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The Lady's Blessing Empty The Lady's Blessing

Fri Oct 07, 2022 8:11 am
Knock knock

Yazui gave two quick knocks on the wooden door. The door in question would lead to Mizuki’s private dwellings. Yazui would tuck his hands in his pockets and wait, listening for any shuffle of movements or footsteps on the other side of the door. It felt funny just knocking on her door like this. The last two times he’d seen the woman, she had been an almost regal presence who radiated power and mystery. Taking the initiative in talking to her, especially through an action as banal as knocking on her door, was odd. She always seemed so in control. How would she react if disturbed? Would she still be so composed? Or would he be given a glimpse into her more private persona? The face behind the mask? Perhaps a glance into a messy, untidy room showing that beneath her charisma, she was only human.

Well… sort of.

As curious as Yazui was, he was even more so excited. So much that he found himself unconsciously tapping his left foot on the floor of the hallway. His earlier caution concerning his new Kyuketsuki allies had given way for anticipation now that he’d seen how well his decision was working out. He lived in a palace, was able to put his skills to productive use again and had access to an ingenious and useful seal. The very seal that he was hear to claim.

The Seal of Soja Koka.

WC: 241
Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Sat Oct 15, 2022 11:25 am
Sitting cross legged on the floor in front of the window that faced the back side of the main house, her thoughts were far away in plots and connecting threads of information she had to theories she was forming. It wasn’t the soft knock she heard on her door that alerted her of Yazui’s approach, it was the slightly elevated thrumming of his heart. The noise of it caused a smile to spread over her lips, the silence permeated by its rhythm was like a song bird on a spring morning. She was so used to being surrounded by the sounds of hearts in her decades on this earth - finding herself surrounded by her own kind was almost unnerving - the silence. 

Rising to her feet in a fluid motion, not attempting to rearrange the deep green shawl over her shoulders as she moved to the door and opening the left side. Stepping forward so she was in the door frame and closer to Yazui than she had been since their meeting, before leaning her hip against the still closed right door. The room behind her looked as if it were unlived in - sure furniture was there and it was lavishly decorated in deep greens and gold but it was too neat. The shawl ws loosely wrapped around her arms leaving her shoulders and neck exposed in the black silk dress that stopped mid thigh. “Impatient aren’t we?” Her eyes would stall on his face before dropping slowly to his once tapping foot. Turning her body to leave the doorway open for him, leaning her back against the right door in a strangely seductive invitation. “What do I owe the pleasure of your company?” Her eyes had remained downcast until flashing back up to his face as she waited for him to enter.

wc 302
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Sun Oct 16, 2022 6:15 am
As the left door creaked open, Yazui would pipe up. He had prepared his greeting and request like he did most of the time when preparing for a social situation. All that went out of the window when Mizuki appeared in the doorway. He was wearing his sunglasses, so Mizuki would not be able to see his eyes. But she wouldn’t need to. As Mizuki appeared, Yazui’s mouth would open to form a greeting, but when he took her outfit the words seemed to be stuck in his throat. His eyebrows would raise. A smile would curl around his lips. A subtle up-and-down movement of his head would give away what he was looking at even with his eyes being hidden. The tapping of his foot had also stopped.

Appreciating Mizuki’s figure and sliding his eyes up and down her body, across her curves and bare legs, her comment about his impatience snapped him back to reality. “Ah, excuse me. I got lost in thought there for a second.”, he would admit with a chuckle while placing his right hand on the back of his neck in embarrassment. He would then accept the invitation into her room, trying his hardest not to further gawk at her body or the way she leaned seductively against the door. No matter how much he wanted to.

He would enter the room, gliding his eyes across its immaculate interior. None of the furniture seemed touched in the slightest, which was strange. It was like no one truly lived her and Mizuki was only some ghost haunting this location. Turning around and facing Mizuki again from the center of the room, he would lower his head slightly in a sign of respect. He had seemed impatient earlier, and felt pretty sure Mizuki had noticed his lustful gaze. But the moment he had sworn his loyalty, he had become her subordinate. Perhaps more importantly, she was a shinobi whose skills far surpassed his own. He understood his position and how important it was to be respectful to her.

“Thank you for letting me in. Back in the meeting room you mentioned having created a seal. Soja Koka, I believe you called it? I would like to receive it.” He would look at her expectantly. If there were any terms or obligations on his part to receive the seal, he would expect to hear it now. On the other hand, if it was as simple as just asking, this would be a quick visit.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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Ryo : 330650

The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Sun Oct 16, 2022 2:06 pm
The subtle smile that was becoming familiar would slide across her lips as she watched his reaction, even a man with reservations like his were something she enjoyed toying with. His hand coming up behind his neck was appreciated more than she expected, just the way he openly admitted with his words and body language that he unabashedly was looking gave her reason to allow a small laugh - his embarrassment was oddly adorable. As she shook off the temporary vocal paralysis and moved forward into her room she remained where she was, only turning her face to watch his procession into the room. Once he halted in the middle of the room, his gaze scanning her living space in curiosity she too would move forward into the room - shutting the door behind her with an audible thud. 

If she were of her old sensibilities the lack of life in the room might have bothered her, instead she reveled in its mystery, the confusion it might give to any who enter - the less anyone knew of her habits suited her. She had stood a meter into the room with the door to her back, one arm crossed across her chest with the other poised in a way that allowed her to bite distractedly on a nail. His heartbeat filled the room in such a way that it was nearly clouding her mind of all other thoughts. As he turned to face her though his sign of respect was noted, the slightly bent head and direct speaking was so different from his body language before - it further amused her. 

Sojo Koka - the seal that was to be placed on anyone who truly wished to follow her into the coming events yet to unfold. Narrowing her eyes in a curious manner her hand would drop from her mouth and both hands would be clasped behind her back, the tilt of her head being the only indication she was following his words. Her voice was low and pondering in tone, “Soja Koka is the seal, good memory, I need you to be sure about it is all… I can’t guarantee your life but I can guarantee my protection to my best ability.” As she spoke she would approach him, getting close enough to reach out and touch him as she wished - only to circle around him. “To choose this is to choose violence alongside me, is that something you are willing to partake in, Yazui?” 

She stood directly behind him now, he was free to turn to face her once more if he chose - the whole exchange had a charged energy to it - be it attraction to the man or to the power involved in such an agreement it was hard to tell.

wc 459
Vagabond (D-Rank)
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Tue Oct 18, 2022 4:52 am
When he heard Mizuki’s question, Yazui would let out a wry chuckle. Part of him as amused at this comment, part of him felt insulted at being underestimated. It was a strange duality; Yazui knew how his typical behavior came off to most people. He knew he came off as not particularly threatening, which he saw as an advantage. Being underestimated was an advantage in many cases. It meant any potential opponent would more likely let their guard down, setting them up for surprise. And yet, as someone who was well accustomed to violence, it also insulted Yazui. Maybe it was because in this context, he didn’t want Mizuki to underestimate him but to value him as a useful subordinate.

“Mizuki-sama… I know I may not look like much, but I have experienced war. Violence is something I’m well accustomed to.” He would cross his arms. Not wanting to sound petulant, he decided to add a small quip to take the edge off. “Or did you perhaps invite me to your organization hoping I would sweep the floors? Or worse, act like a walking blood bank?” It was obviously meant as a joke, but part of Yazui didn’t entirely trust the Kyuketsuki. While he wasn’t entirely aware of the workings, he knew they drank human blood for nourishment. The option that he was only here to serve that purpose had crossed his mind. And while he assumed he would have been disarmed and locked in a cell if that was his only purpose, you could never be too sure.

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Thu Oct 27, 2022 6:21 pm
His words brought an even smile to her lips, whatever plagued his mind - be in vengeance or simple boredom - he was willing and ready to play the games she had in store. His instant rebuke of himself though was not something she deemed interesting to hear, “You look like plenty to me Yazui and I hope to never hear you speak ill of yourself again.” Though his next words would have stung one with less of a sense of humor than she possessed she granted it a welcome and earnest laugh. “While you no doubt taste splendid I choose to take my blood from animals… and you don’t strike me as an animal, at this time.”

As she spoke the last words she would slide around to face him, though she was shorter she knew she held advantage. Pressing her hand to his chest, and just right to be just above his heart she would firmly press him back til the bed would hit his knees and he would be forced into a sit. Now standing above him slightly she would fly through the hand seals with her free hand in seconds - finally the glow of gold as the seal formed under her hand and spread out over his clothes before sinking into his skin. The warmth of the seals flash around the room made their surroundings feel colder as it faded - as though it sucked in all the warmth the room had to offer. “You’re welcome to stay if you please, but don’t let me keep you.”

Just as fast as the exchange began it would have ended, her hand drawing back like a whip before tucking neatly behind her back. She stared him down for a few moments, not sure what she was looking for exactly but perhaps something she had lost in the sands of Sunagakure still haunted her memory.

wc 313

Jutsu used:
Seal of Sojo Koka using 40 AP to place

Last edited by Mizuki Ohta on Fri Dec 02, 2022 11:52 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : editing in Jutsu used)
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Wed Nov 02, 2022 4:26 am
Despite Mizuki’s comforting words, Yazui couldn’t help but feel like being circled by a predator. Her laugh at his comment seemed genuine and held no malice towards him, so he chalked it up to his own feelings of discomfort. After all this time, trusting people was still difficult to him. The downside to trying to get a read on every situation was overanalyzing every word or tone shift the other person would make. Maybe he was wrong about Mizuki. Maybe despite her cold and domineering introduction, mysterious character and barren living quarters, she had a genuine warm side to her.

Mizuki had now circled around Yazui and placed her hand on his chest. He was expecting her to receive the seal right away, but was instead pressed back and onto a bed. “What the…”. Yazui imagined the surprise would be written on his face as he looked up at the woman. She was shorter, yet now she towered over him and looking down on him. Combined with her outfit, it once again brought an entirely different scenario to mind. It was a thought Yazui didn’t mind at all. Yet despite his awestruck look he did notice her forming the seals with her remaining hand. “One-handed seals for a jutsu this complicated…. Impressive…”, he would think as the warmth spread through his body signifying that the seal had been placed.

And just like that.

“You’re welcome to stay if you please, but don’t let me keep you.”

Yazui would stare back at her for a moment. From her position she would be able to look over his glasses, which were placed a bit further down his nose due to the sudden push anyway, and see his two blue eyes staring back into hers. “She’s gorgeous..”

But dangerous.

Regaining his composure, he would jokingly respond. “Well, I don’t have any cards on me, so I suppose I should get back to business. Thank you very much, Mizuki-sama.” Rising from the bed again, he would give her a final nod before moving towards the door. If left uninterrupted he would leave the room through where he came and close the door behind him. Walking through the hall back to his own dwelling, despite having gotten what he came for, his mind was occupied with the sight of Mizuki’s body. This was stupid. He had received his seal, which meant he was one step closer to becoming the fearsome shinobi he had always dreamt to be. Entering his room and closing the door behind him, he would sigh before slapping his face with both hands and shaking his head wildly to force the thought out of his head.

“Damnit Yazui, you need to get laid!”

Mizuki Ohta
Mizuki Ohta
Missing-Nin (S-rank)
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Sat Nov 05, 2022 5:08 pm
The smirk his comment would bring was unconscious but held the truth of how she felt toward their interaction. He was funny, and she hid his emotions through his humor. Those eyes told her what she suspected in those brief moments they were exposed from behind the glasses. “Of course, without cards whatever would we do.” His manner was always one of manners and respect toward her station and it was admirable to say the least. She would not impede his departure, simply giving him a nod of approval as he slipped out of the room and left her with the hollow silence once again.

She stood motionless for a time she couldn’t identify but it felt fathomless - the silence of her home was unbearable. Taking a deep breath she would release her hands from the tense hold behind her back and shake them out. She needed a release of tension and the quiet route she knew was in sparring. Moving over to the wardrobe she pulled out her gear - skin tight black suit, weapons pouch and hat - arranging her hair into a high ponytail she threaded it through the top of the hat that now sat upon her head and left her room. Closing the door behind her with a rough thud - she felt no need to disguise her mood. Stalking through the hall and out onto the back yard that led to the training fields, her mind was singly focused and her face was stony.

wc 247
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Wed Nov 16, 2022 4:30 am
Long overdue post but...

Closing thread

TWC: 1368

Max stats, spending WC on AP, +26 AP.

Sticky Paper Adhesive Technique - 262 (238 from Spirit Rising rewards)

Spending the remaining 1106 on learning 2nd specialty, Bukijutsu (Weaponry) - 1106/2000

Last edited by Tenka Yazui on Tue Nov 22, 2022 9:20 am; edited 1 time in total
Kaito Inuzuka
Kaito Inuzuka
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Summoning Contract : The Wolves of Death Gorge
Living Clones : Uchiha, Tatsuya
Familiar : Raidomaru (Needs Revamped)
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The Lady's Blessing Empty Re: The Lady's Blessing

Tue Nov 22, 2022 8:39 am
@Tenaka Yazui

Please fix your claim for Weaponry spec by typing "1106/2000" instead of "1106/200" and I will approve these Exit Claims for you.
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