akin to dojo's and training facilities. Places that worshiped the way of the shinobi. Promising disciples strength, should they commit the proper tithe of blood and sweat. The most grandiose temple however, housed the location of where the fabled hero water would spring forth every century. While no one could remember the last time the phenomenon actually occurred, plenty of faithful tended the area all the same.

It was in this place that one of the few Takigakure Jounin made not only his residence, but his career. Youka Tau was a well built man in his late twenties. Long red hair plated down his back, and a jovial smile with narrow eyes was what most would take away from any interaction with the priest of the tree. Often wearing the ceremonial robes, he only donned his jounin uniform during official missions. He had pale skin, littered with scars over his arms and hands. While he always appeared happy and friendly, it was always of note the lack of wildlife that surrounded his area of the temple. The sound of birds and small land creatures often was an endless chatter, but near Youka there was silence. The creatures choosing to give the happy priest a wide birth as he tended his duties.

It was in the main area that a Golden bubble would form about 4 feet above the ground. The room was large, to hold over 50 observers with an area for training in the center. Near the far wall the great tree's trunk made up the wall, a shrine placed into the bark with a dry well polished so clean it almost gave the appearance of wetness.

Out of the bubble stepped Maku, though misjudging the distance he'd finally be caught by the gravity he had avoided at Denketiki's office window. A crash and curse caused the red haired priest to look up from his work on the shrine and smile. "One day, surely you will land one square footing, but today is not that day...and tomorrow is probably out as well." His voice was smooth, mature for his age. Disciplined, but in a different way than the eldest Hayato brother.

"Just don't start on that sound body and soul thing again." Maku would retort getting himself to his feet and straightened back up. "And don't try to distract me traitor." His eyes would search for guilt across his closest friends face, but only found a smile. Displeased he'd settle for walking closer and sitting cross legged on the ground near the shrine.

"You betray yourself." Youka would start, entirely unconcerned with sprouting bad will. "You just want to stay as special as possible. That ego will be your downfall." His cloth would move across the shrine revealing a dark face that vanished in the light. "She is up to the task, and we could use her. Between you and Saiga, we wouldn't have any ranking officers, then what? A rock can only stand against the waterfall for so long."

"Don't quote proverbs are me. I don't see you saying that to Saiga to his face." He'd roll his eyes, giving up the argument. Den could be fun to argue with, there was a debate. You couldn't argue with someone who just preached wisdom back at you. "If he was ever around that is."

The leader of Takigakure had long been in and out of the village. On claims of diplomatic missions, it had left a certain level of unease among some of the top ranking village shinobi. Still, the man held enough power and support to wave off any thoughts of least for now.

"We do what we must." Youka would palace the rag down into a nearby basket where one of the various workers would collect it. "I assume you are about ready to go?" The tone of his voice would change slightly. Deeper, more serious as it always did when it came to the missions they performed together. Maku was often given the sense that there were two people living within Youka Tau's body. The happy priest, and something else. Something darker, yet he often shook his head at such fairy tales. There weren't demons in the world, just men trying to show out for their village.

Settling for a nod, the anger within Maku at being outvoted was already starting to evaporate. As quickly as such feelings came they would leave. The chaotic energy of his aura often led to a level of unpredictability in mood and action. Prone to whims, and fleeting fancies Maku had made a name for himself among not only the village, but the surrounding ones as well. Takigakure was small, but it's reputation for producing powerful shinobi continued. Maku had become the latest to perpetuate this stereotype proven true, and wore it with a badge of honor. Even if allies and foes alike were sometimes left wondering if rumors were exaggerated.

While the priest changed into mission attire, Maku busied himself with one of the merchant stalls on the streets outside the temple. He'd purchase several bushels of fresh ingredients sending them off to his residence, before sending a small parcel to Akihana. It was an assortment of spicy jellies and jams. Smiling at how he had been the bigger person he'd turn to face his brother in arms defending the steps.

The two men dressed identical, the biggest outstanding factor being the shock of blonde and red hair on-top of the camouflaged blues and greens. Hands in pockets they moved through the city with the ease of two people who had spent their lives learning every shortcut offered. It was exactly one of these shortcuts that lead them to a basement bar. At first glance only the bartender occupied the space, but once the duo had stepped into the center of the room a shadow moved, and revealed itself as a masked officer of the waterfall. Not a word was spoken as was their requirement, but a scroll was slid across the table, before the shadows seemed to reclaim him.

"And I get fined for being dramatic." Maku would say rolling his eyes and grabbing the scroll. Unfurling it, a poof of smoke would appear, leaving behind a crab in the center of the page.

"Hiya boys! Gotcha a mission again!" The crab would say it's voice high and girlish, at complete odds with the spike littered carapace and claws waving about. "A shipment of poached animals, along with the majority of their collections is moving through our boarders, find them and bring back the goods! Obviously stealth is important...". It's eyes stalks would move with a soft squelch to look at Maku at this, "but not required! Make a statement and reclaim some assets! These are the words of your leader!" With that the creature would vanish in a similar puff of smoke.

"I doubt those are the words of Saiga of the Waterfall, but ok." Maku would say sitting and ordering a drink.

"Mmmm, I agree. Seems a bit dramatic if you ask me. For both of, us, to go." Youka would also sit, but refrained from drinking. He'd emphasized the word, us. "You'd think a couple chunin and genin could handle it if it's just poachers." He'd move off to his thoughts for a moment before something seemed to snap him back to reality. "Speaking of which, weren't you given some genin to train?" A wry smile appeared on the holy man's face. His friends reputation as one of the strongest shinobi of Takigakure was only overshadowed by his equal fame at being the worst teacher the village had ever produced.

A guilty look fell over Maku, his mind thinking back to the forests and ruins where he'd left the trio for some survival training. That's only been a day ago...or was it more. His head fell to the table, only to snap back up with a smile. "Seems like a better job for our new compatriot aye?" The sudden inspiration had cheered him up, and all the prior hard feelings at the new rank appointment was gone, now that he had found a use for it. A quick bite of the thumb, a trickle of blood, and his own summon appeared. A bright blue poison dart frog about the size of a hamster. He'd whisper to it so Youka couldn't hear before it vanished to relay the message.

Throwing back the shot, he'd stand. "Well off we go, work to do, animals to save, bad guys to slay, it's all the Takigakure way!" Jovial he'd start to leave the room.

"That is not a saying...". Youka would try to retort, but far to late. With a sigh he'd stand and follow his partner out.

When he awoke, his hand was raised as though he was trying to exit a doorway, just as his dream had shown.  His red haired freind, still full of life had been right there...sharing a meal and much he wished that was the reality and this was nothing but a dream.  Sighing, he rubbed his face before sitting up.  A splash of water on his face, a quick bite, and his feet had found the road once again.  The place he was set to inspect was only a couple of miles away, and the walk would do him good.  Not only did it allow him time to review and reminisce on fake memories, but it also aided in alluding to the locations he actually called home.  He'd taken to long and unothodox  returns to the various inns and lay about spots he was currently making his home.  Even if he was followed, the odds of a pattern and an ambush seemed low.  He'd done this all before, from both sides the ambusher and the ambushe.  He smiled at that thought, the first thing that had done so since the dream.  The rest of the journey passed by quickly aided by the danbo he had taken as a snack.  Soon he arrived at a small settlement surronded by a crude wall.  Looking around, it didn't appear to be much, a disheartening thing he thought as he took his final bite.  Perhaps there would be more work than he expected.  

Once inside the settlement he was quickly swept up in inspections and meetings with those in charge.  Only marred by two seperate awkward moments when he forgot what his fake name was.  The individuals within the settlement seemed to be good people.  A small group merely trying to make their own way outside the shinobi village system.  He could respect it, because in truth until not long ago he had been them.  Watching he saw scared individuals, who simply wanted their way of life protected.  They didn't want it easy, they merely wanted the oppurtunity.  

The outer wall was more complex than he had originally assumed.  What had looked like mere wood spikes was actaully laced with a complex seal system.  The man in charge had been a former shinobi who was still well versed in fuinjutsu.  The seal acted to dampen chakra of any who should enter into the area without the proper counter seal upon their body.  A valuable idea he thought, one that he may have to replicate in his own way if the time ever came.  From there they showed a demonstration of the training they had been undergoing.  It was here he was able to provide some assistance.  His time as a village leader, and training other shinobi proved invaluable and not unlike riding a bike.  Providing the pointers were he could, the individuals had already improved on their form.

His second maina ssistance was in some chakra control techniques and tips.  While the leader was well versed, the rest all seemed rudamentary at best.  In total he spent three days within the compound.  Teaching the basics of ninjutsu and genjutsu.  Avoiding the more complex applications and specialties that one may grow in to.  After all, he wasn't a miracle worker.  In the end, he felt that some good had been done.  He recieved his payment along with a bonus and set back out from the settlement.  The road back to the broker was easy as it had been to get there.  Without any waylaying by highwayman or traveling salesman alike.  

Back in the village, Hook's portion of the money was delievered, which made the man resonably more likeable.  If just by a little.  Making his way out of the vilalge he took his roundabout way to the small place he was staying at.  He had taken to renting a small room from an elderly couple when he was out looking for contracts.  They were pleasnat, didn't ask questions, and their home was very out of the way.  There he lay his head down, and though he wished it, was not granted a look into that other world.  He woke up many times that night, each hoping to reset his sleep to see what could have been.  The moonlight shone through the window, and he briefly wondered how Den was....and the resturant.  He could still go back....or he could stay away.  Indecision....if only there was a clear sign on how to spend his life, what his purpose was.  Maybe someone...very soon.......would....tell him.

TWC 3000



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+12k ryo (Doubled for Beloved Precense)
+15k ryo from MN A rank pay (Doubled for Beloved Precense)
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+1500 towards Genjutsu Choking
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An interlude to the plot Empty Re: An interlude to the plot

Thu May 19, 2022 11:40 pm
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