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Midori Terumi
Midori Terumi
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Spooky Times in the Snow Empty Spooky Times in the Snow

Yesterday at 6:44 pm
Hard Mode

Tonight was a particular cold night, but unlike most it was filled with the cries and laughter of children and adults alike. Lanterns and all manners of pumpkins littered the streets where the stalls of the markets had been, and for some costumes were adorned. It had been the day of All Hallows Eve, for some a "sacred" day for them, but for this genin it was just another Tuesday. Looking onward into the village from the balcony of his apartment, Midori had let out a small plume of air from his lungs as he continued to listen to happy chatter of those excited to celebrate. From what he knew it was a day to some to ward off the evil spirts that refused to rest, but to others it had been the day where the veil between both the natural and supernatural were at its thinnest. Midori was not as religious as those in the village, but that was not to say he was not a believer in some sense. To him, this day was muddled and it was one he was better off just not celebrating altogether. Either way he found himself wanting to take a walk out into the village just to see how the others, the ones that did not mind that spiritual shift, went about it. He had already been dressed in his white pants and black boots. As he walked out of his room he grabbed the long white jacket he was known for wearing off of the coat rack and throw it on before fastening it. Looking at his mask, he would decide to grab it and fasten it to his outer belt and head out. As he closed the door behind him, a few kids would run past him dressed in all manner of attire, and he could have sworn he had seen one dressed as the Hyogakage which only made him chuckle lightly.

The crunching of snow beneath his boots would soon follow as he began to walk into the village, more specifically toward the market area of the village. There most of the festivities had been taking place and among them would be food. His hands at the moment had been firmly placed inside of his pockets as he walked, the dark green eyes simply scanning his surroundings and taking in what all he had been seeing about him. It was refreshing seeing the villagers be happy about something and content enough to let their guard down, but it was not a luxury that he could afford. Midori walked passed several food stalls offering all kinds of oddities, but most of it was the same food they had offered normally just in a festive form. As he passed the food stall he came across the oddities and festive items. Pumpkins, masks, wands, fake Katanas and shuriken. Even lanterns littered some of them. They had been of all makes and designs even some that you could decorate on your own. It was one stall however that caused him to pause and not even he could fathom why. He was passing it and got less than six inches from it when it felt like he heard something call to him. Turning on his heels to perform an about face, he looked at the lantern and leaned down slightly for a moment to inspect it humming to himself as he did.

"What are you...."

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