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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Erroneous Ecology Empty Erroneous Ecology

Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:39 am
Mission Name: Ecology Management
Rank: B
Mission Location: Island Country borders

Challenges: --
Task: Due to Kirigakure's Storm Barrier, the islands' ecology has taken on a strange nature - an exaggerated sort of natural selection due to its isolation and altered weather. Largely, this results in a loss of biodiversity on the islands due to its native tropical species faring poorly.

Kirigakure is in contact with naturalists in Island Country interested in the preservation of unique wildlife, and willing to lend advice on how to keep the islands vibrant with their new climate. Make contact with these scientists, safely deliver them living specimens of Kirigakure's surviving native wildlife, and bring back to Kirigakure a few specimens of Water Country plants and creatures (obviously also quite rare) the scientists have secured that may in turn be appropriate to introduce to Kiri.

The scientists will inform you of sightings of a creature thought extinct with the destruction of Water Country and Old Kirigakure - the crimson-breasted penguin, also known as the diving penguin. This will lead you to the next mission in the chain, Forgotten Survivors.

Word Count Requirement: 3,000
Reward: 6,000 Ryo / 30 AP

Character Requirements: Kirigakure shinobi
Character Exclusive: --

Link to Legacy Mission: --

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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Sun Aug 18, 2024 11:42 am
The ecosystem surrounding Kirigakure was experiencing significant degradation. The local coral reefs were bleaching due to fluctuating water temperatures. Fishermen reported an increase in shark attacks on unguarded schools of fish. Additionally, storm winds were uprooting shoreline-stabilising mangroves. These calamitous reports worried Island Country's environmentalists, who were interested in the area's prosperity. Although the scope of their proposed project was adequately outlined in their paperwork, only some of the Kirigakure shinobi could understand the formality of their proposals. One of these few, Nix Pendragon, a newly promoted Genin, was familiar with their legerdemain and dubious handwriting techniques. Her sympathy and astute sense for details made her a first-choice delegate for Kirigakure.

Nix found the scientists nauseatingly academic. Their illustrious theoretical concepts reminded her of the bookworms of House Pendragon. Nix's presence confidently conveyed that their intellectual conjecture was just the start of their requests for Kirigakure to address. She nodded to the barrage of dialogue unenthusiastically; it blended into one blur of requirements. "The ethical avenues for preserving diverse renewable resources are rapidly disappearing, which could cause a cataclysmic shock to the surrounding nations' economies." Nix ascertained that this potential catastrophe underscored the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for action.

Among their requests were several arbitrary floral specimens, and the faunal requisite was a single fat green tree frog. Nix required them to be more concise about why they needed the arboreal amphibian, but they distracted her with notions of non-arboreal birds. The conversation between the scientists and Nix turned to the existence of non-flighted birds called penguins. They assured her that these species were not just affected but were on the brink of extinction due to the environmental degradation in Kirigakure. "The importance of their preservation cannot be overstated. " Experiencing mental whiplash from the dexterity of their tangent requirements, Nix abruptly speculated, her voice reflecting her current mental stamina waning. "You have a mighty need of these flightless birds, you say?" Their queries and hypothesis' suddenly broke upon the commendably stoic brick wall of Nix's patient expression. One of them interjected into the resounding silence, "If you should see one, then most certainly."

Collecting her thoughts, Nix lifted her headband from her forehead before gathering the jars and packing the backpack needed to transport the specimens. It was askew; she could feel it. Her inventory was not at fault. Suspicions glimmered past Nix's thoughts about the surreptitious nature of the scientist's requirements. While prone to investigate, the young woman reconciled that her reprisal would be immediate should their motives prove unjust. Nix was finding the integration and assimilation of the shinobi ways to be incredibly challenging. Still, she eagerly anticipated future breakthroughs and growth in becoming an amalgam of traditional and contemporary skills.

Upon leaving the laboratory, nestled in the archipelago surrounding Kirigakure, towards the perimeters of Kirigakure, it was there that Nix discovered the storm barrier. It was intangible, imperceptible and entirely untraversable. Despite the thick mist enveloping the vessel, the coxswain and the navigator engaged in a lively discussion about tidal charts, each presenting their viewpoints passionately. Nix only asked them to do what was possible for them to accomplish. If it were a night, the stars would not have lent their light to those in need. This was the domain of fervent prayer, broken beams of sunshine and the shipwrecked hulls of those washed up on shore. Squalls of unfamiliarly fickle currents, the litany of a crew, working diligently to channel nature's fury towards a specific direction and goal. Nix's field of view was inundated with a deluge of data, her gaze fixed on scanning the expanse of the horizon for the aquatic avians.

Having become acquainted first-hand with the symptoms of the problem, Nix believed the observational excursion was adequate as a preliminary endeavour for providing assistance. For the time being, her individual effort would avail little. In the following weeks, Nix petitioned for sufficient assistance. Waiting diligently for anyone who would help her, the red-haired young woman would be found waiting by the dock. She wore a plain cloak over her everyday clothes, with a headband on her forehead. Her honour student pin she had earned was prominently displayed. The mission didn't require weapons, so Nix left hers at home.

Word Count: 709/3000
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
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Clan Specialty : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Wed Aug 21, 2024 4:55 pm
(sorry they were waiting on me I wanted to post first)

Miz had gotten word that one of the other Genin around town needed help with a mission, and his team, Team Fuku were the ones that had been picked because of their record around the village for taking any mission given to them! Wow, word travels fast! Miz smiled as he opened the letter that was sitting on his desk at home. He read through the details carefully. This was an important mission and he was honored at the fact someone recommended Team Fuku for this mission. He pulled back his dreads as he tucked away the missions request into a pocket and headed out the door to meet up with his team and this other Genin who needed help. The paper he was given wanted them all to meet at a lab in the center of town. It has information on it and apparently their mission was concerning wildlife which worked for him, considering he was one with the water, he was all for any form of a mission with nature involved!
As he walked towards the lab, he couldn't help but wonder who this other Genin was! Was it the same one they did the mission with, where they had to wear masks? He never got to meet them, he just knew it was a member of the Kiri forces like they were. As he approached the building he and introduced himself. A couple of people in white coats made a call then offered to escort him back to a room where the others would eventually gather as well. As he entered the room he saw they had some drinks and sat out at a huge table. Apparently he was the first one here, that was fine with him, he looked forward to meeting up with the others and with this other genin.
My TWC:306

Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:32 pm
Jayden had been at his desk going through some papers about his clan. He has been researching the Terumi clan jutsus. He heard his brother Jeordie Terumi getting ready to leave in the room next to his, he was talking to someone and he realized it was their mom. A familiar knock hit his door.
“Come in Jeordie.” Jayden said politely, considering they were getting along now, the hostility in the household was gone! It had been the tension between the brothers causing the hostility so thick you could cut it with a knife!
“This scroll came for you this morning JJ.” Jeordie said, handing it to him. “ You need anything let me know bro!” Jeordie said, touching Jaydens shoulder then walking away.
“Thanks Jor.” Jayden said as he took the scroll and opened it. “so they chose Fuku for this mission. Right up Miz's alley too, he’s practically a nature loving hippie!” Jayden joked as he got up from his desk. He turned off his desk light and left the house to meet the others at one of the branches of the science lab in the middle of downtown Kirigakure!
As he arrived he was greeted by a lab technician and then taken to the meeting room where he saw Miz.
“ I expected to see you first, so we are helping another Genin with this mission? I'm flattered that our reputation is good enough to get chosen for this!’ Jayden said as he sat down at the table in a chair against the wall. He began to wonder who this other Genin was. They had a few teams but not a whole lot in Kiri. They had mainly Chuunin and Jounin on the forces, and a couple of Masters if he remembered the conversations his parents had occasionally at home.
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Specialty : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Wed Aug 21, 2024 6:57 pm
Kurai had been reading a book on his bean bag chair about Kiris history. It was actually really interesting reading the history of Kiris past, how it got the name the Bloody Mist and about where the islands were that made up the previous Kirigakure.
He heard his dad walk in the house and holler for him. He shut his book and walked out of his room and went downstairs! He handed him a letter with information about a mission and helping out another Genin in the village.
“Wow, I guess our team is popular!” Kurai smirked as he read through the information.
“Despite your stubbornness, which you probably Inherited from me, I'm very proud of you!” Kiken said as he wrapped an arm around Kurai's shoulders giving him a half hug.
“Thanks dad, I guess I'm out for the day.” He said as he walked out the door. Another Genin? Maybe it was the one from the other night. Yeah that's the only one he could think it could be and he really couldn't think of any other Genins except for their team! See how social Kurai is? Yeah he prefers the company of his bean bag chair or teammates to other people. So they had to meet at the center in the middle of Kiri to get the information for a mission outside of Kiri? Makes sense! Okay not really but Kurai wasn't one to complain, not about this anyways.
As he entered the building a lab tech who looked rather young and worn out to be a lab tech nodded at him and escorted him to the room with his teammates.
“Puddles! Lava Boy! So whose this fellow Genin and what's this mission about or are we still waiting?” Kurai asked, trying to behave himself! Don't need Shikami hearing he acted out. He didn't feel like being knocked out or paralyzed today.
WC: 315

Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
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Clan Specialty : n/a
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Thu Aug 22, 2024 12:19 pm
Elsewhere. Near the outskirts of the village, a strong wind blew, and Nix internally lamented that she was only daydreaming of carving a course through the water for her crew, who were meandering between idleness and laziness on the docks. Their ship was in the harbour, her gaze fixed upon the horizon from the helm. Willing those winds to stay knotted in the sky, Nix held no whim of conviction contrary to cease their unending toil. ~

It had been a moment's consideration, but having the respect to leave only a single note with the scientists to deliver to anyone else that endeavoured to join her, in hindsight, may have been foolish. She had elected to scribe with her flawless legerdemain, "To Whom It May Concern. Whether or not the scientists would relinquish this fragrant piece of paper in a timely fashion leaves me dubiously doubtful." Nix discerned the scientists living in the archipelago, craving recognition but not worthy of her suspicion. "I, however, understand that the scientists inundated with cataloguing information from their research, may have neglected to pass on the progress I have made about the management of the ecology, as they've requested..." The note continued to apologetically define the sequestered logistics of the ship crew's wages, featuring a dozen unpronounceable words that appear to be a scribbled out. At the foot of the paper, the message concluded with concise instructions. "Rendezvous at the village docks. ~ Nix." The signet-worn emblem of the Pendragon Family pressed into crimson tallow, a smiley face, and the faint smell of perfume adorned the note.

Nix's fervent prayers accompanied her unwavering trust in the scientists to deliver the forgotten note. She assured herself that if anyone approached the scientists, their conversational inability to be quiet about what would avail them of the task of some of their work would yield prospects. An enthusiasm that stemmed from doing a virtuous deed, far from dwindling or expiring, diligently coursed through the young woman's veins. Her unwavering determination to align her expectations with reality pragmatically focused its discourse on the task. Beyond her vision, fragments of a fractally dissimilar world errantly devoid of tangibility and lacking time's wearisome permeability entertained her with notions of contentment.

Word Count: 374
Total Word Count: 1083
Mission Word Count: 2,004/3000
Mizuki Hozuki
Mizuki Hozuki
Stat Page : Miz's Stat Page
Mission Record : Miz's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Misty Origin
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 25000

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Tue Aug 27, 2024 4:08 pm
A scientist entered the room and explained the mission to them and explained about the other Genin they were working with before they began to lead the group towards the borders. A penguin eh?Definitely a very rare site in this environment! If it can survive then it is something worth studying! Miz had never thought about how the environment was around the storm barrier! As they headed towards the borders he thought about how different the climate really was, and maybe they would see new species or advanced species of plants and animals that had no choice but to adapt in order to survive!
As they arrived, they were introduced to Nix Pendragon, the fellow Genin they would be doing this mission with! There was a familiar feeling with her presence, he would have to ask her if she had been on a mission with them previously. The mission they did involved wearing masks and  robes and going to someone's house. He clearly remembered someone was already there, he just didn't know who it was!
“Well, we were given information and here to help in any way we can. I am Mizuki Hozuki, I am referred to as Miz. It's very nice to meet you Nix.” Miz said politely introducing himself to her before they began the mission.
Jayden Terumi
Jayden Terumi
Stat Page : JJ'S Stats
Mission Record : JJ's Missions
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Clan Specialty : Lava/Boil
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 2500

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Wed Aug 28, 2024 2:43 pm
Jayden knew about how the environment worked considering he had a very small garden growing in part of his backyard. They were plants in pots in a makeshift greenhouse off to the left side of the porch, but regardless of how he had created it, he still had one. Gardening tended to relieve his stress! The fire starter had a green thumb! He was aware that ecology was affected by many things, but the main thing was the environment! Over the centuries, humans had adapted to live in their various environments, therefore plants and animals did the same. Okay yeah enough with the boring stuff, you guys get the drift, Jayden understood the basics of the mission.
In his hands he held the letter from Nix, she was waiting on the docks for the rest of the group. As the scientists lead them to the docks they went a little more in depth about the mission. So it was the storm barrier causing the disruption? Consistent storms could change the climate and cause the environment to change, due to the rain the area was probably cooler than the rest of Neo Kirigakure. This was going to be an interesting mission! He could gather samples for the scientists to study without any issues. And with a whole team out here they would be able to gather alot!
As they arrived at the docks he introduced himself to her after Miz.
“I'm Jayden Terumi, it's nice to meet you Nix Pendragon, hope we didn't keep you waiting to long.” Jayden said to her. “We were given in information on the mission at the lab in the center of Kiri before we headed here. Ready to get started when you are!” Jayden added. He really was into this mission. He wanted to take some of the seeds from the plants home.
Twc: 607
2539/3000 towards mission
Kurai Tau
Kurai Tau
Stat Page : Sitchs Stats
Mission Record : Stitchs Missions
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Clan Specialty : Earth Grudge Fear
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 37509

Erroneous Ecology Empty Re: Erroneous Ecology

Wed Aug 28, 2024 4:47 pm
Kurai noticed at this point his team had gotten used to his shenanigans and nicknames for them. He listened as everything was explained to them by a scientist. Grab samples and watch out for a penguin. That's what Kurai heard! The storm barrier caused environmental changes? Well, yeah, it's the storm barrier and if the environment is in constant change it's going to adapt to change! The plants and animals, the basic ecology has to survive one way or another right? Whereas the description and having to listen to a lecture was beyond boring for the Tau, he was looking forward to the mission! They would actually be traveling outside the gates of Kirigakure to explore the area around the storm barrier! Collect samples, witness the environment and ecology of the area.
The note from a “Nix Pendragon” told them to meet her at the docks! She must already have everything set up.for.the mission there!
The scientists lead them out to the borders, then to the docks to meet Nix and start the mission. Puddles and Lava Boy introduced themselves. Kurai however had a simple way of greeting her.
“I'm Kurai Tau.” Simple yet kind, nothing behind it. He did wonder if she was the same Genin they did the mission with a few nights ago. Maybe she was.
“We are ready to go when you are, lead the way!” Kurai said to her to signify they were ready.
(TWC - 556)
2770/3000 mwc
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