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Matsuchi Uchiha
Matsuchi Uchiha
Stat Page : ✇✇✇✇✇

Mission Record : ❟❛❟❟❛❟❟❛❟❟❛❟❟❛❟
Genjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Genjutsu
Village : Konohagakure
Ryo : 12

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Fri Jul 12, 2024 7:08 pm
Mission: :

Matsuchi Uchiha was walking through the streets of the Okinaga district when he was stopped by an elderly man with a worried expression on his face. He was a local landlord, known for his strictness but also his fairness. Matsuchi was immediately drawn to the man's expression, which spoke of the urgency of the situation. "Mr. Matsuchi," the man began, "I have a big problem. One of the families that lives in my house hasn't paid rent for several months and refuses to move out. I've tried to resolve this peacefully, but unfortunately I'm having no luck. I need your help." Matsuchi nodded and without further delay followed the landlord towards his house. The walk was quiet, broken only by the occasional shout of children playing in the street. When they reached the house, the landlord pointed to the second floor apartment. "That's it," he said, sighing. "Please do what you need to do." Matsuchi climbed the stairs and knocked on the door. After a moment, a middle-aged woman opened it, her face full of fatigue and stress. "What do you want?" She asked sharply. "I'm here to solve the problem of unpaid rent. Please, can you explain?" Matsuchi replied calmly. The woman frowned. "We don't have the money. We've already told the landlord several times. We have nowhere to go." Matsuchi took a breath and tried to explain the situation to her. "I understand your problem, but you must also understand that you can't stay here without paying rent. The landlord has the right to demand that you move out." The woman began to raise her voice. "And where are we supposed to go? Out on the street? We have kids!"

The situation began to escalate and Matsuchi knew he had to act quickly and decisively. "I don't want to do this, but if you refuse to leave, I'll have to use force." The woman stood in his way and shouted, "I won't allow it!" Matsuchi was not to be intimidated. With firm resolve, he used a technique that brought him directly behind the woman, and at that moment, he appeared in the apartment. He was prepared to resist, but the family retreated to a corner and began screaming and crying. "Please calm down," Matsuchi said. "I don't want to hurt anyone. But you have to leave." The father of the family, who had been silent until then, stood up. "We're not going anywhere," he said firmly. "It's our right to stay here until we find another solution." Matsuchi knew that words were no longer going to help. With a heavy heart, he used his physical strength to grab the man's arm and lead him out. The other family members followed, crying and screaming. It was very uncomfortable for Matsuchi, but he knew that he had to keep to his duties.

When they were all outside, he turned to them and said: "If you need help finding a new place to live, I'll try to help you, but you can't stay here anymore." The family backed away and began to gather themselves. The landlord stood off to the side and nodded to Matsuchi, expressing both his thanks and regret for the whole situation. Matsuchi returned to his side and handed him the keys to the apartment. "I'm sorry it had to end like this," Matsuchi said. "Me too," the landlord replied. "Thank you for your help. I know it wasn't easy." Matsuchi left with a heavy heart. The whole situation reminded him of how difficult it can be to live between duty and humanity. He knew he had done what he had to do, but at the same time his conscience weighed on him. As he drove home, he thought about how he could really help his family. He decided to visit a local charity and see if there was any way he could provide them with temporary shelter or financial assistance. The next day he went to the organization and explained the situation. The staff at the charity were willing to help and together they went in search of the family who were sleeping in a makeshift shelter on the outskirts of town. When they found them, Matsuchi approached the father of the family and said: "I have good news for you. I have found temporary accommodation for you. It's only a small step, but I hope it will help you."

The father of the family looked into his eyes and tears of gratitude rolled down his cheeks. "Thank you, Mr. Matsuchi. You don't know how much this means to us." Matsuchi nodded. "We all deserve a second chance. I hope this helps you start over." The family moved to a new retreat and Matsuchi felt better that he could do something positive. He realized that his strength and abilities were not just for fighting and defending, but could be used for the good of others. A few days later he returned to the Okinaga district and saw life returning to normal. He knew that he had done what was right and was ready to face any further challenges that might await him. Matsuchi became not only a protector, but a symbol of hope and help for those in need. His reputation spread and people began to seek him out not only for his fighting skills, but also for his willingness to help and his righteousness. Matsuchi knew that his path was not always easy, but he was determined to continue and use his skills for the good of others. Though sometimes good was not easy to see at first glance.

2000 Ryo / 10 AP
WC: 1206
12 stats- 12 chakra
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke (1000 WC)
206 WC disappears
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Remove Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Remove Remove Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Bouncer services  Empty Re: Bouncer services

Sun Jul 14, 2024 10:52 pm
Matsuchi Uchiha wrote:

2000 Ryo / 10 AP
WC: 1206
12 stats- 12 chakra
Demonic Illusion: Lightweight-fabric Smoke (1000 WC)
206 WC disappears
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