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Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Thu May 16, 2024 2:46 pm
Ryumi hadn’t felt this amount of excitement in a long time, the light of the sun bled into her room, hitting her face. She almost leapt out of bed. Her eyes trailed off to see her light blue chunin jacket hung just above her bed. Yet she wouldn’t be needing it to where she was going. Yet the promotion had caused Ryumi to feel joy again for finally living in this house. It felt weird to see that Lloyd was not living here with her for the time being. His own examination and condition made it necessary to place him within the Unseen University to check up on his condition and if his spine could even be healed. It also meant that she had no one to talk too before she was already rushing through the door, wearing dark skin tight pants and her normal purple shirt over her armored bodysuit. Ryumi wanted to do something, but didn’t feel the need to try and go on a mission, instead, she wished to simply focus on training her own body, and potentially finding some others to train with at Hoshigakure famous water gardens. Home to those wishing to enhance their skills and train their bodies in the serene grace of the training ground. Ryumi passed by a few of the houses inside of the religious sector, noticing how some of them seemed to keep to themselves during the advent of the spring season. The morning sun shining even brighter amongst the village of stars, where one of their very own lights was beginning to burn even brighter than before.

She would prepare herself for the announcement that had come as a result of the promotion of the squad of young wolves that had taken back the outpost from the grips of bandits. The Announcement of the Nova Tournament made her excited for the fights that were to come, as now she got to show the entire village her strength. She had been a witness to the strength shown within that of the Nova Exams. Of the strength, the resolve, and also the stupidity that was shown throughout it. It had shaped the current hierarchy of the village, enough to where those around her would wish to climb to that very same position. Ryumi was confident she could attain one of those spots on the Nova Corps, but that’s not what she wanted to do. She wanted to show that she was stronger, stronger than what she was before. She wanted it to show that her training didn’t go to waste, that she could finally get herself and Lloyd away from the religious sector that had haunted their lives for so long. Her thoughts continued to swim through her head as she strode along the dirt roads of the religious sector before making her way down to the main parts of the village, where the religious factor wasn’t so high, and where she began to get recognized due to the ceremony at the Unseen University. A few children even pointed her out while she strode across the roads.

She was curious where she could find one of her other family members, the one that had cheered her on, that wore her own clan symbol. The idea that there were others besides the grave digger gave her hope that she could connect with the rest of her clan. The thought made Ryumi even wonder if maybe she should start a family in the future, at least when she had her fair share of fun in life. The thought was quickly waved away, as due to her own family's abilities. She could live for a very long time, and by extension the rest of her family would be able to live long lives without worry or fear of dying of old age.

She wondered if there was someone that thought of her in some special way. She couldn’t think of anyone in particular, but there probably was one.

The thought followed her when she finally made her way towards the bellowing waterfalls and crisp scenery surrounding her. Of lush emerald forests with large, ever widening tree trunks that spread out as far as the eye could see. It was here that Ryumi would begin to rush towards one of the more open spaces nearby, a few others were there as well, although she couldn’t recognize them. What Ryumi would begin to do however is start with a few simple stretches. Her right arm wrapped around her left before she began to stretch out each arm. She even began to do splits on the ground, allowing her large thighs to rest on the ground. The Water Garden really was the perfect place to train and unwind.

Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty Re: I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Sun Jun 23, 2024 12:03 am
The soft breeze of the early summer morning graced Ryumi’s skin. Her purple eyes staring at the hung up chunin flak jacket on her wall. A new testament to the strength and resilience she showed during her time within that of the Wolf Squad. The small divison within that of Hoshigakure that had faced against the remnants of the Jaws of Grima and came out victorious over the previous threat to the village. She still remembered that day quite clearly, her arms shaking with surprise at seeing her hands covered in blood. Her hands and arms shook at the memory, long jagged scars coating her arms up to the elbow. Some going from her fingers directly to her elbow. A byproduct of her fight with her mother and father, along with Lloyd’s sudden crippling at the hands of her mother. His spine had been almost snapped in twine. His back having been broken beyond repair, along with her arms and whole body covered in scars, Ryumi and Lloyd were left to recover on their own, managing the pain and licking their wounds. They were survivors of some of the worst fighting within that of the Hoshimura rebellion. With Ryumi’s whole body covered in scars due to her own fathers use of wind style. Her appearance was a consant reminder that she had survived such an encounter, not unscathed, but would be able to survive in the future. Her body had now been forged like a hammer, large, bulky and robust. She was able to slim herself down slightly for her own comfort, yet her natural look was always something that she’d appreciate.

Yet that appreciation leaned favorably inside of the village that she called home, due to her promotion, she was able to fix up parts of the house. The flooring had been refurnished, no longer was it a crooked and rotten mass of darkly painted wood. Now it was far brighter in color, using that of the tree that she had cut down with the help of Rilo. He was someone that peaked her interest, as Ayato’s announcement of the Nova Corps tournament left Ryumi feeling anxious at the thought that she was capable of reaching such a position due to the recent absences of their current members. She’d be able to finally have that rematch with Enishi, not as two people on entirely different levels, but two who were comparable. That way he wouldn’t have to hold back on her like he did when they first met. She still remembered the pain of Enishi’s fingers slamming against her stomach in order to seal away most of her chakra. Although she didn’t understand why Enishi seemed so against her pulling up her shirt to inspect the seal. Ryumi waved the thought away as nothing more then Enishi’s rather interesting personality. One that had led him to have an admirer on the sidelines of the very tournament she was going to prepare for. Yet she would not be preparing for it alone, one who she would never expect actually volunteer to help train her for an oppurtunity like this. His Silverish blonde hair poking into the room to see Ryumi inspecting her closet to see if she forgot anything, causing an amused chuckle to escape out of Lloyds lips.

“If you need me to find something, you can just ask now Ryumi,” Lloyd announced, walking towards Ryumi with a sense of pride that he hadn’t felt in so long. The black haired girl turned her head back towards him. She was still not used to Lloyd being able to walk around the house on his own. His foot steps were practically silent, his body slowly leaning back into the muscle memory of being a shinobi. His movements were still slightly rusty. His hand sometimes reaching to touch his back in order to make sure he still had a spine. Ryumi however scoffed at Lloyd offering his assistance.

“I’m a Chunin now, I’m not just some kid anymore Lloyd-” She was cut off when he placed his hand on top of her head. A small smile graced his lips before the veins around his eyes suddenly became more prenounced. Seeing the entire closet, he’d dig his hands into the back of it, only to find what Ryumi was looking for. It was a small cube, one that he handed towards the Hiyu clan member with a gentle grace befitting his fighting style. The black box was known as Nise, a molding chakra fiber like alloy that could fit around the individual however they desired. It was a rather interesting piece of ninjutsu mixed with the use of fabric and armor. The armor was useful for everyday use. As it meant that you always had some type of armor on you whether it was over, under, or was the clothing that you were wearing. Ryumi perferred it to mimic the one body suit that she once wore. As the fabric attached to and around her skin, creating an armor that looked skintight in nature, yet fit like a glove. A truly marvelous use of Ninjutsu.

“While you are a Chunin Ryumi, I was once a Jonin of the village, and unlike you, I can use more then just Taijutsu and weaponry,” He teased. Ryumi almost wanted to throw a kunai at his head, yet she couldn’t say that Lloyd was exactly wrong. She was someone who wholly dedicated herself to the physical arts in every sense of the word. No matter what type of weapon it was, Ryumi could probably wield it with a decent amount of skill. Her favorite weapons had always been ones that complimented her strength and overall fighting style. Those of the Bo-Staff and Hammer were excellent in her mind. Weapons that dealt more blunt or crushing damage towards an opponent helped her. Her own Bo-Staff was a testament to that, one that she wished to eventually create a name for herself. Yet today was not the day for weaponry training. As that would come in due time. What Lloyd suggested was more so a rundown of the basics of taijutsu. His argument being that he might end up breaking his back again if both of them were to go serious in an actual sparring match. It was sound enough logic, but it made her wonder what exactly would they be focusing on by just using the basics.

“Just because you can manipulate chakra better then me doesn’t mean that I can’t use it, you of all people should know that given my clan,” Lloyd let out a amused sigh before motioning her to come follow him out of her room. Her Bo-Staff hanging inside of her home as they made sure to lock the doors and turn out the lights of their home. Ryumi turned towards the natural sun of their small abode. Living on a small edge of the village that gave them a great view of the entire front. Hundreds, if not thousands of people constantly walking around the sprawling city square and roads of the shinobi section of the village. People who lived with the idea of shinobi for all of their lives in comparison to the part that she and Lloyd lived in.

The religious sector of the village was always one shrouded in some kind of folktale or legend. Some in the shinobi sector had believed that the religious part were sellouts or cowards to not try and help the village that supports them so much. Others believed that the two sectors of the village could not co-exist without one another. That in the end that they were connected in some way shape or form that could not be undone no matter how much some of the villagers on both sides wanted it. It was like a balance of weight, not one side could lean over too heavily without causing another kind of uprising. Ryumi and Lloyd’s stroll through the dirt paved road left to some interesting looks from the fellow church kids. Almost as if it was a miracle he was back to walking. Lloyd took notice of the sudden attention, a small smile gracing his lips once again.

“It’s almost like they’re seeing a ghost?” He said, Ryumi was curious if he fully understood the gravity of how he was able to begin walking against after such a small amount of time. It was basically a miracle that his own body remembered how to walk at all.

“Lloyd, it hasn’t even been a few weeks and you’re already walking around like you were never crippled. They’re probably just as surprised as I am that you were able to recover so quickly. It’s almost a miracle that they were able to fix your spine in the first place. Nevermind that you’re walking with me in order to help me in preparations for the Nova Exams.”

Lloyd let out a small chuckle, nodding his head at his adopted daughters thought process, “ You are right. The people here would be rather surprised that I simply started up and walking again like nothing happened. Although I do wish that it never did occur, the Sage above only knows what would have happened if I was just a little bit faster.”

“You couldn’t have known that my mother would have immediately aimed for your back, you were focused on my father for that split second when he attacked me. I should have been stronger, maybe if I was, then we both wouldn’t be in this predicament.”

Lloyd let out a small sigh at her words, she could tell that he disagreed with her. The small shift of his chin downwards. The sudden aura of guilt and disappointment could be felt as they walked along the narrow streets of the religious sector of the village. Ryumi’s gaze being held by the large linings of tree’s beginning to surround them. They were almost like towers, yet the small rustling of the leaves from the bundles of wind cascading along the sky. It made her feel something that she had never really felt before. The feeling of calm, of tranquility, that through all of these trials and tribulations that Ryumi was able to come out on top. That even through her fears, angers, happiness, and desire. It was Lloyd who had always held his sway with her even when she had begun the shinobi academy. He was the one who helped her grow, the one that motivated her to improve and get stronger, as without him being injured. She didn’t know what she would have done with her life. Live out her days as a nun? Help out with the religious sector? Would she have even become a shinobi in the first place if it wasn’t for Lloyd’s injury. These thoughts swam in her head while they walked down the long dirt road. As the two of them began to head downhill, Ryumi turned her head towards the many black and blue imagery of the religious sector. Still holding onto those colors that made them potential traitors to that of the village. Lloyd placed a hand on her shoulder as they walked, some of the front yards had small bushes that were evenly kept. A few bits of projects here and there regarding construction, yet everything was so orderly within the villages very own separate sector. One that was also very close to where they would be heading for the day. A place that she had almost begun to think of as a second home for herself. That being the ever present Water Gardens of Hoshigakure. A place that both Ryumi and Lloyd were familiar with in their lives. One that would become ever closer as they went down hill, inspecting the brick houses lining the streets, some were painted in a simple white, others however were primarily blue or black in color. It mirrored the same pattern that she had seen earlier, yet perhaps it was for the best that she ignored what those colors could mean, and instead focus on what they would be doing now. Which was Lloyd’s supposed basic training that he was having her go through.

The entrance of the Water Gardens was a clearing of evenly spaced out ironwood trees that spread out to form different diverging paths that all led to different training stations and set ups. Some of them were being occupied at the moment, at least, that’s what Lloyd had explained to her when they had first arrived within the gardens very entrance. His hand pointing towards the diverging path on the right.

“There’s an open space for us to train up ahead on our right, there I can start teaching you what my basics would be for taijutsu,” He explained.

“But I already know the basics of taijutsu Lloyd, shouldn’t I be learning more advanced taijutsu if I want to win the tournament?” Ryumi asked with a small pout in her voice from Lloyd’s suggestion.

“I think it’s best if I explained what I wish to teach you when we get there Ryumi,”

Ryumi nodded her head, crossing her arms while they made their way through the dirt path on their right. The tree’s were in full growth, leaves of emerald coating their branches and were practically glowing while they began their trek through the training center. She followed closely behind her father, she was still slightly on guard with him being able to walk. She knew that a life as a shinobi was a difficult one, yet she would not lose him permanently if he were to leave. She knew that she’d have to fight tooth and nail in order to have him not go out on anything dangerous. But she couldn’t lose him, she couldn’t lose the one person who was constantly good to her throughout her entire life. The thought sickened her to her very core.

She continued to check around the trees until eventually they had made it to an open clearing. Her eyes laying upon the 50 by 50 meter arena before them. It was completely circular in shape, a wide enough arena to where they could move around without being bothered by the terrain. It was a perfect place to practice all forms of combat. Ryumi stepped up, her feet planting firmly right next to Lloyd. She could feel her whole body shake in slight excitement that she would be finally sparring with Lloyd again after so long. No longer would he be bound by wheelchair or by his bed. She’d turn her head, only to see that he had vanished from her sight for a moment. Instead, he appeared suddenly on the otherside of the arena, in his hand was a small white bandana that he quickly began to tie around his forehead. She was confused as to what the bandana was even useful for, but it didn’t matter when suddenly his arms would begin to move. His stance, shifting from a standing position to that of the gentle fists primary form. His right arm and hand outstretched low on the ground. His right arm pointed in the complete opposite direction.

Ryumi’s hands rose up immediately, only to see that Lloyd was replaced with something else. As the battlefield switch almost immediately to that of a desecrated battlefield. Plumes of flames arising around them. Lloyd had been replaced with a figure she could only remember in disgust. Her own mother was right in front of her, holding a similar stance as to Lloyd. She’d suddenly burst forwards. Her body rocketing forwards and giving Ryumi no time to reaction. Her hands came up immediately in an attempt to block the attack coming towards her stomach, She had thought she had grown stronger. Yet suddenly, her vision switched once again, no longer feeling the heat against her body. Instead, she felt the open palm strike slam directly against her stomach, sending her flying backwards by five meters. Ryumi’s feet digging into the ground. Her eyes glancing back upwards to see Lloyd standing there confused.

“Are you alrigh-”

“The hell was that for Lloyd? I wasn’t ready-”

His eyebrows would crease, staring directly at Ryumi with a stern expression.

“That’s the problem, you were not ready. In this tournament, you’ll be fighting those that won’t hesitate due to the perimeters of the tournament. As such, they won’t be afraid to immediately start the match if you’re not paying attention. You’re not there to make a show of yourself. You’re only there to win right?” He asked, crouching down in order to inspect the small bruise forming on her stomach. Yet Ryumi would immediately get up, almost surprising the Hyuga clan member before her at her sudden eagerness.

“You got one hit on me, that’s the only hit I’m allowing you to get Lloyd, now get back to your side before I throw you over there,” She said with a hint of sass in her tone. Lloyd chuckled at Ryumi’s attitude. Yet immediately he’d vanish again from her sight, appearing back where he was at the other side of the arena. Taking the same position that he had before, yet this time, Ryumi was steeled in her resolve. Focusing on his movements, she’d see what Lloyd would do in response. Instead however, it seemed that Lloyd would be patient, standing almost complete still like a statue. Ryumi’s eyes stared at him, blinking a few times before she suddenly lurched forwards. Her body almost like a missile itself. Yet Lloyd was seemingly ready for that kind of attack. His stance remained firm, awaiting for when Ryumi ended up right at the five meter mark. When she had passed that mark, only then would Lloyd suddenly move. Ryumi would rocket forwards, her fist would swing forwards, she would have landed it right on his jaw if it wren’t for him dodging it just millimeters away from his cheek, the small bit of wind cutting his skin, yet also made Ryumi completely wide open for an attack from him. She would have usually responded, yet instead she was slapped back into that same space. . . Her mothers hand aiming directly for her side. Yet then it switched again to Lloyd, His own open palm slammed directly against Ryumi’s side, making her wince in pain before stumbling to the side. Yet Lloyd was curious, as this wasn’t how Ryumi usually was.

“What’s gotten into you? Usually you’d be able to come up for a reaction to at least that, tell me what’s going on Ryumi?” He asked, staring down at her with a look of concern. Yet Ryumi would only begin to brush him off, giving that signature look of annoyance for Lloyd’s concerns about her. Her face scrunched up, her arm rising up towards her face as she began to inspect it. The long scars were still there, physical in nature, yet she was still here. She still was here, it was just Lloyd, and she just needed to stay here.

“It’s nothing Lloyd, I’m completely fine, let’s keep going.” Ryumi sighed, yet she’d motion for him to return back to his original spot for the third time today. The Hyuuga only nodded his head, moving his body once again to the other side of the arena. This time however, it was way slower then before, giving Ryumi time to collect herself and her own thoughts. His pearly white eyes staring down his daughter. Seeing her chakra flowing through her body like normal. Why did it seem to fluctuate? His curiosity left him standing there for a few moments before his stance returned back to that same position of the Hyuuga clans famous gentle fist.

As the two of them would begin their sparring sessions between the following days.

Kurasa Uchiha
Kurasa Uchiha
Academy Student
Academy Student
Stat Page : Kai's Stats
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Clan Specialty : Sharingan
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 500

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty Re: I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Sun Jun 23, 2024 4:59 pm
Kai had been wandering through the infamous water gardens that morning, they helped ease his mind when he was overwhelmed or had a lot to think about! He saw some couples holding hands, some kids hanging out and of course some groups training and others meditating. As his brilliant golden eyes roamed the area, the 11 year old young man caught sight of two people who appeared to be sparring!
He walked over to the pair and just observed them as they continued their sparring session. Kai wasn't me to really interrupt or speak, unless spoken to, this was just normal Kai behavior. The young Uchiha male was more of an observer unless invited into an activity!
The young female seemed to be the main one who was training, or the trainee, in his eyes. He crossed his arms as he continued listening to the pair talk. So she was a Chuunin? Kai himself was a young academy student. He continued to stand on the sidelines and watch her as he began to wonder…would he follow his father's footsteps or would he end up going in a completely opposite direction? Such things were always on his young mind! He was a quick learner as was his father and apparently his mother as well, and Kai himself loved to learn!
He would continue watching until someone acknowledged him, so as to not disturb the pair or seem rude.
Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty Re: I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:42 pm
Ryumi and Lloyd locked eyes once more, both of them were separated by a distance of 50 meters. Ryumi didn’t know exactly what was going on with her, she was able to fight just fine beforehand, not without those visions coming to the forefront of her mind. The flames against her skin had felt so real, the remembrance of that day was still etched in her body. Her very scars ached at the memories of that night, and the consequences that had followed as a result of her careless actions. Ryumi knew very well that she was much stronger now, a capable Shinobi that could potentially hang with the best of them. Yet the reminder of that day was staring back at her. Lloyd had lost his ability to move half of his body, yet she had felt that she was responsible for it. If it wasn’t for her, for her mere existence, then perhaps than would Lloyd have become an even better Shinobi. He could have easily become a Nova, a member of the famous Hyuuga clan, and a potential relative for the current Hogokage. She knew that because of her family that his potential, and his career, was shattered into pieces. She began to zone out at the memories, her body standing still right as Lloyd suddenly came into view. His palm suddenly striking out once again directly for Ryumi’s face. Her right hand pushed his palm strike to the side, before her leg swung outwards like a hammer. Lloyd’s hand barely racing up to block his face before he was sent flying to the side of the forested arena, tumbling to the ground as Ryumi stood before him with a smirk.

“Come on now, where was that speed a second ago?” She shouted towards her mentor. The silver haired Hyuuga wiped the side of his mouth. A small smirk appearing on his lips. Picking himself back up on his feet, his stance changed slightly, both palms near his side, his right palm extended outwards, while his left palm remained near him at chest level. A stance very similar to the one that Ryumi normally would use. Giving Ryumi only a moment to react, the Hyuuga’s offensive pressure would begin. A quick strike to Ryumi’s head using his right fist would immediately be intercepted by Ryumi’s own left hand to catch the punch. Ryumi smirked, before feeling a sudden kick to her stomach. A grunt escaped her lips, right before she’d begin to squeeze on Lloyd’s hand. He’d let out a small whine, right before his left hand would send out a blast of air pressure directly against her body. The force making her release her grip and send her flying backwards, her legs slamming against the ground. She felt parts of her body slightly slowed, the use of the gentle fist to close off parts of the chakra system was a dangerous technique, one that could shut down most fighters.

Yet Ryumi was no ordinary fighter, immediately upon regaining her footing. Ryumi rushed forwards. Using her superior strength, the Hiyu clan members foot suddenly smashed into the ground with incredible force once she was within 5 meters of Lloyd’s current position. The Hyuuga smirked, going immediately back into the Hyuuga’s signature stance. His body suddenly began to rotate and spin. A barrier of chakra emitting from his open palms, clashing with and overpowering the shockwave being sent out by Ryumi’s own immense strength. The two blasts colliding with each other, kicking up dust and debris around the both of them. The two of them looking back at each other through the fog. With Lloyd’s Byakugan picking up a new observer. A young boy, no older than eleven, was staring as the two of them were sparring with each other. Lloyd motioned towards Ryumi to pause for a moment. To which the scarred ninja could only raise her eyebrow for but a moment. Right until her own sensory capabilities picked up another signature of chakra. Another person was spectating their own fight. Ryumi chuckled, turning her head to see the young boy spectating their fight. Ryumi’s eyes stared back towards Lloyd, now she had an idea, one that could be a bit dangerous. But one that she was banking on Lloyd doing because he could trust her.

“Oi, kid! Wanna see something cool?” She shouted, in a single moment. Her arms and legs were coated in a gunmetal black material. Her muscles becoming more defined, her overall aura had increased immensely as a result. She turned to completely face Lloyd, her stance was that of her left arm slightly extended outwards, with her right being close her her body. Her right hand parallel with her left bicep. Lloyd could only respond in kind, his eyes suddenly changed. A blue hue suddenly became apparent around his eyes. His body flowing with chakra, as the two of them smirked for a single moment. As this was what Ryumi was awaiting, a chance to fight Lloyd without him looking down on her. Her legs shifted, right before she sped towards him, as he responded in kind. Fist and palm clashed, as the two of them locked themselves into combat. Lloyd’s palm strikes being suddenly blocked by the sped up movements of Ryumi’s own arms. Their bodies moving like a dance. Her left leg swiping upwards, Lloyd leaning backwards before immediately responding with a double palm strike to Ryumi’s stomach. Yet her body could take the punishment. Her fist rocketed directly towards Lloyd’s face. Her punch slamming into his cheek, making him almost spin from the force of the strike. He barely had enough time to recover before Ryumi continued. Her left fist aiming to slam into his stomach. His eyes focused, trailing her movement before sidestepping the attack to the right. His body spun like a top, using the added momentum to slam his elbow into the side of her face. Stunning the Hiyu for a second before he continued the combo. His palms slamming into her body again and again. Her body tensing up before his palm was enhanced with chakra. Aiming to deal the final blow of the match. She felt her body slightly softened from the previous blows. Her lips bleeding from the hit from his elbow. Her hands weaving together a jutsu as Lloyd rushed forwards. Yet before he could make it in time, Ryumi’s entire forearm and fist was coated in a golden aura. Her fist rocketed outwards to meet Lloyd’s very own attack. His palm, covered in a brillant diamond blue, clashed with the flowing golden aura. The entire ground shaking with the clash of the two masters of Taijutsu.

A sudden shockwave rocketed outwards from their clash. The ground and debris being sent flying in all directions, of course Kurasa Uchiha was in no actual amount of damage. As the two’s clash was as far away as possible. However, the two combatants were sent flying in opposite directions. Ryumi’s body crashing through a few rows of trees. As Lloyd was only able to recover due to his use of the rotation technique of the Hyuuga clan. Ryumi slowly beginning to pick herself up, but before she could, Lloyd was over her. His fingers right up against her neck. A smile now on his face.

“You were holding back, Ryumi,” He commented right as he offered her a hand up. To which the Hiyu clan member would gladly take.

“So were you Lloyd, but I can’t go reveal my secrets to everyone now, not until the tournament anyways,” She said, brushing herself off with a small smile. As the two of them seemed done for the day. Lloyd turned to see what their supposed spectator would think of their training session. With Ryumi looking away, slightly embarrassed that they did cause a lot of damage to the training grounds arena.

Ryumi Hiyu
Ryumi Hiyu
Stat Page : Ryumi
Remove Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 8793

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty Re: I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:39 pm
Ryumi and Lloyd had realized that they were running late for something, meaning that they would not be able to stay long inside of the training grounds. Waving the young academy student away, Ryumi hoped to potentially see them spectating at the Nova Tournament. With that, the duo of Taijutsu users left the training grounds in an instant. With Ryumi hoping to come back soon to practice more.


Exit and Claims
25% discount from training grounds.

Eight Gates: Gate of Opening:1875/1875
Gate of Healing:750/750
Gate of Life:750/750
Gate of Pain:750/750

Shattered Blade Strike:1125/1125

Discarding remaining WC
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

I'll Spot you! || Open Thread Empty Re: I'll Spot you! || Open Thread

Fri Jul 19, 2024 6:49 pm
Ryumi Hiyu wrote:Ryumi and Lloyd had realized that they were running late for something, meaning that they would not be able to stay long inside of the training grounds. Waving the young academy student away, Ryumi hoped to potentially see them spectating at the Nova Tournament. With that, the duo of Taijutsu users left the training grounds in an instant. With Ryumi hoping to come back soon to practice more.


Exit and Claims
25% discount from training grounds.

Eight Gates: Gate of Opening:1875/1875
Gate of Healing:750/750
Gate of Life:750/750
Gate of Pain:750/750

Shattered Blade Strike:1125/1125

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