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Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Terrific Training Empty Terrific Training

Mon Oct 14, 2024 5:52 pm
Like normal, the sky over the village of Tsukigakure was sunny and bright as Junko climbed out of her bed. Since Akabayashi’s departure from the village, Junko had been staying at the Kage Tower once again. Thankfully today’s schedule was pretty light so she took her time getting herself ready. Since the near destruction of the academy, Junko had been spending some of her time at Shinoda Springs, teaching any who needed it and that’s all that was on her agenda.

After a small breakfast and a hot shower, Junko would get dressed for the day. Though she was going to be doing some training, she still liked to try to look her best when out and about. She’d pull on a sleeveless, black wrap dress, that hugged her torso snuggly and exposed her collar bones, along with a pair of black spandex shorts that stopped about halfway down her thighs. Long slits can be seen up the sides of the dress, which expose her legs as she walks. Junko then would slide on a crimson-colored corset that tightly fit her around her waist, showed off her figure, and kept the dress underneath, snuggly in place.

Like normal she’d adorn herself in red and gold jewelry, causing her to jingle slightly as she walked. After combing out her thick, onyx black hair, Junko allowed it to lie in its natural curls down her back and draped across her shoulders. Once ready, she’d walk down to her office and gather some supplies before then leaving the building. While exiting the Kage Tower, her bodyguard Nariko joined her and followed her to the training ground. Thankfully it wasn’t long before the two of them arrived and were easily able to find a spot near one of the beautiful waterfalls.

After having Nariko bring over a picnic table, Junko would take a seat and begin working on something. To any observers, they’d see the village leader writing something in a book, along with a horned woman with white hair sitting nearby. Junko wasn’t too engrossed in her work, and should anyone approach her, she’d greet them happily before putting her work away.

WC: 359
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 49
Strength: 1

Sub Stats
Vigor AP: 1000
Bonus AP: 217
Chakra AP Reduction: 25%
Agility: 49
Passive DR: 1

Current Stats
Current Stat Points 300
Current Health Bar 300
Action Points Pool 1217

Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44

Terrific Training Empty Re: Terrific Training

Mon Oct 14, 2024 7:22 pm
Oda spoke excitedly and quickly as he walked with Takashi to Shinoda Springs. They had plans for another training session, and he was discussing what they could work on as he walked down the hill and into the training area. “So I was thinking I could show you this Jutsu I learned, called Hiding in Ashe and Dust, man this jutsu is so cool-” He paused abruptly and stopped, motioning to a table off in the distance. “Holy shit I think that's the Kage.” He put his hand over his mouth in surprise as he hardly ever cursed.

He would pace with nervous excitement for a second as he talked to Takashi “Ok, we gotta go talk to her, I heard she’s been offering lessons to people here. We might not get a chance like this again for a while!” He said excitedly to Takashi as he began walking towards the table where Junko sat. If Takashi agreed he would walk with him, if he refused he would stop walking towards the table and turn around to convince him or allay any doubts.

“I’m sure she would be happy to teach us, everything I’ve heard about the Kage has been positive. There's nothing to worry about.” He would say in hopes that would suffice in convincing him.

Oda would approach the table tentatively and respectfully.

“Uh, Ma’am?” He would say somewhat nervously before continuing upon her acknowledgement “I heard you were offering lessons, and I also hear you are quite adept at water jutsus. That is something I’m looking to learn, I haven’t unlocked my full affinity with Water just yet but I can feel I’m close!” He would say sheepishly with a tinge of pride and enthusiasm. He would wait for Takashi to introduce himself as well and for her reply.

WC: 302
Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 4500

Terrific Training Empty Re: Terrific Training

Mon Oct 14, 2024 8:30 pm
Takashi awoke with his head laying on the cherry-wood bar of the 'Red Moon Resort', he sat up looking at Sanji the barkeeper who worked through the night. "Damn Sanji, it was yet another long night. Can I get my room key?" Sanji seemed to snicker as he tossed over Takashi's key, the man made his way up to his room grabbing a hot shower and doing a bit of trimming to the straggled hairs on his face. Before setting out he threw on his normal black kimono and straw sandagosa, even picking up the pink floral kimono he obtained after a night of drinking and draped it over his shoulders. After feeling refreshed and tying his hair back with a hair-tie, Takashi made his way back downstairs and out to the street. Mere moments passed when Oda approached with his normal excitement, after a little friendly banter they began making their way together to the Shinoda Springs to train as they had the other day.

They drew closer to the training grounds as Oda seemed to freeze, motioning to a dark haired woman in rather sculpting garbs, sitting at a picnic table scribbling into a book of sorts. Oda was starstruck upon seeing her, he spoke in a way that Takashi had never heard from him which brought about a rather hearty laugh from Takashi as he watched Oda cover his mouth as though he was to be scolded for his language. Takashi would agree to follow Oda as they approached the lady as she was busy with her work, Oda spoke first most likely drawing her attention from the book she had. After his timid request Takashi would wait for the most opportune moment to introduce himself, ensuring not to interrupt or be rude in any manner. However, he would say "Good Morning, My Lady...", tipping his sandagosa by grasping it between his right index finger and thumb and pulling down slightly, "I'm Takashi, a Vagrant in your village. I do appreciate your hospitality." He would brandish a smile to show he is a man of peace and learning. Awaiting for the conversation to carry forward, Takashi would pull his pipe from inside his outer layer of clothing. Taking a step back to avoid assaulting anyone's senses as he lit the tobacco and took a small puff, turning his head upward and slightly away from everyone as he blew a smoke circle and kind of watched it disappear into the atmosphere.

(WC 413)
Junko Tsukiko
Junko Tsukiko
Village Leader
Village Leader
Stat Page : Stat Page
Mission Record : Mission Log
Living Clones : Kiko Tsukiko
Jun Tsukiko
Remove Iryōjutsu Remove Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Earth Water Lightning Remove Default
Clan Specialty : Genjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 0

Terrific Training Empty Re: Terrific Training

Yesterday at 8:27 pm
As the two men approached, the horned woman with a stoic expression stood and cleared her throat, grabbing Junko’s attention. She’d stand beside the village leader, roughly an arm's length away, and eyed them as they approached. Junko on the other hand immediately smiled and offered them a small wave as her attention was drawn towards them. Her crimson-colored, siren-shaped eyes followed them for a moment as they walked toward her. After looking down briefly and closing her book, she motioned for Nariko to relax a bit as she waited for them to finish their approach. They could feel the air surrounding Junko buzzing excitedly as they approached as if there was some sort of aura around her.

She allowed them to speak first, not wanting to interrupt them and come off as rude. The orange-haired one would speak up first, though he neglected to tell her his name. He explained that he knew she was offering lessons and wished to learn some water jutsu. Being her first element, she was quite proficient with that element so she figured it’d be a relatively easy task. She’d give him an appeased expression as he explained that he hadn’t gained the ability to manipulate it quite yet, though he thought it was close. Before Takashi spoke, Junko would respond. Her voice was warm and melodic, beckoning those around her to open up to her.

”I’m happy to hear word spread of my lessons. I’d be more than happy to teach you a few things! Though I do ask that you tell me your name, or I can simply call you “Carrot” if you’d like.”

After a light giggle, a playful smirk crossed her lips as she awaited his response, though soon her attention would shift to the man standing beside him. He’d greet her with a tip of his hat and introduce himself as Takashi. He then explained that he was a vagrant, and thanked her for her hospitality. A light blush crossed her face as she waved her hand slightly, not thinking anything too special of her hospitality.

”It’s an absolute pleasure to meet you Takashi, I’m happy you’re enjoying your visit! I’d like to offer the extension of teaching to you as well, though you might not be a part of my village, I was in your shoes once and don’t mind lending a hand. As stated, I’m proficient in water, but also can control both earth and lightning should that interest you. Oh, and both of you, please feel free to simply call me Junko, no need for formalities among friends.”

She’d pause for a moment, giving Takashi time to respond. Should he agree, Junko would stand from the table and begin their lesson. Regardless of the element they wished to learn, the beginning step was the same. Attunement to one of them can be difficult, but she always found it best to begin with a bit of meditation. She’d beckon them to follow her down to the riverbank before finding a relatively comfortable spot and sitting down.

”This spot should do nicely, please take a seat you two, and get comfy. We’re going to start off with some meditation.”

Should they agree, she’d begin by guiding them through a series of meditations that focused primarily on chakra control. She’d explain the process of infusing their chakra with the elements, allowing them to control it easily.

WC: 576
Total WC: 935
Oda Terumi
Oda Terumi
Stat Page : Stat Page
Vigor: 150
Chakra: 100
Speed: 49
Strength: 1

Sub Stats
Vigor AP: 1000
Bonus AP: 217
Chakra AP Reduction: 25%
Agility: 49
Passive DR: 1

Current Stats
Current Stat Points 300
Current Health Bar 300
Action Points Pool 1217

Mission Record : Mission Record
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Tsukigakure
Ryo : 44

Terrific Training Empty Re: Terrific Training

Yesterday at 9:16 pm
“Oh yes! Haha” Oda would laugh nervously and continue “My name is Oda Terumi, I’ve lived in the land of Moon for 9 years now, we moved from Kirigakure-” His smile faltered a bit at the mention of his old home,but quickly returned. “ and I moved to Tsukigakure to become a village-ninja when I was 17. I've lived here for a year now doing that and just joined the academy a few months ago!-” He stopped abruptly, suddenly aware of his nervous oversharing. “Eh, sorry Kage- Um- Uh- Sorry… Ms. Junko. “ He would say sheepishly again, bowing slightly in nervousness. “You can call me Carrot if you wish, or Oda, I like the ring of Carrot to be quite honest.”

He would wait for his friend Takashi and the Kage to conclude their discussion. At the conclusion of their discussion and Takashis agreement to begin training, Oda would eagerly follow the Kage to the edge of the river that flowed through Tsukigakure. His nervousness at meeting the Kage instantly faded away as he was confronted with the beauty of nature in this land. Their meditations hadn’t even begun and he felt it all so deeply, the breathing of the plants, the noises of the flowing water lapping up against rocks and flowing down and out of Tsukigakure, the faint feel of the breeze as it impacted his skin. He felt it all so deeply in Shinoda Springs.

Normally anyone talking would suddenly break him out of these day-dream like states that Oda found himself in occasionally, and the experience was usually a little jarring. However, with Junkos voice it seemed to gently coax him out, and he found himself focusing like he never had before. Oda was a terrible student usually and was more often than not relegated to self-teaching. However the Kages' calm demeanor seemed to bring him into a focused state.

A Good thing too, for if Oda had not been in that focused state it might have been nearly impossible for him to meditate. He was good at hyper focusing in the moment when it came to jutsus, but the act of sitting still and actively trying to not think was one that was nearly impossible for Oda. However, he was determined to learn the water element, and part of being a shinobi was about doing what is needed, not necessarily what is wanted.

The two shinobi would first take a seated position doing an Easy Pose, their legs criss crossed and their backs straight. Junko would instruct them to breathe in through their nose for a five count, hold it for a two count, and then slowly exhale through their mouths for a ten count. Each time they did this Oda felt his mind wander less and less, like his thoughts were being reigned in on a leash, he focused more on his breathing and counting. Eventually his mind was nearly empty save for the physical sensations of the wind as it brushed against his skin. Junko's voice echoed in his consciousness crystal clear but without intrusion or disruption of his calmed state. She would instruct him to open his chakra to the element of water.  

He would form the element of water with both of his hands, his palms facing upwards to the sky, curling his thumb and tucking his index finger underneath it. It wouldn’t be long before Oda would be flooded with the feeling of flowing water, like his veins turned to rivers. He became extremely sensitive to all sensations regarding water. He could vividly hear the river next to them, from the popping of the bubbles in the white water rapids, the gentle droplet noises as the water lapped against boulders, to the roaring white noise of the waterfall which flowed some distance away.

This heightened state even made him aware of the flowing of his blood, the watering of his eyes or the presence of the saliva in his mouth. These senses built and built as he maintained the Water sign with his hands, eventually crescendoing into a cascade of senses that flowed into and through and around Oda's psyche. He fought to maintain this state, focusing on nothing but the sensations around him and the flowing of his own chakra. Eventually the cascade subsided, and the torrent of sensations calmed, becoming a still lake of awareness.

Oda opened his eyes, he had no idea how long it had been. To him it felt like it could have been 5 minutes or 3 hours. After looking at Takashi and seeing how he was handling it, he would wait for his fellow Terumi to ask questions or speak. Only speaking afterwards.

He would look to Junko, now in a much more serene and tranquil mood than he was when nervously meeting the Kage. “I think I might have done it. How long have we been meditating?” He would ask without a hint of embarrassment at his own question.  

He would wait for her to respond before calmly looking at the flowing river and simply stating “Interesting.” Then he would give a big smile, more of his old boisterous self returning.

“Wow Ms.Junko that felt incredible! I can't believe I haven’t taken up meditation sooner!” He would stand up and stretch, looking at the water once more and already feeling the affinity for it settle into his chakra.

“Would you have time to teach some jutsus Lady Tsukiko? I’m eager to put this affinity to use!” He would say eagerly, giving a big grin and a thumbs up.

WC: 928
TWC: 1228

Jun Tsukiko likes this post

Takashi Terumi
Takashi Terumi
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Vagabond (D-Rank)
Stat Page : Takashi's Bingo Entry
Mission Record : Takashi's Mission Scroll
Ninjutsu Remove Default
Remove Remove Remove Remove Fire Default
Clan Specialty : Ninjutsu
Village : Vagabonds
Ryo : 4500

Terrific Training Empty Re: Terrific Training

Yesterday at 10:25 pm
Takashi took note of the horned woman's protective nature during this entire interaction, he couldn't help but appreciate the way they handled the situation and allowed the Kage to have freedom. He quietly waited for Junko to speak with, "Carrot" the name made Takashi chuckle lightly but if Oda liked it then more power to him. After their quick interaction and introductions, well not so quick as Oda seemed to spill out a bit of his life story, an act which Takashi assumed was due to his increasingly nervous behavior. Of course Takashi would proceed to follow this moment up with his own introduction and listen as she responded to him, of course he couldn't help but take note of the color coming to her cheeks at the tip of his hat, though he would simply respond with his normal pleasant smile. She extended her hospitality further, an offer to give him a personal lesson despite not being a member of this lovely village. She continued to go even further with her pleasantries to say they could use her name, Takashi however couldn't as he was always respectful beyond need. "If it is truly not too much to ask.." He would pause his bass-baritone riddled voice as he would make eye contact with Junko, a sign of respect and attentiveness, "I do have a desire to unlock the strength of the earth, My Lady." His normal smile returned to his face as he listened to her beckon them to the riverside.

Approaching this selected location, Oda seemed to settle in quite quickly and assume a rather simple crossed leg seat. Takashi walked over and found a rather smooth round stone, standing in the center of it he disrobed the colorful kimono on his shoulders and slipped the sandals from his feet just off to the side. Leaving his sandagosa to be removed and tossed down with his kimono, Takashi sat in a similar position to Oda, legs crossed and back rather straight yet his body relaxed. He laid the backs of his forearms on his thighs as he rolled his hands together, his knuckles touching, backs of his hands pointed to the ground beneath him in a fist position. He closed his eyes and listened to the melodious voice of Junko as she began explaining chakra and the control process, he would create a slow and steadily controlled pattern to his breathing. Going as far as synchronizing it with even the intake of smoke from his kiseru pipe, he was beyond relaxed as he began to envision his chakra flowing through his body calm and steady. With clear instruction from a calming and guiding voice, Takashi began to internally swirl his chakra within his chest, going as far as attempting to balance his physical and mental chakras like one would do for ninjutsu.

It was at this point that Takashi would normally insert his affinity for fire, creating flames with his chakra and preparing to use it in a ninjutsu. However, he sought to unlock the secrets of his inner earthen chakra, so he began trying to listen to the earth around him. After a few moments he heard it, it was distant but the sound of a small landslide of the earthy bank disappeared into the riverbed. He focused on the sound of the sliding gravel, the gritty, grinding, and shuffling stone sound resonated in Takashi's mind. He thought of this as his chakra began to imitate this noise with its movement within himself, he could hear the gravel grinding sounds of his chakra as it ground against itself. His bare feet on the stone beneath him could feel the vibrations of the distant animals frolicking in the distance, each vibration he felt he transferred to his chakra causing this more stony chakra to shake and become compact to itself like a stone in his chest. It continued to grind and mold together becoming a heavy stone, he now focused on making this ball of chakra weigh less as it formed closer and closer to a mass of stone. Takashi with eyes closed would not notice, but around his stone he had been sitting upon a swirl of dust made a perfect circular indentation showing he had unintentionally affected the ground around himself. The subtle shake from the stone snapped him from his meditation, his eyes opened as his hands relaxed and rested on his knees.

Takashi took a puff from his kiseru and blew a smoke ring, a slight breeze cascaded across his shoulders blowing his ponytail over his left shoulder as he once again found his eyes drawn to his mentor Junko. If she had finished her meditation Takashi would speak in his normal calm and low growl voice, "Exceptional training My Lady, I have always enjoyed a calm meditation." He would smirk as he awaited her to respond. Shortly after Oda would speak up, he questioned the time they had been there. Something that never even crossed Takashi's mind as he continued to listen to his friend and their mentor further. He took note at how quickly Oda seemed to grasp his element, perhaps Takashi should have started with Water as well he began to wonder. No matter, he would listen to the sensei as she spoke and watch carefully to see what she might do next. He couldn't help looking at her and wondering, she commented before on being in his shoes once. He couldn't believe someone could go from where he is now, to the leader of a village and with such grace and influence. He would eventually snap back to reality and throw a grin to Oda, "Oda, I appreciate you bringing me along today. It was well worth it." He of course made sure when he said this that it would not interrupt anyone.

(WC 972)
(TWC 1,385)
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