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In search of a purpose... (Open)

Shiro Hyuga
Jay Yuki
Izu Momochi
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Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Sun Jun 25, 2023 9:11 pm
Purpose. What was his purpose again? The soft patter of the rain beating down inside of the newly furnished and rebuilt house that was once his and his mothers home. The small bits of rain would no longer seep through the cracks, as the house was now rebuilt, a small nice house that was a bit secluded from the rest of society. Yet he was a social individual, not one to be too afraid to get wet in order to grab something to eat. He was half tempted to cook something, yet the sudden thought of just staying inside of the spacious house made him want to roll over and sleep. He remembered when Youai would visit his house, constantly reminding him every single day, no matter what time it was or when there was a chance that he needed to train. It made him wonder if he should train again inside of the rain, yet the remembrance of Youai made him remember that day all too well. His failure as a Kage would haunt him for the rest of his life. The people were damaged in pride, however the only definitive casualties were the two bodyguards that had come with him in order to secure the defense of Kirigakure. Yet they all had failed to stop the two giants crashing down on them.

Yet of course ban had survived, it surprised him that she had taken an attack like that head on. Yet their survival was only due thanks to one of their very own medics coming in late… The thought made him annoyed, where were they?! Why couldn’t he trust people, his body moving from the couch that he was laying upon. His thoughts scratching for what he would have thought, he was learning how to become a medically ninja to help himself and others. Yet he was unable to save Youai and Romp. Instead he had passed out from the sudden collision of the blast. Half of his body was burning, yet he had survived with the scars of that day. He needed to do something instead of having his thoughts eat him up inside. His body shifted, moving up from the couch entirely and slowly beginning to put on something that he would look decent in. His look was already well known inside of the village at this point. Yet he’d take only a blue long sleeved vest, matching it with the black shirt and pants that he wore. His hip was attached to a small pouch for weaponry as just a safety precaution. He blinked for a moment, seeing the small drizzle of the rain continue, right as he went out the door and into the grand center of Kirigakure. His Byakugan was active just in case there were people who would try to follow him. However he was surprised that Akabayashi had not taken both of his eyes. Perhaps the man still held some amount of respect for what Shiro had done during their little trip inside of the village of snow.

His eyes continued to wander, until he saw people who seemed to be familiar with each other, not only that, but he could read their lips, only being a few meters away from the restaurant that they were all staying in. He hadn’t been able to truly read up on their files before going up against Akabayashi and that mysterious figure with one sharingan. However he wanted to at least grab something to eat, and if they had recognized him, yet his eyes zero’d in on the women of the group. Her eyes… They were almost the same as his. No they were exactly the same as his, or at least one of his eyes. He was shocked, someone who had a Byakugan, he thought he was the only Hyuga within the village that was around his age. It was impossible, there was no way that there could be someone else with those eyes. Yet it also meant another thing, if his father had been in the village when he was born… It meant that she was made around the time of his birth… The timeline at least added up. Yet he could not be sure to ask who this woman was or how another Hyuga was in the village without his knowledge. Instead, he decided to simply walk into the building after a short while. His appearance made a small stop to the rest of the talking. A few people shot him slight glares, while the restaurant staff greeted him with respect. However before the staff could ask him where he’d like to sit. Right as he had overheard his fellow clansmen that they should show the world that the Hidden Mist could kick some ass. It seemed the group had not known he had arrived until after he would announce towards the group. He hoped that Youai was looking at him with pride when he had announced.

“Then let me help you three out with that!”

The hostess and servers were shocked at Shiro’s sudden outburst. He saw three people with heaps and bounds of potential. Yet to get a chance to potentially know someone that was his sister was something that he could not miss. As he’d walk towards the table, a few people still gave the previous kage glares towards him.

Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
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In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:37 am
Kaimera could only blankly stare at the Yuki as he asked for his name. “Well, if you didn’t remember it then, no sense in repeating it now. Probably won’t remember it in the future anyway, right?” Kaimera said as pressed his lips together. Subtle annoyance fell over his aura as he began to look outside. It was a small class from when they were younger, and if Jay couldn’t remember a name that he spent years with; how could the shinobi be trusted with any type of information. From the looks of it, poverty did more than run skin deep.

Kaimera couldn’t help but roll his eyes over the ‘my body is a temple’ comment. The more that he talked the more Kaimera could feel agitated. Sure, people didn’t drink for various reasons and of course, that is okay. But for those that have the ‘holier than thou’ attitude just irked him for numerous reasons. “You think,” was the only reply that Kaimera could give the ice release wielder. Arrogant wouldn’t be a definitive word in Kaimera’s vocabulary to describe his comment, perhaps he just lacks self-awareness. Whatever the case may be, the Yakedo will try not to let it affect him.

As the two continued to talk through their conversation…or lack thereof. The stories they had to share were…well, were basically nothing. Jay announced that he trained in the woods to learn his father jutsu. Izu had nothing to share but kept blushing the entire time which is strange since she barely had any alcohol, and the room wasn’t that warm. Nonetheless, she was excited that they were all together and eating. She even went on to continue on how they could be essentially team members. But would they be? She was right in the sense that they would need a jounin instructor, but would they even get one? Plus, he wasn't sure he wanted to be a part of a team with them. Izu maybe, but the other, perhaps not.

His thoughts were cut short with a loud voice cheering through the atmosphere. Annoyed, Kaimera turned to see where the source of this voice came from, and he was sure surprised. A white-haired male, not much older than him, stood before them. An eye matching that of his fellow genin, Izu. Perhaps they are of the same clan. But nevertheless, Kaimera’s face lit up like the color of his hair. He was the most beautiful being he has ever laid eyes on. Much more than the finest women, and handsome men. As the man finished what he said, Kaimera couldn’t say anything other than, “y-yes, that would b-be great.” Before turning away and downing his beverage.

TWC: 3,305
Jay Yuki
Jay Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty In search of a purpose... (Open)

Tue Jun 27, 2023 10:48 am
Jay sat there taking in the scene at the table he was not great at getting his real thoughts off his chest with verbal communication due to the lack of social experience, Izu smiled when Kaimera asked if they had any interesting stories to tell a smile grew on Izu's face which was a dead giveaway she was thinking of something particular although she would decide to keep quiet and to himself instead, something else was off to him they had waived Jay over to this table and now Kaimera was acting strangely his entire body language had clearly changed something most might not notice but for a shinobi subtle things like this were easy to spot for those who paid attention. Izu seemed to be having a good time she was smiling and talking to Kaimera as if they were really good friends which was the vibe Jay got off the girl she seemed to give off friendly energy, Kaimera on the other hand was giving off totally different vibes which was making Jay itch a little he began to tap his fingers on the table almost as if he was nervous but that was not the case, Jay's mindset had slowly been shifting from the friendly child he used to be his attitude becoming darker than before due to his personal experiences which was slowly making him distrust others incase they were attempting to fool him. 

  Jay was also the type that liked to be alone most of the time although it was refreshing to be around others like him something about these two other Genin did not sit right with him, Izu was fine he had gotten used to her considering she was one of the few people Jay had spoke to while at the academy other than her the young Yuki never really spoke to other students mostly ignoring them, Jay's blood began to run hot as Kaimera's verbal jabs began to annoy him this fool was friendly at first and offered Jay the spot to only turn around and disrespect him by playing the situation off like the young Yuki was stupid, his eyes darted over at the boy with red hair his aura would also change to one of irritation mixed in with some hidden malice he almost wanted to start a fight at that very moment although he was interrupted by another mystery man. By the way he was carrying himself and by the way this man was treated and viewed by others it was clear he was another shinobi likely a high level Jonin if his reputation reached all the way to this Tavern, he was having a hard time focusing on the conversation at hand his eyes were still stuck on Kaimera almost like he was a Tiger sizing up his fellow Genin, finally after several seconds of intense staring in Kaimera's direction Jay would look away to glance at the Jonin, now that he was looking at him he had the same eyes as Izu which means he was also apart of the Hyuga Clan and had amazing Taijutsu which was something the young Yuki was interested in so for the moment he would be distracted from his thoughts toward Kaimera.

He stayed quiet now with his full attention on Shiro, Jay felt like telling the bunch to kick rocks although now he was interested in at least hearing what Shiro had to say, Taijutsu and martial arts training are one of Jay's favorite subjects so this was one of the only Jonin he would be interested in learning from, just like in the academy days Jay preferred to train by himself using his fathers journal to help him with the basics not just anyone could teach him Ninjutsu with his Clan's rare Kekkei Genkai.

WC: 634
WTC: 1565

Last edited by Jay Yuki on Tue Jun 27, 2023 6:09 pm; edited 1 time in total
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Tue Jun 27, 2023 2:45 pm
The table sudently had the most awkward ambiance. Jay and Kaimera seemed to look at each others with Lightning in their gaze, and only Kaimera replied to the one-eyed hyuga, and even then, with the most shy and uncertain voice Izu ever heard the young red headed genin. Jay stayed silent, seeming out of his place, or distrustfull of Kaimera and his blunt remarks.

Izu was getting red. All of this speech, this effort it took her to crawl out of her shell and speak up, for it to fall flat and in an incertain awkward silence. She was a bit furious inside, but contained it and focused on staying calm. Almost immediately, she got back to her pale tone, and her face seemed without emotions, blank, serious.

She looked at the hyuga. He piqued her interest. He seemed about the same age as her, wich was weird, as there was no other know hyuga descendant in kirigakure. At least, to her knowledge. The fact is tho, that he only had one eye with Byakugan... Did he stole it? Was he also a hyuga who lost it? For now, it was mystery, as she didnt know who he was. Or did she?

She overheard some rumors. During her time at the end of the academy, she heard of a young mizukage, who had powers of similar capacities to the Byakugan, but that he vanished after that. Could it be this man? If so, Izu would be in presence of someone she wanted to meet, and if he truly was a fellow hyuga of kiri around her age, she wanted to get to know him even more.

Looking at the situation, she tried to change the mood a little and get people back to being more at ease. She got out of her leg pouch a small book, and with a big motion, slamed it on the table, as to get Everyone attention and focus of those around the table. The book was marked as an "encyclopedia of Chakra, jutsu and techniques" and she took out a pencil to note into the book margins.

"Allllrighty guys... Since it seems we have a older genin who want to train us, and since the majority seems to think its a good idea to team up under his tutelage, it would be good to get to know each other capacity wise, like whats the jutsu we each know and want to learn, what is our flaws and things like that! If its to be this awkward, might as well break the ice right? Get it Jay?" Laughed Izu off, as to use sarcasm to difuse the situation. The eerie part tho, is that she said that in the most calm and monotone behavior. To anyone being observant, it could be noticed that Izu face was still cold and idle, and that she was more of a calculating person than an emotional one. So why this type of speech and way of acting? Maybe a strategy? To try and confort Everyone to the best of her abilty? No way to know for sure. What was apparent was that, deep inside, she was strategising and had a clear goal in mind, while also being really in control. She even layed in a soft and lazy way into the chair, as to express being relaxed and casual. As she sunk into the chair, she smiled at Kaimera and did a litle wink towards him, as a thanking gesture for him saying yes, even tho she knew damn well that he was unconfortable and said yes without even thinking about it.
Shiro Hyuga
Shiro Hyuga
Deputy Kage
Deputy Kage
Stat Page : The Coming Storm
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Clan Specialty : Weaponry
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 378800

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Sun Jul 02, 2023 3:55 am
Shiro’s eyes widened in surprise when his fellow Hyuga had referred to him as simply an older Genin. He was gobsmacked at the absolute audacity of just being called an Older Genin from someone who he had only met a few seconds ago at best. Yet the other two also were interested in what Shiro had to say regarding training, the one with red hair finishing his drink and becoming as red as his hair didn’t really surprise Shiro. However he did not want to facilitate a relationship between that of a student and a mentor. Yet the one who was bringing this up, the one who was trying to crack puns and make light of the entire situation was blank in the face. He wasn’t really confused, more so that he understood those eyes, the blank stares and comments. However the rest of the team was a bit eccentric to say the least. Someone who potentially had his own clan's Kekkei Genkai was standing right in front of him, and the other was someone he had no real idea what his abilities are. But his chakra was wild, almost like fire itself was standing right in front of him.

“Now before you all ask, this Byakugan is my original eye… This new one was given to me by our precious new kage and the medical ninja that had healed thyself. Each of you however are certainly new to me, so let’s start with some names before anything else kicks off.”

He’d grab a chair to sit down with Genin that was sitting with him, he’d order a simple glass of water. His eyes turned to greet each and every one of their own while he sat. Arms relaxed and completely unarmed. Confidence exuding from his presence as he awaited for them to introduce themselves before he continued.

“Now then, as you are all aware, I’ve come here to be what you guys are looking for, someone to lead, someone to help you reach that next step inside of your lives as people inside of this cruel world. I’ll teach you how to be a proper shinobi, how to fight, and how to act as one. Building you all from the ground up so that way we don’t have another situation that allows for our current kage to even be sitting in that mansion. I’m sure all three of you have your own thoughts about how our kage is from Hoshigakure correct?”

He wanted their inputs on the matter before continuing on with his plans for them. Wanting to know what they thought of Akabayashi, along with what they thought about him as well. His gaze shifted to each of them, lingering only on Izu, wanting to discuss with her the origins of her father or mother later if possible. Yet he’d need to train these three into shape if he wanted them to fight for the village.

Kaimera Yakedo
Kaimera Yakedo
Stat Page : Stats
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 226750

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Mon Jul 03, 2023 3:04 am
The pitter-patter sounds resonating from the wooden structure, combined with the warmth from the tavern room made Kaimera feel at ease and calm. Rain brought him comfort. The soft rumbling from the thunder that lit up the outside was music to his ears. The subtle sounds came to him like a harmonious choir. However, the sounds would be drowned out from the laughter and chatter from the packed place.

Love was not something that had ever come particularly easily to Kaimera. With his rocky upbringing, surrounded by people who he cared for that were either continuously dying, trying to kill him, or both, learning to form emotional bonds of any kind was not a skill he had time to exercise.

It had taken so much effort to try and fall in love with Kuroyami. At the time, it felt good. Even though he had gone through so much stress and fear in trying to bridge that physical gap, the joy that it brought him felt worth it. Kuroyami made him happy. He made him feel wanted. Like he hadn’t been raised from childhood to be nothing more than a death-defying obstacle.

It was because of him that he didn’t believe in love anymore. Kaimera had been willing to give his heart and soul to him, and for what? If he truly loved him back, all it had done was lead him into trying to kill his family. He had become a monster, someone heartless and cruel. If that was what love was, he was more than willing to give up on it. Kaimera knew how to learn from his mistakes. He wouldn’t let himself feel that way again.

It has been such a long day.

Sighing, it is here that he feels Kuroyami the most. In the midst of loneliness. Even with those surrounding him.

As the rain continued to fall, he couldn't help but to listen to the memories that flood back through her mind. Memories of when times were good, and he'd shield the steam breather from the wet. The summer he endured was particularly harsh back then, but he always made sure that Kaimera was dry.

'Why do you still torment me...even in death?'

In a weaker state, he'd want to succumb to this island. Just throw himself off into the deep waters that surrounded this land mass. He'd want to lose himself in his misery the way he does when no one is around. If he was sure that no one would cross his path, he'd allow himself to truly show his feelings.

Even so...maybe just for a little while...

If only he could go back to that moment that he seemingly welcomed its existence. It was almost as if he had been planning for that very moment his entire life. As if he knew that there would be a time that nothing else in the world was important he had given up on everyone. Like Kuroyami had given up on Kaimera.

All the while, Kaimera supported him and everything he did. ‘I was your shoulder to cry on--the one who kept your spirit up when everyone shunned you out. I was the one who always smiled when they caught a glimpse of you sleeping so soundly. I was the one who loved you more than anything in the world. You were my world,’ he thought.

That is until the day that shadow's tainted ways found a new home in Kuroyami. His mind began to speak, ‘I never thought you'd let it take control so easily. I didn't even seem to know you anymore. You took another part of me on that fateful hope. My hope that you could somehow control that which you sought so much hope that you would still be the same person I met so long ago.’

Kaimera then sent him to the afterlife to free Kuroyami from the pain.

If Kaimera was still the naïve child that Kuroyami first met, perhaps the outcome would’ve been different. But unfortunately, that isn't the outcome fate intended for them. Kuroyami betrayed him...therefore, Kaimera took his life, which the Yakedo valued more than his own, by his own hands. For that, he'll face his own fateful demise as well. The scorch user accepts the consequences of whatever awaits him...he can't look back.

The person Kaimera thought so much of--the person whom he'd have given his own life for at that time...had died before his eyes long before he faced him on the cobblestone of his family’s compound. Kuroyami was no longer the savior he had known him to be. He could never completely recover from that. What was he to do? What could he do to help? Those questions still haunt him to this day.

Even with Kaimera suffering the depressive repercussions of loving Kuroyami, he still has the platonic love for his friends and family. People he shares strong, emotional and familiar bonds with. His comrades as well. Brother and sisters-in-arms so to say. People that would lay down their life just as much as he would for them. Though the love that he felt for Kuroyami is lost, love for all the others still burns brightly.

Closing his eyes, his fingers traveling towards a golden metal chain that hung loosely around his neck. A bush clover emblem twirled in his fingertips as a subtle reminder for that love lost…or that was never reciprocated. Unrequited.

Letting the ‘warmed’ chain fall from his grasp; he turned his head and saw the ice wielder staring at him. His gaze was piercing into him, as if he was a frail lamb just ripe for the slaughter. A look so astoundingly deadly it could kill; it sent jolts of electricity running through his veins. It excited him. A small smirk formed over his lips as he made sure not to break eye contact with the blonde. His gaze turned seductive as he lowered his left eyelid slowly, throwing a wink at the elder genin. Just because he was stuck in a rut that happened a year ago, doesn’t mean he won’t play with blondies emotions.

“Like what you see? Because I do,” he said seductively before he turned to face the jounin that has now sat down at their table. The very air around him screamed confidence and that made his heart flutter. However, Kaimera noticed that he looked quite similar to Izu. Maybe they were perhaps closely related, rather than distant.

“Wait a minute…you’re a genin too? Ain’t no way you are trying to be our teacher.” Oh, how good looks can be so deceiving. “Don’t you have your own team to train with or did they just consider you a lost cause, so you had to scavenge for another? Hmm? Which one is it?” Kaimera said as he looked like his eyes were about to pop out of his head with his neck cocked to the side. “So, if you don’t get a move on, you’re going to be needing another new byakugan.” Kaimera puffed.

However, in the few short moments after it would most likely be common knowledge that Shiro was a jounin, therefore initiating an apology from Kaimera and leading him back to his infatuation of the white-haired nin.

“Well, my name is Kaimera Yakedo and my thoughts about the current Mizukage is that it is great we finally have a leader that should be able to protect us. I heard the last one barely put up a fight with him and died, like it was embarrassing. However, may they rest in peace.” Kaimera said as he clasped his hands together and gave a subtle prayer to the fallen warrior. Following his suit, the other two should announce their names and their ideals of the kage. But Kaimera noticed that Shiro kept his eyes lingering on Izu, which made him give a subtle sigh. She was already his favorite. Why wouldn’t she be: she has the same lineage, kind, not an asshole and a plethora of other things. Therefore, Kaimera came to the conclusion that Shiro is most likely to focus on her and push himself, as well as Jay to the side like garbage. Perhaps Kaimera should be nicer to the mammoth male as they would most likely be training together from now on.

TWC: 4,687
Izu Momochi
Izu Momochi
Stat Page : Needle Queen Page
Mission Record : mission log
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 10000

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Mon Jul 03, 2023 12:35 pm
Izu immediately felt unconfortable when seing the reaction of her fellow hyuga when she, wrongly, refered to him as an older genin. The mistake she made, even tho she was fully aware that he might be the previous mizukage so definitely NOT a genin, was probably because of her nervousness of Kaimera's presence and the alcool she drinked, as she wasnt used to drinking it and drank it fast, having more effect since she is also very lightweight. Nonetheless, she appologized to the hyuga and began to wonder how old he truly was, and a pletora of questions about his family and his past began to form in her head.

As she was shifting her gaze between the othee hyuuga and Kaimera, the later returned her a wink, but this time, it wasnt with the same intention of hers. It wasnt a thanks more than it was a flirt gesture. Izu felt warm by it. She had a crush on Kaimera and his attitude was something she liked a lot: no care to tell what he want, confidant, generous, grounded. But also very cute. She wasnt a firm believer in love, never having an example of it from her disapeared father and alcoholic mother, and never herself falling in love. She had a few flings of course, but it was always more physical and bad. She wanted to believe in love. But deep down, Izu is a "see it to believe it" girl, so she would have to wait for it to happen to her. In any case, she was flatered. He was looking at her seductively and was always smiling when looking towards her. She came to the tought that maybe it wasnt that bad and awkward that her jacket fell and showed her body to the young shinobi. 

But then, Kaimera said something very forward she never tought she would hear. At least not that soon. "You like what you see? Because I do." Is what he said, and in a very seductive way even! Izu was took by suprise. The comment on the little and subtle tension and attraction between the two was small and almost unnoticable, but he just did the equivalent of using an explosive tag in a stealth mission. It was a bold move... And she liked that. She was instantly smiling, and playing nervously with her hair. 

"Well you're cute, confidant and bold... And i like it." Said Izu with a seductive smirk, lightly biting her lower lip with the corner of her mouth. Her eyes were locked deep into the eyes of Kaimera, with a very intense look. She wanted to see his intentions, his true feelings. 

The other hyuuga at this moment explained that his eye was trully his, confirming what she had tought. Her gaze shifted and he pulled her head out of the clouds. Her focus left Kaimera but in a way still seductive, with her face and smile still turned towards him and adressed to gim, but hey sights being on the older ninja. 

As others introduced themselves and cleared on the mistaken information thar Izu said about the hyuga being a genin, she listened and waited her turn.

"My name is Izu Momochi. To be frank, you arrived at a very good moment. I wouldnt have liked to go trough the pain and chore of dragging ourselves to each and every older and higher rank ninja to ask for training and guidance. But to be honnest im more curious about the fact we are both born with Byakugan. How old are you and whats your fathers name?" Asked Izu in a very serious demeanor and voice tone, changing from her slow and almost lazy-laid back voice of talking when presenting herself earlier.

After the hyuaga answered and the discussion advanced further, she finally answered the last question about the curent mizukage.

"My opinion about the invader mizukage? He could trip and break his neck for all I care. Kiri belong to the people of the Mist. Not some foreign puppet kage making Kirigakure their vassal. I think its time to reinstate that." Said Izu with confidance. She wasnt scared of sharing her opinion and of being a rebel. She liked being a rebel in fact. 

"In fact, if I remember the rumors our previous young mizukage had Byakugan too..." Said Izu, looking at Shiro. It was now obvious. It couldnt be a coincidance. 

"So after all, youre not dead huh? Just lost an eye... Kaimera, I think this guys isnt a jounin either. Thats the fucking previous Mizukage!" Said Izu in an excited voice as she leaned toward the table to talk in a low voice so as to not draw attention on them.

"Now I realllllyyy want to know who your father is."
Jay Yuki
Jay Yuki
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 36

In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty In search of a purpose... (Open)

Sat Jul 08, 2023 9:51 am
Jay continued to sit there watching the Jonin attempting to figure out what his goal was it was unlike an experienced Jonin to sit down and hang out with a group of Genin, it was even worst considering this was not a mission for the village so Jay felt like there might be something deeper going on behind the scenes his shinobi senses were going off in his head, although Jay seemed to be the more attentive of the three Genin the others don't seem to pay much attention to their surroundings and Izu was slightly clueless when it came to social cues. The man had answered one of Jay's main questions which was why did this man have two different eyes was answered he was a Hyuga Clan member who had one of his Dotjutsu taken from him, that much suck to have one of your Clans precious Kekkei Genkai stolen from you like that it almost made Jay sick inside the thought of his Ice Release being taken from him was horrible, luckily Jay's abilities could not stolen from him but he did feel bad for Shiro and he felt closer to him knowing they had both suffered due to the rule of this new fake Mizukage.

I will be honest the current Mizukage could drown on her or his tea for all I care, if I ever get strong enough to do something about it I would reinstate the old ways of Kirigakure ... this new age BS makes me want to burn this village. "

Jay's words were harsh and if they might even border on line of treason although his usually calm demeanor could only be disturbed by a subject like the old Mizukage which made him think of his father who passed away, his blood began to feel hot almost like it was boiling inside him he made sure to take some deep breathes getting emotional wouldn't help them in the current situation, finally Kaimera had caught onto the fact Jay was staring at him which was not so much a threat as it was a warning that Jay wouldn't roll over and be stepped on like the old days at the Academy he had changed a lot since those days. He didn't say anything just scoffing at Kaimera's words which were no doubt teasing Jay and aimed to rile him up although he would brush it off not wanting to start any issues at the moment, Kaimera would also begin to talk down to Shiro threatening to steal his other Byakugan which made Jay chuckle to himself for a moment imagining Shiro putting the absolute whoop down on the Scorch Release user, and just like THAT Jay's head snapped to the side when he heard Kaimera praise the current Mizukage which betrayed the Mist it was like spitting in his fathers face.

" Why YOU "

Jay's angry attitude would only last a second when Izu began to speak up to Kaimera about her personal feelings towards him which caught Jay off guard since he hadn't heard anything relating to emotions of love, he did find Izu attractive it would be hard not too with her unique features like the Byakugan it mostly came down to the fact they shared similar goals and views about the old ways of Kirigakure, Jay would ignore his own feelings attempting to push them to the side he was always a loner so anything relating to connecting and showing emotions to other people was difficult for him. Izu and Shiro seemed to get along naturally which would make sense considering they were both Hyuga and had the same Kekkei Genkai which would likely mean Izu would get the most direct training which didn't bother the young Yuki, solo training was his favorite although with a team now he could train with them to further advance his skills and maybe learn some Taijutsu principles from Shiro since Jay wanted to learn more CQC techniques to supplement his Ninjutsu, what was this about being the Mizukage did Izu really just say that or could she be mistaking this man who looked too young to be the Mizukage although age did not directly affect power a Kage must have the experience or things would go wrong.

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Shiro Hyuga
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In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Sat Jul 08, 2023 10:40 pm
Shiro’s eyes lingered on his supposed relative for just a bit longer after she had apologized to him about getting a whole misunderstanding under control. He was surprised that he was thought of to be a Genin, or hell not even a chunin with his eye having gone missing. Yet being labeled as just a genin still surprised him. He couldn’t look that young, even with the perfect skin and rather sharp jawline. Shiro’s eyes lingered on all three of the Genin before him. Right as Kaimera had made a side eyed glance towards his own potential relative. It made Shiro surprised, slightly wondering just why exactly Kiamera would even try and make a move like that, not only that but it seemed as though that Izu would reciprocate those thoughts and feelings. Shiro’s eyes continued to linger on the two of them, how Izu was trying her best to seem rather seductive or attractive as well. He really couldn’t see it, however he had never known love, yet seeing it right in front of him made him try to hide his own thoughts on the matter at hand with his drink masking his small smile at the act. He would however give a small look towards both of them again. Placing his drink down carefully, the tap of the glass sounded. Trying to see if he could gain back the two love birds' attention while he was still here. However the sudden question of Kai asking him if he was a genin surprised him still. Right before he was about to clarify who he was.

Not only that, but making a sudden backhanded retort towards him, and even threatening to take out his other eye only made Shiro face change… Into that of a smile. His teeth fully showing into an almost wolvish grin at the words given to him by the Scorch release user. The passion, the sheer overconfidence inside of his words made the previous Mizukage delight in the fact that Kaimera could be oh so cold blooded. Shiro liked that in someone, even though he was talking to a man who seemingly had no respect for him, or simply didn’t know who he was.

“You’re a confident one, I like to see that in people. However I’m sure you’d be the one missing your head if we were to fight against each other.”

It was obvious to some who he was by the side-eye glances and the fact that the people mostly either glared at him or simply tried to ignore his presence within the diner entirely. His two eyes were different, just like he was now. The defeat at the hands of Akabayashi Terumi was devastating for him and their village morally. He was seen as a laughing stock… Someone who Xyzer would have fed to the wolves for such a blunder. They would be right in that assumption. Kaimera’s sudden apology for not knowing that he was in fact a Jonin was meaningful to say the least. Yet the words about the kage by two of his genin did not surprise him at all. He had expected most of the Genin to despise the newest Hoshigakure as their own current Mizukage. However the response made out from Kaimera had slightly shocked the previous kage. His face twitched only slightly. His face, which was once smiling like a mad wolf on a new kill had softened considerably. It was that same reminder slamming right back into the forefront of his mind. The response of Jay had Shiro push up his hand, trying to make sure he could not cause a fight within this very room.

“No he’s right, Akabayashi had beaten them fair a square… With help from a certain ally that had appeared. However he will protect us. If my survival is any indication he at least had some respect for me.”

His eyes had gone back towards the others, watching all three of them. His eyes were slightly different in color, one was dark blue, his Byakugan eye anyways… While his other eyes was a lighter blue, almost greenish in color. This would be the three people that he would train, that he would trust with both his and the potential future of the village as a whole. The question of his own father and how old he was immediately came into question. Shiro only remembered that the man had supposedly slept around with more than just his own mother.

“My father was a Hyuga, and I’m 18 years old.”

Then she had started to put it all together in a moment when she had said that the previous Mizukage had a Byakugan. His face remained the same neutral look. Only staring back at each of them before nodding his head in confirmation about his own potential sisters deduction of his identity.

“I was the Mizukage before losing against Akabayashi Terumi out of the front gates… I was weak then, and I still am now. What Kaimera said is correct… I Died on that battlefield. I want to make sure you all don’t end up the same as I did.”

Although kaimera was trying to be subtle, Shiro had caught the small sigh… It made him realize that he would have to train all three of them in whatever ways that they wanted to. He had to reaffirm his convictions. It seemed to focus on all three of them as he was their sensei and teacher for the foreseeable future.

“I will teach you all I know, and I will focus on you three as much as I possibly can. All three of us should go out on a mission sometime then. That way we all can know our strengths, and what we have to learn in the future. Do I make myself clear?”


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In search of a purpose... (Open) - Page 2 Empty Re: In search of a purpose... (Open)

Sat Jul 08, 2023 11:19 pm
A flash of yellow and Akabayashi was back at the gates of the village. In his short time gone not much was done about the rubble. As was expected. His path was along with him, but he had to find someone now that he was back a certain Hyuga. The path went off on its own search as the doctor walked through the village. People seemed entirely terrified and mistrusting of him, oddly this delighted him. It meant the people weren't simple minded only caring for their own survival in short they weren't stupid. As the path got the location about the former Mizukage's whereabouts from some people it had asked the doctor wandered that direction.

Taking the bow off the gift from Ayato and looking down at the gloves of a different former Mizukage when he removed the lid. A quick laugh would be heard as be removed the gauntlets with eyes on them from the box before putting them on. The people already feared him, now this gift now implied he had killed a different Mizukage. It was a wonderful gift indeed filled with symbolism.

The path would open the door to the restaurant and then Akabayashi would enter. He could see the byakugan active on the hyuga, so in turn he activated his own eyes taking the form of the six ringed rinnegan matching his paths whom Shiro hadn't met yet. Shiro could without a doubt see the black rod thrusted within the man's stomach with his byakugan. Looking at Shiro the Mizukage would speak to him. "Hello." Seeing him with a few others was good at least he wasn't cooped up in the hospital. The other people in the tavern fell silent as he entered. He was unaware of the things they had been talking about, but the people made it awkward. Akabayashi assumed they were afraid to continue their business near him. "Don't mind me, go on with whatever. I am simply here to eat." The doctor would sit down at a table close by but not with Shiro and his friends he didn't have to intrude upon the Hyuga. The path would stand by the door but out of the way so people could get through. It would watch the people within the tavern and let the doctor in on the information it gathered.
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