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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Mother of Martyrs Empty Mother of Martyrs

Sun Sep 04, 2022 12:13 am
The Sun was setting on Lightning Country as a young up and coming Genin made his way out of the prison facility of the mountain village hidden in the clouds. The cranky, sleep deprived shinobi had just wrapped up a brutal three day long interrogation of a rebel that he and two other shinobi had apprehended during a recent riot. After the conspirator bit his own tongue off in order to hinder the Kumon shinobi's ability to extract useful information from him, the Genin had to resort to acts of torture and violence that he had only ever seen before on the movie screen. His lack of sleep and fear of failure motivated him to waterboard the senile rebel and even subtly threaten his family to break down his will before he finally caved and gave him the information that he had sought after - the location of a hideout in the mountains from where organized bandits backed rebels like him who in the eyes of the dutiful shinobi only sought to cause civil unrest among the Kumon population. Yet, the Genin in question was a man with a kind nature, and it had disheartened him when he was forced to carry out such brutal acts in order to accomplish the task that was assigned to him.

As he made his way away from the prison gates in the falling snow, he saw that a sizeable crowd had formed not more than two hundred meters from the prison gates. Taking a swig of rum from his metal flask and one last drag from his cigarette, he tossed it to the ground and stomped on it, closing his eyes shut in anticipation of a messenger raven that he expected would come with a mission briefing tasking him with deescalating the situation outside the prison facility. As of late, this Genin had been feeling a little overworked and he wished for nothing more than to go home. Right on cue, as the flame from the stubbed cigarette vanquished into the sole of his boots, a raven flew overhead, dropping a rolled scroll into the shinobi's hand before landing on a nearby railing on the sidewalk, and cawing at the man. After letting out the smoke in his mouth with a disgruntled sigh, a slight grin cracked on Saturn Sentobi's face. Somewhere deep down inside, he liked the responsibilities he was tasked with. "Good grief..." He spoke out into the falling snow in a deep raspy voice, and scratched the heavy blonde stubble on his beach tanned face while he read the contents of the scroll.

Mission Info:

"Could it be..?" Saturn groaned quietly, as he had a flashback of the chaos that had erupted on main street during the recent riot. A berserker who seemed to meld his bones into weapons charged with lightning was among the Kumon shinobi dispatched to break up the riot, and he had run his way through a large crowd of civilians. He was however not alone in his act, as several other shinobi were also at the scene handing out extreme levels of violence for brunch. Putting his white hood on over his dark blonde locks, Saturn approached the mob, blending into the crowd. His icy blue eyes searched the crowd and the vicinity to scan for any other shinobi who may have been tasked with dealing with the situation along with him.

"I still have a dream. I have a dream that one day the sons and daughters of shinobi and the sons and daughters of civilians will be able to sit down together at the tables in the Drunken Kage Bar and feast together as brothers and sisters."
An older woman who seemed to be in her fifties was the center of attention, and the mob was forming around her as she spoke loud and clear, with a hand on her heart and tears in her cataracts.

"I have a dream that one day, Kumogakure, a village sweltering with the heat of injustice, sweltering with the heat of oppression will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice. I have a dream that my four grandchildren will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by their combat abilities  but by the content of their character. I have a dream today. I have a dream that proud Kumon civilians, like my son," Her voice cracked before a frown knotted in her forehead and she spoke louder with even more conviction, "I have a dream that one day, proud Kumon compatriots like my son can speak freely without being killed in cold blood by our Oppressors!" The crowd erupted into a furious deafening roar of contemptuous screams with an uncanny valiance, "I have a dream that one day every valley in the Cloud shall be exalted, every hill and mountain in Lightning Country shall be made low, the rough places will be made plain, and the crooked places will be made straight, and the glory of Raijin shall be revealed, and all Kumon flesh shall see it together. This is our hope. This is the faith with which I shall march to the Peak. With this faith, we will be able to hew out of the mountain of despair a stone of hope. With this faith we will be able to hunt together, to drink together, to pray together, to go to the prison cells together, to stand up for freedom together, knowing that we will be free from the shackles that keep us chained."

The woman seemed to glow, basking in the aura of her charisma and conviction. She walked up and down between her two towering security personnel, gesturing at the crowd and riling them up, "So occupy Thunderpeak Campus!" She exclaimed.

"Hear!" The crowd yelled back in unison.

"Occupy the Training Grounds!"


"Occupy the Iron Bank!"


"Free Zeryusu!"

"Free Zeryusu!!"

"Free Kazuya!"

"Free Kazuya!!"

"This will be the day when all of Raijin's children will be able to sing with new meaning: My nation, 'tis of thee, sweet land of justice and honor, of thee I sing. Land where my fathers died, land where my son died, land of the first thunder, from Etro's Shrine and Dragon's Ravine and every mountainside, to the Charred Remnants of Black Forest, let freedom ring!"

"Freedom?" Saturn scoffed, "What is this crackhead old hag on about?" He contemplated the situation. It was inconceivable to the Genin that the shinobi who was dispatched under official orders to contain the riot the other day could be charged for misconduct on account of the martyr's death. It was even more inconceivable still that the crowd would calm down without reparations after the mother's moving speech. He had to think of something equally drastic to break the will of the mob.

"Zeryusu is dead." He pulled his hood down and made a bold claim from the back of the crowd. Although it was a lie about the rebel he had just finished interrogating, the man was as good as dead anyway. "What did you say?" A member of the crowd brought turned their attention to the Genin as their murmurs quieted out.

"He was a traitor. Like your son was."

The crowd erupted into a disgruntled flurry of contempt towards the rude shinobi and one of the men grabbed Saturn by his hoodie before swinging a hard punch right at his jaw. As the punch connected, his body dissipated into a cloud of smoke. Panicked, the crowd started to scramble. Some were hunting for the shinobi, and others were running for their lives in fear. Unfortunately, most of the fearful members of the crowd were headed straight for the prison, as the deceiving Genin had set up a certain genjutsu technique by the name of False Surroundings Technique while they were distracted. The two guards assigned to the old lady stood close to her sides, trying to protect her by any means necessary. Using transformation technique to disguise himself as a dark young man with dark hair in place of his blonde locks, and brown eyes in place of his blue ones, Saturn pretended to be among the crowd, running frantically as he mimicked their fear. He was stalling, and thinking of a plan.

WC: 1514
techs used:
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Sun Sep 04, 2022 2:18 pm
It was time to make a comeback. It had been an interesting couple of months as Moyasu had been sent to a beach in some unknown part of the world in order to kick back and get some rest. It was certainly something that he took advantage of as he mainly laid around for the entirety of his time on the beach but now that he was back in the village he felt jittery over all the inactivity he had been through and it was time to get back to work. During his time on the beach his hair had grown due to him not going to a barber during his time there. He'd been to plenty massage parlors and spas, though, which helped in getting the kinks he had developed inside his body due to all of his ninja duties. Thus he was in his bathroom now thinking about what to do with his hair whether it was to cut it or to leave it as it was for styling. He quite frankly liked his longer hair but he wanted to go for a new look. "Had my fun on the beach. Got nicely rejuvenated. I think it's normal to say that I feel like a new man now. And usually what goes with a new me is a new look."

Thus he had gone out and gotten himself some hair dye from the nearby stores and was preparing a bath in order to get ready for the dye. After a few minutes he would walk out of his bathroom to his kitchen in order to get to cooking his supper, a towel wrapped around his head in order to allow his hair to dry, as he decided that he was going to experiment with some food ideas he had developed while on the beach. He had brought back with him from the beach some clams and had wanted to try stewing them together and make a clam chowder with some extra ingredients including white wine, garlic, butter, and even some bacon. Soon enough his kitchen was smelling multiple different smells that reminded him of the beach and the smell of it's sea as he allowed the stew to simmer before turning back into the bathroom and taking his towel off. He would take the next few minutes in order to get his hair together and styled the way he wanted to before looking into the mirror and smirking. He liked what he saw staring back at him.

It wouldn't take long for his stew to finish, after he put on a shirt and bracelets that he had bought from a gift shop on the beach, as he took the pot and poured it's contents into a bowl as steam rose from the stew causing his nostrils to be filled with the sweet smell of it's contents. His mouth watered as he sat at his table beside one of his open windows and dipped his spoon into the chowder. Before he could get one of the clams into his mouth a caw would sound off right next to him that made him sigh in frustration as he looked up and saw a raven with a scroll tied to it's leg. He put the spoon back down into the stew before he reached up and untied the scroll from the leg in order to unfurl it and read it's contents as the smell of the chowder was distracting him from time to time. He thus would read the contents quickly and put the scroll into his shirt pocket before the raven flew away and he dove back into his chowder. It was certainly as good, if not better, than he was hoping it'd be.

He finished his stew rather quickly and went over to his wardrobe in order to get out a jacket that he'd been carrying with him for a while ever since that dreaded day many years ago. A jacket that belonged to his mother at one point passed down through her ancestral generations. Maybe this would complete his new look as he put it on and found that it fit him perfectly. He rolled up the sleeves so that he could show off his bracelets before putting on his pants and shoes and making his way back into the bathroom in order to touch up on his new look. Walking around with the jacket would take a little getting used to as it worked kind of like a trench coat in that the coat tails reached down to his calves. The unique thing about them was that there were four coat tails which flowed a bit awkwardly at times as he walked but, overall as he looked at himself in the mirror, he actually liked what he was seeing. The coat was dyed in a nice amalgamation of colors that made it look as though it had been woven over an open flame, orange and red mixed together to resemble a fire capable of becoming a conflagration, as he completed his look with a pair of shades also provided to him courtesy of the beach's gift shop.

After agreeing with his overall look he saw in the mirror he would leave out the back way of his apartment, opening and shutting his sliding door as he stepped out onto his balcony, before he got out a cigarette from within his shirt pocket and placed it upon his lips. He then flicked his thumb like a lighter, a small flame coming up from the tip of his thumb, as he lit the cigarette and puffed in a nice amount of the sweet tobacco within before removing the cigarette and blowing out a plume of smoke. He shook his free hand which caused the flame over his thumb to blow out before placing the cigarette back into his mouth and hopping up onto the rook of a nearby building in order to run atop roof after roof in order to get to his destination which was the loud noises of a person shouting and a crowd heading towards the source.

Upon arriving he saw a large crowd of people listening to the speech as Moyasu sighed, causing a puff of smoke to leave his mouth, as he decided it was better to not listen for it could get in the way of the job he had to do. He looked down just in time to see a person get punched in the face by someone that was part of the crowd before he disappeared into a puff of smoke. "Another ninja? Well I this is a pretty big situation so multiple ninjas to handle it couldn't hurt." Suddenly Moyasu noticed the surroundings change as the crowd became frantic. Things were about to get hectic as he hopped down from the roof and two of the civilians noticed him. "There he is! He's using that weird transformation technique! Get him!" It was obvious these two had mistaken Moyasu for the ninja that had just been punched but he wasn't going to entertain these clowns. As the two ninja rushed forward towards him preparing to bum rush him he closed his eyes and focused his inner chakras before opening them back up, his eyes turning gold as his pupils slanted to resemble that of a cat's, as an aura of deafening power suddenly erupted from his body stopping the two and all of the crowd dead in it's tracks.

His aura was massive and resembled that of a raging flame consuming everything in it's path, the coattails of his jacket softly flapping as the aura was powerful enough to cause a gust to form, as it travelled all along the crowd causing everyone to feel immense heat as he smoked his cigarette nonchalantly and watched them all with his eyes. It was a heat that, while hot in temperature, wasn't enough to burn or hurt anyone as it travelled over their bodies yet it did give the impersonation that it could crank up at any point in time and start melting everyone in attendance whenever Moyasu desired. Now the two knew that his eyes weren't those of a cat... but of a dragon's as his eyes and aura spoke to them and warned them of what their actions would lead them to if they tried to continue their violence towards him: A very painful death as well as a cremation right there in front of everyone. Everyone in the crowd got that feeling, his power reaching and touching them all, as he eventually relaxed his chakra. His aura would slowly dissipate back into himself, his eyes retaining their dragon-like stare, as he would look over the crowd as his senses were telling him the ninja he had seen earlier was still among them. The ninja in question had a very high amount of chakra within them, much more so than himself in fact, as that unfortunately just made the ninja's location all the more obvious to Moyasu as his eyes eventually would fall upon a dude amongst the crowd with black hair and brown eyes.

He wouldn't say anything as pointing the man out to the crowd would only potentially bring about another violent reaction from them and the mission specifically stated that the mission had to be handled with diplomacy. It didn't mean he couldn't at least scare the crowd a little bit in order to get what he had to say out. He would take one last puff of his cigarette before dropping it on the ground and crushing it under his shoe before speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. "My fellow villagers... While I understand your pain and hear your grievances this is not the way to get the sadness and anger you hold in your hearts resolved. Violence only ever breeds more violence and hatred begets greater hatred. I know that's probably not something you wish to hear from me: a shinobi, a person who you probably perceive is so high up on his ego that he considers himself superior to you all and not an equal, but in reality we shinobi are your servants. We are charged upon our inauguration into our roles as ninja to protect our country, our village, and it's people and to serve the ones who truly make this village as great as it is: you guys. I understand that an incident occurred where a group of our own shinobi committed a violent act upon a group you all know well, killing members of our village coldheartedly, before taking off seemingly without facing any justice or consequence of their actions. I'm here to tell you that the shinobi involved in that incident were investigated by shinobi selected by our Raikage, dishonorably discharged of their ranks and titles as shinobi, and are currently serving time within our prison. We do not take violence against our civilians lightly and we are doing everything in our power to get the situation rectified."

"As far as the civilians that were involved in the incident are concerned we have taken them into protective custody within our prison. While this was a decision that was made in order to correct the wrongdoings they were partaking in, and have admitted to, it was also a bid to help protect them from any further violence. Make no mistake, while we shinobi fully accept accountability for the actions of the ninja who committed their brazen violent act that cost us the highly valued lives of our civilians, said civilians were partaking in an illegal act. They will remain in prison indefinitely and await a just judgement at some point in the future for their actions. Any grievances or complaints you have towards that you can take them up at the Raikage's mansion. For now, however, I must ask that you all leave and go about your day peacefully." The crowd would stick around for a moment, absorbing everything that Moyasu had had to say, before slowly clearing out all as the woman was looking on and trying to get them to stop. Moyasu would stop her, however, as he would form a few hand seals while looking at her. She would freeze where she was as a result as he made his way up to her while passing the disguised ninja with a nonchalant smile. "Problem solved." He would then pat Saturn's shoulder before continuing his way up to the woman who's guards were confused over why she wasn't moving. He would walk up to the two of them and remove his glasses as a tattoo came up from within his shirt and etched it's way across his face as he looked at them. 
"If I were you two I'd clear out of here as well." His body would start to exude an immensely hot aura as he glared at them causing them to essentially run for the hills as he relaxed and his eyes finally went back to their normal look. He placed the glasses back on and looked to the still frozen lady. "Now then... What to do with you."

WC 2,192

Techs and skills used: Display of PowerChakra SensoryOHSTemp Paralysis (B), and Dragon Fire Mastery
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Wed Sep 07, 2022 7:11 am
Mid thread claim: mission completion, 2x mission rewards and 20 beach side tickets for both saturn and moyasu with beloved presence .

As you can see the mission objective is achieved. I will be editing this post to continue the story but id like to make sure we get tickets within the deadline

Was his cover blown? Saturn now dressed as a compatriot, a fellow Genin that he had run into a few times in his journey both in Kumogakure and in the beach, had doubled down to put on the dark haired shinobi's face as well. As he scurried back and forth in the crowd in his disguise, a distinct voice from the mob stood out to him and he cringed and turned around expecting a fist to the face of his original body. He winced and shut his eyes before stammering out as the sound of his deep rasp voice became shrill and cracked in places as he pleaded, "Wait! Wait! Let me tell you something! Let me tell you something! Wait! No! Wait, wait wait wait! LET ME TELL YOU SOMETHING!" His hands were placed in front of him, his palms open. When he slowly peeked from behind his shielding hands, he saw that his open palms were inches from an old woman's chest and she looked upset. "Nani?" "Pervert!" She slapped him and stormed off, leaving him confused with a red handprint on his bronzed face. Looking elsewhere in the crowd, the real target that the crowd had taken after had begun to garner a lot more attention.

Only the footsteps of the old woman could be heard storming off as the rest of the crowd came to a halt. Saturn could feel a strong scorching heat on his brow, and he made his way towards the aura in slow steps, brushing off some of the terrified civilians to get a little bit closer. They made eye contact, and Saturn saw how the gust that cloaked his body was released to let the coattails from his jacket fall back to their original place. Meijin Curse.. What's that..? The Fortuneteller thought as he clenched his jaw and tensed up just a little. Although he guessed that it was likely that the man in front of him was an ally of the Cloud sent to deal with the riot, he could not let his guard down around someone with that much power until he was made sure of the fact. Then the more experienced shinobi between the two began his speech. He listened diligently, and the eloquence with which the dragon eyed shinobi spoke sent chills down his spine. As the crowd dispersed, Saturn stayed still for a moment forming hand seals in the chaos as they scattered, before removing his disguise to show his real face as Moyasu passed him. He followed the shinobi from behind and when Moyasu removed his glasses and spoke to the guards, the guards stood still. When he spoke, the guards simply stood still in his scorching body heat. They had been possessed by the Fortuneteller.

"Oi, oi. Why don't you cool off a little bit? Let me handle this." Saturn patted Moyasu on his shoulder and made his way towards the older woman - trying to play good cop (or rather slightly better cop) in this situation after his little stunt earlier, wondering if the chef would play bad cop and follow along. "If my colleague here says that the shinobi responsible for your son's death is discharged of their duties and doing time in prison, then that's where that shinobi must be." He spoke trying to sound somewhat important while adding nothing new to the conversation just yet. "Perhaps I could arrange a visit for you, and you could see that shinobi for yourself and get some closure. I know it won't bring your son back, but... maybe if you try to seem upset enough, the Eleventh will give you permission to take that shinobi's hand in the name of justice."

The old woman seemed disgusted, and she spat on the ground. "Justice? You speak of revenge. You shinobi are all the same. I wonder if you will defend your Raikage with the same enthusiasm when your chest gets a hole punctured right through it." Saturn tsked and gritted his teeth - he had had a long day and was not in the mood for the protestor's bickering.  "Nothing that you or your colleagues can do will stop me from marching to the Peak. The Kumons are my children just as they are the Eleventh's. So I wish you both good luck on your journey. I will pray that you may one day find the right path and walk it with your head held high, without the shame that you have to carry with you. Now let me and my guards take our leave."

 "What a bitch." Saturn rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, then looked back at Moyasu for his input. 

Techs used: Sixth Sense , MCSTMBST
WC: 779
TWC: 2293

Last edited by Saturn on Sat Sep 17, 2022 7:14 am; edited 6 times in total
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
Remove Taijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Thu Sep 08, 2022 7:03 am
Approved @Saturn
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Wed Sep 21, 2022 2:28 am
The guards didn't move right away at the Meijin's subtle threat but it was quite clear that wasn't by choice. He could see in their eyes and the tremble within their bodies that something was going on as Moyasu relaxed his fiery chakra and allowed it to cool down, the air around them almost immediately being cooled by the mountain air once more, as he could tell what was more or less happening. The ninja who had been walking inside the crowd was still around and Moyasu could sense from the flare of that ninja's massive chakra behind him that a jutsu was being used. It looked to work similar to the temporary paralysis technique that he was using but different in a subtle way. His thoughts would be interrupted, though, as he felt a hand placed on his shoulder and it was indeed the ninja in question. He placed his transitional shades back over his eyes, the coolness of the air causing the photochromic lenses to shift back to a more lighter tone, as he listened to whatever the dude had to say as well as the response the woman had to give. He was surprised to hear that the ninja practically didn't have any of his own words to say as he had practically reworded what Moyasu had said to the angry mod beforehand along with something that upset the poor woman.

It was the blue haired Meijin's turn to speak as he put a hand on his hip while keeping the woman still in a paralyzed state. "You would say that your path is different from ours, correct?" he spoke in a soft tone as he looked at her with a serious expression. "Justice is a word that is often subjective in the minds of those that wish to pursue it. Your sense of justice, for example, could be completely different from my sense of justice. I won't try to convince you that your sense of justice will only lead you down a path where the only things waiting for you at the end is either a prison sentence or even death. You're probably banking on the latter happening because you believe your death will be viewed as a martyrdom and other villagers will thus rise up in order to continue oppressing shinobi. It is a solid plan, I'll give you that, until you take into consideration a few key factors."

He lowered his glasses a bit in order to look at the woman clearly eye to eye as she looked back a bit chilled especially as Moyasu's voice lowered a bit and lost the soft undertone he had been speaking until now in order to be replaced by something slightly more sinister. "I am merely a Genin, a ninja of the lowest rung in terms of rank among my peers, and yet with a small display of my chakra all of your "followers" wanted to do anything I wished. You could even say they fled from your display with their tails between their legs... That is the level of loyalty to your cause these villagers have. How will your message be heard and remembered once you're dead and every villager only becomes more and more afraid of their own shadows? Looking over their shoulders constantly afraid that any sort of retaliation to the village and it's systems will make them come face to face with someone far more powerful and much less lenient than I am? Is this really the sort of action you feel is best to actually change anything? If so..." With that he shifted his glasses back to a better fitted position as he relaxed the hold he had on her releasing her from her paralysis.

He would allow her to comprehend that she was now free before speaking once again this time in his light and friendly tone once again. "You are free to do what you wish. If you intend to continue down this road I won't stop you. You haven't technically done anything wrong just yet besides threaten that you intend to do it. However, should you decide to give up this route, I ask that you place your faith in me because I intend to one day ascend to a higher position of power and once I achieve that I will do everything in my power to change this system for the better. Whether or not you believe that... The choice is yours to make." He would stop speaking and look at her to see how she would respond as he sighed inside his head. 'This is turning into quite a drag. he thought to himself. 'I could be writing some recipes right now instead of getting in the middle of this... But a mission's a mission. I hope she makes the right choice.'

WC 805; TWC 2,997
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Sun Sep 25, 2022 11:16 am
Saturn walked closer to the old lady and spat on the ground next to her before burping out loud. "What he said." He pointed his finger at the lady's face and spoke with a scowl on his face. The crowd was dispersed. By herself, the woman was not going to cause any real trouble at the location. The mission was completed. He had extracted enough information about the woman's antics from the bodyguards' minds to stay one step ahead should he encounter the mother of martyrs in the future. He walked past her and the guards, releasing his vice grip on their minds as he passed them. "Perhaps you could cook for me some time, colleague. You look like you're a great chef. Too bad this old hag won't be joining us with her foul mood." He kept walking, all he could think of was hitting the sack, "By the way, do you like or dislike fire?" His voice tapered off as he vanished in an instant.

WC: 167
TWC: 2460



Applying max stat discount;
1125 words towards Barrier Canopy Method Formation
1312 words towards Swarm of 100 Million Stinging Dragonflies
23 words towards Talented previously trained here:

Hiroki Shimada
Hiroki Shimada
Stat Page : Mementos of Noon - Hiroki Shimada
Mission Record : Hiroki's Mission Log
Living Clones : Mementos of Dawn - Hiro Shimada

Mementos of Dusk - Ki Shimada
Familiar : Shichiro
Remove Iryōjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 150580

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Tue Nov 01, 2022 11:18 am
Approved for Saturn
Moyasu Nokoribi
Moyasu Nokoribi
Stat Page : My Stats
Genjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 149000

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Sat Nov 19, 2022 3:22 pm
It was finally time to call it a day as Moyasu nodded with a smile to Saturn's suggestion. "Sound good." he said as he walked away from the scene. "It would be a privilege to see how my cooking is enjoyed by another ninja." His next question was a bit out of the blue, however, as Moyasu thought about his answer. "I both despise and see the value in fire. On one hand it can be used to light the way to some and provide warmth to those who need it. On the other it can be used to destroy and even raze entire civilizations. It all comes down to the wielder and I intend to wield it wisely." With that he would make his way into the village heading towards a restaurant for some grub with a wave. "See you around sometime!"

WC 143; TWC 3,140


Claiming mission rewards (12,000 ryo ((BP enhanced)) no ap reward due to reaching max ap), memorization of Saturn's chakra sig (1,500 WC; 25% disc), and Summoning Art: Rashomon B rank; 1,312 WC (25% disc)
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Mother of Martyrs Empty Re: Mother of Martyrs

Sun Nov 20, 2022 10:42 pm
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