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Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight Empty Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight

Wed Jun 26, 2013 5:07 am
Tap Tap Tap. Was really all the sound that could be heard, the sounds of foot steps and the sound of small amounts of breathing if you listened hard enough the sound of a sixteen year old boy moving through the forest. The tapping was of course the sounds of his feet as they tap across the wood of the branches, he had a destination or at least his destination had a destination either way he was following it to get what he needed. This sixteen year old finally came to a stop, finally halting his body on a large tree branch as the male of the age of sixteen eyes flickered from the left side of his body to the right searching for a particular thing, blinking showing himself that whatever it was he was looking for he had completely lost it somewhere – obviously it had to have been moving. 

I mean they weren’t even that deep into the forest but close enough for lots of tall and very untrusting trees in the area. No wind that he was picking up, being trained as an assassin he was trained to pick up on wind currents and smells but there was no particular smell in the forest he was standing in. He leaped off of the branch performing a frontal flip landing on the grass causing him to bend just a bit, eyes move from the grass back looking around the trees. He was standing in a field of grass, and around the grass area was trees used for whatever it was there for honestly.

 He realized he lost his prey, but he knew that he couldn’t have got far at all, so he just stood there and waited patiently as no grass moved and he stood in place. There was really nothing more to do but to breathe and to wait on his sensei and brother which pretty funny is the same person to find him and for Kaigen to find out himself just how strong his older brother really is. Though a true magican never reveals his tricks, but good thing we use ninjutsu instead of tricks and we are ninjas instead of actual – nevermind. The camera shooting would move above him to just show his hair and his body from an upward angle, his eyes shooting forward but ears focused everywhere else. But if this guy was as fast … none of this mattered because …


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Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight Empty Re: Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight

Fri Jun 28, 2013 4:19 am
Silence itself wasn’t always a good sign. In this situation the teenager Anarchy mind did not overdo anything and in this situation he could actually feel his heart beat, calming and peaceful wasn’t the case with his older brother. I mean in truth he was hyped to see his brother in action when he actually thought about it he didn’t wonder if he was going to be the opponent. In his mind he had to be ready, he had killed many men in his life time, death wasn’t something to worry about but this is a different matter – He had to get better at this. First step of course is identifying his target, not as if he was an opponent but to find who he was searching for in this plain ass forest in which he didn’t know of to but it lightly. I mean he couldn’t have gotten far right? But what if he was stronger then the rank of chuunin? Realistically speaking what if this guy was some jounin level ninja or higher? He doesn’t even look older then Kaigen though but whatever rank or age he was it was one thing certain – The guy sure was fast. So did he have to be as fast just too keeping up with his movements? Oh well back to the story instead of actually fucking around. 

Kaigen was basically a standing duck in a position of placement where he couldn’t bust a move because he didn’t – Wait hear it comes, a senbon through the air coming straight for Kaigen! The camera shots behind the senbon itself for a better visual of the climax to find out just how Kaigen would react. Kaigen at that particular moment could hear the sound of slicing winds behind him as well as basically any sound of a ninja projectile coming his way causing him to be able to move accordingly. Shifting his body to the left, a simple side step pretty much did the trick as the senbon kept its paste pass the ninja in which Kaigen eyes at that moment watched the senbon move through the air? Hearing those beautiful words of the test, which was clear to Kaigen and it was going to be somewhat fun – Simple and clean: The mission was to find him. Kaigen eyes shifted moving around and using his ears to try to pinpoint every movement in the trees, the black blur actually wasn’t too fast but he wasn’t trying to jump in the trees to grab him – First he had to test the waters of course and in doing so he must be patient and just watch him and wait for a chance to just watch. His stance was a bit more relaxed just in case he had to move again, his thoughts were on how that senbon was black which not quite something you see is everyday. Still if there is one thing for certain its this: Don’t ask questions now just wait and find out.

"Found you!" Spoke Kaigen as his eyes were able to the speed that was adjusted to his eyes and reflexes.


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Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight Empty Re: Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight

Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:18 pm
He did indeed find his older brother; the winds never changed its course as he was tracking the movements as swiftly as possible using his eyes only. No attack just yet, he was not quite instructed to do so in the mean time. Then the push of gravity was felt, the waters of wind itself as bursting feeling of something coming but then that feeling stopped. Split second later he couldn’t see what he was tracking; He could not see or find his older brother who in splits of second wasn’t in front of him anymore which gave him a bit of the chills. It was pretty bad to actually lose sight of your target in the rules of the clansmen that he grew in because it usually symbolize that your target has spotted you and thus doing two things; Successfully flee, or successfully gained the upper hand on you – For people like Kaigen it wasn’t an opinion he’d like to take. Behind him stood his older brother, the guy was so good Kaigen couldn’t bear to turn away – He had to actually stay because it was in his Kaguya nature to stay and fight. 

The first statement behind him gave Kaigen the signal, the camera moves to the top to look at the two below; Kaigen understood now where his older brother was of course, now it was obvious in speed at his current level. Now that part was out of the way, older brother speaks the wisdom he liked, about far range fighting a few advice tips here and there though in truth Kaigen never used far range anything . . . two quick steps forward as his older brother backed up both creating a gap for each other – in that particular double step was used also to spin and take his chest to chest look on his camera. Kaigen and Kurokon, the Shikyo brothers were now face to face in the training field simply the pulse of Kaigen beat his heart by just a bit. Clearly facial expression reading skills were out of the question as long as Kurokon has a mask on, one skill Kaigen had to discard this round. The few seconds went by wondering just what was going to happen next, could be anything but alas Kaigen still was very new to the ninja stuff so this could actually prove to be harder then expected. 

Blinking after hearing his brothers words of a Taijutsu get down, Kaigen expression changed mentally to a bit perky, but his facial expression showed a more cautious look instead . . . Lets be smarter then usual for a second shall we? Speed like that, darkness stuff at his disposal and a feeling of a particular strong arua glowing around him mentally to Kaigen seemed pretty dangerous. Hopefully Kurokon doesn’t have a secret grudge against Kaigen and accidently kill him today. Today is the day he gain somewhere in this world as a fighter, perhaps something more then just basic ass Martial arts, though when looking back he did kill a lot of people and he did get some interesting matches so perhaps he could do better then expected. He could only see Kurokon his main focus, he also had to keep up with him as his first test which he was not told he passed or failed. Young Shikyo heard his words clearly, couldn’t hear wind because it wasn’t moving today so it was more just a cloudy and sunny day with no signs of wind unless created. No particular smell through the air, a little grass but nothing major besides the smell of his hospital clothing which was on his body gladly his brother saved him from what was to come. 

 A slight nod gave his older brother the single, of acceptance of the fight that he was most likely going to lose but experience was great on his ninja application – his movement started to show his style of readiness. Sliding his left leg backwards a large amount for a stance, arms in a position of left arm next to his ear in a fist position with right arm on his side in a pretty funny looking position if you weren’t a Taijutsu user. Kaigen already realized that he was faster then him, so a frontal attack probably wouldn’t work and since he still didn’t know his fighting style so he stood in one place. “Your move” Now was probably the perfect time to actually learn who this guy was, learn a little more without the use of words but maybe this communication was better in a sense. People always say communication doesn’t have to be words and in ninja terms a lot of strong ninja knows there opponents thoughts just by exchange of  fist. Can’t wait.


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Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight Empty Re: Big Brother Teaches Little Brother How To Fight

Tue Jul 02, 2013 5:13 pm
The camera guy was pretty good at directing the camera around the two brothers; we could tell the younger brother was completely nuts for going up against the older brother in which looks like he was ready to make him something different – The younger brother was very much used to being ‘made’ so it wasn’t a mental thing but more of a physical thing – Speed was very useful in all types of manners besides against a smart opponent may prove to be a different atmosphere … Kaigen learned a few good tricks back in his life time and one of them has to be of a clear mind. He was completely clear minded, the man in front of him as his older brother also was faster obviously and probably stronger – Experience is a beautiful thing and Kurokon was so loaded with it which gave Kaigen a horrible feeling about getting in close with this guy – The camera would then move behind Kurokon body as he made the first initial step in the dance of Shikyo’s. The move was simple; a forward burst of running Kurokon went fast as the camera caught the feet movement as well as the air that changed into position before returning as Psychosis was still in movement. Calm before the storm right? The younger brother had to calm down as his eyes watched his older brother vanished, quickly he must make a move NOW! 

But instead he didn’t move at all during his trainers movement of closing the gap between the two … making a first move to attack would have went really unorganized and not thinking, at the same time sitting in one place in a fight sometimes can be very dangerous depending on the opponent and In this cause VERY FUCKING DANGEROUS BUTTTT ….. fear not because if it was only thing the assassins taught him it was if you don’t use your brain you could lose everything else – Meaning he had to think and think hard, blinking slightly exhaling air using his nose to help calm himself was actually working. Kaigen flinched slightly to the point where it wasn’t noticed, kurokon closed the gap faster then Kaigen himself but just enough to notice Kurokon had move upwards which Kaigen eyes caught and braced himself for an attempt to dodge by side stepping but instead – It was a change of course in the lesson that was being learnt here and in an instant instead of a punch a kick from his older brother the right leg and hopefully wouldn’t kill him.  The camera watched Kaigen feet as he did a quick side step back and once the leg went over he leaped forward about a good five meters into the air. Time for a counter attack, or at least better observation on how his older brother reacts on defensive natures. Kaigen using the air he swung his left leg around in a spinning nature moving closer and closer to land a blow on his brother on his face which was a test to see just how this would go . . . . Come on lets go already! 

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