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The Rule of Three Empty The Rule of Three

Thu May 26, 2022 12:08 am
The Truth of the Matter:

Cog in the Wheel:

Prison Break:

Auron, having set out from his group of rag tag shinobi, had made his way East following the rumors of some promising contract opportunities. From his time spent eavesdropping in taverns he had a good hunch that somewhere on the borders of Earth Country existed a group of bandits unknowingly sitting on a lump sum of ryo. These bandits, the Collective, had assembled their main base of operations at the foothill of a large group of mountains. Supposedly just underneath where they hang their hats, is a noble man's buried treasure. But finding such a location had proven exceedingly difficult. The borders of Earth Country had been nothing but mountains. So much so that his only option at this point had really been to progress alongside their faces until he could track down any signs of a camp. It was times like these that made the boy wish that he hadn't been traveling along. Taking Balthazar or Lujin along with him would have been truly beneficial. They would have been able to cover more ground as a unit, and investigate multiple places at once. But nevertheless, he was in this alone. He was in life alone. 

As the night sky darkened the atmosphere around the country, he decided it was time to set up camp for the night. He had been traveling all day and truthfully was tired. Dropping from his feet onto his rear, he'd prop his shoes against the surface of the ground. Retrieving some nearby flint and twigs, he'd spark a small fire. Its warming crackles and pops were soothing, as the lush forest surround him emanated nothing but the night time sounds of wildlife. It was eerie and unsettling, but he'd endure. Propping his weight against the side of a fallen tree, he'd take a moment to reflect on the life he had lived thus far. Was betraying his fellow genin in Konoha really been worth all the trouble he had cast upon himself? It was a burden he'd carry with him, that weighed about as heavy as a boulder in the pit of his stomach. Yet the more he thought on this act, the more his ambitions would manifest into the sounds and speeches of his guiding ancestral spirit.

"Auron...not this again. Remind yourself why you're here."

Auron, not one for words, would merely snarl in response. He was beginning to question the motivation of the spirit. "And just why is that? Look where it's gotten me."

"To learn of your true potential. To learn of us and what we are, so that you might one day become a warrior."

He'd remain silent, choosing to ignore the voice projecting itself into his head. Leaning back, he'd tilt his head so it focused on the stars in the sky. The breeze of the night would rush by him, temporarily swaying the fire but simultaneously breathing life into it. It would grow, warming him even more. Closing his eyes, he'd relax his body in this upright position. And the fatigue he felt would overcome him, causing the tranquil environment he'd sit in to allure him to sleep. In the morning, he'd resume his journey. But for now, it was time to rest.

WC = 535
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Ryo : 293900

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Thu May 26, 2022 8:05 am
And rest he did. The stress and strain that he had put on his body made his sleep like a rock, although sitting upright. The boy had been so tired that all the subtle noises from the wilderness that usually interrupted his sleep had fallen deaf on his ears. Soundly, he slept and some hours had passed. But in the dead of night a rustling from a nearby patch of bushes startled the Yamaguchi. With haste, his eyes would shoot open and his head would sharply lower. In that same motion his dominant hand would maneuver towards the side of his waist, and he'd drop his hand so it rested on the hilt of his blade. In an instance he'd rise to his feet and would swiftly draw his blade, swinging it across the air in front of him in a swooping path. Through that swing, the air in front of him would break into hundreds of tiny glass shards, all which would violently propel themselves directly towards the bush where the sound originated from. His instincts had been sharp, and his reactions quick to match. The sound of the shards whistling through the bushes was concluded with a heightened series of puncture like noises. This was quickly followed by a "Tcchh..." and the thudding clad of something heavy falling to the ground. Intersecting the bush as he fell, a man would drop to the ground revealing his upper body exposed from the bush. His lower half laid motionless within its shroud. The man panted, breathing heavily in a rushed panic. Clearly he thought he had been unnoticed and was ill prepared for Auron's sharp attack.

Still with the blade in his hand, Auron would calmly yet cautiously take several steps towards the downed foe. With an estranged look about his expression he'd inquire, "What are you doing, spying on me while I rest?". There was a cold intensity in his voice, clearly the boy had been frustrated with the lack of privacy he got. Yet the smoke and brightness from his fire likely was what revealed his position in the first place.

"F-fool..." the man began as he struggled to summon the words from his damaged body, "you can't call this privacy. We're in the open world. And your fire right to you...." the pain could be heard through his enunciation of each word. That along with the paced breathing he was forced to take just to utter words. The man had little time left.

"I w-was sent to investigate. Our scouts t-told us there was a man approaching our c-camp. So they sent me to deter you...but...I..." and with that the man's vision would impair. His eyes would fall victim to tunnel vision. Quickly all of his sight would fade to black and his eyelids would lower, simultaneously with his head falling to the ground. That was it. A shame, as Auron had full intentions of questioning the man further. Perhaps next time he should at least give them a fighting chance before silencing them. Nevertheless, the intel he had just received was valuable. It was indicative that he had been growing closer and closer to a camp of some sort. Perhaps it belonged to the bandits he had heard of. Decently rested, he sheathed his blade and decided it was time for him to move. There was no point in him staying at this place any longer, especially since his position had been revealed. Thus he kicked the foundation of the fire out, forcing it to reduce to nothing more but some embering coals. Gathering his belongings, he'd prepared to depart from this place. Yet he grabbed ahold of the ankle of the man with a single hand and dragged him along in this adventure. His blood would stain the ground he was dragged across, revealing a trail from the location of his death through the path Auron forced him through. The Yamaguchi would continue East along the mountainside. And off in the distance he'd seed the fiery flames emanating a mass source of light. Stopping in place, he'd crouch down and squint his eyes. 

The light from the flames revealed a heavily armored fortress. It had a fence made of defensive lumber surrounding its perimeter, makeshift guard towers, and mercenaries on the outside guarding the entrance. It was a double edged sword to Auron. The good was that he had finally found the place where the treasure may be, but how could he even get to it? Sighing to himself, he'd think for a moment. There were multiple ways he could proceed. He could go the stealth route, and transform himself into the appearance of the man to attempt to walk right in. Or he could go in noisily, in an attempt to cut down those that stood in his way. Judging by the sloppiness and lack of preparation that the dead man exhibited, Auron assumed the rest of the guards may have been of similar quality. Rag tag bandits that likely relied on brute force. Yet this probably wasn't true for everyone in the camp. There had to have been some type of leader, whose wits compelled the group to band together and establish this camp in the first place. Deep in thought, he'd arrive at the conclusion that it was likely more beneficial to proceed down the tactful path. Weaving the signs to the transformation jutsu, Auron would shift his appearance from its present look to match that of the man he had just killed. Dragging his body to a nearby bush, Auron would rise back to his standing posture and erect his back. The worst that could happen would be him getting caught and having to fight his way through it. But with bandits, it was always likely to end in bloodshed. He had only hoped that if this were to happen, he would remain victorious. Yet still he maintained his primary plan of attack: deception.

WC = 994. TWC = 1529
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Sun May 29, 2022 11:15 am
Now transformed as one of their own, Auron approached the gates of the fortresses' entrance. He refrained from using any techniques or allowing his chakra to flare, it was important to be as subtle as possible. As he neared the stronghold, the grass pathway would transition into a somewhat paved trail. There were torches along each side of the path, lit to illuminate and reveal any intruder who would attempt to take them by surprise. It was a decent concept, however from what Auron gathered the rest of the perimeter seemed unsecured. The fortress, being round, offered a clear path of vision from the front to its sides. It's entire diameter was likely 100 meters, and from Auron's vantage point there was no similar use of torches on the sides. From what he could see, its rear was protected by mountains. He sort of shrugged, thinking that the bandits who upheld this fortress really weren't that bright. Nevertheless as he approached, a voice would call out to him.

"You there, who are you?"

Having read the bandit's ID card before ditching his body, Auron would respond in the voice that matched that of the man he killed. "It is me, Ruji." A moment of silence would pass, and the voice would call out once more.

"Ohh Ruji, we thought you were going to be out longer tracking that man down. What did you find?"

"Nothing but a dead end. His trail ended at a campfire, but I couldn't track him further. In the dead of night it was impossible to see where he took off to. I'll try again in the morning." Auron lied. It was crafty, yet true. However he allowed his voice to maintain the confidence that should allow his witty lie to pass off as the truth.

"Understood. Well come in, and speak to Thiago in his quarters."

With that, the massive gates at the entrance would be unlocked and begin to swing open. Auron would take steps forward to enter the stronghold, and as he did so he attempted to sense for any ill intention. Though he wasn't a sensory type, he could at least read a room. And as he walked by everyone he couldn't help but feel as if they were onto him. Nevertheless they took no action against him, and instead allowed him safe passage through the stronghold. It was equipped with a number of small and moderate size tents, the small ones likely used for sleeping and the bigger ones for facilities. There were some buildings, all wooden and likely crafted from the lumber of the nearby forest. These buildings would seem to have decent structural integrity, but nothing to marvel over. Overall, it seemed like a medieval camp. And if their level of technological innovation was any grounds to judge them off of, they were likely no more than brutes. The trails throughout the camp were lit with occasional torches, yet nothing well thought. And consequently, there were plenty of dark and shady paths throughout. Auron would note this internally as he walked through the stronghold, seeing as he may need to use this cover to his advantage if his instincts were valid. As he walked through, he'd look to see if there were any telling signs of where the buried treasure may have been, yet nothing really seemed out of the ordinary. He'd pause momentarily, and scan the small camp over looking to see what building would likely be where this...Thiago had been residing. Based on how the gate guard referred to him, he was likely the leader of these bandits. If that was the case, then naturally he should have been resting in the best quarters available. And from Auron's quick pan of the encampment, that was likely the biggest village in the building which was near the rear of the fortress. It made sense, considering it was the most fortified location within the camp. And so Auron would make his way towards it, so when he finally reached he would calmly knock on the wooden door.

"Yeah? Who is it?"

"It's me, Ruji." Auron would respond calmly yet loud enough for the man to make out what he had said.

A short pause would come, followed by the sound of approaching footsteps and the door unlocking. It would open, and there would be a man endowed in a white cloak with a similar build to Auron's. His hair was long and dark, and his face seemed to have been scarred a number of times. The man would look upon the disguised Auron, smirk to himself, then turn around and proceed into the confines of his home. Auron would follow, closing the door behind him. The man, Thiago, then sat upon the dining room table that was position adjacent to a fire place. For a home built in the middle of a fortress like this, Auron couldn't help but question why this man had been so privileged. 

"So, Ruji. Take a seat. Tell me how your assignment went." As he said this, his eyes narrowed and focused in on Auron intensely, as if he had been staring into his soul.

Auron would approach the table, sit on the opposite end, and respond exactly how he had to the gate guard. "It had gone fine but unfortunately resulted in nothing but a dead end. I trail of the stranger ended abruptly at a campfire, and there were no signs of where he could have gone this late. In the dead of night it was impossible to see where he took off to. But I figured I would return to camp, rest up, and set out again tomorrow." 

Thiago would pause momentarily, nodding to himself and chuckling somewhat. It was almost as if he had been on to the Yamaguchi's deception. This somewhat stirred Auron's nerves, yet he wouldn't show it. "Is that so? Well then, I suppose taking a break isn't out of the question. Go to your tent and rest for the night, then set out in the morning. Thanks for checking in." With that, Ruji would direct his focus to the paper in front of him. As he read, Auron would stand from the table and push in his chair. He'd move relatively slowly, in an attempt to visual scan this room he stood within. But this was to no avail. He couldn't detect where exactly anything would be. Yet what he could discern, was just how disturbing this place was. He was able to get a peek down a hallway, which seemed to lead down a dark path. The threshold to this hallway was coved underneath the ascending stairs that would likely lead to Thiago's room. Auron refrained from sighing, but realized right then and there that whatever secrets this place held were likely within the depths of that hallway. But there would be no way to easily access this. And so he would simply take his leave and depart from the building. 

Once outside, he'd reflect to himself underneath the gentle touch of the moon light. "Damnit, I'm sure that treasure is within Thiago's home. But I'm unsure of how to get access to that. The only way is likely to sneak in, but when does this guy go to bed?" As he thought to himself, he suddenly remembered there was a high placed window in that room. It was likely that it could offer a peek into the home without being noticeable. Auron would shuffle away from the entrance and position himself in the shadows, out of the line of sight from any potential onlookers. And from this perch, Auron would peer into the room through the window. He would stay here, occasionally looking in until all the lights had been off and Thiago had ascended up the stairwell. It would be at least an hour before this happened, but when it would Auron needed to act fast. He'd scan the trails of the village before moving, and once the coast was clear he would maneuver back towards the entrance of Thiago's home. He'd pull his shinobi identification card out, and slide it in between the crevice of the door. He'd wiggle it until a soft *pop* could be heard, signifying that the lock had been released. Softly, he'd push the door open and creep inside, making sure to close the door behind him. He'd pause momentarily, to make sure he didn't hear any signs of Thiago, and then would proceed. Auron essentially tiptoed through the home until he made his way to the hallway, in which he would proceed down it. He'd note there were several cryptic paintings, and two doors. He'd look to open one, and would be deterred as it had a lock on its handle. The other door wasn't locked, and he'd softly push this one open revealing a bulletin board with the pictures of many faces pinned to it. He'd switch on the light, and right as he did, Thiago would firmly place his hand on Auron's shoulder as he had crept up on him from behind.

"This is as far as you go."

WC = 1524. TWC = 3053
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
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Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Tue May 31, 2022 2:33 pm
As alarmed as he was, Auron's determination and composure did not waver. Instead he'd turn in place and lock eyes with Thiago. Attempting to keep up the guise, he'd calmly say "Whatever do you mean? I'm jus-"

"Save it. I've known all along you aren't Ruji. Ruji wouldn't be so clever or well spoken. Reveal yourself." Thiago would sternly interrupt.

Auron, slightly taken back and amused would perform a single seal, dispelling his disguise as the man's comrade. He wouldn't say a word, yet Thiago would continue in his analysis.

"Well, I presume you killed Ruji then...which honestly did me a favor. He was careless, and sloppy. And that's likely how he died. But what do you think you're doing here?"

Auron, figuring it would be best to come clean and reveal his intentions, assumed he had nothing to lose. In a worst case scenario, he'd tell Thiago his plan and what he came here in search of. However Thiago would response, Auron would welcome. Whether a fight, or a deal. "I come here on business. I've told that there's a certain amount of ryo that was buried underneath this very settlement. I've come to retrieve it, though I figured if I told you I would be turned away and you'd seek the treasure for yourself. Additionally, I have been asked to make sure that this settlement is relocated or moved. As it encroaches on the boundary of some future mining operations."

Thiago would pause momentarily before laughing to himself. What a fool this young man had been. Risking his life for some measly ryo. "You came here on behalf of a rumor for a small amount of ryo? Hah! You must be a fool."

Auron, upon being called a fool, would slightly grow angry. He refused to show this though, and maintained his neutral expression.

"A fool, but capable. And I'll recognize your competence. But if you've come this far for ryo, then perhaps you'll work for more. You see, I have an associate that I need...liberated from a certain prison. It is just north of here, on the other side of the mountain, you can't miss it. Go there and infiltrate that prison, bring my associate back here unscathed, and I'll compensate you tremendously. As for the second portion, if you can destabilize that prison then we will relocate our base of operations to there. As you can see, this place of ours is in shambles. And to sweeten the pot, I will give you the ryo I had found buried underneath this place. Therefore, everything you're working towards will be a bonus."

So it was a proposition he offered? Auron would struggle to turn down an opportunity of the sort. He desperately needed ryo. Desperately. He shrugged his shoulders, and decided it may be best to go along with this notion. "Okay. Fine. What does this associate of yours look like, or how might I identify him?" Auron inquired nonchalantly. He'd observe this leader's mannerisms, looking to detect if he had evoked any deceit. Though his words seemed true.

"He will bear a seal on the back of each of his hands. Hair long, and red. And he goes by the moniker of Nil. That's all the details I can provide, but I suggest you get moving." Thiago would conclude then turn in place and reach for a vase on a shelf in the room. He'd lift it, and stick his hand inside to retrieve a sack of ryo. Tossing it to Auron, who would in turn catch it, Thiago would fulfill his initial half of the bargain. He'd then exit the room. He did not care if he were to die to this intruder, yet he assumed that he wouldn't. This was too tempting of an opportunity to pass up due to nonsensical violence. Auron, in a rut, would simply agree letting out an audible "hmm". And with that Thiago would depart from the room, and Auron would hastily leave the house.

Auron would somewhat curse himself, as he had been convinced to do something else that would demand his time. And a lot of it at that. As he dragged himself through the small settlement, the thought of destroying it and taking the ryo off the corpses of the body invaded his mind. Yet his conscious, as broken as it was, dissuaded him from doing so. This could be a potential ally in a world of people against him. So it may be to his benefit to try to not burn any bridges too soon. As he exited the village, he'd begin maneuvering to the east of the settlement. As he did so, he noticed the lack of structural integrity this fortress had. There were cracks, holes, and weak points through its walls. It was no wonder that this group had been so willing to relocate. And with that promise in hand, Auron would finally reach the rear of the settlement. He'd perform several handseals, and begin to funnel the chakra in his body to his feet. Following this he'd stare at the base of the mountain and cast his gaze upwards. It would be quite a hassle to ascend all the way to the peak of the mountain, but it was necessary in order to get to the other side of the mountain. And so he began to ascend it. The first couple dozen of meters were nothing, however once he reached an elevation of around 50 meters he began to feel the effects of gravity sinking into the depths of his stomach. He felt light yet simultaneously heavy. It almost made him feel queasy. But if there were anything that he would not do, it would be looking down. By doing so, he'd likely hurl and be discouraged with the amount of progress he made. It was only forward from here. Well, up. As he looked up the steep slope of the mountain, he recognized that he may have only been about a third of the way up. He would still need to proceed at least another 100 meters. The thought of doing this was a reminder of his mortality, recognizing that at any point he could fall and descend to his death. Yet he tried to refrain from thinking of this possibility, and just continued to persevere forward. With his eyes on the prize, in about an hour he had ascended to the peak of the mountain. The strain he felt on his legs and chakra reserve were like no other form of training he had gone through. It was a true test of his endurance. But luckily, at the peak of this mountain he had been able to find a flat plateau which he could rest at. And so he would sit on the ground, feeling the intense burn in his calves and throughout his body. He couldn't help but think that he still had another 150 meters to descend down from the mountain to reach the prison. Peering over the side of the ledge, he could faintly see the boundaries of the prison. But he knew he would need to rest for a bit until he could recover his chakra reserves. And so he would take some time to mentally concoct a plan of attack to not only retrieve a prisoner, but to destabilize the prison.

WC = 1226. TWC = 4279

Mid thread claim completing first two missions and claiming rewards:
+ 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
+ 4,000 Ryo / 20 AP
+ 2,000 per C rank mission completed = 4000 Ryo
Ryo Total = 12,000
AP Total = 305

WC Claims 
- 746 towards Time Dilation (A, 2500/2500); rest trained here
- 1500 towards Unburial Rite (B, 1500/1500)
- 2033 towards Corpse Explosion (A, 2033/2500)

4276/100 = 42 trainable stat points; 76 words remaining

Previous Stats: 117/250 (+25)
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 35 (+25)
Speed: 32
Strength: 25

New Stats: 159/250 (+25)
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 60 (+25)
Speed: 49
Strength: 25
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
Stat Page : Stat Page

Health: 300 points
AP: 2,000 points
Vigor: 125 points
Chakra: 125 points
Speed: 45 points
Strength: 5 points
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
Legendary Equipment : N/A
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ninjutsu Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Kemonogakure
Ryo : 0

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Tue May 31, 2022 5:20 pm
Mid-Thread claims approved for Auron!
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Missing-Nin (B-rank)
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sensory
Village : Missing Ninja
Ryo : 293900

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Wed Jun 01, 2022 1:34 pm
While he sat upon the apex of the mountain, Auron reflected on the situation at hand. Without a doubt, this prison would be heavily guarded. And so infiltrated it would be far more difficult than it had been to infiltrate the bandit camp. Brute forcing his way through was likely out of the question as well. A mission at hand like this one would require finesse and brains. He sighed to himself, wishing that he had a leader or someone to follow. Planning things like this was not his strong suit, so he'd need to spend much more time thinking this through than someone else may have. Nevertheless he'd have to figure it out. He sat up, propped his knees up, and rested his forearms upon them. Auron then laid his head on his arms, and closed his eyes. 

"The easiest way I could infiltrate their ranks would probably be getting apprehended and taken into the prison by the guards themselves. If I do that though, it's inevitable that they'll apply some type of seal on me to prevent me from using jutsu. And of course, they will confiscate all of my equipment. This could be a viable option, but then it will require months of planning to get an idea on how I could even devise an escape route once within the walls. I wish I could get closer to the facility, but I'm sure if I descend from the mountain their guard towers will have a clear sight of me...I could use the same approach I used to enter the bandit camp, but disguising myself as a guard would require me to apprehend one and transform into his appearance. But that could long as I keep my head down long enough. But I was caught last time by not having a grasp on Ruji's behavior. Perhaps I should study a guard then..."

As Auron continued to work his way through the initial stages of a plan, his wheels really began to turn. It was all making sense to him, and his blunders from his previous failure had shone light on the proper way to proceed with an infiltration plan. It was almost as if Thiago had assigned him this mission in an attempt to redeem himself from his failures. It was interesting, yet it motived Auron to succeed. In the dead of night, he'd rise from his sitting posture and look downward upon the prison facility again. But this time he paid more attention to the surrounding area, and not just the prison. Though high up, he could make out the tracks of a railroad which approached the facility then veered off into the Western direction. He'd need to see which way the train would come from. And so he would wait for one. It took all night but once morning time came and to his luck, an approaching train would be traveling from the Northern direction South towards the facility. It would drop off a group of passengers who seemed to then head off towards the prison. From here, it was difficult to see in detail but Auron could at least make out that the group consisted of two colors: blue and orange. To his assumption those wearing blue uniforms were likely prison guards. Those in orange had to be prisoners.

"So it seems as if in the morning, prison guards return to the prison with a group of criminals. I can see that they're leading them into the facility, and some guards are leaving out. This is probably a shift change. If I can somehow capture a guard, mimic his appearance and end up on that train, or at least seem like I was on that train, then I could probably just...walk right in."

Auron was surprised with his analytical ability. The power of patience and planning had truly presented itself to him at this point in time. But to him, it had been enough planning. Now it was time to act. Besides, he wouldn't be able to plan any further without knowing the intricacies of the prison. And so, the man would begin walking along the Western ridge of the mountain. He'd distance himself from the immediate vicinity of the prison, until he had traveled far enough to spot a train station off in what seemed like the middle of nowhere. From there, he'd descend down the mountain 150 meters until he reached the base of it. Strained and tired once more, he'd rest momentarily until his chakra reserves had replenished. Once they had, he'd proceed with his plan. Auron would walk towards the train station and sit patiently on the bench. The train carrying the night shift had already departed from the prison facility and so it would be quite some time before the next one would come. Nevertheless, Auron would sit idly by until the signs of the next one came. And unfortunately for him, this would be a while. The first hour passed, and he had stayed seated. He went through his internal progressions on how the plan would be executed. But he could only do this so many times until he grew bored of the internal debacle. Therefore he'd adjust his posture, now laying down completely on the bench. The man would stare at the afternoon sky as its rays of light bore down upon him. He had no clue that today would be as physically taxing as it was, and it wasn't even over. As he stared, his eyes began to grow heavy. So much so that they would close, and he'd find himself drifting off. Several hours would pass and the Yamaguchi had been sound asleep. All until the approaching sounds of a train wailing would awaken the shinobi, and he'd sit upright on the bench. How long had he been asleep for? At least long enough for the sun to begin to set and for the next shift change to occur. By this time he was starving. Auron had fully caught up on rest, but hadn't eaten in at least a day and a half's time. Nevertheless as the train approached the station it would slow until it came to a screeching halt. The first cabin of the train would present itself towards Auron and its doors would rapidly creek open. Auron in turn stood from his seat and proceeded up the stairs of the train's entrance leading into the cabin. He'd begin walking throughout the cabin, mentally noting that there were no passengers in this section. As he walked, the train would begin to take off, slightly jerking his body with its momentum and almost causing him to fall. The man caught himself though, and continued on until he took a seat. With his legs out in the aisle, he'd visually inspect the train. Looking towards the cabin's rear, he could see through a window which provided a glance at the cabin behind his own. Within it, there were a few passengers but none dressed like guards.

"Where are these damn prison guards?" he thought to himself, thinking long and hard on his memory of seeing the guards and prisoners depart from the previous train. Then he came to the sudden realization that they had departed from the train at its rear cabin, just before the caboose. He sighed to himself, as it would be impossible to gain a visual of these prison guards coming from the shift change out unless he had somehow made his way towards the rear cabin. Looking downward, he'd redirect his gaze back towards the window at the back of his cabin. Auron stood from his seat and made his way towards it. He could see that there was a door and hallway that would lead him to the cabin behind him, and the next cabin had the same thing. He'd need to go through these doors as far as possible until he got a sign of a potential target. And that's just what he'd do. Turning the handle to the door, he'd push it open and proceed through it, closing the door behind him. The Yamaguchi would continue on through the hallway until he reached the next door, which he would go through as well. Now in the second cabin, Auron would repeat this entire process of walking through the cabin, through the hallway, and onto the next cabin. Who knew trains had so many and were so big? Certainly not him, as this had been his first time on a train. And so after some iterations of doing this, he'd finally arrive at the second to last cabin. Within it were no passengers, save for one armed guard who stood at attention guarding the hallway to the last cabin. Auron would nonchalantly take a seat, but not before getting a quick glimpse past the guard and into the window. Within it, he could at least make out a single prison guard in the rear most cabin. He'd smile to himself as he sat forward, thinking how his luck had finally turned in his favor. Now all that would be left to do, was quite frankly stalk the prison guard in the cabin behind him until he saw him exit the train. And so, Auron would occasionally look towards the rear cabin every time the train stopped. It would take about two or three passes until he finally saw the prison guard within the back cabin stand from his seat and start to exit the train. Auron would follow in suit, leaving the confines of the cabin and exiting the train. Once outside, he'd immediately drop down and begin to lace up his boots to bide some time. As he did so, the prison guard would set off towards the direction of the village off in the distance. It was really the only location that anyone exiting from the train would be walking towards, and so this gave Auron a motive to deceptively trail the man. When the train would take back off, Auron would look around and note that there had been no one else leaving the train. And luckily there had been no one else at all in this entire vicinity aside from him and the single prison guard. "Perfect" he thought to himself as a sly smile crept upon his face.

As he stalked the man from a distance, Auron paid meticulous attention to everything about the man. The way he walked, how he carried himself, and even his light quirks such as his occasional hair flip. These things were important to pick up on. The last time he had mimicked someone's persona, he failed terribly. That would not be the case this time, especially in such a high stakes scenario. The smallest of mistakes could cost him not only the mission, but his freedom. And so once he felt as if he had studied the man enough, Auron would decide to make his move. And this would be the perfect time, as the sky had darkened and they were still a ways away from the distant village. "Hey excuse me sir!" Auron would call out to the guard, immediately causing the man to break his stride and turn in place. Before he would strike, Auron needed to hear the man's voice to understand how he sounded and how he spoke.

In a raspy voice, the man responded "What? I've gotta get home or my wife will kill me!"

"You look familiar," Auron would lie as he started to catch up to the man. This time he mentally noted the man's facial features. "Are you from Iwagakure originally?"

The man would squinch his eyes and nose in confusing, "What? Iwagakure? No, I've never lived in a great village. Just who are you?" the man would snarl back, voice deepened and eyes piercing. Auron made sure to note that too.

"Sorry, you looked like one of my close friends...I'm new to the area. Didn't meant to disturb you."

The guard would in turn relax, and offer a reassuring smile to Auron. "Oh...sorry I'm a bit tense. But no, I've never seen you before. Now if you don't mind, I must go."

Auron would shrug and wave the man off, who would immediately turn around and continue his walk. But once his gaze was refocused on what was in front of him, Auron struck from behind. He'd quickly form a flurry of handseals, and cast an overwhelming surge of force above the man's position. It would weigh him down, forcing him to his hands and knees as he buckled under the burden. Auron would intensify this chakra expenditure, causing the man to drop even lower. He hadn't even been able to muster the energy to scream in agony. Calmly, Auron approached the man and dropped down to a single knee as he leaned over top of him. "Sorry again..." was all the Yamaguchi would say before snapping his neck then ending his jutsu. He'd proceed to drag the lifeless body away and off the main road towards a series of bushes off and in the distance. He'd begrudgingly remove the man's uniform, and suit himself with it. As luck would have it, it was a perfect fit. And with a series of hand seals, he'd again perform the transformation jutsu disguise his physical body as an exact replica of the guard. Now that he looked the part, he was confident that he could play it too. Auron would leave the man's body in the bush, but depart from it. Knowing he'd need to return to the train station in approximately six hours, he'd spend his time hunting some food. To his luck, he caught a few rabbits deeper in the forest near the thicket of bushes. He'd clean then, skewer them, then cook them over a roasting fire. It wasn't the best of meals, but it would suffice. Surely he had worst in his travels. But once this was done, he'd clean himself up, then set off to the train station. By his estimations, he still had about three hours before it would arrive. 

It only took him half that time to make it to the train station, and once there he would sit and cross his arms. He'd calmly await the next train, thinking to himself on what the best possible way of proceeding may be. Second turned to minutes and minutes turned to an hour and a half in no time. The train would come in, then stop on a dime. Auron would make his way to the rear of the train and face his first test. Would he be allowed entry into the rear cabin, which was guarded? Staying calm, cool, and collected he'd approach the guard who would immediately step aside, letting the scoundrel on board. Softly, he'd smile to himself and make his way on. There had already been a number of guards and prisoners alike in the seats of this cabin, and so Auron would follow suit and sit in the last row where he had seen the man previously sitting. The ride to the prison was quiet, almost as if these guards hardly knew each other. But what else should Auron expect when dealing with workers at the crack of dawn? Everyone was half awake, only conscious enough to be aware of anyone in a prisoner uniform trying to pull a fast one. And this was perfect for him, so far he already had everyone fooled. 

When the train would arrive at the prison, Auron would embark from it like everyone else would and followed the line of guards in suit. They'd all look to enter the facility, bypassing the requirement of going through the metal detectors or security all together. This well thought out planned truly seemed to be working out exactly how he had hoped. And once he arrived in the break room with the other guards, the warden would enter. "Alright everyone listen, today you will be split into teams. Last names A through J will be responsible for A block, K through Q on B block, and the rest on C block. Move out." 

Auron having looked at his name tag prior, saw his last name was Zenetsu. Meaning he would be on C block. However, he knew that the probability of the man he was looking for being in C block was only minimal. Reminded of his goal to destabilize the prison, Auron would have to make a move soon. As all of the guards dispersed to their assignments, Auron would hang back for a bit in the break room waiting for the warden to leave. When he would, Auron would tail him stealthily until he reached the warden's office. The warden would enter the office and begin to close the door. Yet with no witnesses in sight, Auron would burst into the room after him, quickdraw his blade, and slit the man's throat. In a hurry, he'd shut the door and stuff the warden into a closet in that room. He'd take time to clean up the blood spill, then convert his transformation into the appearance of the warden. Recalling the tonality of his voice, Auron would look towards the walkie talkie upon the warden's desk and grab ahold of it. "Can a standby guard please bring prisoner Nil to my office?" he'd radio out and anxiously wait until any answer came. Moments of silence would pass, until it was broken with a clear, "Copy that boss man."

A sigh of relief would depart from Auron's body, and he'd eagerly wait until a knock at the warden's door came. Opening the door, a guard along with a prisoner with long red hair would be standing. "Ah thank you," Auron began as he walked towards the door. "I'll take it from here," Auron followed up. The guard would turn in place to depart from the room, and when he would Auron would swiftly draw his blade and puncture the guard's throat, softly carrying his body into the confines of the office. The prisoner, understanding the assignment, would close the door behind them and a short dialogue would go on between the two.

"You busting me out of here?"


"Well you got me, how do we get out?"

"We need a distraction..."

"I know where the control room is, I've tried to escape myself. We could let all the inmates free, and that would distract the guards for sure."

"Well before we leave, disguise yourself as that guard right there. We should be able to move around undetected for the time being."

With the plan briefly discussed, there was no need for formalities or any sign of trust. The two had learned enough about each other in the moments that just occurred so that they were confident enough to rely on another. With Nil taking on the disguise, the two would make their way to the nearby control room. A quick snap of the neck would subdue the guard in the room, and quickly after they'd press the button unlocking all of the cells and unshackling all the prisoners. Immediately a loud uproar would occur, and the sound of guards and prisoners would flood the prison. Auron and Nil now had the easiest way out, able to parade right pass the security station and depart from the facility amongst the commotion. Together they'd hastily flee the premises, and together use the surface walking technique to climb the mountain. They'd stop at the apex of the mountain for rest, and when they had recovered they'd descend it onto the other side. And within just two days time, Auron had been at the place where he was assigned the mission. Once at the gates of the bandit fortress, Auron would call out for Thiago who would ironically be waiting at the gates.

"We could hear the commotion and screaming from here. Judging by the fact that Nil is next to you, I assume the mission was a success. I underestimated you."

"Yeah, well that prison is in distress right now. It would be the perfect opportunity for you and your group to go there now. And me, well I'll be taking my leave. But first I'll be taking my payment."

"But of course," Thiago would say, tossing a sack of ryo down to Auron who would catch it. "Thank you for your service."

And with that, Nil would go on to Thiago, and Auron himself would set off from the camp. It was an immoral last few days, but at least it made his pockets heavier.

- Exit -

WC = 3437. TWC = 7716

Claiming Mission Rewards:
+ 6000 Ryo / 30 AP
+ 3000 Ryo per B rank mission completed
New Ryo Total = 6000
New AP Total = 335

Journeyman Ninja Milestone Complete
+ 1 B Rank Scroll

WC Claims 
- 467 towards Corpse Explosion (A, 2500/2500)
- 1500 towards Unburial: Screecher (B, 1500/1500)
- 1470 towards Temple Style: Bark (B, 1470/1500)

3437 + 76 remaining words = 3513/100 = 35 trainable stat points

Previous Stats: 159/250 (+25)
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 60 (+25)
Speed: 49
Strength: 25

New Stats: 194/250 (+25)
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 75 (+25)
Speed: 69
Strength: 25
Stat Page : Stats
Mission Record : Missions
Remove Remove Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hyogagakure
Ryo : 500

The Rule of Three Empty Re: The Rule of Three

Wed Jun 01, 2022 3:12 pm

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