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Dagonn's Chakra Control Training! Empty Dagonn's Chakra Control Training!

Sat May 18, 2013 9:27 pm
Hyped from his past success training his strength by throwing rocks, Dagonn begun to think about what he could train next. His mind wondered… Speed? Nope, not really useful at the moment. Dagonn didn’t know any Taijutsu, so he didn’t really need speed as of the moment. Health? Not really, no sparring had occurred yet so he didn’t need to train up his health until later on. He thought and thought for a while. Suddenly, it hit him like a steam train.

“Why don’t I train my Chakra?” he said to himself while sitting down in his room. The Genin exams were coming up soon, and he would need a lot of chakra if he was going to pass the exams with flying Colours. Even if he doesn’t have a lot of Chakra, he would need to be able to control it without wasting any excess Chakra. He knew he could do this fairly fast. He quickly gathered his items and ran to the Training Arena.

A few people stopped and looked at him as he was walking in, one of the Genin saying “Back already, are you?” Dagonn nodded confidently, as he strolled to an open part of the training arena. The place seemed more packed today than it has ever been.

He got to a spot, and closed his eyes, concentrating on his chakra flow. He first focused on evenly spreading his chakra to his arms and his feet. He could feel the chakra rushing to his arms, but not his feet.

He concentrated even harder, trying extremely hard to get it to his feet, but it wouldn’t work. His hands were filled with a small percentage of his chakra, more than the rest of the body, and his feet seemed to have no chakra in them. Without any Chakra in his feet, his sense of balance lowered and he tumbled over on to the ground. A few of the other people training looked over and started giggling at him. Dagonn screamed out “Hey, That’s not funny! I’m trying hard to train my chakra here!”

The man that talked to him when he walked in to the arena at the start chuckled even more, and walked towards him. He got down on his knees, to about eye level with Dagonn. He said “So you are having trouble concentrating your chakra are you?”. “Yes sir” Dagonn replied in a soft tone, lowering his voice.

“Well, distributing your chakra to different parts of the body is a difficult skill to learn. It takes lots of time and obedience. Are you willing to put in the effort to learn this?” Dagonn immediately shook his head and replied with an enthusiastic “Yes Sir!”

“I can try and help you with this if you promise to practice it as much as you can, okay?” the man said while Dagonn smiled and nodded profusely. “Okay then. What you have to do is, spread your arms and your legs out evenly, to make sure none of the chakra lines are near eachother. That way it is easier to focus on getting your chakra from one place to another”.

“Your chakra will be evenly spread throughout your body by default, so you have to choose a place to transfer chakra from. I suggest you try doing it from your Abdomen region to your hands and legs.”
“You see, the reason you fell over was because when you were trying to transfer chakra to your hands, you took it from your legs and you had no chakra left in your legs. That made you unbalanced and the reason why you fell over. Try doing it again, but instead from taking the chakra from your legs, take it from your abdomen instead.”

Dagonn nodded, and closed his eyes, picturing the chakra system inside his body. He looked at the abdomen, and split the Chakra inside into quarters, and sent them to his hands and legs. He could feel the Chakra rushing towards his limbs, and it felt great! Once it had arrived though, he collapsed in pain. His stomach was killing him, he didn’t think that he would get pain like this!

He croaked out to the Genin “Why am I feeling pain in my stomach? I thought nothing would happen, I did exactly as you said!” The Genin looked oddly at him, thinking intently. After a good minute or so, the pain stopped and the chakra was spread evenly amongst his body again.

“So? What was the problem?” Dagonn asked. The genin replied, “Well, when you took all of your chakra to the other points, you were draining the Abdomen of it’s chakra. It had close to no chakra left, so you had intense pain. Any less chakra, and you could’ve lost your whole stomach for the rest of your life”.

Dagonn stared at him, mouth wide open, suppressed with shock. “H-h-how do I stop that f-from h-h-happening?” he stuttered out, still in shock. “Well” the genin begun, “Next time, instead of splitting your chakra into quarters and spreading them across your body, split them into fifths and send four of the fifths to the points you want to send them to, and leave one fifth to make sure you don’t hurt yourself.

“Alright! I’ll give it another go!” replied Dagonn enthusiastically. He did the same as he did before, picturing his abdomen region in his chakra system, splitting them into fifths this time. He sent a fifth to each hand and each foot, focusing the rest of the chakra on the abdomen. After the chakra reached his hands and feet, Dagonn expected the pain to begin again. But, it didn’t. “YEAH!” he screamed out loud, celebrating across the training arena while people look at him.

The genin stared in awe. He didn’t think that someone of his age would be able to master something advanced like that in so little time. “Good job, kiddo” the genin said to Dagonn while patting him on the back. “You can get even better at this by learning to control the chakra by splitting all the chakra points into five and sending them to the same points leaving a fifth at the original point. That way you can have even more Chakra in your hands and legs.” Dagonn turned around and smiled, replying “I’ll work on it! I promise ill master it!”.

The celebrating stopped after a good ten minutes, and Dagonn decided that it was time for him to go home. He had learnt a lot today from the cool Genin, and he was glad that the Genin took the time out of his day to go and help him train his Chakra. He thanked the Genin and waved to all the others in the training arena. They all laughed, and waved back, cheering as he exited the training area. With a smile beaming on his face, he walked home confidently, but tired as well. He was ready to get a good nights sleep, and more training in the next few days. The Genin exams were close, and he knew that he would ace them.

Word Count : 1202

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Dagonn's Chakra Control Training! Empty Re: Dagonn's Chakra Control Training!

Sat May 18, 2013 11:10 pm
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