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Giotto Kaguya's Week in the Academy Empty Giotto Kaguya's Week in the Academy

Sun Jan 20, 2013 9:51 pm
Occurs after this

Giotto wrote:Giotto, not knowing what he wanted to do with his day quickly ran to the academy. Upon arriving he saw all types of people training, mainly in Speed, Strength, Stamina, Health and Chakra. He decided that he would train in all five over the next five days, starting with speed. He began by watching Jin, an upcoming kid he had heard about in the academy. Giotto could barely keep track of Jin as Jin moved at almost twice Giotto's speed, however Giotto was able to trace him, even though most of what Giotto saw was a blur. After a few hours of watching Jin run laps around the field Giotto slowly noticed that Jin no longer appeared as a blur to him even though Jin did still appear to be faster then him.

Looking around, Giotto quickly saw that a crowd had stationed itself around the field, watching Jin as he ran laps and laps around the field. Not wanting to be outdone Jin quickly got out of his seat and slowly began to run around the field. For every footstep Giotto took Jin took two, and after realizing this Giotto put his all into his run around the field. Giotto did not realize just how fast Jin was until Jin nearly ran two full laps where Giotto was only able to run one. This aggravated Giotto, so he tried harder and harder, putting more and more strength into every foot step that he took. However, no matter how much strength he put into his steps he just could not seem to catch up with Jin.

After circling around the field for a 5th time Giotto came to a halt, giving up on trying to catch up with Jin. However, Jin quickly reached Giotto and stopped him from leaving the field.

"Don't be discouraged Giotto. The only reason I am so fast is because I practice here everyday, and I have been doing so since I could walk."

Giotto had admired the dedication Jin had to running. He quickly regretted his choice to give up and was about to start running when Jin stopped him yet again.

"The secret is to use the two essential things to any ninja Giotto. That's how I learned to run so fast."

Giotto thought about what Jin had just said and then watched Jin yet again, monitoring his legs the whole time. After a half an hour Giotto realized what Jin had just told him. The two things essential to a ninja were Mental and Physical Strength, these two things coming together to create chakra. As Giotto continued to watch the boy he quickly realized that Jin had just informed him to concentrate his chakra into his legs while running. However he also picked up on the mental fortitude of Jin, noting that Jin did not seem as he was going to give up. Ever.

Giotto then began to quickly course chakra throughout his legs, supplying them with extra strength. While doing this Giotto also started to pump himself up, thinking of nothing but catching up with Jin and not catching up. After seeing Giotto getting ready to run Jin quickly stopped right next to him and whispered something into his ear.

"I see you realized what I meant by a ninja's to strengths Giotto. However do you really think you can catch up to me? I heard you from the the other side of the field talking about how you were going to surpass me. Good luck Giotto, you are going to need it."

Angered at Jin's statement, Giotto took off, racing down the field faster than he ever had before. step by step he realized that he was pushing further off the ground, springing himself forward faster and faster. Thinking he had finally lost Jin, Giotto slowed down a bit, however in this brief moment Jin flew past Giotto, running just as fast as he had before. Giotto slowly lost ground, however he did not let this discourage him. He slowly began to pick up the pace with each stroke he took, increasing the amount of strokes he took per minute as well as the distance of the strokes.

He slowly realized that he was catching up with Jin and then began to look around him. He saw that the crowds how now become larger and they were routing Giotto on. some were even holding up signs saying that he could do it. Giotto quickly became encouraged by this and began to run faster and faster until finally he was just a few meters behind Jin. he reached out to attempt to touch Jin's collar, however Jin and Giotto were both stopped by their teacher.

The teacher made them start at the starting lines of the field, each set up right next to each other. Giotto quickly looked into Jin's eyes and saw the ambition, gaining ambition of his own. here and now he would surpass Jin. The teacher had said that since they were running almost all day he wanted to see who was faster, and Giotto had the feeling that he would win without a contest. The teacher quickly raised the flag and without missing a beat both Giotto and Jin raced towards the finish line.

Each student placing their feet in front of the other with the utmost perfection made the race seem close, in fact when they reached the 50 meter mark Giotto had noticed that he was side in side with Jin, however this only encouraged Giotto. Jin quickly picked up the pace, slowly pulling ahead of Giotto. After seeing Jin take the lead by a mere inch Giotto went into overdrive. He began to run faster than he had ever thought he could, slowly catching up to Jin. He counted the meters as they went by. Fourty.

"Come on."


"Come on!"



After saying Come on for a final time Giotto realized he had won the race, defeating Jin and awakening the crowd. Giotto looked back and knew that if Jin had not given him the advice he would have lost. Jin went up to Giotto and asked how he got so fast. Giotto looked him in the eye and said with a smile on his face "Let's just say I had a good teacher." After saying that Giotto left and went home, retiring for the day.

(1064 words)

+5 Speed
+ 10 JP

Actual First Day:

After running for a while Giotto left as Jin continued to run around the field, showing an incredible amount of stamina. Giotto decided that he would work at his stamina tomorrow, however he was much to tired to work on it today. Giotto went to sleep and then woke up the next day at around six o'clock, immediately running back to the field where he had gained new found speed yesterday. Upon arriving he saw Jin running around the field and thought to himself ~Damn, he must have woken up really early ~. After the brief moment of thought Giotto began to run around the field yet again until about noon.

Once Noon struck Giotto was completely out of stamina, however he was amazed to see Jin still running around the field as if it was nothing. The fact that he endured for six hours non-stop amazed Giotto, so Giotto ran up to Jin to get advice from him yet again.

"Hey Jin, could you tell me how you are able to run for this long until he finally needed a break?"

"Why? So you can surpass me again? Ha, I think not."

Giotto was about to say something to Jin when he saw a teacher watching them. Knowing that he was not to use profound language Giotto decided to keep his mouth shut and instead ran up to the teacher and sat down next to him. For a while the two of them just sat there and watched as Jin continued to run laps around the field. After an hour the teacher finally broke the silence.

"He has been running like this since last night when you beat him in that race. Is that not amazing?"

Giotto sat there awestruck. Giotto could hardly run 6 hours without needing a break yet Jin could easily run 12 hours until he even started to slow down. Amazed by the fact that Jin was capable of such a feat Giotto began to think. ~What is it that keeps this boy going? Is it will power? No, that could only last for so long. Well, now that I think about it, it very well could be will power. The power of will can drive a man to anything. I could probably run for as long as him if I had a reason.~ As soon as Giotto stopped thinking the teacher told him something.

"Be the best. Prove to the world that you are not as weak as you think. I think that's what drives him."

Giotto stared at the teacher because he already knew what drove Jin. Jin was driven by the need to beat Giotto since Giotto had beaten him yesterday. After thinking about this Giotto realized that the teacher's reasoning was not Jin's, however it was a reason that could push Giotto. Giotto had been looked down upon most of his life because he had never shown any initiative, therefore making him weak and lazy when compared to others. Giotto longed for the day that he could go back to the people that called him weak and show them how far he had gotten, and he decided to use this as a motivator. Giotto quickly got up and began to run again, passing Jin every once and a while. He was tired of living in the shadow of others, tired of being compared to others and tired of being called weak. So he ran.

The hours seemed to pass by as he ran, putting all of his emotions into his actions to fuel him. The good and the bad inspired he to become greater, and thus he did so. Without noticing it Giotto had ran 7 hours until he finally began to pay attention to the present. Jin had sat down to take a break and a crowed had formed, watching him run around the field over and over again. With pride he continued to run besides himself becoming more and more tired. At the 7 hour mark he was still running, however he could tell that each step become more and more laboring. However he endured and continued to run, not yet willing to give up.

Another hour passed by and he continued to run, a bit slower than before. He could tell the difference in his speed from when he had started an now however this only made him try hard. It was not until the nine hour mark that Giotto stopped in his tracks, ready to give up for the day. By this time most of the crowd and had dissipated, however Jin and the teacher remained on the bench, watching him as he halted. Jin was barely awake, however he noticed that Giotto stopped and sprung up.

"How are you going to prove to me that you are not weak when I can still run for three hours longer than you without even showing a trace being tired? You truly are weak."

Giotto knew these words were meant to encourage him however they also angered him. Was gin really so much stronger than him? Just the other day he had surpassed Jin in speed yet today he could not even run close to as long as Jin. Giotto began to run yet again, faster than he had before. He was not going to give up until he had wiped the floor with Jin. At least that's what he first though. When he reached the twelve hour mark Giotto collapsed on the field. Almost nobody was around at this time as it was 1:30 AM, however the teacher was still on the bench. After a minute he walked up to Giotto and picked him up.

"You did well Giotto. You pushed yourself to the limit, which is exactly what I wanted to see. Now I am going to take you home and I want you to rest. You've done enough for today."

That was the last thing Giotto heard before he blacked out in his teacher's arms. He was tired, very tired, and after thinking that Jin could still endure longer than him he began to think to himself ~Hey, there's always tomorrow.~

(1025 words)

+5 Stamina
+10 JP
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Giotto Kaguya's Week in the Academy Empty Re: Giotto Kaguya's Week in the Academy

Sun Jan 20, 2013 10:12 pm
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