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Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Sun Jun 16, 2013 4:47 pm
Xuro was wondering just how mysterious this boy was. He seemed very odd and Xuro couldn't really help but ask him. He tried to find the proper words to say as it came out his mouth. "Umm.. Sorry... Can you... Uhh... Please tell me..." Xuro hesitated a moment. He wasn't so sure if asking the boy about his abilities was the right thing but he had to know. He never got the chance to meet so many people and talk to them. Now was his chance. "What is up with your chakra network... I can't detect it... Do you have one?" Xuro asked politely.

He then activated his byakugan once more to double check maybe he was mistaken. Maybe since he never used his byakugan for so long and hadn't seen other ninja's chakra signature for so long, maybe his eyes lost their touch. But now he was sure something was up with the boy and it wasn't something Xuro had mistaken...

Last edited by Xuro Hyuuga on Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:12 pm; edited 1 time in total
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
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Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Sun Jun 16, 2013 5:33 pm
Prim listened as the kid spoke. He was a Genin, and that was the main phrase that stuck out to her. she wondered if he would be as good as her Genin team was. She still assumed she had the first team who set the training grounds on fire then immediately flood the grounds to put the fire out. Xuro seemed to be curious about the Genin as well.

"I think you guys are reading way to much into this. Why don't you just spar him? You always seem to want to be able to use the training anyways." The Nibi suggested to her. "Good point, why don't we just spar." Prim suggested to the group.

Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Sun Jun 16, 2013 7:41 pm
It would seem that the shy Jounin wanted to know what was the deal with his chakra network, which made a smile come onto his face for a moment. Hideyoshi wondered which one of them was going to ask what or why exactly why he could not be seen by their eyes. Before he had a chance to answer, the sword would glow only for a moment as he sighed," i cannot actually say what is up with my chakra network, although i could show you in a spar like the nice lady here requested," smiling he would turn to her and nod. He looked at her for a moment and tilted his head, something about he reminded him of Raiku but he could not put his finger on it," well then how are we going to do this, free for all or you two vs me...or what," he waited for a response from the both of them.

Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Wed Jun 19, 2013 1:28 pm
Xuro was quite pleased with the idea that the girl had suggested about them sparring. He nodded his head in agreement with her.
He was very shocked by the strange boy's response. He actually suggested they two verses him. He seemed quite confident like he could beat them. THis made Xuro very curious. No genin ever challenges two jounin. either the genin was stupid or he was very good.
Xuro seemed sure this boy wasn't stupid so that left the reason that he was a damn good fighter. Xuro suspected it had something to do with that chakra network of the boy or better phrased as the chakra network the boy didn't possess. "You... quite... cocky... i should say..." Xuro this time felt more confident in speaking to them as he now began to get use to the socialising thing.
Xuro would then begin to get ready for the spar. "Ready... Ready when you guys are.." His cheeks stretched out showing the best smile xuro did in a very long time. At long last as he accomplished the task of being able to fully smile. Inside he felt more confident. This gave him some more determination and some more courage and made his feel rejuvenated. He activated his Byakugan. THe veins around his eyes buldged out and hardened. The blue milky eyes of his now at its full power viewing the area all around and monitoring all the chakra networks all but the mysterious boy. He then got into a firm stance and got ready for whatever might happen.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Thu Jun 20, 2013 1:24 am
Hideyoshi had offered to take on both her and Xuro. Prim just kinda shrugged it off. "Sure if you are up for it Xuro and I can challenge you together." Prim said to him. This kid was really cocky and acted like he could do anything. Although Prim found it slightly arrogant, she was ready for another challenge. Xuro on the other hand seemed rather shy. She was curious as to what Xuro was capable of as well.  Prim prepared herself for the spar.

"Think you can really handle this Primrose?" The Nibi asked curiously. It was concerned because of Hideyoshi. "It's fine, I will be able to handle it." Prim said to him, she had a habit of speaking to the Nibi out loud at times. She knew she was in the presence people but didn't really care anymore.
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Thu Jun 20, 2013 9:36 am

Hideyoshi had smiled once he heard Xuro speak, although it was in fragments it was still a sentence,” No not cocky…I haven’t had a fight with a high ranking ninja before so having this 2 v 1 is making my blood boil in excitement. It’s just my confidence overflowing that is showing right now,” laughing as he slammed both of the gauntlets together, smiling as he jumped back five meters and sat his hands into his fighting stance. Looking towards Prim, hearing what she said made him curious to who she was talking to but then again he was never too keen on things like that.

Once the two were ready, Hideyoshi smiled as he yelled,” ready or not here I come and lets have some fun,” his body ready and his mind sharp his moved his right foot back as he launched himself forward, the ground buckled beneath him as he ran past the two, stopping a meter behind Xuro near his left side. Once he stopped a swift sweep kick would be targeting his legs and if the motion went through he would successfully throw Xuro’s balance off as well as disorient him a bit. If the move is stopped however, he would move to the right of Xuro, and aim an open palmed thrust towards his side pushing him towards Prim. If Hideyoshi was attacked, he would block the oncoming attack with the back of his gauntlet before pushing himself back five meters.

Now Hideyoshi could train his skills so he could complete on of his goals, but for now he was focused on the two jounin in front of him. Both of their skills were unknown and to him was the greatest challenge there is. Now he would wait for his opponents to make their move, hoping they would show him what it meant to be a Jounin of Konoha.

[Due to This my punch and kick gain +10 speed and strength, giving me 90 speed and 25 strength during the attacks]

Xuro Hyuuga
Xuro Hyuuga
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Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Thu Jun 20, 2013 3:31 pm
Xuro got ready as he now realised that the strange boy Hideyoshi was actually just doing it for the thrill & fun. Does that mean Hideoyoshi is not as strong as Xuro thought he was or does it mean that he's still just as strong since he taking on two jounin for fun without any sign of regret or worry or even the slightest fear. Xuro saw when the boy jumped back, the spar was going to begin. He wanted to try out his new jutsu he learnt. He quickly performed the shadow clone hand seal and got ready. As soon as he saw the boy dash at them he perform his new technique. 

The boy sure was fast. He was very quick and made his way to Xuro. Just then, Xuro mumbled in a low voice, "Multi Shadow clone jutsu..." And with that just as Hideyoshi  went in for the sweep, 40 shadow clones of Xuro appeared all around him in a huge puff of smoke. The first 5 got hit with the sweep kick and dispersed causing a big cloud of smock in between Xuro and Hideyoshi. 
With this as a distraction. The clones quickly dashed around Hideyoshi to surround him each one about 5 meters away from him for. While that went on, another 10 clones jumped from the crowd of Xuro's, and leaped into the air attacking Hideyoshi. 5 proceeded with a flying right leg kick at him all aiming at different positions. 
One going for the head. Two for the shoulders, and one in the chest, while another 5 attacked him from behind, 3 aiming a punch towards his back while two slide down in order to slide tackle him after the other clones hits connected. 
The real xuro remained hidden in the crowd of clones which now surrounded Hideyoshi.
Primrose Uchiha
Primrose Uchiha
Stat Page : Primmys Stats
Genjutsu Fūinjutsu Ninjutsu Remove Default
Wind Remove Remove Lightning Fire Default
Clan Focus : EMS
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 12000

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Tue Jun 25, 2013 2:49 am
Managing to dodge out of the way of the attack, she realized she had some place to be. It was some place important and unfortunately she had to leave this interesting spar. And it was an interesting spar because Xuro and Hideyoshi seemed strong. "I must leave I have somewhere I have to be, I apologize for leaving this spar so soon, maybe we can all eventually meet up again. You know where to find me, I will be around." Prim said smiling at them. The Nibi seemed to be very helpful towards her lately sparring other people, which made sparring so easy, she decided not to worry about it's sarcasm anymore. With this on her mind and the fun she was missing, she left the training ground.

[4629/5000 words towards befriending the Nibi]
Rokuro Masamune
Rokuro Masamune
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Missing-Nin (C-rank)
Stat Page : The Demon Hunter

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Clan Focus : Ninjutsu
Village : Kirigakure
Ryo : 59500

Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:28 am
Now things were heating up as he looked at the clones and smiled,” Against all odds I will prevail…now which one of you is the real Xuro, now let us begin,” chuckling as he looked at the clones and soon gauged their distance. Since they were in the vicinity of his radar, he measured it to be five meters from him. Not bad but it gave him some distance to let out some full blows. Hideyoshi’s right hand sat on the hilt of the blade as the first wave of five jumped at him through the air, his reaction was swift as he gripped the blade and swung it at the speed of 90 as it crashed into the clones dispersing them. Hideyoshi would not have known that he was being attacked from behind without the help of his shinen and due to this he pivoted on his right foot and continued his swing as the blade crashed into the next clones. As he slid to a stop, the blade would slide across the ground as it left a gash in it. With 15 of the clones gone, Hideyoshi felt as if this was going to be a good spar, so he prepared to use another form of his power. The dirt around him would start to swirl as a blue and black aura started to permeate from his body, strange markings soon ensured as he looked at the crowd of Xuro’s,” Now..let me show you the strength of a genin who has endured hell and back,” his body had gotten stronger and faster as a gleam could be seen his green eyes. If Xuro had sent more clones to attack him, he would swing the blade once sending a wave of energy with the strength of 25 and 25 speed, if it hit then it would take care of more of the clones.

Xuro Bakuton
Xuro Bakuton
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Looking for a Spar... [P, NK] - Page 2 Empty Re: Looking for a Spar... [P, NK]

Wed Jul 03, 2013 5:10 am
Xuro used the first set of clones that attacked Hideyoshi the strange boy as test to observe his powers and to see just how strong he really is. It appears that weapon the boy weilded was also extremely strong. Xuro then observed something very strange. Some sort of change had occurred to Hideyoshi. An aura emanated from him and also Xuro saw some strange markings. "No doubt this is whatever he just did, has to do with him not possessing a chakra network. Now i have no real way of observing what changes happened to him and just how much more stronger he had got." Xuro thought to himself as he decided it was time for him to also kick it up a notch. He quickly commanded all his clones to attack Hideoyshi at the same time. Whatever clones were left, all would jump at Hideyoshi throwing various types of kicks and punches. This was a distraction no doubt for Xuro to enter his own morphed state of being, a very demonic state of being. He hadn't used this for a while now, not since the time he had learnt this technique back when he was a missing nin. HE would make one shadow clone and then both Xuro and the shadow clone would start the jutsu. While all the clones were attacking Hiddeyoshi, Xuro and the shadow clone would begin to start forming a "cloak" of blue raw wind chakra. This enveloped their whole body while demonic, beast like claws and paws formed by their arms and legs. Now Xuro and his shadow clone were fully engulfed in the blue wind chakra cloak. He waited to see how Hideyoshi dealt with the multi-shadow clones before making his next move...
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