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Village : Missing Ninja
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No redemption. Empty No redemption.

Today at 11:03 am
Mission Details:

After many months of laying low after his most weird encounter with the powerful ninja (but also unhinged) Jupiter, Yushin was still at the Land of Hot Springs. As always the air was heavy with the scent of steam rising from the mineral-rich waters, mingling with the earthy aroma of damp soil. It was a place where the sun kissed the horizon, casting orange and pink hues across the sky. A haven for those seeking solace and privacy, it also served as a refuge for outcasts and criminals. Yushin moved through the narrow streets of the village, his dark cloak blending with the shadows cast by the flickering lanterns and with his trademark Fedora Hat covering his upper face. The villagers had long since grown accustomed to the presence of rogue ninjas, and Yushin was no different. Although his heart was heavy with guilt, a burden he could not shake off. He had killed his father in a moment of rage, a man who had taken his mother’s life. Yet, the act of vengeance had not freed him; it had ensnared him in a web of regret. Now, he was a fugitive, running from both the law and his own conscience while trying to achieve what he promised to himself: immortality

But in order to do so, Yushin would have to go through all sorts of situations. It was a time of peace and prosperity in the Ninja World, so recently he accepted a job that was very far from his recent activities and was unlike anything he had ever done. Instead of stealing, blackmailing or assassinating, he was to help the community of the Land of Hotsprings. The village elders had approached him once again, recognizing his skills (after building a church so fast with Jupiter’s help) and desperation. They spoke of planting trees, cleaning up the land, and ensuring clean water for the villagers. What the hell was that job? At first, Yushin had scoffed at the idea. What good could he do for a community when he was a murderer and criminal? But beneath the layers of his despair, a flicker of hope ignited. Perhaps this was a chance for redemption.

As the sun rose higher in the sky, Yushin found himself in a clearing on the outskirts of the village, surrounded by lush greenery. He stood with a group of villagers, all armed with shovels and saplings. The elderly leader, a woman with silver hair and kind eyes name Haroma, explained the significance of their task. “These trees will provide shade and oxygen, a legacy for future generations,” she said, her voice steady. “Every seed you plant is a step towards healing the land… and our souls. Yushin felt a pang in his chest. Healing. It was a word he had long forgotten. He watched as the villagers worked together, laughter and camaraderie filling the air as everyone there had a purpose. It was a stark contrast to the solitude he had embraced in his life as a missing ninja. As he grasped the shovel, the weight of it felt foreign in his hands, yet it stirred something deep within him.
The first sapling he planted stood tall and slender, its roots trembling in the freshly dug earth. With each tree they planted, Yushin felt a flicker of warmth in his heart. The laughter of the children playing nearby echoed in his ears, reminding him of his own childhood—a time before the darkness had seeped into his life. He could almost hear his mother’s voice, soft and soothing, urging him to be brave and carry on. But with each laugh, the memories of his past clawed at him. He could still see his father’s face, twisted in rage as he confronted him, the moment frozen in time. Yushin had fought back, but it was not the physical confrontation that haunted him. The trees around him became a cruel reminder of the life he had destroyed after not protecting his mother from his monstrous father.

As the day wore on, Yushin took a break, stepping away from the group. He wandered off to a small stream nearby, its water crystal clear and flowing gently over smooth stones. He knelt beside it, cupping his hands and drinking deeply. The coolness satisfied his thirst, but it did little to soothe his troubled mind that kept going back into that haunting evening. He gazed into the water, watching as his reflection rippled and distorted—a face he hardly recognized anymore… who was actually the man named Yushin?

“Why did you do it? Why were you so damn weak? So damn… useless” he whispered to himself, his voice barely audible. “Why couldn’t you just walk away right into the police? You had to , didn’t you” The question lingered, echoing in the silence around him. It was a question he had asked himself countless times, yet the answer eluded him. Suddenly, the sound of laughter brought him back to the present. He turned to see a group of children playing near the trees they had planted. They were carefree, their giggles a melody of innocence. In that moment, Yushin felt an overwhelming wave of longing wash over him. He remembered the warmth of family, the sense of belonging he had once cherished, even with all the difficulties he endured being a sick child in a ninja village. The weight of his choices pressed down on him, a reminder of the life he had lost forever. That same evening, as the sun dipped below the horizon, the villagers gathered around a large bonfire made by the elder Haroma. They shared stories and food, their faces illuminated by the flickering flames. Yushin sat at the edge, listening, absorbing the warmth of their community, always quiet and observative. It was a stark reminder of what he had forsaken back at the Land of Fire. As he watched the flames dance, he felt the nice heat from the fire into his pale face… was he actually finally healing from all that hatred and regret?

One of the villagers, a young girl with bright green eyes, approached him. “Are you a ninja?” she asked, her curiosity evident. Yushin hesitated. He once was a ninja, but the title felt heavy on his tongue. “I was,” he replied softly, but shyly.

“Soooo… do you know how to fight?” she continued, undeterred and full of innocence.
“I… do,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“Then you can protect us!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining with admiration of that tall man in front of her. Yushin felt a pang in his chest. Protect? He had only ever harmed. Even when he had a frail and sick body, he never protected anything. But in that moment, something shifted within him. Perhaps he could protect them—not with violence, but by nurturing the land and caring for the people.

The days of work turned into weeks, and as Yushin continued to work alongside the villagers, he found himself growing fond of the farmer’s life. He immersed himself in the tasks, planting trees, cleaning the stream, and teaching the children about the importance of caring for the environment and for the land as a whole. Each day, he felt the weight of his past lifting, replaced by the countryside serenity. Yet, the ghosts of his past were never far behind. One evening, as he sat alone by the fire, memories of his father came flooding back. He could hear the anger in his father’s voice, the chaos of that fateful night. Yushin clenched his fists, battling the urge to succumb to despair. But as he looked around at the villagers, laughter echoing in the air, he felt a flicker of determination. His father wasn’t gonna take everything from him, even after death.

He had been given a second chance, a chance to redefine himself. He owed it to his mother, to the life she had given him, and to the community that had taken him in. With each tree he planted and every child he taught, he was not only healing the land but also himself. One day, as he worked in the fields, a commotion erupted in the village. Yushin ran towards the sound, his heart racing. A group of unhinged bandits had appeared, demanding money and resources and threatening the locals. The villagers stood their ground, fear etched on their faces, with shovels and plows in hand, ready to fight. Yushin’s instincts kicked in; he had trained for moments like this, but the old ways felt foreign now. Stepping forward, he raised his hands. “Leave them be, or you gonna pay the price…asshole” he commanded, his voice steady. The bandits laughed, mocking him. But Yushin felt a surge of adrenaline. He had fought for the wrong reasons before; now, he fought for something greater. For his chance of healing.

With a swift and lightning quick motion, he unleashed his skills, weaving through the bandits with precision. The villagers watched in awe as he dispatched one after another, using his chakra Scalpel Jutsu, becoming a blurred whirlwind of movement as he took down the bad guys. The fight was fierce, and this time he fought not out of anger, but to protect the community and his only chance of redemption. As the last of the bandits fell, Yushin stood tall, covered in blood. The villagers erupted in cheers, surrounding him with gratitude. “You saved us!” the elder woman Haroma exclaimed, tears of relief in her eyes.

That night, as the villagers celebrated, Yushin found himself reflecting on the journey he had taken. He had come to the Land of Hot Springs as a fugitive, a man running from his past. But now, he stood among the locals, being treated as a member of a community that had welcomed him with open arms. The laughter of children echoed in the night, a melody of hope that filled his heart. As the fire crackled and the stars twinkled above, Yushin realized that perhaps forgiveness was possible, so was redemption. The past would always be a part of him, but perhaps it could be no longer the only thing that defined him. He was still haunted by vengeance and anger, but he was also a man rebuilding his life, one tree at a time. In the days that followed, Yushin continued to plant trees, clean the streams, and teach the children. And with each new sapling planted, he healed a bit more, day after day.

But life is not always that easy, and the ghosts from the past can always come back. One afternoon, Yushin was summoned into Haroma’s house, where the village council was present. Upon arriving at the old lady’s home, Yushin found all the village elders reunited in a circle, and at the middle, there was what appeared to be another shinobi. The elders had a grim look on their faces, and upon Yushin’s arrival, they seemed now to be frightened. As the criminal announced his arrival, the shinobi turned towards him, and Yushin could see the leaf of Konoha engraved into his headband.

“Is it true, Yushin? You murdered at cold blood your whole family? You cut your father’s head off? You dismembered your uncle?” – Haroma started questioning Yushin on the behalf of the council. Finally, his past caught up with him, and Yushin was now scared. He clinched his fists as Haroma went on and he started once again having memories from that night. – “… and even your own mother… I can’t believe we let such a psychopath into our community…”,

“DON’T TALK ABOUT HER” – Yushin erupted upon hearing about his late mother. He was accused of her murder as all the bodies were found at the same place, but he never touched his mom, he only avenged her, and being accused of such atrocity really triggered him into his past self. In a blink of an eye, Yushin used his Chakra Scalpel Senbon technique, shooting a multitude of chakra senbons, aiming at the Konoha shinobi and at the elders. The other ninja and Haroma, along with a few other elders, were pierced by multiple senbons, immediately dying right there. After it was over, some elder that just tossed themselves into the ground for protection slowly got up, as a fast breathing Yushin was still in his technique’s pose.

“Listen to me, you old bastards… from now on, my protection come with a HEAVY price, in ryo. And now you are not only paying me to protect this shithole from bandits, but also to protect it from ME, are we clear? And if any of what was told and what happened here leaves this house, you will have the same fate as the old bitch here”

And just like that, he was back into his old path of death and destruction. After months of healing, all it took was a few seconds for Yushin to fall once again into darkness.

WC: 2098
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