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Scouting the Area (Mission) Empty Scouting the Area (Mission)

Wed May 08, 2013 4:59 pm
Mission Name: Patrol
Rank: D
Type: Scouting
Character Requirements: N/A
Mission Location: Village Gates, Sunakure.
Word Count Requirements:300
Repeatable? Yes.

Task: Scout around the village to make sure the area is secure. If anyone who doesn't seem to be an ally is seen, report it to higher ranking shinobi.

Night time fell upon Sunagakure. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary, it was a cool night with small breezes that pasted throughout the whole land. Everybody was at their guard stations at this time on the outskirt's of the village. Everyone important were in bed at this time. There was no clouds at this time. It was a stary night. Jakuon Nakigoe, the young genin from the village hidden in the sand had another mission. It was starting to become his life, taking mission's and helping the people of this village. Even though he had a feeling his ties here were becoming stronger, he yearned for his parent's and his rightful clan. But tonight, it was all about the village.

Jak was on the outskirt's of town. He walked around the whole perimeter. He was to scout out the area and report any suspicious people and tell a higher ranked shinobi about them. It was an easy mission he thought, but he had a whole village to scout. He had been at it for a good 3 hours and he still had to scout the village. It wasn't to much trouble for the young genin, but in the back of his mind he wanted to go home and sleep. There was still people out at this time, which wasn't to surprising. The village was an active place. Especially the downtown district, it is the most active at all times. It was time he headed back to the village. He didn't see or hear anything suspicious, so he walked back towards the main street's.

Jak walked the deserted street's that lead to the downtown distract. He walked down an alley to take a short cut to make things easier. He walked out of the entrance of the alley and looked left, then BAM! He ran right into a person. He stumbled back a couple of feet and looked up at the person he ran into. "Uh, um, sorry! I didn't mean to run into you, I didn't see you there... Hehehe..." He said with a smile. He waited for a response for a second and then he looked at the guy. He was dressed in all black and had a serious look on his face. His face was scarred and he had a black, bandana like cloth over his head. He didn't say anything for a moment and just looked at the young boy. "...Stay out of the way next time. Something might happen to you if you bump into the wrong person..." The guy said low and cold. Jak had never seen this man before. He was atleast 5 inch's taller than Jak and Jak never once seen a person dressed in a strange outfit like that. It was all black and had strange marking's around the shoulder area. Who was he?

Jak said sorry once more and walked past the man. The man didn't even look back. Jak saw this as suspicious. The exact thing he was scouting for. Jak quickly ran to headquarters and reported the man and two Jounin's ran off out of the door. The person in charge gave Jak his thank's and said he matched a description of a man they were looking for. It was in the hand's of the village now.

(Word Count: 553 *Not Including The Mission Description*)
(Jp: 3)
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Scouting the Area (Mission) Empty Re: Scouting the Area (Mission)

Thu May 09, 2013 9:06 am
Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Scouting the Area (Mission) Empty Re: Scouting the Area (Mission)

Thu May 09, 2013 1:10 pm
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