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Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

What will become of us? Empty What will become of us?

Sat Mar 30, 2024 9:45 am
Kutari finds himself on the unforgiving floor of an alleyway in Tsukigakure, the remnants of the previous night's indulgences weighing heavily on his mind and body. The hangover clouded his thoughts and dulled his senses in the later parts of the day, being that it was mid-afternoon. Despite the discomfort, there was a small spark of anticipation that flickered within him. Now was his chance to finally have his meeting with Jun, the hot green haired woman that seemed a bit too perfect not to be looked forward to. His thoughts had been pretty wrapped around the rest of the village, mainly the bars and booze that he had been drowning himself in, but the rest of the village seemed pretty decent by itself.

With the meeting in mind, he mustered the strength to stand, his body protesting each movement. The alleyway provided very little comfort as he steadied himself against the cool, rough wall. The early morning light, breaking through the narrow passage overhead, reminded him of the time he had wasted with his extracurricular activities. He shook off the remnants of sleep and the grip of the alcohol that was still sitting and coursing through his system.

Kutari focused on the task at hand. He had to gather as many materials as he could before his time with Jun. He planned to gather some mushrooms and plenty of alcohol to keep their night going smoothly. Each step was a calculated move, bringing him closer to readiness for their encounter in the depths of the village's training grounds. 

The streets of Tsukigakure slowly came to life as Kut made his way through the village. The sounds of the market district stirring, with the sight of villagers continuing their day. Aromas of the afternoon meals being prepared all mingle in the air, creating a beautiful landscape of experiences on the village's streets.

Kut's thoughts remained on the meeting that he had coming ever closer, the experiences that they would have. The promise of adventure was so strong with Jun, a brief escape from the constant dread that was his life. He navigated through the now familiar paths of the village's back streets as Kutari rehearses the moment in his mind again and again, filling his thoughts with her body and his entwining in a rather euphoric way. The training grounds was full of hidden nooks, places that they could go missing for a few hours, nights, and days without being spotted or seen and he planned on using one of them in the far distances to allow for their time together.

The anticipation builds with each step, overshadowing the lingering effects of the hangover, filling Kut with a mixture of excitement and anxiousness. The meeting with Jun, set against the backdrop of Tsukigakure's training grounds held the promise of something far more than an ordinary encounter, with the power that he held within his eyes, he was surely going to bring her more excitement than she had ever experienced in her life.

The time of their meeting had finally arrived and Kut was as prepared as he could be. He had all matter of items that they would need for a few days being stranded in the training grounds. They wouldn't eat well, but they would survive on very little due to the rather peculiar effects the mushrooms had on the body. He would arrive at their meeting place, and he began to wait for the green-haired bombshell to grace him with her presence.

WC: 584
TWC: 584
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Sun Apr 07, 2024 1:36 pm
Jun had recently found herself sleeping at Daiki’s home near Darkside. Since he had taken over ownership they both had been working there together. She had been getting a bit bored of her new routine and she found herself yearning for something a bit more adventurous. After running into her dear friend Kut, they decided on a day to meet up at Shinoda Springs. The last time they had met up, he had made quite the impression on her. Through what she assumed to be some sort of genjutsu he had gifted her with visions from his time traveling before he landed on the island.

She eagerly anticipated their next meeting while some days passed, yearning to experience what he had in store for her. From what little she had seen from him, she found herself wanting to experience more and more of whatever he could offer her. She perfectly remembered the euphoric feeling of his touch against her skin and became flustered at the thought of their lips intertwined with each other. Since he had left the bar that night, it felt as if there was a sense of hunger within her that couldn't be satiated.

Finally, the day of their meeting arrived, and as normal Jun wouldn't peel herself out of bed until around noon. By this time Daiki had left the home, presumably he had made his way to Darkside to begin his shift. Soon she’d undress from his white button-up shirt that she often found herself asleep in, and slowly took a cold shower. After she had finished, she’d wrap herself in a large towel and make her way back to their bedroom. She'd spend the next few hours getting ready, and once she was finished she’d make her way to the training grounds.

As she walked through the streets, she’d smile and wave at any of the people she recognized. Since she had been working at Darkside, she's become more familiar with the general populace and has been getting to know more people. Soon she found herself at the entrance of Shinoda Springs, and as she made her way into the training grounds she began looking for him. As she laid eyes on him, she felt herself immediately smiling as excitement began to rise within her. She'd call out to him with a cheerful voice as she approached him with a happy wave.

”Good afternoon Kut!! I hope you didn't wait long for me my dear.”

As he examined her, he saw her meticulously put-together appearance. Her long, green hair was separated into two, loose French braids that sat on her shoulders and traveled down her chest. A few strands of hair and her bangs that framed her face blew slightly in the breeze. Over her body, a slightly sheer white dress that stopped about halfway down her thighs barely covered her form. The top of the dress was strapless and looked to be similar to a corset. Also, a small amount of mascara could be seen on her eyelashes.

She'd attempt to close the distance between the two of them and embrace him. Jun wanted to be close to him, to feel his gentle caress once more as she begged him internally to do as he wished to her. As she wrapped her arms around him, she’d whisper in his ear in an alluring tone.

”Im so excited for tonight, thank you for inviting me out”

Wc: 578
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Fri Apr 12, 2024 1:54 pm
With a smirk leading into a smile upon the entrance of the woman of the hour, and soon to be the day, had arrived. Her gait was a sight to behold, everything about her visage was something amazing and beautiful and all those words that folks use to try and impress someone else. Kut didn't think too much on what he was going to say when she approached. Mainly he just wanted to feel what the inside of her mouth felt like, and the inside of other places as well. She hadn't seen him quite yet, as the vague look on her face seemed to portray, so he decided that he would play his harmonica just a bit, channeling his genjutsu abilities within it. 

Should Jun hear the harmionica play, then immediately her body would feel somewhat envigorated, her mind would be flush with the thoughts of what Kut was going to do with her. She would see the very ground around her shift as the genjutsu took hold. When she got within touching distance, he looked into her eyes, staring deep into what she had concealed within. He walked up to her, placed a hand on her jaw, and this is when he ceased her ability to move freely.

Her paralyzed body would simply be able to stare back into his eyes. He used this time to enable his Sharingan. As his enhanced vision collided with her own, visions would flood into Jun's mind. Visions of pure pleasure, fueled by the different substances that Kut had brought with him. Visions of her clothes being ripped away from her body, being pinned down within the depths of the training grounds where no one would be able to see them. Scenes of all the different things that he wanted to do to her flooded into both of their minds at the same time. 

"Look Jun. I have a bit of a secret that I have to tell you. I want nothing more than to have you, all of you, even if it is only for but a moment. I have thought about you every moment since I first saw you in Daiki's bar. Every moment that has passed by you have been living within the reaches of my brain. I cannot stand it any longer. I want you to follow me, deep into the training grounds. I have found a place where no one can see us, but we will need to be quiet. But as long as you trust me, I will be sure to show you the time of your life. You will never experience anything else like this, other than with me."

Kut would allow her to move freely once again but would continue the genjutsu. Now, the genjtusu would only attack her senses, heating certain areas of her body and allowing other parts of her body to move. Her extremities would be shaking slightly, completely taken by anticipation. Kut would let out an alluring chuckle as he grabbed her hand and guided her through the training grounds. 

When they arrived at the spot that Jun had seen in the visions, he picked her up and carried her to a spot that he had already readied for them. There was a small pile of branches that formed a dome like structure, blocking anyone from being able to see. The structure itself was almost impossible to find unless you were the one who put it there. Jun would continue to be feeling the full effects of the genjutsu. The anticipation flooding into her body and brain thanks to his illusions. 

When he set her down, he opened a small bag, pulled out a small handful of mushrooms. He knew that it was normal for him to take one at a time, but this wasn't a normal occasion. With his right hand, he cupped her chin and opened her mouth slowly. With his left hand, he placed the mushrooms onto her tongue and closed her mouth, instructing her to chew. With the instruction clear and if followed, he would lay her down and kiss her on her lips, interlocking them in a passionate way, pressing his body against hers. 

More than anything, he would keep concentration on the genjutsu. Continuing to pump her body with illusions of adrenaline, pleasure, anticipation, and whatever other emotion he could funnel into her mind to cause her to feel her inhibitions go away, and to become nothing more than putty in his hands.

WC: 749
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Thu Apr 25, 2024 4:37 am
Upon entrance to the training facility, she’d hear the faint sound of a harmonica playing. Without any control over her own mind, she’d immediately begin thinking of all the things Kut had promised her. Her knees would grow weak and she trembled slightly at the mere thought of his hands exploring her body. She’d stand there for a moment as the thoughts swirled through her mind, looking down at the ground as it warped slightly. After a few minutes she was able to pull herself out from her mind, and finally laid eyes on the man she came here to meet.

Walking over to him she’d greet him as her eyes were fixated on his, but without a word back, he’d place his hand on her chin, lifting it up slightly to maintain eye contact. She felt her body become tense, as every muscle in her body froze. Like previously at the bar, her mind would flood with the visions of what he had in store for her that night. The lightest touch from him sent euphoric feelings throughout her body, and she couldn’t explain exactly why. Though the why didn’t really matter to her, she was enjoying being within his grasp.

With their gaze locked onto each other, he’d finally begin speaking to her. Though she knew very little about him, she found herself falling head over heels for him. Usually she was the one others chased after, but now she found herself internally begging for him to pay any amount of attention to her. He would start off by expressing he had a secret to share with her, which she was immediately intrigued by. Continuing on he;d explain that he hadn’t been able to stop thinking about her since their last interaction at Daiki’s bar.

Admittedly she felt a bit guilty about the whole situation with both Daiki and Kut, both were amazing men, though they were vastly different from each other. Daiki was so loving and caring towards her, but had confessed his love for her after only a few interactions. This was a bit off putting to her, seeing as he didn’t even know she was a clone. At least with Kiko and Ren, Ren knew of her origins and accepted her regardless. If Daiki knew, would he even see her as a real person. With Kut, it was so easy to enjoy her time with him guilt free. He made her feel things she couldn’t even dream of feeling, and yearned to feel his touch once more.

Pushing these thoughts to the side, her attention would fixate on Kut once more. Continuing on, he’d inform her that he wished for her to follow him deep into the training grounds. Evidently he had found a place tucked away from any potential onlookers, but he informed her that she would need to be quiet. Like he promised her before, he’d say that if she allowed, he’d show her the time of her life. One he finished speaking, she gained control over her body once more though she could feel it trembling slightly.

A bit of sweat could be seen pooling on her forehead as her body temperature increased slightly. Not knowing what to say in this moment, she’d continue to look at him with a doe-eyed expression and simply nod at his request. Normally she could muster up a response, but for some reason she was nearly stunned. At this he’d chuckle slightly as he grabbed her hand and lead her to the spot he mentioned previously. While walking she’d speak up, though her voice lacked it’s normal confident tone and was instead replaced by a sheepish voice.

”I trust you.. Kut. I’m excited to experience what you have in store for me, and hope to live up to your standards.

Soon they would arrive at the spot, and Kut would move to pick her up, which she allowed. Closing the distance to their destination, she’d see the dome of branches and a handful of blankets laid within it. As he walked, carrying her in his arms, the thoughts of what was about to happen flooded her mind. While her body still trembling slightly with anticipation, she attempted to calm her mind but was entirely unsuccessful. Once they arrived, he’d lay her down on the pile of blankets he had prepared for them and she’d watch as he pulled out a small bag.

Before she could inquire about what it was, he gently cupped her chin and motioned to put the substance in her mouth. Trusting him in this moment like he requested, she’d open her mouth, stick out her tongue, and allow him to place whatever it was in her mouth, ensuring to maintain eye contact with him. As he instructed she’d chew it and swallow without any hesitation while looking at him with an alluring expression. Once she swallowed, with his hand still cupping her chin, he’d lean in to press his lips against hers.

She’d allow him to lay her down as their lips interlocked with each other, and her mind continued to flood with various emotions. Her thoughts seemingly were out of her control, though maybe this was a good thing. She’d stop trying to fight against the feelings rushing through her mind, and instead just allowed herself to enjoy it. Jun could feel herself yearning for him to do as he pleased to her, and if the visions were indicative of his wants, she was eager to allow him to do as he pleased. With most of her senses overwhelmed in this moment, she couldn’t do much other than melt into his embrace.

WC: 945
Total WC: 1523
Kutari Uchiha
Kutari Uchiha
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Vagabond (C-Rank)
Stat Page : Stat Page
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Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Sun Apr 28, 2024 1:36 am
Her lips felt so... perfect. They were soft, supple, inviting, enticing. Everything about them connected perfectly with his own. He couldn't help himself, his mind was beginning to race. His breath was getting caught. With their mouths attached to one another, Kut began to slide her top off of her midsection, slowly bringing it over her head. He disconnected from her lips for only a moment, just long enough to get the top off of her body. He threw it to the side, grabbed both of her hands and moved them above her head, and pinned them down with his right hand. 

His left hand wandered along her body, feeling every inch of her skin within his grasp, knowing that he had full control of the situation. He moved his head down, continuing to kiss her, starting from her lips, then to her cheek, down to her jawline and into her neck. He brushed his lips across her skin, he bared his teeth and bit down on her neck. At first it would be gentle, but then one more bite came down with more aggression. His body ached for a reason that he couldn't explain. It was the first time he had ever felt this way. This woman was so new to him, but yet he felt as if he wanted more of her. 

His mouth found its way to her chest, smelling her scent. Her body was beginning to shake slightly. It was possibly from the temperature, but he liked to think it was from the anticipation building up within her system. He released her hands, but when he did, he looked to her in the eyes with his Sharingan. "Don't move those hands, I want them to stay there until I tell you that you can move them, understood?" He stared into her eyes, waiting for a response before he continued what he was doing.

He kissed down her side, pulling up the dress that she was wearing. It was then that the substances began to kick in, it was then that his body began to loosen. He could feel his eyes beginning to see what wasn't there before. His mind began to race and spread into different aspects of his life all at once. His body was present, but completely gone from reality all at once. What would become of them? That was the question that he didn't bother asking. 

He picked up his head, sure that the substances were beginning to sway her mind as well. But just to be sure, he used his genjutsu to begin to kick in their feelings just to be safe. Her vision would start to get hazy, emphasizing each time he would make contact with her body. As he continued to kiss down to her waistline, her senses felt as though her temperature was rising, bringing added tension to the situation. He spread her legs, kissed her knee, and then began to move down. 

(Fade to Black)

WC: 502
TWC: 1835
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Tue Oct 01, 2024 11:04 pm

+15 Vigor
3326/6000 Ketsuryugan Matured Previous training here
Ichigo Sato
Ichigo Sato
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Village : Kumogakure
Ryo : 230150

What will become of us? Empty Re: What will become of us?

Fri Oct 04, 2024 8:30 am
Jun Tsukiko wrote:(EXIT)

+15 Vigor
3326/6000 Ketsuryugan Matured Previous training here

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