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Nix Pendragon
Nix Pendragon
Stat Page : Nix's Statistics
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Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 6250

Pumpkins And Orchard Apples. Empty Pumpkins And Orchard Apples.

Yesterday at 10:38 pm
Nix admonished herself daily. “Do more…” Her unyielding commitment to integrity clashed violently with the surreal expediency of a reality that gnawed at the very foundation of her being. ” Be better.” House Pendragon had always served as a sanctuary, a bastion of solace amid a world where deceit was the currency of survival. It stood like a fortress built brick by brick, each stone a testament to her struggles, rising beyond the chaotic shoreline of her existence.

Errant daydreams tugged at her focus, draped in the silken veils of vague silhouettes, chivalrous ideals, glinting regalia, and standards adorned with the colours of her house. These reveries, like delicate glass, held a subtle beauty, each thought a shimmering reflection of her hopes and fears. They were grand yet vulnerable, their intricacies woven with meticulous care that spoke of the painstaking artistry behind them.

Undisturbed in contemplation, Nix probed the insidiously devious details hidden within the mundane. Her unwavering faith in transcending the overly simplistic and her intense desire to strive stirred a tempest within her, urging her to loosen the rigid constraints of her temperance. As if in a crucible, her fervour ignited the dull material, breathing vibrant life into it, revealing hidden layers and complexities. The ordinary danced before her, no longer trivial but brimming with potential.

With thoughtful introspection, Nix highlighted the stark dissimilarities that existed between commonality and uniqueness, illuminating how each interacted with the other. This delicate interplay showcased a profound respect for originality while simultaneously acknowledging their shared essence. A discernible contrast emerged, stark and vivid, between the object’s original intent and its current state. From its humble beginnings, it journeyed through numerous phases and challenges, evolving into something remarkably different by the time it reached its current state.

Over time, Nix delved into the platonic elements that comprised each object, pondering how the ravages of time’s deterioration, corrosion, and erosion transformed them into something uniquely identifiable. What once was ordinary became a testament to resilience, marked by the scars of existence. This mental process had evolved into more than a habit; it became a meditative ritual, reflecting the circumspect idiosyncrasies expected of a Pendragon. Yet, even with her rich heritage and the weight of her ancestry, Nix felt the tug of a world that moved faster than she could grasp. Each step in the shinobi’s realm felt like trudging through mud, her pace a laggard's in a race where others thrived on deceit and agility. Having witnessed the relegation of the oligarchal regime in Kirigakure, she reaffirmed her convictions with a heavy heart. In this life, amidst the shadows and whispers, it was always sink or swim.

Late for the ball. ~
Nix, suddenly approached by an ankle biter, who was approximately knee-high to a grasshopper, stirred from her solitude. This youngster proffered an opportunity, an introduction with a qualm. The ordeal contributed to absolving, allaying and scattering Nix’s thoughts. The Pendragon squire formally renounced her idleness diligently in an attempt to aid the troubled child with their predicament. Their voice’s timbre was resonant and held eloquent notions that kicked the hokiest-pokey metaphorically through Nix’s front door. Lisping, the child enquired about Nix’s extraordinarily renowned ability to find a suitable pumpkin. Discernibly, whether the child was being exceptionally picky or not, Nix realised that the young child was interested in the very pumpkin she had elected to carve herself. Reluctantly, and with no small amount of satisfaction, Nix relinquished the frivolity of carving the leathery flesh of the vegetable to the amused youth. As Fall crept in, Nix realised she needed to discover new adventures to fill her days and ward off the impending chill of boredom.

Word Count: 612/500.
Claims: Pure Blooded Shinobi {Skill} [Previous Word Count]2,236 + 612 = 2,848 / 4000
Statistics: +6 Vigour.

Rewards: 1,000 Ryo / 5 AP / 5 Fall Fest Tickets
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