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Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
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Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Not Goodbye Empty Not Goodbye

Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:49 pm
The arrangements were made and all their stuff was packed. Yoshinori had already headed to the gate to give Junko and Akabayashi some alone time. The doctor would run his fingers through her hair and give her a kiss goodbye now. Over the time they have shared he noticed she was not fond of public displays of affection. "Are you ready my love?" He would ask clasping her hand and his things before he began to teleport to his paths which were waiting at the gate along with Yoshinori.

In a flash they were now relocated to the gate. Using the kunai the paths held as his guide for transportation. He would let go of her hand as they arrived before her gate guards. Though they were no longer in physical contact with one another he remained near her, until the last member of their entourage arrived. Akabayashi knew very little of her besides her being one of Junko's clones like Kiko was. He almost dreaded bringing the clone as she was likely a reminder of what he would be leaving behind in Tsuki, but this was his love's wish a way to stay connected over a long distance. It was worth the potential heartache Jun could cause.

Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
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Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Not Goodbye Empty Re: Not Goodbye

Yesterday at 6:55 pm
For the past few days, Junko remained by his side and assisted him in packing whatever belongings he planned on taking with him. Before leaving their home, he’d offer her a kiss which she happily reciprocated, and nodded when he asked if she was ready. Though she knew she’d never be truly to see him go, his trip back to Kiri was necessary. If he allowed, she’d kiss him quickly once more before taking his hand and teleporting with him to the gate. Upon arrival, she’d greet Yoshinori before briefly looking around for Jun.

It wouldn’t take long for the green-haired clone, along with Nariko to join the small group that has now formed at the gate. With a smile, Junko would leave Akabayashi’s side and embrace Jun tightly for a few moments. A quick greeting was exchanged before she turned back to him and began introductions. Admittedly she was a bit nervous about sending Jun with him. She wasn’t the best diplomat and certainly wasn’t the most reliable worker, but Junko hoped this would be a good thing for her.

”My dear this is Jun. Jun, this is Akabayashi and Yoshinori. I know you don’t know each other, but I’m sure you’ll get along swimmingly”

In all honesty, she wasn’t sure if the two of them were going to get along. Jun was pretty airheaded, and flighty when it came to most obligations. Junko was sure her dear clone wouldn’t make the best impression, and she hoped Akabyashi could simply ignore her. The brief thought of him liking Jun better crossed her mind for a moment, but she assumed that to be highly unlikely. Junko would listen to wherever exchange was going on, cherishing their limited time together, though she knew they would be leaving very soon.

WC: 301
Jun Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Tokubetsu Jounin
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
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Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 6500

Not Goodbye Empty Re: Not Goodbye

Yesterday at 7:53 pm
The past few months have flown by quite quickly and Jun had been having the time of her life. Where Kiko often found herself swapped with duties, Jun instead chose to detach herself a bit from the village. She primarily spent her time working at Darkside, day drinking, and simply wandering around the village. Most times she could be found taking a dip in one of the various rivers that flowed through the village or sunbathing on the balcony attached to Darkside. Soon that would all change. Junko had discussed her visiting their newly allied village of Kirigakure, and at first, she found the offer exciting.

Before thinking things over she immediately agreed, alleviating Kiko from the responsibility of doing so. However, as the idea set in, she admittedly became nervous. Junko had allowed her to indulge her wishes and whims without interfering and she feared that those days were now far behind her. Would she be given duties to attend to, or was she going to be allowed to do as she pleased? She knew Junko wanted her on her best behavior, she’d be representing the village after all. As the days passed, these thoughts continued to swirl through her mind but still, she felt optimistic about the adventure.

Soon departure day would arrive, and after receiving a telepathic message from Junko, Jun would collect her belongings and leave Daiki’s home. A bit of her felt heartbroken, she really didn’t get the chance to say goodbye to him since both of them had been pretty busy with their independent lives. At this point, they were less like a couple, and more like roommates who were occasionally affectionate towards each other. She still felt conflicted about their whole situation, but she wished him the best regardless.

On her way to the gates, she met up with Nariko who helped her carry her belongings. Though the woman was from the same clan as Takeshiyama, she was far colder and more distant than her dear friend. Soon they’d arrive at the gates and Jun allowed Junko to embrace her tightly. After they greeted each other, Junko pulled away from her and introduced her to Akabayshi, along with his bodyguard.

With an excited smile, Jun would offer the Mizukage a bow before speaking up sweetly. Though her voice was melodic like Junko’s hers was a slightly higher pitch and she spoke a bit more excitedly.

”It’s a pleasure to meet you Akabayashi! I mean.. Er Lord Mizukage?”

She assumed that calling him by his name was fine but wasn’t completely sure. He was dating her creator, so she figured they were on a first-name basis. Looking him over, she understood why Junko was so smitten with the man. He was quite handsome and had a bit of a dangerous aura about him. She’d listen if he responded but would speak up if he didn’t.

”I’m excited to see Kiri! Junko says it always rains there, is that true?”

Admittedly she was used to the cloudless skies and warm sun that Tsukigakure often had so she was a bit sad to hear about the gloomy weather. Waiting patiently, she’d listen to his response with a sweet smile on her face.

WC: 542
Akabayashi Terumi
Akabayashi Terumi
Survived 2021
You've completed the Christmas Event of 2021 and qualified for the last reward, by partisan you are awarded this fancy badge!
Stat Page : Click for nudes!
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Wind Earth Water Lightning Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Fuinjutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 92350

Not Goodbye Empty Re: Not Goodbye

Yesterday at 8:51 pm
Akabayashi would extend his hand upon the greeting and once their palms connected he would shake it. "Nice, to finally meet the last of the triplets." He would say completely aware Jun was a clone. Whatever the case he did not want to come off as overly intimidating to the poor girl. She would see plenty of his more threatening nature in Kiri. As she spoke he would let her know she need not refer to him by his title. "No need to address me by my title, Jun." He almost added in the ko, given the similar name, look, and almost everything.

"Yes, our storm barrier keeps the rain going. There is almost never a sunny day unless someone breaks it." At least that was the only sunlight he got to see, it was between him destroying the storm barrier and repairing it. "If you want some sun though, I can take you to other places to relax." He would wait for Jun to respond he knew he would at a minimum have to stay on the girl's good side lest she tell her mother and get him into trouble.  

Yoshinori tapped Akabayashi on the shoulder to say his final goodbyes. The paths were waiting nearby ready to touch their creators shoulder for the jump to Kiri. Even though Junko hated his displays of affection he still wanted to kiss her once more before leaving, he however would hold himself back. "I will return soon princess." He would wait for Junko and Jun to finish their final goodbyes before he would take Jun's hand and Yoshinori's, with the paths touching his shoulders and teleport them all to the edge of the interdiction seals barrier of Tsuki step out of the barrier and then teleport them all to the gates of Kiri.

Exit to Kiri gates using FTG, bringing my bodyguard, 2 paths, and Jun.
Ayato Hyuuga
Ayato Hyuuga
Stat Page :

Mission Record :
Summoning Contract : Forest of Dreams Ravens

Living Clones : Natsuki
Familiar : Maneki
Legendary Equipment : Raiment of Eternal Fortune
Stone of Gelel
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Clan Specialty : Taijutsu
Village : Hoshigakure
Ryo : 435700

Not Goodbye Empty Re: Not Goodbye

Today at 8:01 pm
Akabayashi Terumi wrote:

Exit to Kiri gates using FTG, bringing my bodyguard, 2 paths, and Jun.

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