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Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

"It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!  Empty "It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!

Sat Oct 01, 2022 10:38 pm

Z sometimes made dumb choices with regards to clothing and what they day would hold.

Z knew ahead of time that this day would be crap.

And that wording was very specific. Because today would be crap. Literally crap.

Lots and lots of crap.

Bird crap.

Z was not looking forwards to this.

There was, however, an issue.

Z had a certain aesthetic to fill. Either all white with black accents, or black clothing to emphasize contrast.

White stained easily.

Black was easy to hide stains, but bird crap, as far as they know, WAS LITERALLY WHITE. It would stand out so much!

Z Ne hummed and hawed in front of the dresser, debating what to wear. They had been debating this since BEFORE GETTING IN THE SHOWER THIS MORNING!

At this point, they may very well have spent more time considering what to wear than they would actually spend cleaning up actual bird crap.

So they should just grab a set of easily cleaned stuff and move on, right?

No! Because, like, Z did have some clothes with actual, you know, colors? And they cared less about those than the other clothes. So they made decent work clothes.

A deep sigh was released before Z finally decided. An extra large orange t-shirt (not literally the size extra large, this actually just means 'large on Z Ne') and a pair on white shorts (not that you could actually see the shorts with how low the shirt hung).

It... certainly was a look. A look for sweeping up bird crap, or whatever?

Only time would tell...

WC 265
Z Ne
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

"It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!  Empty Re: "It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!

Sun Oct 16, 2022 11:28 am
It was not, in fact, a good look for sweeping up bird shit.

There was an unexpectedly large amount of "getting on hands and knees to clean up shit that SOMEHOW had been shat UNDER THINGS THAT WERE LIKE, HALF AN INCH OFF THE GROUND.

How does a bird manage to shit in a place that it so short to even stuff its butt into???

On the plus side, Z Ne's choice of short shorts means that their legs were entirely clear to get abso fucking lutely disgusting and covered in whatever mess they happened to not notice before getting down.

On the other hand, they felt the need to ask to borrow a belt at one point because the choice of an extra large shirt meant that getting down on hands and knees had the bottom of the shirt almost dragging on the ground. That would not have been that bad a thing if Z Ne was not really trying to avoid intensive cleaning. It would be really nice if they could just throw shit into the washer when they got back home.

If the shirt got bird crap on it? Well first of all that risked getting it on the SHORTS, which would be a right nightmare to clean.

That also meant needing to hand wash it, and Z Ne would not have the fancy gloves that made this somewhat tolerable now.

They did regret, however, not having knee pads. On three separate instances, they had felt a horrifying 'squish' while moving along the floor.

WC 257
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

"It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!  Empty Re: "It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!

Sat Oct 22, 2022 11:37 pm

Fucking shoes?

...fucking... shoes?

The more Z Ne thought on it, the more they thought that...

Fuck, that was a decent idea, wasn't it?



But also why not?

Z Ne was busy thinking on this when suddenly...

A kick came flying through the air. An incredibly black (no, seriously, how was it so black?) boot came flying at their head.

Without a second thought, without even removing their hand from their chin, or the other hand from their elbow, Z Ne dropped to the floor, entering a crouch, knees outwards.

This was the middle of the village. If it was an actual threat, they were fucked anyways. Some nonchalance was fine.

Z Ne looked up at the person who's kicked they had dodged. It had not been particularly fast, and Z expected it had not been particularly strong either, though that was, admittedly, an unknown.

This was a different day than the bird poop encounter, by the way. They had been able to get cleaned up and were wearing more of their normal attire: white.

"They said they were sending someone a bit more prepared for combat," the person said. Z looked up and saw someone with short, brown hair, and small little bits of hair rising up, held up by ribbons. They almost wanted to call them pigtails, but they were far too short.

"Name's Zara. What can I call you?"

Zee looked at the individual. "Z. Z is good."

"That a nickname?" Zara asked.

"Nope." Z answered simply.

WC 255
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

"It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!  Empty Re: "It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!

Sun Oct 23, 2022 8:10 pm

The kick was aimed high. Z Ne's arms were already crossed, waiting in front of their chest. As the kick came flying in, they just had to adjust slightly. A small anticlockwise turn at the waist, turning their body a bit further in the same direction. Their arms had to raise up only a bit.

Z had told Zara to aim for the chest. They knew Zara was not the best combatant, but she was also somewhat bad at aiming.

But not horrible.

"Is there a story behind that name?"

Zara had taken the deflection in stride.


This time the kick was a bit low. Z could have deflected it well enough, but dodging out of the way was a bit easier. Just had to take the right foot back.

"Gonna share it?"

This one was spot on, and most decidedly Zara's fastest so far. Z sought to grab the incoming leg, avoiding the sharp toes of the shoes.


Zara stopped, waiting for Z Ne to let go. Even after that, Zara stood there, hands on her hips, staring at Z.

"Why not?"

"Why not not?"

Zara was somewhat speechless at that.

"I will get you to tell me it some day."

Z stood up straight and shrugged,

Then had to quickly adjust as a kick game in from their left.


Zara smiled, returning to standing on both feet, but arms raised, as if defending her upper body in boxing.


"So, what you think?"

"I'm buying them."

WC 252
Z Ne
Stat Page : Shades of White
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 500

"It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!  Empty Re: "It's haunted" is not an excuse to skip work!

Mon Oct 24, 2022 8:55 pm

"-lenge all to beat me! ONE THOUSAND ryo if you can toss anything of your choosing further than I can! Of course, you are doomed to failure, for I am the greatest marksman this side of the Dragon Ravine!"

"Well. That's a harsh dose of reality."

Z Ne had turned to hear the announcement better, and only had turned back when Zara had spoken and... Z had almost missed that Zara had landed a kick when they were not paying attention.

"Ah, um. Yeah, sorry about that."

"No, no," Zara replied, removing her leg from Z's side and lowering it to the ground. "You were helping me out. That you got distracted and accidentally revealed the wide gulf between us is only mildly disheartening."

Z Ne smiled an apologetic smile before Zara continued once more. "So, what distracted you?"

"Some guy claiming to be the best marksman this side of the Dragon Ravine."

"Oh, that guy."

"He around here a lot?"

"Yeah, and a dirty cheater. He's a ninja but doesn't tell anybody, and uses some wind thing to throw better, I think. He just looks so sketchy with how he wins. And will always claim that any ninja seeking to face him is going to cheat and sully his game."

"How does he know when someone is a ninja?"

"No fucking clue, Z. But he spots them at a distance, even, and calls them out as potentially rigging the game, even if their headbands are not visible."

Z thought for a moment, and had a brilliant idea...

WC 258
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