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Seikatsu Aranha
Seikatsu Aranha
Stat Page : Seikatsu's Stats
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 Empty Re: Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver

Sun Aug 11, 2024 12:51 pm
Kimiko was momentarily immobilized, suspended in mid-air by Seikatsu’s chakra-infused threads, when Seikatsu noticed something amiss with Azuki. The sudden realization that his comrade was struggling internally caught Seikatsu off guard, leaving him momentarily paralyzed with indecision. As uncertainty gripped him, he could only stand there, his expression blank, maintaining tension on the threads that pierced through Kimiko's arms and torso, ensuring she remained restrained.

Just as Seikatsu was grappling with his confusion about how to proceed, Azuki, overcome by a surge of emotion, sprang into action. With a fierce determination, he seized Kimiko by the neck, wrenching her away from the threads that had impaled her. In a fluid, relentless motion, Azuki dragged her towards the ground, slamming her down onto a stone lily pad near the water’s edge. This violent maneuver was not just a physical act but also a cathartic release of pent-up anger and frustration. From this position of dominance, Azuki leaned close to Kimiko, his face inches from hers. The intensity in his eyes was palpable as he uttered a sentence that seemed to draw from the deepest wells of his soul. His words were not just spoken; they were delivered with a raw, unfiltered sincerity, meant to convey the depth of animosity and resentment he felt towards her. This heartfelt message was designed to make Kimiko understand the extent of her vilification, a verbal strike meant to penetrate as deeply as any physical wound he could inflict.

As the intensity of Azuki's emotional tirade began to wane, Seikatsu allowed himself a brief moment of relief, his breath escaping in a small sigh. However, this respite was short-lived. His relief quickly morphed into confusion and then mild annoyance as he fully processed the tail end of Azuki's diatribe, which had unexpectedly included a jibe at Seikatsu’s own last name and clan. The mocking reference struck a sensitive chord, changing Seikatsu’s previously neutral expression to one of puzzled irritation. Fortunately, Azuki seemed to realize his misstep almost immediately. He swiftly, albeit awkwardly, extended a sort of apology towards Seikatsu, assuring him that the offense was unintentional.

Seikatsu watched, still processing the apology, as Azuki turned back to Kimiko with a renewed focus. He uttered a final, sharp remark before his hands moved quickly, weaving through a series of hand seals. With a deft motion, Azuki exhaled a dense, purple mist directly into Kimiko's face. The mist seemed to envelop her, adding a sinister hue to the already tense scene. Immediately following this, Azuki applied what appeared to be a fuuin seal—a technique involving the sealing of chakra, which Seikatsu recognized but with which he was not thoroughly familiar. This action added another layer of complexity to the encounter, displaying Azuki’s skill and readiness to use more nuanced jutsu under pressure. Seikatsu observed all this closely, his annoyance fading into a keen interest in Azuki’s methods and the potential outcomes of these new techniques.

As the dust of their recent conflict began to settle, Seikatsu braced himself for a personal interaction with Azuki, a moment that felt both timely and essential after their shared ordeal. The battle, intense and dangerous, had not only tested their combat skills but also brought them to the brink of death—Seikatsu's first such experience in his young life as a shinobi. As Azuki's gaze shifted from the aftermath of the fight to Seikatsu, a sense of camaraderie seemed to take root. The questions he posed were straightforward yet significant. "What is your name?" he asked first, a basic query that opened the door to more personal interaction. This was followed by, "What combat division are you a part of?" This second question aimed to place Seikatsu within the larger context of their shinobi organization, providing Azuki with a clearer understanding of Seikatsu’s role and potentially his combat specialties.

Caught slightly off-guard by the directness of the questions, especially after such a harrowing encounter, Seikatsu took a moment to gather his thoughts. While he had a ready answer for the first, the specifics of his divisional alignment and its implications for his future engagements made him pause. This exchange, though brief, was a significant stepping stone in not only establishing their relationship but also in helping Seikatsu reflect on his position within the broader shinobi hierarchy.

With a rather expressionless face, Seikatsu allowed his voice to rise, clear and unhurried—"My name is Seikatsu—and as for what combat division I am a part of, to be honest, I’m not a part of any. I was unaware we had combat divisions and that I needed to be placed." As he finished his statement, a hint of confusion tinged his voice, reflecting the uncertainty of his current situation. He wasn't sure what his next steps should be within the organizational structure of the village.

Despite the lack of a formal combat role, Seikatsu knew he was still capable of fighting and contributing to the village's safety. He contemplated his options, considering how he might assist others around the village in the meantime. His thoughts were interrupted only by the anticipation of any final remarks from Azuki. Depending on Azuki's response, Seikatsu was prepared to either continue the conversation or respectfully take his leave, ready to face whatever challenges might come next in his undefined but promising path as a shinobi.

WC: 891
TWC: 4262
Azuki Shinoda
Azuki Shinoda
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Unhallowed
Mission Record : Missions
Taijutsu Bukijutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
Wind Remove Water Lightning Remove Default
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 37

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 Empty Re: Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver

Sun Aug 11, 2024 5:37 pm
Azuki's face went meek at hearing those words. Honestly he had created the system for a reason but to be fair. It's not like he was the only chancellor remaining. "You've earned a partial rest until I'm done explaining." He dropped than sat on top of Kimiko's back and stretched his arms. "We have multiple divisions, Combat, Cultural, Integration, and Medical. Each run by a Chancellor of the council of Chancellor's. Then there is a Advisor. We may call Lady Tsukiko Kage ,but our village is too small. Eventually as we grow in prosperity we will have a Deputy as well." Azuki explained calmly as the sound of a loud explosion went off in the distance.

He continued with brevity. "The divisions are mainly for organizational purposes. I designed the village structure as such. If we need a medical ninja then we can look through the medical division files. Anyone can do any mission of course. But knowing what division you belong too allows others to identify your skill set. It's also used to delegate and select teams for missions. A medical ninja of the medical division might willingly stay within the hospital. Those we prefer combat can do both, or decide to only be a doctor. The reason I feel so comfortable during an invasion is because of said set up. Because we are not a village for war, we have a day on day off schedule. All of our forces are dedicated to defense and always on active duty. When not on active duty you as a shinobi are still bound to the village but are semi-patrolling. Meaning you get time off every other day and 95% of our forces are active within the village. Either enjoying the arts, eating, hanging out or actively at work. The combat division is most active as I am General. So I do daily trainings to help invest in everyone. The academy is under the training unit within the combat division as well. " Replacements were needed more than ever. Capable individuals to become pillars of the community. If he focused on finding proper sensors then the lack of communication wouldn't have been so lapse.

A gleam of confidence shined within his gentle smile. "Tsukigakure is always at 100% efficiency because of my system,and your fellow brother and sisters in arms. We may be peaceful but we are not passive." He proclaimed rising to his feet. "Now go and slaughter the abominations who dare shed blood of our family. Be quick, our position is compromised. Exit to the East I will hold them off or you'll get in my way."  With firm grasp on the shoulder Azuki gave Seikatsu a gentle nod before snatching  Kimiko's onto his back. His chakra was weakened but tenacious as ever. What once felt like  a demonic and vile aura was now a bold crimson. A new monster had been birthed in his own right. And hell ought to be raised in his rampage.

[Exit]   WC:497 TWC: 4,066

Claiming 4,066 WC 4ap per 100 = 160
Stat Page : Joro
Mission Record : Joro Mission Logs
Iryōjutsu Remove Remove Ninjutsu Remove Jikūjutsu Default
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Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 2500

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 Empty Re: Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver

Sun Aug 11, 2024 9:31 pm
Azuki Shinoda wrote:

[Exit]   WC:497 TWC: 4,066

Claiming 4,066 WC      4ap per 100 = 160
Seikatsu Aranha
Seikatsu Aranha
Stat Page : Seikatsu's Stats
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 500

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 Empty Re: Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver

Tue Aug 13, 2024 6:01 pm
Seikatsu observed a flicker of perplexity cross Azuki's face in response to his admission about not being part of any combat division. Unbeknownst to Seikatsu, Azuki had played a pivotal role in designing the very structure of the village's combat divisions. This added an unexpected layer of significance to their conversation. The young man watched as Azuki, seemingly processing this new information, approached after handling Kimiko rather dismissively, dropping her onto the ground like an unwanted burden. Azuki then nonchalantly seated himself atop her, preparing to delve into an explanation or story. Initially, Seikatsu expected a brief and concise monologue, but it quickly became apparent that Azuki’s approach was more elaborate and perhaps meandering than he had anticipated.

Feeling the need to engage more directly and show his willingness to listen, Seikatsu adjusted his stance by stooping down to one knee. This posture not only brought him physically closer to Azuki's level but also symbolized his readiness to fully absorb the forthcoming tale. As he settled in, Seikatsu prepared himself for what might be a lengthy discourse, keen to understand the intricacies of Azuki's narrative and the broader implications it held for his own path within the village.

Seikatsu, still processing the aftermath of his first real combat experience, found himself unusually reticent. Known for his reserved nature, he instinctively knew that this was not the moment for interjections. Azuki’s discussion held an intrinsic interest for him, capturing his full attention with its implications and insights. As he listened, Seikatsu reflected on his primary ambition as a shinobi—to amass power and become strong enough to fulfill his own desires and aspirations.

The recent battle with Kimiko had ignited something new within him, a nascent desire that began to stir his spirit. It was a burgeoning call to revive the Aranha name and to demonstrate the formidable legacy of strength that it once embodied. This newfound purpose was still vague and unformed in his mind, like a distant echo growing steadily louder. Though Seikatsu was not yet fully conscious of the depth of this awakening, it was clear that this encounter had marked a pivotal turning point in his life. As he knelt there, listening intently to Azuki, Seikatsu felt the seeds of this emerging goal start to take root. He understood that, in time, this impulse would grow stronger and become a driving force in his life, shaping his future actions and decisions as a shinobi. This realization, while still partial and unclear, promised a profound transformation in how he viewed his path and the legacy he intended to build.

Confidence radiated from Azuki as he spoke, each word weaving through Seikatsu's mind, narrating tales of greatness and achievements he had personally accomplished. It wasn't just a recounting; it was a demonstration of the deep pride Azuki held not only for his personal contributions but also for the collective accomplishments of their village. His connection to the successes of Tsukigakure was palpable, imbuing his tales with a sense of profound personal significance that clearly meant the world to him.

While Seikatsu listened, he recognized that the emotional fervor and pride Azuki displayed didn't quite stir the same level of infectious enthusiasm within him. However, he did feel a growing sense of appreciation and gratitude for the efforts that had shaped their village. This acknowledgment sparked a readiness in Seikatsu, a newfound willingness to contribute positively to the village's future. Although the tales didn’t sweep him up in a wave of emotion, they planted seeds of dedication and a desire to also make a mark on Tsukigakure, fostering a commitment to undertake actions that would strengthen and enhance the village.

As Azuki's final words drifted to a close, Seikatsu rose to his full height, a newfound clarity guiding his actions. He understood precisely what he needed to do next. Tasked by Azuki with a significant new mission, he was to aid his fellow villagers in vanquishing the remnants of the enemy forces that continued to menace them. This mission marked the beginning of a critical journey for Seikatsu, one that would test his abilities and resolve.

He was directed to head out from the east entrance and exit of Shinoda Springs—a strategic point that would lead him directly into the heart of the ongoing conflicts. As Seikatsu turned to depart, Azuki reached out and placed a hand on his shoulder, giving him a firm nod. This gesture conveyed a deep sense of approval and trust from Azuki, an acknowledgment that bolstered Seikatsu’s confidence. The recognition and support from a figure such as Azuki were immensely validating for the young genin, filling him with a sense of pride and responsibility.

Empowered by this exchange, Seikatsu set forth with determination, ready to assist anyone in need and contribute effectively to the safety and stability of Tsukigakure. His steps were purposeful, driven by the dual aims of proving his worth and upholding the trust placed in him by his mentor and village. This was not just a mission; it was an opportunity for Seikatsu to demonstrate his growth as a shinobi and to embody the values that Tsukigakure held dear.

WC: 856
TWC: 5118

Exit Claims

Stats - 51 | All to Chakra

Jutsu Learned - 25% Training Ground Discount

360 | 1000 | 1000 Thunderclap Arrow - 521 previously claimed Here

2063 | 2063 - Webber

2500 | 2500 - Singularity

195 | 2750 - Imitation White Hole

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 Empty Re: Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver

Tue Aug 13, 2024 11:09 pm
Seikatsu Aranha wrote:

WC: 856
TWC: 5118

Exit Claims

Stats - 51 | All to Chakra

Jutsu Learned - 25% Training Ground Discount

360 | 1000 | 1000 Thunderclap Arrow - 521 previously claimed Here

2063 | 2063 - Webber

2500 | 2500 - Singularity

195 | 2750 - Imitation White Hole

Ep. 11 Spiders On Spiders, Kimiko The Weaver - Page 2 JPYXIpT
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