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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty A Day at Junko's Old Home

Tue Jul 16, 2024 9:11 pm
Hasumi had awoken fairly early that day, the young girl rather excited as there was an upcoming festival that she was going to help set up and possibly even attend! The kunoichi had found herself enjoying doing jobs to help prepare the village for the frequent festivals it held but had found herself unprepared to actually attend one of them until recently. Hasumi had recently gotten Junko to help her decide on a kimono to purchase, the girl eventually choosing a black one with gold trim after much deliberation. While the girl knew she should only wear the outfit for the festivals she'd found herself looking for any excuse to wear it, especially seeing as it was some of her only formal wear.

Today was one such day when she'd found an excuse. The kunoichi knew that the missions she'd have to do that day were mostly social endeavors and she figured she might look silly if she showed up in her normal tomboyish attire. Along with her flowing kimono the girl tried her hair up into a bun and proudly tied the headband onto it's proper position so that its symbol was displayed across her forehead.

Satisfied with her appearance the raven haired girl made her way out of her room within the large building that had once occupied many of the other shinobi within Tsukigakure. As the village had grown most had found themselves their won place of lodging, but Hasu and a few others had lingered.

The young Kunoichi walked through the household trying to listen out for Michiko, the wonderful green haired woman she had met just before the establishment of the village. Hasu had quickly come to admire the confidence Michiko had displayed in their first encounter, and hoped to spend more time with her if she could. "Michiko, are you home? I was thinking we could maybe have breakfast together... if you're not busy of course!"

Michiko Senju
Michiko Senju
Vagabond (E-rank)
Stat Page : Peep the Page
Mission Record : Michiko's Training Regimen
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Fri Jul 19, 2024 4:34 am
Michiko woke up in the morning hyping herself up as she rose and got ready for the day, putting on her typical outfit as she got ready for her daily exercises. Running around the house in a hurry she made sure to count in her head the number of steps as she approached the steps she peeked her head out towards the downstairs area of the house hearing some footsteps and being quite interested in the approaching sound. She realized it was Hasu, her first friend she made in the village and she got hyped already but wanted to surprise her so she waited a bit. Noticing the fact that Hasu was listening around for something she tiptoed around the house and hid in various places hoping to surprise her. Hearing Hasu ask if she was home and if they would have breakfast together it shook her out of her hiding place as she fell from the ceiling in front of Hasu.

Awkwardly she rose and dusted herself smiling as wide as she could, “Sorry for the entrance, Hasu you mentioned breakfast?! Of course I would like to have some food and company with Hasu . We can talk, maybe hang out and run together if you would like to join me for that!” she would nonchalantly exit towards the dining area as she got ready to chow down, looking in she found some eggs and various ingredients that were still left as she got ready to heat them  “I saw someone in town cook some egg thing  with these ingredients, I guess this is as good a time as any to experiment!” finishing up she grabbed some sauces out and messily made a pattern on the top of the scuffed omurice in the shape of a slightly off-looking cat laughing a bit, “Sorry if it didn’t turn out so well, but hey best time to find out if something is good is in the moment, at least that’s what I say.” she would bite down and say while her mouth was full, “So how is it? I think mine is fine though the villager’s was better maybe I added too much sauce. Anyway what’s up Hasu are things going well for you? Still don’t know much about what you really get up to when you leave the house, seems exciting though.” Michiko would pause a moment before suddenly realizing, “Sorry was preoccupied with food but that kimono fits you, the black and gold is very nice and kind of reminds me of my outfit!” she would laugh a bit smiling as she continued to chow down.

WC: 436
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Fri Jul 19, 2024 9:58 am
Hasu jumped back in surprise as the green haired woman suddenly fell from the ceiling, watching in horror as the woman landed on the ground. The young girl's fears were quickly dashed as Michiko quickly got to her feet, seemingly unfazed by the fall. Hasu's worried face was quickly replaced by a smile as the green haired woman began dusting herself off, Michiko never failed to surprise the young kunoichi.

The raven haired girl listened as Michiko spoke to her, following the woman as she made her way toward the dining area. Hasumi wouldn't be excited at the prospect of anyone else mentioning going for a run but the blue eyed girl enjoyed spending time with the green haired woman. Hasumi admired Michiko's boldness and aspired to be able to handle social encounters as confidently as her and The Lady Tsukiko some day.

"I think a run could be nice! I think I have enough time to do a short one before I have to get to work."

As the duo entered the kitchen Hasumi watched as Michiko set to work grabbing some ingredients. The young girl wanted to offer her assistance but she'd only ever cooked once while on a mission, and while she had learned some of the basics she still felt as if she had no idea what she was doing in a kitchen. The young girl listened as Michiko explained that she was going to attempt to recreate something she'd seen recently, once again impressed by the woman's boldness. The young kunoichi always felt as if she had to plan and prepare before attempting anything, always feeling extremely anxious when trying something new. The young kunoichi watched as Michiko prepared the meal, doing what she could to try and learn some more about cooking observing the process.

Once Michiko was done Hasumi helped grabbed plates and move utensils to the dining table, she felt that he could at least do that without screwing it up. She did, however, bring a spoon along with the fork and knife. Sitting down, the two began to eat. Hasumi found that despite Michiko had done quite well despite having only guessed the recipe. When asked if hers was good Hasu simply nodded as she continued to eat hers, only taking a break from eating herself when Michiko's questions got to complicated for a nod to be a sufficient answer.

"I've been doing fairly well! I've just been doing simple missions as a Genin of the village really, nothing dangerous mostly just running errands for people in the village. Been trying to learn some more Ninjutsu when I'm not working but I haven't learned anything to powerful yet." Hasu felt she was lying a bit at the end, but wasn't sure if she should tell Michiko about her Curse Mark. She knew her brother had given the seal to a number of people but she didn't know if hers was meant to be a secret or not.

Hasumi smiled nervously as Michiko complimented her kimono and compared its colors to her outfit, somewhat embarrassed for being called out on having copied Michiko's colors. "I'm sorry... I can get a different one if you'd like me to. After I saw your outfit I just thought those colors looked so pretty together and then when I saw this kimono I just felt like I really wanted it." Hasumi sounded a little frantic as she spoke now, while Michiko's words hadn't exactly been accusatory the young kunoichi still felt as if she'd perhaps crossed a social boundary without realizing. She hadn't thought about the fact that her and Michiko would appear to have matching aesthetics if they went about the village together now and had never asked if she could adopt a similar style to the green haired woman.  

Michiko Senju
Michiko Senju
Vagabond (E-rank)
Stat Page : Peep the Page
Mission Record : Michiko's Training Regimen
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Tue Jul 23, 2024 1:39 am
Michiko listened, nodding along and simply exclaimed “No there is no need to worry about it. I like the fact we are matching because it's cute. Is ninjutsu really that difficult to learn? Haven’t really given it a try yet, wasn’t really a thing where I am from.  Anyways…” Michiko would finish her meal and rise up before grabbing some bottles of water and tossing one to Hasumi, “Gotta stay hydrated during a run, I’m unsure if the little obstacle course I set up is still out there but it should be a pretty tame run, you probably should change into something else first, might be kind of difficult to move around. If you want to wear similar colors to me more often I think I have some of the fabrics lying around somewhere.”

Waiting for Hasumi to get ready for the run she got started on her stretches and waited for Hasumi near the front door, once she appeared Michiko would raise her arms, “Right, let’s head out! Shouldn’t be too far but the important thing is taking in everything about your environment.” heading out the doors Michiko would beckon for Hasumi to follow her pace as she jogged in place, while jogging around the town she would point out the various interesting things along the way. Stopping at a point midway through the run Michiko would point out a field of white flowers to Hasumi, “Do you see the way the petals look on these flowers, I’m not really sure what the deal with them are but they are quite pretty and the way nature seems to balance with it.” as she would gesture to the butterflies that were gathering nectar from the flowers, “Runs like these bring me to places like these and that’s what really makes me happy. I don't know how you feel about it but it’s just really nice taking in all the little details of things.” walking along the field of flowers she would point out the villagers that crossed their path baskets full of the white flowers in hand heading in the opposite direction. She would take some time to splash her legs around in a small stream that crossed their path playing around with the fish in the stream, “Come on Hasu let’s see if we can catch one! Maybe we can raise it if Junko lets us have a pet in the house, plus it’s also fun to just play in the water.”

WC:  413
TWC: 849
Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
Mission Record : Link
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Wed Aug 07, 2024 7:37 pm
Hasumi was relieved to here Michiko wasn't bothered by them matching, and even seemed to enjoy the concept. She'd been worried that perhaps Michiko would have thought she was trying to steal her style but it seemed the woman took it as flattering instead of finding the young girl annoying.  

Hasumi was intrigued by Michiko's following comments about not having Ninjutsu where she was from, but the green haired woman continued to conversation before Hasu felt she could inquire further. The short kunoichi managed to catch the water bottle that Michiko tossed her way, nervously smiling as she just managed to keep up with the older woman's speed. Her mind lingered on the woman's passing comment about her past as the conversation shifted back to the run that Michiko wanted to go on. Apparently there might be an obstacle course and Hasu would likely want to get changed.

"I'll get changed real quick then, be right back!"

It didn't take long for Hasumi to return in a suitable running outfit and the two made their way out of the house. Hasumi smiled brightly as the two jogged, enjoying the time she was spending with Michiko. While she often was a bit stiff and timid in public she jogged with a much more relaxed gait as she followed Michiko. They traveled through the village, Michoko pointing out to Hasumi some of the interesting places she had found since they'd both moved into Tsukigakure. Hasumi had thought she had a good idea of what went on within the village but as Michiko led her around Hasu realized that outside of a few districts she really hadn't explored much at all.

At one point Michiko suddenly stopped and pointed out a number of beautiful flowers. Hasu looked out across the field of them as Michiko gestured, the white petals so plentiful that she couldn't even see the grass save in a few spots where the flowers were sparse. Butterflies of every color seemed to flit about and collect nectar, the young kunoichi couldn't help but smile broadly as she looked out at the gorgeous landscape before her.

"Are these Moon Flowers? I've heard some of the locals speak of a white flower that glows in the moonlight, but I've only ever been out at night once and I didn't venture far before turning back."

After asking her question Hasu joined Michiko in the field, looking around curiously as she took in all of the sights around her. She smiled broadly and waved at the villagers who were carrying baskets of the flowers, many of them responding in kind.

Hasu heard a splash as she was turning to wave one group of passerby's, causing her to jump in surprise as she turned back to Michiko hoping she was alright. But to her relief the older woman had just jumped into a stream and had started to chase some fish around. giggling, Hasu jumped in and joined the green haired woman, doing her best to try and grab at the fish as they swam away.

As the two of them played around in the water a figure approached from the pathway. A tall woman with long flowing white hair and two noticeable black horns growing from the side of her head. She was dressed in all black, wearing tight pants and a loose top. Her horns were each adorned with a silver hoop that rested halfway down their length. Not quite used to the presence of the Ushitora just yet, some of the other travelers looked at her with concern as Hana passed them by. Unbothered, the youngest of the white haired sisters smirked at those who seemed scared, occasionally giving a little wave as well. This didn't seem to do much to assuage their worries, but ultimately Hana didn't care.

The young woman spotted the black and green haired duo running through the stream and pulled a picture from her pocket as she stopped nearby, looking down on them from the pathway. She lifted the picture up and tried to compare the girl in the image to the raven haired girl running around trying to catch a fish. I guess that's her...

Hana grinned widely as she walked down from the path toward the water, stopping at the bank. "Hey! You with the dark hair! Are you Hasumi? We were supposed to meet awhile ago.. I've bene assigned as your body guard... for some reason." Hana managed to start off sounding enthusiastic as she spoke but as she got to the part about being Hasu's bodyguard she found it difficult to remain serious. Trying to salvage the introduction she gave the young girl and the green haired woman a wave, and tried to sound cheerful again, "I'm Hana by the way, happy to meet you both!"

Hasumi looked toward the horned woman in confusion as she spoke, taking a moment to realize she had gotten caught up hanging out with Michiko and had lost track of time. She hadn't thought the mission she had been assigned was important, definitely not one where she'd be assigned a bodyguard. As the white haired woman finished speaking Hasu waved back to her then looked to Michiko, "I knew I had a meeting earlier but I didn't think it was this serious. What would I even do with a bodyguard?"

Michiko Senju
Michiko Senju
Vagabond (E-rank)
Stat Page : Peep the Page
Mission Record : Michiko's Training Regimen
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Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 500

A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:52 pm
Smiling Michiko would continue to try to catch the fish as she mostly focused on the joy of it and was happy that Hasu seemed to be having fun. Michiko would ultimately be surprised though as a white haired girl with horns seemed to approach them, seeming to recognize Hasu. Michiko recognized the air about the horned woman as it reminded her of something from the past but negating that she smiled as the woman waved at the pair of them,seeming to introduce herself as a bodyguard for Hasu, however what seemed odd about it to Michiko was how unsure she seemed to be however she stated she was called Hana and spoke to them both, replying with a smile Michiko simply proclaimed,” Well Hana you are free to join us! 3 makes a whole after all? Or at least I hear a local say it sometimes.”

Michiko finished her courtesies and got back to attempting the fish before she heard Hasu from beside her talking about a meeting and a bodyguard Michiko simply nodded and responded in a slightly more serious tone seeming to reminisce about something a slightly somber expression fitting her face, before she smiled and replied, “A meeting huh? Hopefully nothing too out there but at least you got some protection in case it is something serious! Hmmm that reminds me I used to have some retainers as well. I mean what to do with a bodyguard is more how you see them but honestly it’s an opportunity for another friend!” she would stop for a second as she heard some nearby splashing in the stream and turned to see a multicolored fish that seemed to reflect as if like a rainbow she leapt at the chance and jumped towards the fish. Grasping the fish with her hands she smiled, “Look what I caught!” before she had a chance to elaborate, the fish broke free of her grasp as its tail slapped across her face. She laughed before finally getting out of the water, “Anyway, Hasu I think that’s enough fishing for now! I think it’s time for the obstacle course, you are also welcome to come along Hana. It is in this really cool spot I found a bit further away but nonetheless should be pretty fun, I’ve never gone through it with someone else yet!”

Leaving the stream she would have her arms gesturing the pair to follow her as she sped up,the field of flowers becoming more and more distant looking like a field of fluorescent clouds, the sun reflecting towards their backs she led them further and further away, the hustle and bustle of people becoming silent as the crowds disappeared in the distance. Entering an area less developed with increased foliage and vines as they went deeper in, the only sound being the crunching of leaves beneath their feet and the birds in the trees. Michiko brushed aside some branches in their way and some weeds as she led them through a small passageway formed from trees that led into a relatively hidden area the trees looking as if they had been carved by hand the area appearing pretty old in nature, however the structure itself was roughly 2-3 stories in height with various paths and small pillars of wood spaced oddly roped thrown about and some mechanisms that looked like they had seen better days as a small rope was all that kept the course from starting itself.

Michiko would gesture towards Hana and Hasu smiling, her arms in the air as she said, “Welcome to the obstacle course, I found this around 2 weeks into my time here it seemed relatively abandoned I made some repairs to it but what do you think? It’s kind of big but no one seems to come by here so I kind of just use it in my spare time,my guesses as to why this was here aren’t super great but I think someone kind of just abandoned it because of the noise, the birds are kind of loud here, at least I think they are birds.” she would adjust her posture as she got ready to enter the structure. A slightly damaged rope ladder seeming to be the way up, Michiko pulled herself up getting to the first of one of the small wooden platforms, some rusted equipment seeming to line the bordering fence on the platform suggesting this may have been used as a juncture point towards the various other areas of the wooden structure. She would wait for the others to climb up as she looked towards the directions they could go, “Oh congrats on making it up! We’ve got a couple ways to go there’s a West, North and East path. I think the east is probably the easiest  but it’s up to y’all which way you want to go.” She would point in each direction giving the pair the view of each direction, the west seemed to be mostly walls with no footing to speak of, spaced out with some sort of rope in the air, possibly some sort of metal sticking out as well. The North seemed to be mostly suspended rope pathing with each having small footing attached to the roping as the path seemed to be in a constant state of swinging due to an increase in altitude along the path as well as the wind picking up in that direction. Finally she showed off the east path which appeared be made up of small circular pillars roughly 2-5 feet of separation between them as well as being suspended quite high in the air with a large pit beneath them, she finished showing these paths off and then looked back at the others, “So which way do you want to go?!”

WC: 966
TWC: 1815

Last edited by Michiko Senju on Fri Aug 09, 2024 9:54 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : formatting issue)

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Hasumi Hayato
Hasumi Hayato
Stat Page : Hasumi's
Bodyguard: Hana Ushitora
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
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A Day at Junko's Old Home Empty Re: A Day at Junko's Old Home

Fri Aug 23, 2024 1:00 pm
Hana appreciated the green haired woman's kindness, inviting her to hang out with them while her new charge seemed to just look at her confused. "I appreciate the offer, maybe I will give it a try!" Not wanting to get wet Hana used the surface walking technique to stand atop the water as she made her way toward the two, her silver eyes looking down into the still water and trying to spot a fish. Noting how Hasu and Michiko moved, Hana opted to take her time as she watched the fish do their best to escape the green haired woman.

Hasumi listened as Michiko responded to her about the bodyguard situation, noting once again that the woman hinted at her past without elaborating much. The teenager was happy for the advice nonetheless, though she did ponder about what sort of retainers Michiko had and what had happened to them. The young kunoichi remained quiet for the most part as the two women continued to try and catch fish. "A new friend, huh? I guess that doesn't sound so bad."

Both Hana and Hasu turned from what they were doing as Michiko dived after something in the water, both looking with wonder as the green haired woman emerged from the water with a beautiful rainbow colored fish in hand. When it managed to escape and slapped Michiko in the face, Hasu raised her hand up to her face as she gasped in shock but Hana let out a chuckle. It seemed that the green haired woman was done with her game after having caught a fish, Hasu wondered where the rainbow colored one went off to but Hana was more than fine with them leaving the water. Hana continued to use the surface walking technique as Hasu splashed through the stream.

"I'm a bit nervous, but I can't wait to see it!"

"An obstacle course, you say? That's more my speed, lead the way!"

The young kunoichi and her newly assigned bodyguard followed Michiko as she led them to the obstacle course, traveling through dense foliage as they further distanced themselves from the developing parts of the village. Hasumi was able to match Michiko's pace easily enough, the two of them seemed to be of equal speed so the young girl didn't lag behind as the green haired woman sped up. Hana did her best to match the pace as well as they moved, though she found herself having to occasionally slow back down. When they arrived at the obstacle course Hasu looked up at the strange construction with a curious look, but Hana smiled broadly as she examined it. Once Michiko finished explaining how she had discovered the place the white haired woman looked to her, "Definitely not what I expected, but it looks like it'll be fun."

The trio made their way up the ladder that led to the start of the course. Michiko went first, with Hasu following once she saw Michiko had reached the top. Hana pondered on trying to just jump to the top but didn't want to stress the structure unnecessarily, so once Hasumi got to the top she followed as well. Both Hana and Hasu listened as Michiko congratulated them for reaching the top and then began to explain the different routes they could take. The two young kunoichi had vastly different opinions on the matter, Hasu very much liked the idea of doing the easy route while Hana sought to conquer the biggest challenges the course could offer. Unfortunately for the raven haired girl, she wasn't as quick to speak as the white haired Oni. "So which one is the hardest? Does the western one get more difficult as it goes along or can we judge them based off these first obstacles?

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