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Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Will {Private} Empty Will {Private}

Sat Mar 03, 2012 11:39 pm
Day 1- Will, Kenal's Speed and stamina training.

As If i was lazy enough. the words echoed through kenal's mind. The chunnins, A way to rank up in the ninja world, To a higher standing. Where something to pass up..."Stupid..."
he said in a whisper. He then turned to his surroundings, The weather being warm, And outside of his gaze, The large forest surrounding the village hidden in the leaves..Konohagakure. Filled with its people and buildings, And the large mountain, Engraving the kage faces. The Lush green grass...The clans filling konoha..and all the more. And this is a home...I would rather less not be in.. He turned, And as fast as he could, Ran. Past trees, Even though he wasn't fast, He was making progress, The walls to his left, and the trees towering over him to his right. He passed a wonder of creatures. And yet, The same thought came to his mind, The chunnins, Failed...Not attempted, Kenal, Was in his world. But instead of his dinosaur, And toys. It was the world of throwing kunai, Shuriken, And Of his own rank, Genin. What pity, He had it for himself though. That he once thought of his toys and such as fun. Kenal Sighed, For a while, He then smiled to himself, Would a lazy person be running around the walls of konoha...Facing his own lack of energy, And only being a 8 year old...I think NOT! And began to run harder, he felt the trees becoming a mere illusion to himself, The wall diddnt exist, And he had all the room he needed. He could run anywhere without any type of problem. Then he failed. He tripped over a root of a tree, And spun over, But with luck, He landed palm down and knee on the ground, As if all he did was fall then roll to regain his balance.
Kenal then, Continued to run. He then, Began to keep his speed, going on and going, Then he noticed a small bird, Its color was great, It was red. With blue wing shaded colors. It had broken a wing. Kenal picked the bird up.And put it in a small Bag, And then he grabbed memento, And cut the bag a open hole. And placed the bird in there, In which it had air. And then began to run, Faster, Hoping it could take it to someone who could fix it some way.

Then he was right next to the hokage mountain, With the faces on it..And he gazed with a smile, Halfway to healing...little bird!!!

468/400 (For current stat)
68/400 (For next stat to be trained)
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
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Will {Private} Empty Re: Will {Private}

Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:11 am
(1 speed, 2 JP)
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Will {Private} Empty Re: Will {Private}

Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:45 am
Kenal ran faster, Now that he knew he could save the small animal, Filled with life and hope. and passed the hokage faces. ..My life, Filled with so many ways to live it...How many more years can i live...How strong can i become in a few days... What is my highest possible limit. All appeared, But his one priority stood strong. Save the bird. No matter what the risk...An other, Even if its a lower life form, Stands before your own. And kenal...With his own thoughts..Was to remember that one nindo...His whole life. Then kenal yelled, His feet, Were hurting more then could imagine.. He could pass out right there..But kenal didn't yell with anger...He yelled with a type of hope. And continued the sprint. Kenal Leaped over a branch in front. He intended not to trip again.. kenal laughed at the moment, With his chances, He wouldn't make it, All the way around konoha..Not a chance If anything, he would fail at the last step and make his own soul..Hate to be trapped in his own body.. Then he rethought..If he failed, He failed the bird. Kenal smiled, Then kept running with all his hope. All his thoughts...All of his ways. He saw it...3/4 The way there...He was going to make it with all of his strength...And if he failed...Failure was not an option!! He kept running, Running, And then he saw it...He turned left and saw the gate...But his feet were trembling...He needed to have his one last..His greatest shot..And then he did it...He began to run as fast as he could. The gate grew bigger and bigger as he approached.. But he was still a long way.. From home..From the streets of konoha.. He passed the trees in his own world yet again. And then the bird...Making him smile, Tweeted him on. Making its own tune. Making the bird sound as if it was saying to reach it. And get to the gates. And with that..Kenal tripped right infront of the gates....he had made it..100% All the way around.

374 total +Leftover words from last one. 38 leftover
400/400 (For speed)
038/400 (For next stat)
Kino R. Kyodo
Kino R. Kyodo
Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Remove Ryo : 66500

Will {Private} Empty Re: Will {Private}

Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:46 am
(1 Speed, 2 JP)
Kawahaga Niku
Kawahaga Niku
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Will {Private} Empty Re: Will {Private}

Sun Mar 04, 2012 12:49 am
Rest to be completed, 1 topic break in new area.
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