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Jewel Heist [B rank Mission] Empty Jewel Heist [B rank Mission]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 3:49 pm
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“Ok, everybody knows there roles!”, Katsuragi is seen talking to three other people, all of them theives just like the him. Their goal, the massive payday that would keep them im the land of plenty for quite sometime. They nodded one after another. Sure they all worked for the hashimoto family aside from Katsuragi, but making a little extra side never hut anyone.

Katsuragi's attire consisted of a Yakuta black leather jacket, which underneath he wears a hanley blood red hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. The pants he wears is a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His boots on his feet also being solid black of a leather material with an emblem labeled "EU", it's made of metal stitched to the tongue of the boots. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His tools and such were all assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique.

Katsuragi once again goes over the details, it was a three step operation. Everything was broken down to the smallest detail. It was intense at first, a large amount of information thrown at you at once, but if explained correctly it all neatly fit into one puzzle that laid everything out in plain sight. It just made sense, and made teamwork not only a high priority but also kept everyone on the same page. No one could do anything until the previous task was down. Help would be given if needed, alterations would be made if it had to be done. Figure out all the angles, and minimize the risk to the lowest percentage. This was Katsuragi’s favorite part of the heist, aside from getting paid, it was the thrill of solving a puzzle. All the can’ts, shouldn’t bes, won’ts, and impossibilities snuffed out; breaking all the barriers truly put a smile on Katsuragi’s face.

Of course, the other three had questions. This was a good thing normally, but not on the day of the heist. Everyone was supposed to be on the same damn page. Katsuragi’s frustration was starting to show, but as the leader he was obligated to explain, that is if he wanted to stay out of jail. Once again, he goes through the the step plan once more. He uses their codenames to help keep them in tune with the characters they were suppose to be.

“Ight, Rou…, you will be attending the warehouse as the inspector, I already sent out numerous tips that the warehouse is not up to code and that the party would be over capacity. Batou Rem cant fight the city code, and thus must have an inspector on sight if he is to have the event tonight. You will be roaming around with your bag, and keeping an eye on Batou Rem. The bag you have will come in handy later because…”, he looks at Rou for an answer.

“Um, because security already checked it and wont check it on the way out!”

“Yes!!! Thats it!”, Katauragi yelled. “Now, as for Rau amd Tau, you two are in charge of plumming. Know why? Because that will be our means of transporting the goods out of the warehouse. Y’all remember how right?”

The two nod at once, Katsuragi was glad that the two knew what they were doing. It was Rou who seemed to be needing the babysitting. All that was left was for Katsuragi to handle the “tagging” part of the mission. This was all part of the first step of the mission. Tag, Wrap, and Send.

Moments later, the group is seen leaving the building. Rou was the first to go, he already had clearance to enter the event, his special bag was also fixed to prevent who ever minimum paid security gate guard from finding anything. You get what you pay for. All the real deal security was already inside the event. Rou seemed nervous, it was his dirst time doing anything outside of the family for a while. He seemed, lost and without purpose. Another reason why Katsuragi preferred to working for nobody. To be a sheep, to get so comfrotable to allow others to think for you was…, the idea was ridiculous.

The other two, Rau and Tau were headed to their spot to set uo their rig and other devices. It would take awhile to get everything set up, but it was a part of the plan. Their work uniforms would also fight off any unwanted questions. Hiding in plan sight as it were. Forunately they both seemed focused and centered to the goal, money.

Finally, Katsuragi left the building… with a new face. His usual appearance was gone. His new face was someone belonging to some low rent tenant that moved to Tanzaku not too long ago. He was…, gone. No more did he have to work or suffer the pain of dealing with a landlord. The elderly man was now Katsuragi, a face the team knew before they departed to avoid confusion. It was finally tome to begin the operation. Phase one…Tag!

Rou is seen arriving to the event, the warehouse was fitted with quite the security as expected.

His nerves almost getting the best of him, he stops short of security, scanning the whole complex with a vexed expression. Anything would have been better than doing this. Staying in bed, watching some races at the betting track, anything besides risking getting dropped by arm security due to the heist. He could turn back, but with his other fanily members doing the job, he couldnt leave them. Katauragi was forunate the hashimoto family was majority of the group.

The crowd behind him were filled with reporters, trying to get the inside scoop on whats going on, and… waiting for the main event to show up so to speak. The event was not only an art gallery but also a birthday party to hosted by a famous musican that would arrive shorty after the event started, the drive way was barely secured by security due to the overwhelming crowd. But, they kept clear enough to let a carriage pass by.

Gathering himself, he proceeds to security and after successfully getting in, he makes his way to the event. It was a filled with a select few of upperclass folk. Nothing too crazy, just rich people admiring other rich stuff. What was new? But within the many crowds stood many glass walls with many select jewels. There they were, just priceless artifacts hanging there woth barely any security. However, there where atleast three roaming guards patroling the levels on all fronts. For now, he roamed the scene picking out the items he would take, and in which order too. He needed to take the most valuable ones firsy in case his window of opportunity was cut short.

Meanwhile, outside the event among the crowd, Katsuragi stood outside. He hid his presence with his face change technique. He needed a way to get all the security out of the main hall inside. He just needed a distraction, on- his train of thought was interrupted by the surge of the crowd. He turns around to see a carriage pull up on the drive way. This was it, his moment. Katsuragi tenses his body with the aid of his tank jutsu, he steps out in the path of the carriage just as it neay passes him by. He drops his shoulder into the lead horse’s lead leg, nearly getting trampled. But, upon his fall he spins out of the way of the other lead horses. Tumbling all around the dirt road. Immediately, the carriage stops with the famous musican bursting out of the carriage, yelling at katsuragi while he was down. The incident was so great, security alerted all staff to regroup out in the front. Katsuragi milked the pain as much as he can, preventing anyone from touching him. All eyes were on him.

Meanwhile, inside the complex, Rou was roaming the center stage, eyeing all the confused guest. With lack of security it was his time to shine. Within his box, he pulls out a piece of jewelry similar to the one hanging right in front of him. With a bit of slight of hand, he quickly switches out the piece with the fake one. He does the numerous times with many other pieces under everyone’s noses. His heart raced with excitement, easy money. After he got around 6 different piece, his nerves snapped and decided to cash out. Most within his newly aquired collection were the most valuable works. So, regardless of not getting all the piece the mission would still yield a sizable chunk of change.

With that done, he makes his way to the bathroom, slamming the door immediately. He takes a moment to catch his breath, the sweat poured from his forehead as it cascaded down to his chin. After gathering himself, tales the jewels and one by one… he flushes them down the toilet.

Within the seemingly remote part of the woods, Rau and Tau were seen fumbling through blueprints. A rig was set up around the area with many exposed pipes from the ground. The smell of sewage filled the area with an unplesant smell. The two were ready to quit. But, with what little Hashimoto were left around, they couldnt abandon Rou. And so, the two pressed on. Reading the blueprints ans mapping they finally locate the pipe. The two were dressed in the right attire and wore the right PPEs for the job. Using tools they bore into the pipe, exposing the top section of the pipe. It was indeed a bit messy, but they… managed? Yuck! They then install a second pipe that bent out wards towards the ground.

Moments later, rattling noise was heard. Suddenly shiny jewels spewed onto the ground from the pipe. One by one they shot out, it was oay day. They scooped them up, cleaned them, and left the area with the jewels in tow. They still stunk of shit, but that would be the fence’s problem.

Outside of the entrance, katsuragi was still rolling around on the ground in pain. However, from the corner of his eye, he sees Rou exiting the complex, looking over right to him with a simple nod. The job was done. Katsuragi finally gets up, slowly. The security mocked him for faking it, but not like it mattered. Katsuragi got what he wanted.

Later on the grouped met up in an office, the rest of the Hashimoto family was there too. The jewels were already in possession of the fence. You remember, the stripper Katsuragi nearly beat up? She agreed to help out if it meant screwing over Batou Rem. The group celebrated. The joy of completing a heist was one hell of a high. The danger, the risk, it was all worth it for the reward.

Katsuragi stepped off to the side, and drank a bit of his beer. However, he was joined by Rau who had an package in hand. “Katsuragi, I was told to give you this from the stripper fencer”, Katsuragi giggled at the name as he took the package. He wondered what it was. “One of the jewels belonged to a Daimyo family, these documents contain info about a wealthy family who loves outside the village. Wealthy, powerful, and um.. Yami…Yana… yamanuki…”

“Yamanaka…”, Katsuragi stated bluntly. Katsuragi didnt understand why this was giving to him. Was it pure coincidence that he too knew the Yamanaka hiden techs? That his old cellmate, the only father figure he had ever known was of the Yamanaka too. Upon skimming the docunents, he discovered that the daimyo in question did in fact live outside the leaf village… right in Tanzaku Town.

“Katsuragi, when you free up, the boss wants to see you”, one drone said. Katsuragi agreed to meet up in a few days once the paymebt cane through from the fence.

It had been days since the heist, Katsuragi now strapped with cash, made his way towards a warehouse. He required to meet up with the hashimoto family. They regained the control they sought after, with the help of Katsuragi of course. With the heist going so well, the crew managed to retrieve documents leading to the wareabouts a certain… crime boss.

Katsuragi's attire consisted of a Yakuta black leather jacket, which underneath he wears a hanley blood red hoodie. His belt is black leather, designer's choice, with an overlapping LV emblem as a buckle. The pants he wears is a fresh pair of black stretch jeans with ankle zippers located on the lower inside section of the pants. His boots on his feet also being solid black of a leather material with an emblem labeled "EU", it's made of metal stitched to the tongue of the boots. His hair, still vivid, was a solid dark purple. His hair in contrast with his pale skin, however, his arms torso and hands bore a mural of mostly assorted prison tattoos; all black ink in color. He himself stood at a height of 6'2 feet with a thin frame. His tools and such were all assorted evenly along his attire, given no hint to their whereabouts yet allowed him easy access with a little bit of technique.

Katsuragi now stood infront of the three well dress Hashimoto family. One of them happened to be, Rou. A partner in crime during the Batou Rem heist. They nod at each other, a bond was made despite the fact that they barely knew each other. With the major player out of the game, and new fence the family was off to a good start. It was up to them however if they wanted to remain the top dogs.

However, such…, help required payment. And oooh boy, somebody was gonna pay dearly.

Behind the family, two goons burst out from the warehouse double doors. In tow, they dragged a tied up body which was beaten nearly to death. There was still life yet in the bound individual. Katsuragi looked over. Trying to get the facts to what was going on. The family gleefully informed him that he would get his revenge. the goons stopped once they were to the right of Katsuragi. The madKat tirns towarfs the dragged soul around the same time the burlap sack was removed from the face of the once powerful mob boss.

The madkats eyes widen upon seeing the face of the man who chased him out of Tanzaku Town, the one who placed the rather annoying 10k bounty on him. “It’s You!!!”, he yelled. He takes afew steps back, activing his naughty cookie jar to retrieve his trademark claymore weapon forged from the rice country. Frostcrown appears firmly within his right hand after serving as a port to summon the blade. Due to his strength, the weapons size and weight held now consequence. It was still, a d ready to cleave the life out of the ties up lamb. “Finally, It’s aboit DAMN time things swung my way…”, not many get the chance Katsuragi got. To strike back at those who seemed untouchable, the onces who felt that they didnt have to pay for anything. Well, the time was now. Katsuragi raises his swoard high above, the tip nearly piercing the heavens wirh it’s great length. His left arm reaches for the hilt as well above his head. The other family members step back, avoiding the blade and blood that would soon come. The madkat deserved this victory, he worked hard to pull this heist together. He nearly died coming back to Tanzaku putting the family up on top, and they sure took notice to that fact too. The tied up man looked up towards Katauragi from thr ground floor, pleading for his life. But with his mouth gagged with cloth, his words were ot getting through. Not like it mattered anyway…

“Oh, speaking of things swinging”, he finally tightens his grip and swing his sword down towards the ex mob boss, his body split in two after being struck violently with frostmore. Now, the now dead mob boss laid there in two piece. The torso sections which was severed in half showed signs of ice froming at the severed ends. The blood frozen, which made the mess quite a lot less messy. He sighs, taking in his sweet sweet revenge. The 10k contract was null and void along with the rest of the trash that followed his command.

“Thank you, I needed that… a win you know. I’ve been bouncing around left and right, up and down trying to get back to the old swing of things. But it always ends up with me either working for someone or…, just getting too annoyed at the time and effort required to get things moving…

If there is one thing I learned from you Hashimoto cats, is that it takes time to recover ANd build. From the rice to fire countries, you folks didnt give up. You all worked, hustled, hell I would of quit a long time ago…”, a sense of doubt filled his mind for a moment. He was un sure of what go say next. He never accounted of doing anything like this today. Then, one of the family members spoke up, telling them more of their story and giving him more words of encouragement. Afterwards, Katsuragi lifts his head up high, resting his claymore against the top of his right shoulder carefully to avoid cutting himself. His left hand now free rubs the back of his head.

“Yeah, maybe im not as ready as I thought I was. Pelican Island robbed me of time, alot of time I could have spent doing… god knows what. *chuckles* who the fuck am I kidding, I’m a gawd damn criminal… a fuckin bandit!”

After a few moments, the hashimoto family left, and Katsuragi is seen looking down towards the dead body becore returning to the metro area of Tanzaku Town. His valuable face swap technique would no longer be needed. He was free to roam around Tanzaku town as he pleased. His was finally back home where he belonged.
Exit wc/ 3100, 6000 ryo, 2000 words for second element(Wind), 1100/2000 words towards the Extra Advanced element skill

Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Jewel Heist [B rank Mission] Empty Re: Jewel Heist [B rank Mission]

Thu Nov 17, 2022 4:43 pm
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