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Training! (chakra control) Empty Training! (chakra control)

Wed Feb 13, 2013 5:01 pm
Sadao opened the door, and took a step outside of his home. He looked around the area, and saw no one was around. Sadao sprinted forwand, then leaping into the air to land on a roof. He then continuously jumped from roof to roof towards the forest. From the roof Sadao landed on a trail that would take him into the forest. When he entered, he saw kunai and shuriken lodged into the bark of the trees. After a short while he found a nice open area with a few trees surrounding it. Sadao walked up to the tree, and put up the half tiger seal focusing his chakra. He imagined a projectile flying into an object, and releasing it's energy with a devastating force. Sadao started to send chakra into his tightened fist, and took a deep breath, and closed his eyes. He quickly exhaled and threw his fist into the tree. His chakra dissipated before he could strike the tree. All he did was chip off some bark. Again he put up the half tiger, and started to focus his chakra into his fist. He closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. Then he exhaled quickly, and striked the tree with his fist. Yet again his chakra had dissipated before he could strike the tree with is fist. He repeated this 16 more times until he was finally able to strike the tree without the focused chakra dissipating from his fist. Up to his knuckles his fist was lodged into the tree. Now he started to think of the projectile hitting an object, and penetrating through it, ending up on the other side. He focused not only on his fist but also how the chakra released from his fist. He took a deep breath, and hit the tree with his fist. He attempted to try to release the chakra when his fist touched the tree. Sadao Had successfully released his chakra when his fist hit the tree, but his chakra wasn't released in controlled burst. His fist went into 1/3 of the trunk that was about 1 foot wide. He wiggled his fist out of the trunk, and one side of the tree had almost no bark on it. That ment his chakra had to be focused because all of that extra chakra was released, and not used corectly for his purpose. Sadao closed his eyes, and put up the half tiger seal. Now he was focusing the chakra in his fist, and started to try and compress it. His fist started to slightly shake a little. He took a deep breath, and started to try and release the chakra right when his fist touched the tree. He exhaled and sent his fist into the tree. Right when his fist had touched the tree he released his chakra in a controlled burst. Sadao heard the tree snap, he saw the top of the tree was missing. Sadao was excited that he had just punched a tree, and the top half of it is missing. His fist was bleeding, and he needed to stop the bleeding. He snaped a tree in half with a punch, now he has to shatter a rock into pieces with his fist. Sadao sprinted his way out of the forest to his home to eat, and get some rest.
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Training! (chakra control) Empty Re: Training! (chakra control)

Wed Feb 13, 2013 11:26 pm
WC 557words,

Approved for 2 stats and 5JP.

Next time please supply us with the wordcount.
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