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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Kyuzo training his sharingan

Sun Jan 01, 2012 10:58 pm
Kyuzo woke up early in the morning it was only a week ago since he passed the exam to become a genin. Kyuzo walked over to a book shelf and was looking for a few books before he left his house in the uchiha clan area. While looking for the books he found the Uchiha clan history he looked at famous uchiha clan members Madara, Itachi, and Sasuke and what they did while they were alive. While ready about Itachi he read that he got his sharingan at the age of seven. Kyuzo started to think i wish i had my sharingan right now. Kyuzo put the book down and found a book about some the more advance fire based jutsu and a book with steps to achieve the sharingan. He put the book on top of the Uchiha history book and the fire style book. He grabbed his back pack and put the books in it he then went to the fridge to grab something to eat but he had no food. Kyuzo shut the fridge and grabbed his backpack and left his house. While he was leaving the village to start his training. He started to think about Madara Uchiha his father told him that he was the clan leader long ago and he fought the first hokage at a place called the Valley of the End. Kyuzo started to walk thought the forest to would lead to the Valley when he stopped and opened the Sharingan training book he had. He started to read it and was walking while reading the book ignoring everything around him. While reading the book Kyuzo read that he would have to be in a difficult circumstance. Kyuzo started to think how would i get put in a difficult circumstance he started to think hard he couldnt come up with anything. But he started to think even if he couldn't achieve his sharingan it was a nice day out to read and train his fire jutsu. Kyuzo stopped and switched books and grabbed the Uchiha history book and started to read that. After he got a quarter of the way done he saw that he was at the valley of the end. He started to look around he didnt see anyone so he put his back pack down and laid down and started to read more about the history of the uchiha.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:38 pm
Hikari was traveling. Traveling where and why was a mystery to her. She had decided to take a break from all the pain of Kirigakure and decided to venture out into the world. Find new places, meet new people, explore, the whole package. She also wanted to find out more about her eyes. Er....her eye really. She wanted to know what the Byakugan to do and what its limits were. Also, how to activate it. She had tried many a times but has failed every time. She just couldn't get it. No matter how hard she tried, her attempts were futile...

Hikari ran around the corner and could see the faint outlines of trees in the distance. She had to squint with her left eye to see it though. It was troublesome, having only one eye to see with. She had learned how to fight, even with only seeing half the sight she could before. It was just...more effort to put out. She had to act quicker and had to always be on alert. She couldn't relax. Having only one eye had its disadvantages. It had more cons than pros.

Maybe I could train my Byakugan in that valley area. Hikari thought as she raced forward, a plan formulating in her mind. Since there were trees, there had to be birds right? Well she could try and see the birds nests through the tree leaves. Or something like that. Maybe I can actually activate it this time! Hikari smirked slightly to herself as she entered the edge of the valley. She could make out the tiny silhouette of a person. She shrugged and kept walking forward, her hands moving as she formed the hand sign needed to activate the Byakugan. "Byakugan!" She whispered to herself.

The veins in Hikari's head popped out and her eye grew more focused. She had indeed activated the Byakugan. "Yes! I did it!" She cheered to herself, a little to loudly... Hikari then looked around and noted that the person was a boy. He looked to be about five years old, quite young to be alone by himself. Hikari walked closer to him, keeping her distance in case he for some reason attacked her. "Hello!" She said cheerfully, waving slightly to him. Hikari could, as she gazed at the young boy, detect something that reminded her of chakra. It was faint of course, but it was still there. Is that...Is that what there eyes can do? ....Cool!

(words: 417. Level 1 and Level 2 of Byakugan mastered)
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Sun Jan 01, 2012 11:51 pm
Kyuzo who was reading his book heard a person talk to him. He shuts his book and gets up and looks around to see where the voice came from. As he was looking he saw a girl walk out form the trees. Kyuzo looked at he to see where she is from while looking he sees that she has the byakugan. He thinks to himself the byakugan my father told me it was only a huyga bloodline but the person didnt look like she was from the leaf. But Kyuzo didnt see any real reason to be afraid of her she seemed friendly. He saw her wave to him so he waved back hesitantly since she was a pretty cute girl. He looked at her again " Why do you have the byakugan if your not form this village outsider " asked forcefully but still with a hint of friendliness towards her. He looked around her to see if she had any friends with her which he couldnt find any. So he went in to his backpack and grabbed his book about the sharingan and thought to himself now maybe i could reach that goal to achieve my sharingan. Kyuzo while reading the book still kept his eyes on the girl so he wouldnt get cough of guard.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:30 am
Hikari tensed up slightly at the question. Anything even slightly relevant to her past hit a hard spot on her. She shook her head slightly and answered his question, "I was born in the Leaf but taken to Kirigakure right after my birth. And so, that is the reason for me having a Kiri headband and not a Leaf headband." She then motioned to the headband around her waist.

Hikari tilted her head to the side slightly and looked at the book he was reading. "Um...If you don't mind me asking....What are you reading about?" She asked quietly. She was always fond of children, they always seemed to innocent and carefree. least some did. He doesn't seem to be like the children of my village. So far at least.... She thought, inwardly shuttering at the thought that this young boy could be like the violent children in Kiri. Then again....they were raised in a killing environment. But so was I...and I don't act like them.... Maybe it's because of our pasts. They probably weren't exiled from their clans like I was. They probably just had to train harshly and stuff....

"Oh! By the way, I'm Hikari Hyuuga." She said, a smile gracing her lips. She bowed elegantly, to show her respect and politeness toward the boy. Yes, he was younger than her but she still respected him. Even if they just met... "May I ask...What your name is?"

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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 12:40 am
Kyuzo shut his book and tossed it at his backpack since he was done reading it and had all the info he needed . "So your telling me that you were taken away as a kid and went to another village with a leaf bloodline" Kyuzo said in a calm voice . He started to think of her as a traitor even if it wasnt her fault. Kyuzo looked at her with a strange look since she was looking at him kinda strange. " By the way my name is Kyuzo Mugetsu Uchiha i left my clan after my whole family was killed by the foolishness of my grandfather" Kyuzo told her in a nice voice that turned angry just by saying his grandfather. " But its nice to meet you Hikkari " Kyuzo said as he bowed in return to her bow to him. " If you dont mind me asking what are you doing at this place".
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:07 am
"Mhm...." Hikari muttered, trailing off at the end. That just sounds so great. Makes me sound horrible. But hey, it was my clan's fault. They were the ones who banished me away. Or at least out of the clan household. I don't think they can exile me from Konoha...Only the Hokage can do that, right? I hope so.... She thought, inwardly sighing.

"Nice to meet you Kyuzo." She spoke softly. He...he says that so calmly.... Why? And the Uchiha? The grand Uchiha of the Leaf? They....they were taken down by one of their own members? ....Wow. She had heard people around the village talk of the great Uchiha clan that resided in Konoha, but she had never met one before. And his grandfather did it? That's really harsh..... I wonder why he did it. The Uchiha seem like nice at least Kyuzo does. But he could have been raised differently. Raised to be nicer to people or something. I don't really know....

"I don't mind." Hikari said, the smile not leaving her face. "I was bored of Kiri. I've lived there practically my whole life and truthfully, I have no ties there anymore. So I decided to leave and while running, I came upon this place. I thought this area would be a good place to train my Byakugan, and so far it seems to be true..... What about you, if I may ask?"

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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:19 am
Kyuzo turned and looked at the statue of Madara Uchiha and pointed " You see that man he was my grate great great grandfather he was the leader of the uchiha and he fought the first hokage. You see im hair to the Uchiha clan or was so i came here looking for power and the Uchiha's power the sharingan eye that is wanted by all for its power". Kyuzo turned and looked at Hikari you want your clans bloodline and i want mine clans blood line maybe we could help each other out. Kyuzo gets in a basic fighting stance and gets looks a Hikari " So what do you think are you up for a nice easy sparing session with me" Kyuzo said with a smile on his face as a gust of wind blew across the valley.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:18 am heir?! Say what? Hikari thought to herself, surprised and shock to find out he was heir to the Uchiha clan. But considering his clan was just killed and he would make sense... And...The Sharingan? Their Kekkei Genkai? ....Interesting... Hikari hadn't really heard of the Sharingan but guessed that since it came from the powerful Uchiha clan that it was extremely powerful.

"A sparing session? Hm....Why not?" Hikari said, nodded her head to show she agreed. She also got into a fighting stance. Her right hand was in front of her, extended, and her left hand was pulled back, closer to her chest. It was one of the many stances of the Hyuuga clan. Though it was nothing grand like the Gentle Fist or the 64 Palms stance. Hikari could detect a large amount of Kyuzo's chakra and could see his chakra points. If only I knew he Gentle Fist technique that my dad knew. He always won against me with that move....

Hikari, age seven, was standing in a fighting position similar to the one she was in now. Her opponent was a man about five times herself. It was her father. He stood with his Byakugan activated and was getting ready to get into the Gentle Fist stance. He was saying something to Hikari but she could barely hear it. She heard a few parts though, like "Gentle Fist", "Pride of the Hyuuga clan", and "Byakugan". From those words she could practically piece together what he had said. That the Gentle Fist taijutsu move was the pride move of the Hyuuga clan and that it needed the Byakugan to be used. Hikari and her father were getting ready to spar. At this time though, Hikari had both of her eyes and could see perfectly, without any disadvantages. That story was to be told at a different time.
*End of Flashback*

Hikari blinked. The flashback had only been a second but it seemed like forever to her. Father...You better be watching. Cuz I'm going to unlock the Gentle Fist technique soon. So just keep watching... She thought, even now more than ever determined to unlock the secret techniques of her clan. The clan that exiled her because she had light, blonde hair, not dark, black hair. She was determined to show them, to show all of her clan members what she could do. That was now her resolution. least one of them. "You can attack first." Hikari said to Kyuzo.

(905/800. Level 3 mastered.)
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 2:38 am
Kyuzo let his guard down and started to run at Hikari since he was going to attack first he was going to bring the fight to her. When he got close enough to her he made a fist with his left hand and punched her in the gut. With his fist still in the gut he started to talk to her " You know you should have attacked first" Kyuzo had a sadistic smile on his face with his fist in her gut. He took the fist out and quickly did a spinning kick to her ribs and jumped back. He looked at her " Come on i want to see if the genital fist is as powerful as everyone says it is or if its over rated" Kyuzo told her in a mocking way. Kyuzo got in his stance again and singled her to come and fight him. Kyuzo started to remember sparing with his uncle and father and how hard they would fight with each other. He started remember how fast they both were when they spared with each other and how strong they were. It was thanks to them and their training Kyuzo became a splend ninja at such a young age. They tough him everything he knows how to train disciplin duty above ones life and how to fight with both ninjutsu and taijutsu. They were truly the pride of the Uchiha clan until his grandfather came in and got his father killed. Since his uncle died on a high ranking mission and then made his father go on a suicide mission that got him killed then his mother died and then his grandfather killed himself. Kyuzo started to get mad at the thought of his grandfather " That scum he made me loss everything" Kyuzo's eyes turned into the sharingan even if it was only the first tome he still has it now. He was looking at Hikari he consternation was unbreakable it felt like.
Courtney Ikari
Courtney Ikari
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Kyuzo training his sharingan Empty Re: Kyuzo training his sharingan

Mon Jan 02, 2012 3:19 am
Hikari side-stepped the punch to her gut, barely missing it. Oh? So I should have gone first? Maybe.... She thought, smirking slightly. Hikari didn't have enough time to dodge his kick, not fully being able to use her Byakugan...and because of her eyesight. Hikari was pushed back some but quickly caught herself before she could fall back. Eep. I gotta make sure he doesn't land those type of moves. I may be screwed if he does....Or at least I might be......

Hikari recomposed herself and nodded slightly as he said he wanted her to try the Gentle Fist move. She thought back to how her father had done many years ago and tried to copy what he did, since she couldn't do it herself....not yet at least. Hikari was about to run forward when Kyuzo gained the Sharingan. Oh shit.... She thought, her eyes widening slightly. At least he just activated it and hasn't mastered it yet. I would be screwed if he did....

Hikari shook her head, though she felt as if he was still concentrating on her, and ran forward, her hands pulled back, getting ready to strike. The Gentle Fist Technique let the Byakugan holders cut off people's chakra points, but not forever. She continued to run forward until she was close enough and she aimed her right hand forward first, with such speed not many could see it coming. Except those who had special Kekkei Genkai' the Sharingan.... Hikari then thrust-ed her left hand forward. She aimed her right hand at his heart and her left hand at his right arm. She then, after she did the first 'attack', or so she called it, she jumped back and got ready to strike again. "How was that brief view of the Gentle Fist?" She asked, a smirk on her face and a glint in her eye.

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