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Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Wed Nov 01, 2023 9:46 pm
Yukio stood inside the training facility, waiting for his teammate and sensei to arrive. He was, as usual, unfashionably early. He couldn't help it of course, he was just too eager to learn something new or practice something, especially with his team now. His hands reached up to grasp the Konohagakure headband, as if to make sure it was still there. He was finally a Genin, and it meant that now things were serious. There could be no slacking in his dedication, no failure in his preparation. Any mission (well, almost any mission) could become a life or death battle, and Yukio was determined to come out on top. He contemplated what missions he and his team would take as he waited for Nokino-san and Matsuda to arrive. The sun was still low in the sky, and a cool morning breeze swept through the empty training yard. This was the same yard Yukio had been practicing his Water and Earth releases, and he was very pleased in the progress he had made thus far. He had yet been able to unlock the Wood Release, but Yukio knew that Mokuton would be his someday – he could feel it in his bones.

WC: 200 | TWC: 200
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Thu Nov 02, 2023 2:24 am
As Nokino walked trough the town going to the first ever team practice she scheduled with the other team mates, she couldnt help but to think of the intensive training they would need to do to be up and running for the upcomming chunnin exam. Arriving in the field of training, she could see Yukio already waiting early, in fact, WAY too early, to the practice, as she meant to prepare a few exercises and tests for her students before they arrived.

Approaching him with her cigarette in her hand as she lighted it up, Nokino crossed her arms and puffed a big cloud in Yukio's face.

''Well quite the early bird arent you? Hyped to train am I right? Well we are gonna train don't you worry senju boy! How about before Mastuda arrive, we spar and train a bit, see where you are as of now and what you wanna learn in this training session, 'aight? Also, if there is anything you want me to personnally teach you, it would be a pleasure. Now now, ready to do a lil fight? Show me what you're made out of!'' Said Nokino with a smile, eager and hyped too to practice with her student that was the more lively, matching her energy level.

Getting a few metters in distance, there was about 15 metters separating the two, before nokino would turn around toward Yukio.

''Oh kid, by the way, before we get at it, I plan on training us really hard, since we have the chunnin exam comming up! So lets put out your max 'aight? and lets discuss over the spar too, the goal isnt to win or anything, its to learn and teach, as well as discuss you're goals to train and for the exam, 'aight? LETS GO!'' Added Nokino with her usual authoritarian voice.

As she stood ready for Yukio first move, she took a defensive stance, ready to move, act and dodge as soon as Yukio's first move started. 

HP: 300
AP: 810/810
DR: 25

Nokino Stats:
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Thu Nov 02, 2023 5:44 pm

Yukio smiled as Nokino-sensei arrived.  He gave her a short bow, knowing that she doesn't particularly care for the formal show of respect.  He listened to her speak, she was clearly as excited as he was to begin training and sparring as a team.  "Hai, Nokino-sensai.  I am very excited to begin training with you and Matsuda! As for a spar, I will be happy to oblige.  Please take it easy on your young student, I did only just graduate!" Watching as Nokino-sensei entered into a defensive stance, Yukio copied her.  He nodded in affirmation to her statement regarding the intensity with which they would be training, a small smile beginning to form on his face.  He could not wait to begin.

Seeing that Nokino-sensei was going to let him take the first move, Yukio began weaving handseals as fast as his 45 speed could. He formed Dragon, Tiger, Hare, and finally Snake.  He knew that Nokino-sensei was faster than he was, and the 15m between them would be eaten away very quickly should she rush him. He also needed some water to work with, and thus his choice to unleash he strongest Water Release jutsu, the Wild Water Wave.  Yukio fired this jutsu at Nokino with a power and speed of 65.  The spray of water was 5m in width and would soak the battlefield, providing Yukio with plenty of water to fuel future attacks. His eyes were focused on his sensei, watching where and how she would react to this basic attack.

WC: 254 | TWC: 454
Starting AP: 1,111

-26AP for Wild Water Wave - Range 20m, 65 Power and Speed

Final AP: 1,085
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Sat Nov 04, 2023 12:54 am
Seeing the smile of Yukio made Nokino herself smile too, eager to spar with her student and see what the Senju youngest prodigy had in his guts. ''Give it your best Yukio, I'll do the same!'' Replied the teacher to the newly promoted genin.

As he immitated her defensive position, she remained focused on his movements. As soon as he started doing handsigns, Nokino would bolt 5m in his direction at a speed of 100, with a casual stance, her hands still in her pockets, and her cigarette still hanging from her unbothered mouth.

Getting closer while he waved the signs, Nokino shifted her pause as soon as he was done with the handsigns, dodging at 130 speed 10m in diagonal to the left in a maner to sidestep the water jutsu shot at her general direction and dodge it, but also continuing to get closer to him. While dodging and travelling the 10m remaining towards Yukio, she would weave handsigns in a unique maner: each of her hands would weave differents one handed seals at a speed of 100. The right hand would weaves the signs of Tiger -> Horse -> Ram -> Clone seal while the left hand would weave at the same time the Bird -> Horse handsigns, Finishing before the right hand.

As the left hand finished, Nokino would expel toward Yukio General position a large puff of smoke in a 3m cone in front of her, covering Yukio's position in a cloud of 3m radius around the young Senju, and Nokino maintained the exhale to continue generating the smoke onto Yukio position should he move (maintaining exhaling the smoke in front of her, keeping it on Yukio by moving at 100 speed). The smoke has a power of 40, exceeding Yukio strength stats, making him fail the strength check and be blinded by the smoke should he get caught in it.

As the Right hand finished weaving the handsigns, a perfectly made clone of Nokino would spawn 2m away from her on the right side of Yukio, inside the cloud of smoke, in melee with him too as the original Nokino would be.

As soon as the shadow clone of Nokino appeared, it would laugh at Yukio into the smoke, and do the Ram handsign, summoning from the smoke into the cloud 4 more copies of Nokino surrounding the blind Yukio in a wave of 6 Nokino's, some real, some not. The 4 smoke clones would be 1m beside Yukio, assembled around him with the real Nokino and the shadow clone in a matter to have him encircled.

''Confused yet Senju boy?'' would taunt Nokino toward her team member, blind and probably overwhelmed from the situation.

starting AP: 810/810

one handed seals techniques -5AP, smoke veil -4AP* (used 1/3 post), shadow clone -35AP* (used 1/4 post) (total ap after this:776/810) (Clone AP: 388/388 nokino AP: 388/388) 

Clone: Smoke Clone -17AP* (4 clones) (used 1/2 post) 

*: AP reduced by Chakra discount 15%

Clone remaining AP: 371/388

Nokino remaining AP: 388/388

Last edited by Nokino on Sat Nov 04, 2023 1:46 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : phrasing issues/grammar)
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Tue Nov 07, 2023 2:15 am
Yukio suspected Nokino had him outclassed in the speed department, and as he watched her dodge his Wild Water Wave technique with contemptuous ease, he realized she was over twice as fast as he was. Nokino approached him as finished his water jutsu and started weaving hand seals, using one-handed seals to prepare two techniques. Yukio's eyes widened in shock, as he hadn't ever considered using seals in this manner before! Deciding to copy his sensei, Yukio backpedaled away from Nokino at 45 speed, which did not serve to get him farther away from her, but did attempt to move him into the large puddle his water technique formed. This would at least allow him to utilize it for future techs easily. As he moved Nokino had finished her seals and began expelling smoke at him, attempting to obscuring his vision. Luckily, Yukio had a speed of 45, and the smoke only had a speed of 40, so he was able to stay out of its range, even with Nokino-sensei staying within range of him. As this was occurring, Yukio's hands were forming hand seals, the left formed Tiger, Rat, Ox, and the right formed Tiger, Boar, Rat and finished after the left hand did.

The left hand finished first and activated the Temporary Paralysis technique, with power and speed of 55. This technique was completely invisible and expanded out to a 5m wide cone directly in front of Yukio. This cone should envelope Nokino immediately, and since her strength stat is lower, would be subjected to the paralysis of the technique for 1 post. As it was invisible, Yukio didn't suspect she would dodge randomly, but stranger things have happened, and he would be on the lookout. His right hand finished immediately after the left, activating his Smothering Binding Technique. Yukio would cease backpedaling once Nokino was caught in the paralysis. From his hand would spring an intricate lattice of wood, completely binding her body and hands, so she could not make hand seals. This technique would have 60 power, speed, and health and would drain Nokino of 20AP per post she was constrained.

If all of this took place as he planned, Yukio would fix his sensei with a warm smile. "I've been training on my own too, ya know!"

WC: 382 | TWC: 836

Starting AP: 1,085
No increase to AP from One-handed Seals as all techniques used were C-rank and below.
-10AP for Temporary Paralysis
-20AP for Smothering Binding
Final AP: 1,055
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Wed Nov 08, 2023 3:15 am
While Nokino continued to advance toward Yukio after making her two jutsu, she realized that her student was backpedaling at a speed of 45, effectively dodging the smoke cloud she was spewing that spanned at a speed of 40, as he moved faster than the cloud traveled, trailing mostly behind Nokino and generating around her.

 As her other one handed Jutsu was almost finished, she decided to slow down in reaction of Yukio's backpedaling, moving only toward him at the same speed as her smoke jutsu did (40), maintaining the 3m radius around her, but also keeping the distance up close with Yukio, maintaining a distance of 5m between them, the speed difference being too small to create a large distance gap, only continuing to spew smoke in front of her to create a 3m radius field, essentially covering what she was doing, as Yukio could only see a large cloud of smoke 6m wide (3m radius) covering all of Nokino's new position.

While in this smoke, her second Jutsu would happen, summoning a shadow clone of herself into the smoke cloud right in front of her(15cm) to be closer to Yukio as planned, keeping its presence hidden to Yukio. The Shadow clone would then proceed as mentionned, doing the ram sign, summoning 4 smoke clones inside the cloud too, all hidden by the 6m wide smoke cloud(3m radius) essentially creating a large smokescreen hidding the real Nokino, a shadow clone and 4 others clones.

While this happened, Yukio's handseals were done too, and his temporary paralysis would reach the cloud, invisible to the eyes of Nokino. By sheer luck, the paralysis would first reach the shadow clone of Nokino, making it totally paralyzed and unnable to move for 1 post.

Seeing this inside the smoke cloud, Nokino is suprised at how close the jutsu was of catching her, and she smiled, feeling proud of her student. But now it was time to show him that opponents can sometimes play mind games. As the paralysis jutsu caught the clone, Nokino would make it struggle and talk with her voice saying the following:

''AGH! Good one there Yukio, you caught me, didn't see it comming! You're quite impressive indeed!'' 

Meanwhile, in her left hand would start to generate a ball of pure chakra energy, forming itself at a speed of 70. The 4 smoke clones beside her would have the same effect generate in their hand simulating as if 5 Nokinos were generating Rasengan in their respective left hands.

In a synchronized motion the cloud of smoke would end, dissipating, and at the same moment, all 4 of the clone as well as the real Nokino would emerge from it, suprising Yukio who didnt see the interior of the cloud before now with 5 Nokino runing toward him at a speed of 100 with each a rasengan into their left hand. In the place of the cloud, the smoke would dissipate to reveal the shadow clone of Nokino completely paralysed, acting as the real one in a seemless way, maintaining the illusion that she was caught and that her shadow clone were doing the business along the smoke clones.

 If the wooden smothering technique was going toward the shadow clone, it would be immediately hit by it, being paralyzed. If instead it would aim for a smoke clone, it would hit it, making one of the clone disapear in a smoke cloud, not changing the outcome of the later move. If the move was aimed at the real Nokino, she would dodge at a speed of 130, effectively evading it to the right side in a diagonnal movement, sidesteping it, but then getting back on target with the rest of the smoke clones. As the distance between them was still only 5m, the distance was quickly covered at the speed of 100 of the 5 Nokinos bolting toward Yukio. If they made contact, the 4 smoke clones combined their rasengan with the one of Nokino, collaborating to make the rasengan impact stronger. As the rasengan ball hit Yukio's Body, it damaged him for a total of 120(70 power+50 for collaboration), and launched from Nokino's left hand, carrying Yukio on it (as he has lower strength than the power of the technique) 10m farther down the field, sending him crashing and to colide with the ground, dealing him an additionnal 50 damage from the moderate surface that is dirt, exploding in a 2m radius of chakra energy, sending dirt everywhere.

as the young senju boy would get up 10m away from his Sensei, the Iburi girl would simply talk, in echo with all the clones, still maintaining the seemless illusion so that Yukio wouldnt figure who was the real one.

''Great move there with the twice binding combo jutsu! This is actually quite impressive kiddo! First lesson tho, opponents can say shit and play mind games. Try and figure it out to have the edge, or even better, play mind games of your own!'' Would say all the Nokino's in unisson. 

Standing at 10m from him, along with the either 4 or 3 remaining smoke clone( depending on the scenario before), and her shadow clone standing 15m from yukio and 5m from Nokino and her smoke clone, Nokino and all of her versions stood ready to respond to any new move from Yukio giving him back the chance to counter attack and get back into control, giving him the first move again, as if it was now a second round.

AP (spent from previous post for the shadow clone and the 4 smoke clones, done in this one instead for timelining.)

Shadow clone (1/4 post), smoke clones (1/2 post), Smoke Veil ended (cooldown 1/2 post), Rasengan -42AP*

New ap total: 346/388

new ap total for clone: 371/388

Last edited by Nokino on Wed Nov 08, 2023 2:20 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : edits for clone spacing and AP math)
Senju Yukio
Senju Yukio
Stat Page : The World Tree

HP: 300
AP: 2,000

Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 45
Strength: 5

Mission Record : Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 1700

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Fri Nov 10, 2023 4:01 am
Yukio's eyes widened in alarm as Nokino formed her techniques. He had no space to dodge, and the only thing he could do was prepare himself for the hit. The combination Rasengan technique hit Yukio square in the abdomen, causing him to double over as he coughed up blood. His body was rocketed away, bouncing and rolling along the ground until he came to a stop ten meters away. He struggled to stand up, coughing up more blood, his arms and legs trembling. As he finally stood and looked back at his sensei, he took one step toward her.

"Sensei, I don't..." His speech faltered and he collapsed to the ground face first, unconscious.

WC: 114 | TWC: 950

Health: 30/200

All jutsu and AP expenditure end. Yukio is unconscious and needs immediate medical attention.
Stat Page : Konoha's Flaming Fist Stats
Mission Record : Nokino Mission Log
Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Default
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 500

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Sun Nov 12, 2023 1:44 am
As her pure chakra energy ball send her student flying onto the ground, Nokino looked over at him where he landed, seeing that she maybe did more than she aimed to do. As Yukio got up, he had blood leaking from his mouth, apparently injured from the hard hitting jutsu, as well as hitting the ground with incredible force. He then got up, and walked a step toward his sensei, his limbs shaking and his whole body trembling from the trauma. He tried to do a full sentence, but his voice broke, as he said he couldn't take it anymore, fainting and falling onto the ground limp, unconscious.

''Yukio? Get up. The training isnt done. You clearly need to learn to better defend yourself as well as create a possible divide from agressive foes like myself!'' Said the trainer, ruthless and without pitty to the student who just fell, hopping he would still hear and listen.

'' 'Aight, 'aight, I'll go fetch the medical shinobi at the training facility. Don't move kid.'' added Nokino, quickly dashing away.

As she ran toward the little building over the edge of the metal fence separating the training field with the forest of Death, a training field of harder intensity used by the chunin exams at times, she found a familiar face that could help in terms of healing...
Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Sun Nov 12, 2023 2:42 am
Himari's Stats:

Somewhere in the distance amidst the ongoing training session between the fiery dynamics of the teacher and student, Himari, on the other hand,  is in a hurry running errands for her mother before the day's end. As it turns out, at the last minute, there's a sale on a grocery list of items her mother just so happens to be running low on. It's not like she minds helping out her mom, but it does take time away from her own training. She's been trying to work on improving her chakra control by practicing her medical ninjutsu. While she has managed to utilize the Chakra Scalpel thus far, it's still far from perfect from the way it should shape up to be.

Desperately trying not to get sidetracked, Himari hops over a fence and heads toward the marketplace in Konohagakure. She's halfway there when she spots Yukio and Nokino in the distance and waves to them jubilantly.

"Morning!" She bellows with a cheery smile and notices Nokino approaching her with the full intent of grasping her attention. Knowing Nokino from what little interactions they've shared, the look in her eye usually means there's something on her mind she needs to either get off her chest or is in need of her services—whatever said services could be, so long as the practice in and of itself is legal. Nevertheless, she posits that she can spare a minute or two to talk with a Big Sis' Nokino and strides toward her with a fervent mix of adrenaline and joy. "What's up? Ya need something?"

That's when Nokino explains the situation to Himari and asks if she can help.

"Right away, Nokino Onee-san!" Himari responds with a smile, nodding her head. She then turns her attention to Yukio and kneels beside him. She summons a tanto from her ninja pouch inside one of the basic scrolls and swiftly cuts open his shirt, revealing the wound. It's not too bad, but it's definitely going to leave an ugly scar if she doesn't treat it right away. Activating her Byakugan, she subsequently performs the following hand seals with both hands, starting from her right hand, executes the following: Tiger → Boar → Dog → Rat, and with her left hand, she does the following simultaneously: Snake → Ox → Tiger → Ram → Rat. Both of her hands glow in a chartreuse color as she places them over Yukio's wound and begins healing him, accelerating his body's own natural healing process and restoring 80 HP to his person as his wounds subside.

The wound is healed within seconds and Himari deactivates her Byakugan. "He should be good now." She says, smiling at Nokino and bowing toward her. "But, I've gotta get going now, Nokino Onee-san. Mom might get really mad at me if I don't get the groceries she wanted me to fetch. Bye-bye!" She dashes out of the Advanced Training Facility and before she exits, she also hollers. "Don't push each too hard, please!"

WC: 500
TWC: 500

Combat Statistics


Last edited by Himari Hyuuga on Sun Nov 12, 2023 3:03 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Himari Hyuuga
Himari Hyuuga
Stat Page : Stats' Link

Health: 300
AP: 1,250
Vigor: 25
Chakra: 100
Speed: 150
Strength: 25
Mission Record : Mission Log
Summoning Contract : Slugs of Shikkotsu Forest
Salamanders of Rain Country
Living Clones : Hisaki
Taijutsu Iryōjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 194150

Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team! Empty Re: Team Mirai, Assemble! Learning together as a team!

Sun Nov 12, 2023 11:25 am
Requesting approval for the following claims:

Investing 500 TWC into the following *Jutsu:
► Training Healing Hands @ C-Rank (480/750) [20 TWC Left]
► Training Hearthfire (continued from here) [167/187] → (187/187) [0 TWC Left]
*25% Discount option via Max Stats
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