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Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Working For a Living  Empty Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 2:34 am

Kurai heard the noisy bird outside his window. It wouldn't shut up and it continued to get louder!
The minute Kurai sat up, the bird flew away, still loudly singing it's fine! Annoying! Maybe it knew it was time for Kurai to get up, he had some missions to run with his team, Team Fuku, today.
He changed his clothes before grabbing some toast and heading out to the meeting spot to wait on Miz and Jayden. Why is it he always seems to be the first one there?  After all Miz has the busiest household compared to the rest of the team, how he sleeps through the ruckus that starts at four AM, is beyond him.
The weather was partly cloudy today, and it was at just the right temperature outside, it wasn't too hot or too cold. That's why he didn't mind being the first one today. They usually do one mission at a time, but since Shikami came into the picture, they have learned how to multitask! They weren't given much of a choice, they knew in order to succeed they had to take action!
This was a good thing, they needed to work together better and these three missions were the perfect start!
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 12:22 pm
Miz was sleeping and just starting to wake up when he heard a knock on his door. He grumbled trying to ignore the knocking.
“ Do you want to talk about anything?” After a couple of minutes of silence he heard his brother's voice in the room! See, being a Hozuki, you can simply turn into a puddle. Now apparently Taki took this to his advantage and went under the door in puddle form!
“So much for privacy!” Miz sighed before looking at his brother. “I'm fine Taki.” Miz said, sitting up and putting his shirt on. “Why wouldn't I be?” Miz added as he got out of bed then pulled the covers up as he made the bed.
“You watched your best friend die in front of your eyes.” Taki said as he watched Miz closely. He was a concerned sibling!
“He was trying to leave the village, and as for Kurai Tau, he was just doing his job.” Miz said walking into his bathroom to change out of his pajama pants to his leather pants and pull his dreads back.
“We heard that Kurai was about to attack you next until Shikami jumped in.” Taki said leaning against the wall by Miz's bathroom.
“Kurai wasn't Kurai…honestly his movements looked as though someone was controlling him and he had a very controlled sound to his voice because the words weren't something he would say! So yes it was Kurai's body but it wasn't him. We know Kurai, and that wasn't him!” Miz said as he opened the door and left the bathroom then turned to Taki.
“That's what I needed to know. Did it look like Genjutsu?” Taki asked him as Miz seemed to move around the room like he was getting ready to leave.
“ To be honest, this will sound crazy, but he looked like he was possessed!” Miz added as he looked at his brother.
“Do you know much about Kurai's past?” Taki asked his brother curiously. “Because I have a feeling I know what may be happening!” Taki said as he looked at his brother before leaving.
“Not enough to decipher whatever I saw. Yeah use the door Taki, next time you come under my door I'm scooping you up in a jar!” Miz said with a smirk. Laughing Taki created a tiny ball of water in his hand and tossed it at Miz as he headed out the door. Miz held his hand up and absorbed the water as he laughed.
Miz left a few minutes later and met up with Kurai at their meeting spot! It was a little coffee shop with outdoor seating.
“You look better today. I take it we are just waiting on Jayden?” Miz asked Kurai as he sat beside him. He looked over the paperwork. They seemed easy enough. Between the three of them they could knock out these missions! Since Shikami started helping this team out they have decided to improve what they could within the team. The Jounin Brothers had warned them Shikami wasn't one to be easy on them, but so far the only one of their group to have any issues with Shikami was Kurai. Miz snickered to himself so Kurai wouldn't hear him.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 7:39 pm
Jayden had given up on trying to sleep anymore. He had been trying all night but the news of Zim Nara trying to leave the village and being killed by Kurai was everywhere in Kiri! It bothered him, Zim and Jayden had been close! The news caused a lot of mixed emotions, mainly sadness and anger! Why had Zim betrayed them like this? It was almost Six in the morning and Jayden got up and dressed and headed out to meet his friends at the meeting spot, a coffee shop in town.
As Jayden walked through the village, he saw his brother Jeordie coming from the kages building. Jeordie walked up to Jayden with a concerned expression on his face.
“Jay, I heard what happened with Zim, just remember, I am here if you need me!” He said looking at Jayden. A sigh escaped Jaydens lips. He felt as though he wanted to talk to Jeordie, but ever since the encounter the other night, Jayden wasn’t sure what to think!
“Thanks Bro.” Jayden said, nodding towards him. “I am doing missions with Miz and Kurai, I'm sure it will keep my mind off things!” Jayden said, trying to be nice. Jeordie seemed to be striking to his plan on keeping things civil between them from now on, so Jayden knew he had to stick with the plan as well. He walked away nodding his head at Jeordie to say goodbye and then headed to the coffee shop. As he arrived at the coffee shop, he saw the others waiting on him.
“Good to see you guys, I'm ready to go when you guys are!” Jayden said, taking a seat in the empty chair at their table.
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:27 pm

Kurai was looking at their list of missions to do for the day trying to decide which one looked the easiest to start with. The only one that looked like it required the least amount of work was the one where they cleaned the area around the monument.
“Alright, despite the recent events, we have to keep going. I am sure you guys got the same pep talk from family I did…well maybe not the same…” Kurai knew he was the one who killed Zim, though oddly enough his recollection of the entire thing was nothing more than a bunch of fuzzy snippets! Kiken gave him the famous line ‘it's okay you did what you had to do.’ Yet, he still couldn’t really remember anything!
“How about we start with cleaning the Monument? Sounds easy enough, we work together and get it done!” Kurai suggested. Now, as to how they ended up with three missions in one day or who chose them to do these missions, they still don’t know! Alas, a mission is a mission and it's their responsibility to do as requested.
Kurai stood up and decided to head over to the monument since the gang's all here. It was actually a good day for a mission like this one. If the others are following him, they arrive at their destination after a few minutes!
“ I guess I will pick up the trash if someone else wants to sweep and then whoever else wants to clean the monument!” Kurai said as he started to pick up the trash and toss it in the trash can like he’s shooting a basketball in a basket!
“This is kind of fun! Watch this…” Kurai moved to the other side of the monument and threw a few soda cans in rapid succession at the trash can. Each one made it into the trash! “He shoots, he scores and the crowd goes wild!” Kurai said jokingly and even laughed at himself. Maybe today he would be the comedic relief their team so desperately needed. “Okay this place is looking better already!” Kurai commented. Maybe they would do the dog food delivery next. The last one they had to save for last because it would take up more of their time. They seemed to be working better as a team, and that was something they had mentioned to Shikami apparently while he was knocked out…the first time.
twc: 610

Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 9:58 pm
Miz was ready at this point to get this mission over with. He swears he was there the other night, although somehow…yeah nevermind. How he got from there to his bed will always remain a mystery to him! He followed closely behind Kurai as they got to the monument.
“Jayden if you want to sweep up, I'll wipe down the monument and benches.” Miz said as he opened a small storage closet behind a set of bushes.He pulled out rags and a mop. And cue Kurais typical shenanigans! At least they made them all laugh this time! Kura!To show he at least had a sense of humor Miz used the mop handle to block one of the cans he aimed at the trash can!
“Interception!” Miz said as he knocked it towards another trash can. Sure enough Miz actually made the shot into the trash can! “And Miz scores!” Miz said laughing as he started wiping down the benches and cleaning the monument itself! He began to wonder if what happened a couple of nights ago really did happen! Was he really here and then just forgot he walked home? Probably, but he had seen his Uncle Xyxer that night! It was all just one huge mystery to him.
After he had finished wiping everything down, he looked around and Kurai was right, it did look alot cleaner and better! He walked over to the shed and put the stuff up he had used to clean with.
“I am sure the food delivery is waiting if you want to do that next!” Miz suggested. He still doesn't know how those dogs have lived as long as they have. He remembers when his Uncle got all those dogs, although he had a purpose for them.
Miz waited on an answer from the other two to find out exactly what they were doing next.


1500/1500 missions completed
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 10:33 pm
Jayden swept the place to the best of his ability, of course having to dodge soda cans that were flying everywhere! Jayden laughed as he dodged. Being a ninja comes in handy when you have to avoid getting hit by dodging! If these were actual attacks, he would be safe for sure. After he managed to finish sweeping all the trash and putting it in the cans, he changed out the trash cans and put the trash in the nearby dumpster. As he returned he put up the broom as Miz put up the cleaning supplies he used. The group had decided to deliver the dog food for the next mission they needed to complete.
“Aren’t those your uncles dogs? Damn those dogs have lived a long time.” He said as he led the way to pick up the dog food. Jayden used to help Miz feed the dogs in their younger years. His uncle pampered those animals. He had a purpose for them; he just had no idea what the purpose was. Because the dogs had a special routine and received Special training. “They ordered a ton of this fresh meat, glad the place we are delivering it to isn't too far away!” Jayden said as he packed a bag full of the meat. There were three large bags of stuff so each one of them could carry a bag.
“Alright let's head out.” Jayden said, carrying the heavy bag in his hand. “So last on our list after this is to help out with maintenance at the bank! I think I may need to get a bank account at some point, my parents have one and so does my brother.” He said as they walked towards the place they needed to go. They were almost there and thank goodness this bag was heavy! The tall building in the distance was their destination. It wasn't too far away, but when you are carrying a heavy bag, a short distance is far away.

1500/1500 missions completed
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sat Jul 27, 2024 11:39 pm
Kurai follows the group over to the place to pick up the dog food. He sniffed the food and then gagged wrinkling his nose!
“You guys sure this isn't decomposed human meat? After some of the stuff I have seen around here it wouldn't surprise me in the least if you guys had bodies hidden!” Kurai said, looking at the guys cutting the meat.
“Keep it up kid and we'll be using your flesh instead!” One of the meat cutters replied.
“How about a simple no?” Kurai replied as he used his threads to carry his bag as he walked out and flipped the guys off. What? He's a Tau. How else would he carry the bag? Not like everyone else, no way, too much work! As a Tau he has a special advantage in this case.
He follows the others for a split second before moving ahead. As he approached the building he could hear the low growl of the dogs! The eerie sound made Kurai think more of Hellhounds than dogs.
A lady in a white lab coat opened the door.
“The dogs just ran out of food earlier, I am so glad you guys showed up!” She said as she took his bag first and handed it to a gentleman in an apron behind her. The sound of the dogs got louder and creepier!
“Are they supposed to sound like that?” Kurai asked, a little spooked out. “Oh their bark is worse than their bite, they are just hungry.” The lady said, laughing his comment off.
Thank goodness the bank is next, at least there isn't any creepy hellhound waiting to eat an unsuspecting victim there! He looked back at his companions who would be just now arriving with their bags. Hopefully they hurried because he was ready to finish this mission as soon as possible!

1500/1500 missions completed
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sun Jul 28, 2024 1:29 pm
Miz followed the group to the butcher shop to get the food. Kurai always has to make some kind of comment about something! Did he really just flip off the butchers? And is he really using his threads to carry the bags with? Okay that's actually really a good idea, he couldn't say anything to him about that! If it makes it easier, do it! As Jayden and Miz approached the place to drop off the dog food, Miz saw how freaked out Kurai was and couldn't help but laugh at him! Now keep in mind Miz grew up around these dogs, and when the lady at the door saw Miz she smiled and stepped aside to let him in.
Miz walked up to the gate and whistled! The spooky hellhound sound changed to ones of dogs barking happily and excitedly to see someone they knew! He reached around the gate and petted them before they ran off to be fed.
“Kurai, they're harmless, wanna pet them?” Miz joked as he looked at Kurai. “They are even named after children's story book characters, Rapunzel is over there, that one is Prince, the one by the fence is Cinderella. They may eat one of your fingers but it would be an accident!” Miz said sarcastically. With a wry smile as he looked at Kurai!
He walked away from the gate as the dogs started whining. The guy in the white lab coat started feeding the dogs as Miz followed Kurai and headed towards the bank.
As they arrive at the bank a gentleman greets them and explains what they need done. Perimeter check, the security cameras checked to make sure they properly work and someone to stand guard as they open the vault to count the money. Simple enough.
“I got perimeter check if you guys want to do the rest!” Miz said as he turned into a puddle in order to travel undetected.

1500/1500 missions completed
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Focus : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Sun Jul 28, 2024 3:27 pm
Those damn dogs were scaring Jayden as he and Miz approached the building, but Jayden didn't show his fear because Kurai's actions were too hilarious! Hellhounds? No, they were just regular dogs that had belonged to a Mizukage. Miz walked right in and whistled and the dogs seemed very happy to see him. It was even funnier to find out The dogs were named after kids fairytale characters! That rings true to his tyrant uncles nature! You think the dog will be sweet by the name only to have it attack and kill you on the spot! The lady thanked Jayden as he handed her the bag of meat. Miz stepped out and followed Kurai and of course Jayden followed behind them.
As they arrived at the bank, the man who greetdd them seemed very glad to see them! As he said what needed to be done, Jayden knew exactly what to do! He had helped set up solar systems before.and therefore figured that he could help them set up the security system and test it for them.
“I got the security cameras. I have had to help set them up before. Not here but elsewhere!” Jayden walked right in and started messingbwith all.the buttons and electric cords, and after about ten minutes, he had the cameras working like they were brand new! He showed the bank manager how to view the cameras and what to look for and how to basically maneuver everything so they could be used correctly. As a matter of fact he was able to zoom in on Miz's puddle as he strolled around the perimeter checking it out. After he finished, he asks his team mates if they need help, ifnin fact they say no he decides to head out, feeling rather proud of himself for having worked with his team to complete the missions. They actually worked together really well today compared to the issues they had been having before, maybe it was the meeting they had with Shikami, or maybe Zims death brought them closer together, whatever it was, they were finally able to work as a team. As he headed home he decided to take Jeordie up on the offer to listen if he needed to talk, after all, they had a long talk a couple of nights ago and Jeordie offered to be there for him.

1500/1500 missions completed
3,000 Ryo
15 AP
10 stats=
4 - Vigor
Will claim jutsus later
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
Remove Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Remove Remove Default
Clan Focus : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Working For a Living  Empty Re: Working For a Living

Mon Jul 29, 2024 12:23 am
Kurai watched as Miz walked in to pet the dogs. They seemed so friendly towards him! What the- it was as though they were normal dogs around him! Rapunzel? Really? What about Snow White? Maybe even Mulan! Xyxer really was crazy if he named his Hellhounds such friendly names!
“No I'm good, I value my body parts, I'm headed to the bank! “ Kurai said as the others followed behind him. Jayden took on the cameras as Miz worked the perimeter, so he had to guard the vault as the bank employees retrieved money from the vault. Honestly this was the easiest mission of the day, and at least the bank smelled good! Unlike the meat factory, The smell made him want to vomit in that place! Talk about making a person want to go vegan!
As soon as they were finished and locked the vault back, Kurai decided to go home for the rest of the day. He was feeling a little exhausted from doing that many missions in one day! At least he proved he could do it. He saw Jayden heading out the door as well. Saying their goodbyes they decided to meet up the next day for more missions!

Twc: 1121
1500/1500 missions complete

11 stats
4 vigor
3 chakra
2 strength
2 speed

3,000 Ryo
15 Ap
(Claiming Jutsus later)
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