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Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gauging Snowfall Empty Gauging Snowfall

Fri Jan 13, 2023 2:41 am
Mission Info:

A kunai stuck out from the head like a nose for the snowman that Saturn had built for a weeping child. He patted on the head of the structure and looked at it proudly. "Well?" He asked the child, hoping for praise. Instead, he was met with more weeping. The kid was once again bawling his eyes out, making the shinobi groan out in frustration. "What do you mean it's not perfect?" He scolded the child "These cost 3000 ryo for a set of three, you know?" He wasn't having it, and kept punching the Genin in his thigh.

"Alright, let's just go to the store and buy a carrot, alright? Geez." He gave in, and the child followed him along as they made their way through the streets of Winter Wonderland. They wandered into a shop, and came out with a single carrot. Soon, a carrot had replaced the kunai as the nose of the snowman that they had built. "Happy?" He asked the child. He wasn't. He wanted to make four more snowmen.

"Aw come on, I gotta train. It's no trifling matter. Bugger off, child. Shoo!" He tried to shoo him away with his right hand, but when he took it out, there was no hand attached to his wrist. What was left of his limb was wrapped in white bandages. It was his punishment for failing to guard the village gates. He was also sentenced to a fight to the death, on a date which was soon arising. The boy cried harder, and Saturn retracted his wounded wrist back into his jacket. "Agh, I'm not gonna make it...." He threw his head back, and groaned out loud.

WC; 281
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Fri Jan 13, 2023 8:57 pm
The rabble of snowfall and enjoying the realm of winter, it had been too long since zaled had spotted true fufilling snowfall, Although in this real of cold and chill snow meant may things,a blizzard, unsuspecting danger, and of course the interrupton of a crying child where one may have been lost, on zaleds path existed one such child and another hounger much more built induvidual, He also assumed the glint of metal sharpness was something not so. child freindly, So zaled glamced it over as tbe one much more powerful boy spoke on the weapon costing 3,000 ryo.

It almost made zaled scratch his head,womdering since when did the metal tool commonly cost so much. That and where was he before the price rose. Zaled comtemplated as he approached and gazed at the boys.

"There is more snow here then means to squabble, turn the frustratiom tp effort you see. and you will not gain grey hairs early like myself... Well thereare advantages of course. if you desire to know."

zaled jokingly inquired. It was bemusing to see this.

"I know my fair trade of secrets, but well only if one can manage to turn this snow into something spetacular. How about it? beat me in this snow making contest and i will make a secret of course become reality."

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Sat Jan 14, 2023 8:10 pm
 "Frustration.. into effort?" Saturn repeated the words to the older gentleman, looking over at his direction. His own life was flashing before his eyes with each passing moment. The obstruct of death seemed insurmountable. It was a dark time in his life and those words alone came off as shallow and uninformed. He looked at the man fiercely, and squinted his eyes as he approached them. He scanned the man's information with his sixth sense ability. Leo. Likes: poetry, strategy, tinkering, toys, dates, fine wine, delicate cheeses. Dislikes: disobedience, drama kings/queens, cheap food, pidgeons, people without a clean shaven face, whiny kids. He was going to give the older man a piece of his mind, before he mentioned trade secrets. Saturn was willing to learn any useful tool that could help increase his chances of survival in the battle that lay ahead. At least his face was clean-shaved.

 It appeared that the man had challenged him to a snowman making contest. It was a peculiar challenge, one that he did not expect from a man with the appearance of the one that had spawned before him. While he was happy to oblige, he tried an alternate method first with which to charm the man into revealing his great secret. But first, he would hand him a bottle of cheap and fine wine taking it out from his jacket with his one good hand. "That is a very kind offer, Mr...?" He would ask his name, before continuing to speak a little more, a desperate measure.

"Saturn Sentobi, a ninja so sly
With one hand, he'll give you a try
Challenged to a snowman building feat
He'll show that one hand can't be beat

He'll build a snowman, with twinkling eyes
and give it a voice, that will tell you surprise
It'll tell jokes, and sing a song
And you'll be left wondering where you went wrong!"

WC: 317
TWC: 598
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Sat Jan 14, 2023 10:28 pm
saturn? interesting name non the less as the boy was peculiar, a stump of a hand and suddenly speaking in poems, zaled nodded impressed honestly, but also noting that the young child was sniffeling he patted the boy on the head noting the work of saturn.

"he did well, but i suppose if we are to do this. you would like to join in fellow at your pace eh?"

the father in him showed as zaled with both grace and speed patted up a moderate size of snow but at a speed only obviously showcasing he was holding back alot. The boy wanted much, as all little children desired. To grow big, do big, and be grown. It was not easy to look at this, but he was a father of two now on a distant continent, so at least this was attonement.

primrose couldnt get this, and young malicus should be in a much less strict eviornment now. so i may as well do right.

He thought as now the mound was about up to the boy's knees. and as wide as the boy.

"soft pats young one, control not hard like this in a nice big area."

zaled spoke as he did small but signifigant pats into an ever growing area. Although he adressed now saturn, and glanced him over. Thinking for a moment how to test the boy as he built up a second mound on the first one to make the center of the snow man body.

"I go by zaled. But nice poem. Look saturn. sometimes it is not just doing a task,but making sure one younger then you can follow through. They care for the efffort, not the result always,its why i told you that. You are young though although missing part of you, you have adapted well and are keen. But frustration will not keep you as lomg as i have lived, especially with the younger ones. And at that with your mind and self value still intact, yet alone your body."

zaled spoke to saturn as he smiled at the younger boy and waved him to jump on the mound to break it apart. He encouraged to have the boy hop in so therefore he did and zaled chuckled.

"great job fella we start again"

therefore zaled returned to the task of building up the mounds as he spoke up now much faster,nearly at his full speed.

"if you put value in your efforts, your results will be meaningful. You want to bring yourself back to glory correct saturn? i will just say experience of failures and suscess will teach you any ammount of vengence will not right your losses. But moving forward will be the only way. I want you to focus on me,focus your energy and figure out what you want to know."

zaled explained as he nearly finished.

"your chakra is merely apart of you so my trick i shall teach you is how to accurately read others."

Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Sun Jan 15, 2023 12:13 pm
Saturn crossed his arms, watching Zaled spoil the child, before kneeling down to pick up a scoop of snow from his one remaining hand. He began to mould a figure on the field, a snow man with perfect proportions. Taking his time, he grabbed mounds of snow one by one, and laid them on top of each other as he contemplated on his circumstances in the back of his wandering mind. He tried to quiet the voices, and the echoing sound of the slashing axe of the Twelfth come down on his hand. He focused intently, and only on the snow. Soon, all was quiet, and he was in a deep meditation with his activity. 

 When he was done, he was quite proud. He looked over at the wizard like man to see who had 'won', only to see Zaled instruct the child to jump into the snow, destroying the figure that they had made. Saturn's eyes widened, a new perspective had been unlocked. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, and snow to snow. Saturn thought to himself, as he looked back at his perfect snow man. He took a deep breath, and nodded at Zaled, heeding his words, before punching the snowman to reduce it to an icy rubble. He was venting out his frustration with the same act, and his heavy breath told him that he still was not enlightened. "Vengeance?" He repeated the words of Zaled, and the word made him think of Satoru Jugo. He despised him for causing him trouble more than he despised the Raikage for taking his hand because of it. Some part of his heart longed to take Satoru's hand as well, when and if he survived his sentence.

 The man who spoke gently was years older than Saturn. He was keen to listen and heed his words, and his calming presence made him more inclined to do so. Perhaps vengeance is a fruitless endeavour after all. If this man claims it, while I had the thought, it might be a sign from a higher power. He considered the man's proposal, on how he should seek the correct path forward. Sulking about his hand, or keeping a short tempered nature was not helpful after all. Neither was daydreaming about chopping off the hand of a noble guest when he got the chance. The task ahead was an ascent upwards a steep mountain. A fight to the death in Warmonger's Arena. What Saturn needed was an edge over his opponents. When Zaled spoke right on cue, the Genin was surprised again by how he seemed to know exactly what the fortuneteller was thinking.

 "Read others? Tell me, old man, are you a psychic, like myself?"

WC: 452
TWC: 1050
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Mon Jan 16, 2023 12:56 am
psychic? zaled smiled and shook his head, it wasnt impossible to deal, or even gain techniquws like that, but was never a firm focus of zaleds regardless. It was risky for one in his eyes any infomation free needed vetting of facts when obtained, or otherwise confirmed.

"No i am not psychic young saturn, but i know my fair share of tricks."

zaled answered as he considered the boy and finished the head of the snowman and poked in two eyes and took put a dried carrot for the boy to use for a nose. he patted the younger boy on the heas and moved to a more open area now. from the boy as he played speaking to saturn.

"Think about it for a moment saturn, you perhaps with your abilities learned a thing or two about me. No shock as your question implied as much. However, infomation is both a sword, and a poison.Vetting the truth,and if and when something is revealed makes or break it. In combat the more certain methods require time usually. As for yourself should well know this as per your perstige."

zaled stated as he studied the boy carefully and chuckled.

"It would be useful, but as such i will let thy learn this, and judge how it feels to touch upon even the sharingan. I know this because i posess it, Understanding and knowing why are two diffrent things. But i worked hard to bridge the gap."

zaled spoke as his eyes shifted into the 3 tomo sharingan and he smiled.

"As i developed this as one who understands and lived a long time. Wiyh these you see many things,but not all saturn. You see much more however. To this point i developed this jutsu for many you see. Focus your chakra into your eyes, and remember your will and desire is your chakra. You must work with it. follow my seals i weave and focus. when ready open your eyes, your vision will not change, but you will see much more then you saw before. each seal reveals more."

With that he weaved :Ox, dragon, boar. snake, tiger, ram. And his red irisis turned golden and he slipped out a scroll peering at the boy but at a split glance,everything was revealed to him via his physical capeabilities as he wrote down speaking to  saturn.

"you are fast, rating:150 almost as fast as i was in my hayday. Impressive chakra control: rating 100, capeable of learning this to my level even. Reserves are moderate: very good: rating 25, your physical poweres are the same as your reserves: 25, strong.  you worked hard saturn, your reserves of chakra are healthy and vast, In all you could say when used this tells a persons story. Their efforts, but also reveals the workings of jutsu. infomation even unspoken and grabbed at a glance tells everyone much you see. But wisdom and patcience is needed saturn. One must becareful as it will drain you even amid a combative moment, But as i say your duty may be served in that moment. For it can save you and reveal alot. while helping you even see through smoke and the likes."

zaled stated as he finished writing and smiled at the boy handing him the parchment. Even if he wasnt enhanced the boy would find this fascinating as zaled grinned and turned off the jutsu, and his sharingan.

"Observation is a skill taken lightly, but likewise so is conceilment Which is why i will reveal that your test with this jutsu is to see through my technique, so far i am teaching you to reveal, but conceiling infomation, your infomation, and why you  must of course. It is both imperative, and key. As people are shifty, but that is why i will give you this lesson you see. For when you are ready you can seek me. you will be ready, or even developed someways to keep your own infomation safe. Scrolls and seals are useful, but as you have learned now, infomation lies everywhere, even a glance away."

zaled smiled as he weaved a simple seal and even his speed and chakra surged around him and the outline of his body shimmered in a fine gold hue.

"So let us see how well you can study right now take a look with the jutsu i taught you. no pressure but it will be a good example to see an example. remember take your time with what you are looking for."

zaled advised as he now let saturn absorb, and learn with practical experience.



(showed up to S rank in )

-70 gauge(ended)
-10 sharingan (ended)
-50 eternal force :


new speed: 178, new chakra: 129
Stat Page : Saturn's Shenans

Business: Orbital Oddities & Palm Predictions
Mission Record : Missions

Summoning Contract : Dragonflies

Familiar : (MIMAS)

Remove Bukijutsu Remove Kanjutsu Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 0

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Tue Jan 17, 2023 5:10 am
"A sword.. and a poison?" Saturn considered the words of Zaled, listening keenly to what he had to say. When his eyes turned crimson red to take the shape of the three tomoed Sharingan, the Genin flinched and looked away, before slowly returning his gaze upon hearing the man's gentle tone. It was a gamble, but he was going to trust Zaled to teach him. He remained cautious, however, as he followed the man's instructions by focusing chakra into his eyes causing them to glow with chakra in the eyes of the Sharingan. "Bridge the gap....?"

He observed the signs formed by Zaled: Ox, dragon, boar. snake, tiger, ram. The interdimensional traveler was careful to weave them slow, so as to show them to the 'normal' eyes of Saturn. He watched in awe as the Uchiha's eyes turned golden, and curiously peered into the scroll he produced. One hundred and fifty, one hundred, twenty five and twenty five. Those numbers perfectly described his capabilities. He was impressed. For once, he himself was the subject of a mental analysis. It impressed him greatly, since usually it was Saturn inferring information about those around him. Information lies everywhere, this much the fortuneteller knew to be true. He wondered however, if the technique was a bluff, and Zaled's reading was nothing more than a feature of the Sharingan.

He wanted to try for himself, but before he could ask the man to teach him, Zaled revealed that the teaching was already complete. Saturn, realizing the fact in retrospect, got into an active stance in front of his new mentor. He took a deep breath, and concentrated on his chakra. When he held his arms out in front of him to form the signs, he realized that he could not form any with his single hand. "Aw man.." He groaned, before pulling out his kunai with his left hand. He oriented it sideways and channeled his chakra through the weapon. Using Flowing Arts, he could sign hand seals with his weapon. However, this art was more taxing on his body.

He sent chakra to his eyes and allowed his irises to twitch. Sparks of lightning could be seen leaving his eyes as he activated the technique for the first time. He spun the kunai around, weaving it between his fingers, signing the rest of the seals one by one with careful precision. Dragon, boar. snake, tiger, ram. His irises briefly turned white, and alternated between white and icy blue. He squinted, then blinked, and when he opened his eyes they were white like his cornea. Looking at Zaled, he began to read his mentor. "Amazing. Speed: 178. Chakra: 129." He stated, in shock from unlocking this skill and from seeing the man's impressive affinities. Try as he might, he could not read any more information about Zaled. He could only manage two.

He glanced at the boy, and got a reading as well: Vigor: 150, Chakra: 10. Then he took his knit cap off and glanced at his octopus Mimas. Strength: 125. Chakra: 5. He blinked again and his eyes reverted to their normal hue.
"I can only manage so much with these eyes of mine, Master Zaled. But I believe this will be more than sufficient, I thank you Zaled..." He paused, taking a few steps away and staring into the distant horizon.

"Master Zaled, you've taught me the art of seeing beyond the physical, to read the very essence of my opponents. A skill that will prove vital as I enter Warmonger's Arena with one hand, a reminder of the treachery that took my other. But I will not falter, for your teachings have made me a true shinobi. I will emerge victorious, and it will be because of you, sensei."

Next, he turned to the dazzled child next to the duo, "Don't give him too much trouble, kid!"

He would speak these words and place two fingers of his left hand on his forehead, focusing for some time before vanishing into thin air.

WC: 654 
TWC: 1704
1500 words towards Gauge (C), 2x mastery (hand seals) with 50% discount; taught by Zaled.
Mission Rewards x5 with Beloved Presence;
10,000 Ryo, 50 AP (2500 ryo), 1250 Winter Equinox Tickets
Zaled Uchiha
Zaled Uchiha
Stat Page : The Breaker
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 222000

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:57 pm
zaled observed saturn, now curious to how saturn would take to the technique, while simple in practice hand seals were what was going to amuse zaled, it was because he desired to see how fat one goes When applying his teachings, An exciting and humbling moment. Although he wondered if saturn would use one hand.

Howver predictiably due to the nature of trainong saturn assumedcthe motion of what would've been both hands, But even He admittited the instant he would forget.

it happens shake it off

and saturn tried something diffrent by gripping a kunau and infusing hich chakra, This made zaled widen his eyes slightly in curiousity as he examined the marvel as saturn swung the kunai in a unique sequence activating the jutsu. It earned the exceedingky rare clap from zaled as hevnodded with proud approval.

now this is growth. very impressive saturn

zaled thought as he spoke up noting saturns dissappointment in not being able to see more.

"this is only the beginning saturn, you nust hone and be wise with this jutsu, A careful hand will do alot more.But you have done exceedingly well. Well done!"

zaled was proud to see the boy overcome the challenge. However, saturn further explained this will be useful in his specific challenge upcomming. Before he headed off.

"Seek me when you suscceede and pass,And i will improve your arsenal further. For now you have passesld and in my eyes ready to use this as one who can instruct it to that level. Once we train once more i will make you a true master of it."

zaled said and off they went their seperate paths, with saturn teleporting off. Where zaled now patted the boy on the back and spoke up.

"warm soup sounds good little fella?"




mission claims: 5k ryo (1k base, 4k duecto being B rank mn) 5, AP, 250 winter Equinox tickets.

WC claims:

1,740 words to 3rd element wind
Stat Page : Fu's Fat Stats
Familiar : Archie the Bear
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Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 176650

Gauging Snowfall Empty Re: Gauging Snowfall

Wed Jan 18, 2023 12:13 am
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