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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Mon May 09, 2016 4:21 am
Kenshin had a small look of irritation on his face as he approached the shinobi academy of Hoshigakure, apparently the teacher had been forced to leave his class unattended in order to deal with some personal crisis that he was going through, and rather than just send the children home for the day the headmaster of the academy decided that it would be a good idea to hire Kenshin to be a teacher for the day. Kenshin did not agree with the man, in fact he disagreed quite strongly with him in this regard, the reason simply being because while the silver haired teen may have been getting used to life in Hoshi, and the fact that he could feel himself changing for the better he didn’t feel that he was the right person to send on this mission. He knew well that while his antisocial nature was being improved upon he was still not a social person by any means, he still found himself getting very annoyed and irritated at the smallest things that people would do, he still found himself getting anxious and nervous when around large groups of people, and yet despite this he was going to be looking after a class of twenty children.

As Kenshin entered the academy and began looking for the classroom he had been told to go to a feeling of nervousness became apparent in his gut, he had never really liked children, not even when he himself was a child, in fact he could even remember just how much they used to annoy and irritate him back then. He used to find their naivety and immaturity to be unbearable, he couldn’t understand their obsession with wasting their time on frivolous games when they could be improving their skills, all in all he had never understood what went on in the minds of children nor did he really want to, and he seriously doubted that would have changed. He could only sigh in resignation when he finally found the classroom that he had been looking for, he could hear the cacophony of noise that was coming from behind the door and he felt a headache beginning to form, he actually found himself wondering if he would get into trouble for simply walking away now and abandoning the mission, and if he did get punished for it would taking the punishment be worth saving himself from the headache that would undoubtedly come from having to care for a class full of obviously hyper children for the rest of the day.

In the end he decided that it would be for the best if he simply went through with the mission and got it over and done with, because as much as he didn’t want to take care of twenty children for the rest of the day he knew that the pay was actually quite good for doing such a simple task, and Kenshin had never been one to turn up the opportunity to get easy money. With one final sigh of resignation Kenshin straightened out his robes and top hat before opening the door and walking into the classroom, and almost as soon as the door opened he heard the students within go deafeningly silent, something that drew an almost unnoticeable smirk from him.

Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Mon May 09, 2016 5:12 am
Oh, how Tentei was having the utmost "joy" in this obnoxious classroom. He resented the fact he had to start out as the lowest Shinobi rank in Hoshigakure, especially due to his rather unique background and current status. However he could only accept this offer given to him in order to gain entry, and overall power that he would always crave in order to invoke the orders given by his lord. However, at first he was all in for it and would assume being an academy student would be an easy breeze. He was shocked to see how annoying and idiotic his "peers" were around him. Being quite some years above them all, and plus having a higher maturity level in general, he couldn't stand the sight of being by them any longer. The catch was he had only been there for a few days. Tentei couldn't wait to reach the freedom from such a wretched place.

One snot nosed brat beside him continuously aggravated him every since he showed up to the village. He would always question the meaning behind the crescent on Tentei's wrist, and best believe Tentei had no problem showing the boy the full extent of what it meant. However, he had better things to do like mastering academy jutsus before doing away of the boy. The child would go on about how cool the bracelet looked, and how "cool" Tentei was himself, particularly due to his wealth and clothing backing it up. Though taking pride in both, he would only take the compliments with a grain of salt, seeing as the same compliments got old fast and he was ready to stab the child through the chest a few times. He'll get up eventually, hell Tentei was able to do as such.

Today was a special day to say the least. Their was to be a replacement teacher for the day, due to their usual mentor having to take a leave for the day. He had a lustful face after receiving a note from a messenger, though the messenger failed to uphold the secrecy as he bluntly spoke the words "It's your wife." Assuming the kids wouldn't be able to piece it all together, or at least no one except Tentei. 

"Booty Call. You get yours old man.

He said in a low manner as the teacher began to run out in haste screaming out the status of being ill. Tentei had already gotten in trouble due to his rude and brutal actions on the first day of the academy, accidentally knocking a student out unconscious, due to their own ignorance and annoyance unwilling to accept defeat in chess. The little runt only pissed Tentei off more as he continuously said he was cheating, when the child himself couldn't understand the game.

However, now it was new fish. And as Tentei began to be aloof for what felt like hours only staring at the white ceiling, his blonde hair in the way of his vision, he was startled to hear nothing. That's right. He heard nothing. He gotten use to tuning out the kids during his time of zoning out, however now that the noise was all gone he was back to reality and surprised to say the least. Seems the new replacement was here. Looking down at the teacher walking in from the right side door, being the only way into this horrible room, he would witness the boy making his way to the centre of the place, where the podium and blackboard would be. Tentei would be several steps up from the centre of the room, and in the middle row of the many desk for each row. All the goofballs around him would be peering in on the teacher, letting him have the spotlight, however Tentei lost interest in a haste. 

He was about the same age as Tentei, what the hell. This was some bull, he has to get to Genin at least as soon as possible or else this will just be depressing. Tentei would begin to look out at the wall taking window to his left, looking at the humongous village until the teacher spoke, bored out of his mind. His right elbow would be on his desk, and his right hand the only thing keeping his head up as he tilted it to the left in order to see the view. His left arm would be on the desk as well, but at a 90 degree angle with his left hand facing the wall which holds the way out of this hell hole. Underneath his seat, Tentei would be  shaking his left leg out of boredom and wishing to move around. He hated sitting around in one spot for too long. Now he would just wait.

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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Wed May 11, 2016 1:53 am
The moment Kenshin entered the room he would activate his chakra sensory in the hopes of getting a look into the reserves of the students that he would be teaching for the rest of the day, and much to the silver haired teen’s ire he felt that most of them possessed absolutely abysmal reserves. The silver haired teen continued to take in the signatures as he walked up to the podium in the front of the class, all in all there was only one person in the class who truly got his attention, and that was the blonde haired teen that sat in the very centre of all the other riff raff, currently the blonde was resting his right elbow on the table and using it to keep his head held up as he stared out the window, something that Kenshin assumed to be a sign of him wanting to get out of here as soon as he possibly could. As Kenshin continued to take in the feel of the kids reserves he realised something, the reserves of chakra that he possessed were actually equal to Keito’s, the Uchiha who attempted to ambush him back in Waterfall Country, but while they may not have met under the best of circumstances they had left each other on rather good terms.

Once Kenshin’s mind went back to Keito he couldn’t help but frown a little, he was almost certain that the young Uchiha had met his end in the very village that Kenshin had warned him not to go to, Kirigakure, the reason behind this belief was simple, Kenshin had placed a Mark Seal on the young Uchiha before they parted ways but he had since felt said Mark Seal fade away, sure this could mean that someone had found and removed the seal but the silver haired teen felt that wasn’t the case. He had actually liked the young Uchiha, as he had reminded Kenshin of himself back when he was first starting out on the path of a Missing Nin, albeit the young Uchiha was a lot more brash than Kenshin had been and didn’t think things through as much, two facts that most likely played a hand in his early death, but he had still been quite shocked and grief stricken when he first felt the seal fade away and signify the death of the young Uchiha.

At this point the silver haired teen remembered exactly where he was and why he was here, thankfully he had only spaced out for a couple of seconds or else the students may have realised his lack of attention. Kenshin would pick up the clipboard on the podium at the front of the class and read over the notes that the other sensei had left him, and the first thing written in rather large lettering was to count how many students were in the room, just in case any of them had gotten any ideas about being able to skip out on class because the original sensei had left for a time. Kenshin quickly counted the students in the room, getting 20 just as there should be, so after placing a check next to that note he moved onto the next one, but when he read it Kenshin could only narrow his eyes at the clipboard, it was a note informing him to keep a close eye on a student by the name of Tentei Nakizato. There was no reason listed as to why he should do so but he felt that if it wasn’t an important thing to do the original sensei wouldn’t have informed him to do keep an eye on him.

With that Kenshin once more placed the clipboard down on the podium and looked up at the class, most of whom were looking at him with what he could only assume to be shock on their faces, it was to be expected though, who would expect someone who looked to be only a year or two older than them to be teaching their class for the day. “Okay everyone, my names Kenshin and I’ll be taking over for your sensei for the rest of the day, now your real sensei didn’t exactly leave me a very detailed list of things that I should teach you, in fact he didn’t leave me any instructions about what I should be teaching you.” Kenshin would say in a clearly annoyed tone “So I’ll need one of you to tell me exactly what you’ve been learning lately” Kenshin would say in an expectant tone, but rather than getting an answer like he had been expecting he was only met with the sound of silence. “...I asked you all a question, what has your sensei been teaching you lately, and I want the answer from you blondie” Kenshin would say to the blonde kid sitting in the centre of everyone else

WC: 818
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Wed May 11, 2016 4:28 pm
At the time of Kenshin’s presence being fully aware to the class and he looking over his clipboard, Tentei was still in the works of looking out of that humongous bay window. There he began to picture being out where he was staring at, a lush, free village to explore around. Not some humid ass classroom filled with snot nosed brats. It only aggravated Tentei more, however the overview of the village was better than being in the present of this atmosphere, it was utterly depressing and pride sucking. After some time passing of absolute silence, the sweetness Tentei received of this classroom finally having a nonexistent volume was replaced with more annoyance. Though he was fully aware the classroom was a place meant to be taught at, the boy felt as if he wasn’t learning anything at his time being there, more so a place to babysit little children. Best believe, Tentei was no child, and this area wasn’t even worth calling a classroom, more so a joke. Soon after Tentei would look back at Kenshin, to see what exactly the boy was doing. He seemed quite perplexed at a certain phrase the clipboard had written down on it, however there was no way Tentei would be able to see it from so far. For this reason, he went back to his previous actions.
The new sit-in for the teacher wanted to learn about the current lessons the class was being taught. Their was more warmth bringing silence once Kenshin inquired about the subject at hand, and it seemed no one seemed inclined to answer. Especially Tentei, he wanted to wish his way out of the place, it was stupid to be there. Maybe it was this class alone, but either way his experience at an academy was the worst. A perverted, sex-drived teacher (though luckily he wasn’t into kids), children who were too dumb to even explain what chakra was, creaky old seating rows and desk. And worst of all Tentei had to share these desks with the kids. It just wasn’t a place Tentei wanted to be at, he would much rather be outside bringing chaos to the world, or learning some new jutsu especially to get out of the hell hole. 
After several moments of no answer, Kenshin decided to pinpoint his question to a particular person. This person being Tentei, the boy who wasn’t even paying attention and much rather stare out into space. Tentei felt inclined to answer, until Kenshin nicknamed the male “blondie.” Though it was extremely obvious Tentei was the only “true” blond in the classroom, having a brighter shade than the rest, he saw the nickname as more than an insult than anything. Kenshin’s rough way of saying the word only put the assumption of the word meaning to be of an insult, and Tentei wasn’t having none of that. Until the boy inquired about his true name or showed some respect, their would be no answer from Tentei whatsoever. Why the hell should he anyway? The kid looked like he didn’t even want to be there, damn near even know what exactly he was supposed to be teachings. Nakizato would exchange a sharp glance at Kenshin with his amber eyes, his eyes squinting in an unamused way, tilting his head up slightly still resting on his hand. After a second of doing so, he would go back to staring out at his favorite window, the one that could take him to happiness. Anywhere but here.
Several seconds would pass as no one said a word, and eyes laid upon Tentei with intent to get him to say a word, in hopes of not angering the replacement teacher. They were probably thinking around the terms “Say something before he takes our recess away!” or at least Tentei would assume as much. However, no way in hell was he planning to even respond to some nickname filled with inferior intentions. He would tell Kenshin off before anything. As the tension rose in the air, capable of being cut with a knife, the obnoxious fanboy beside Tentei would answer for him.
We’re learning about jutsus! Particuarly the ones needed to graduate. Which would those be again?

The boy would make an attempt to save Tentei out of fear, though Tentei wouldn’t care as much. He didn’t need any pity, or savior for that matter. Tentei would look at the boy, meeting eyes with him as if he did something just and correctly. He had that expression where you feel as if you saved your friend from deep shit and expect a thank you. Tentei didn't feel any need to appreciate him or give his thanks in anyway. Soon after he glanced at the fanboy, he continued to look out from the window, keeping an open ear for any words though seeming to be uninterested in the topic. This time however he would lift his left palm to his face, getting in the way of his view. From there, he would place his fingers in a 90 degree angle towards Tentei, and placed his thumb above a single finger. Soon after he would begin to crack each and every finger, a single crack coming forth with each and every finger, echoing throughout the room. His gaze would appear filled with boredom. He expected most likely this would be a sign of disrespect, and of course in a way it was. No way in hell someone would come up to his face and disrespect him in such a tone, and think Tentei wouldn’t react to it. Each crack echoing throughout the room, and twitching from the sound coming from it. Every crack portraying the fact Tentei was in fact not deaf and responsive to those around him, however he chose not to speak a word to Kenshin with such a nickname. After the first finger was cracked, Tentei would look towards Kenshin with a short stare, challenging the boy before looking back at his fingers as they healed once and again. If this was to continue, he would stop at his pinkie and put his hand down back to it’s previous position, and look back out at the window.
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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Thu May 12, 2016 10:14 am
The silver haired teens eyes would narrow in anger and irritation as the blonde kid refused to answer his very simple question, at first he had assumed the kid hadn’t heard him but it became glaringly obvious that he had when the amber eyes kid sent him a sharp glance, before finally the kid tilted his head up a little more as he went back to staring out of the window. Kenshin was most certainly not amused by the attitude that the stuck up blonde was showing him right now, in fact he began to muse whether or not this kid was the Tentei that their real sensei told him to keep his eye on, if he was right it would indeed explain a few things to Kenshin, like for example the reason why their sensei felt the need to tell the silver haired teen to keep his eye on the kid, because if he was willing to act like this to his teachers then how must he act with the other students. The albino wouldn’t simply let insolence like this kid was showing him stand though, at least not without some form of punishment, so while the kid was still distracted by looking out the window Kenshin would reach into one of the small draws on the podium and pull out a box of filled with white chalk

Kenshin would pull out one of the pieces of chalk when he saw the kid next to Tentei open his mouth to speak, and once the words began to come out Kenshin would launch the piece of chalk right at the centre of the kid's forehead at a speed of 77, the distance between them being 3 meters “We’re-” the kid would say before getting cut off by a piece of chalk exploding into a fine white powder on his forehead. The chalk was so brittle that it wouldn’t have hurt the kid in the slightest, but the fine white powder that it exploded into would cause him to cough and splutter for a few seconds, a few seconds that Kenshin used to say some words. “I didn’t ask you now did I?” Kenshin would ask the kid in an annoyed tone, one that told him that if he said the wrong thing then he would get another piece of chalk thrown at him. “N-No, you asked Tentei” the kid would say, confirming to Kenshin that the blonde haired kid was indeed the Tentei that he had been instructed to keep an eye on.

“Indeed I did, so I suggest you shut your mouth and let him speak” Kenshin would say to the boy in an extremely annoyed tone, something that caused the boy to gulp slightly before nodding his head in a nervous way. “Now Tentei, I would suggest you answer the question before I cut your break time and have you clean the classroom instead” Kenshin would say with a smirk on his face. Before Kenshin did anything else he would wait and see how Tentei reacts to his words

WC: 511
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Fri May 13, 2016 4:24 am
Tentei would be caught off guard as he heard the rather loud thump of the chalk hitting the boy beside him's face. It would explode simultaneously, causing a mist to enter the air gaining distance like the smoke after a nuclear bomb is set off. 'Oh Shit' Tentei would think in his head, quickly jumping up and away from the nuclear waste that intended to lay a stain on his clothes. The last thing he ever would want at this current time is to get some damn chalk on his Narucci clothes. He just got away in time for the mist to only touch his finger tips, a victory Tentei would hold on to for a long while.

Then after he would stare at Kenshin with hateful intent, due to the simple reason of having his clothes on the verge of being tampered with. However, quickly he would cool himself off knowing that worst could of came from such an event, and glad it never truthfully happened. Still standing, he would be looking down at Kenshin with a cool gaze, crossing his arms together and putting his weight on his right side as if he was posing in a sense. His right leg would be fully straight whilst his left leg bent a bit. This outburst of his would soon be ignored, followed by the same question imposed by Kenshin, but with a bit more respect. Not too much, still being threatened of some accord over a stupid consequence Tentei could care less for, however he had gotten what he wanted and that's all that mattered. Tentei would also let out a slight laugh due to seeing how pissy he made Kenshin, this guy had quite the ego to go off so easily. Then again Tentei shouldn't say such things, knowing he would be upset at the smallest things like his clothes being messed with. 

However, he planned to answer the boy now that he shown some respect, though having a bit of difficulty. Tentei had forgotten the previous question asked, and had a blank mind to even come up with some way of getting back his train of thought. For several moments he began to stare off into space with his thinking cap, trying to rewind back to seconds ago when the question was asked. Tentei was the worst with memory it seemed, it leaving him so quick. He pondered for several more seconds before finally coming up with the conclusion the boy asked what he had for breakfast. Yup, that had to be it. An odd question, but maybe it was due to his own hunger taking over his mental process. He would speak in a quick and perplexed tone as he described the breakfast he cooked that morning.

"Well you see. I actually went and cooked some finely cut bacon strips from the market down the road, before preparing a fresh batch of sunny-side up eggs. A usual, typical breakfast. Though I'm unaware why it is you're asking that to be fair."

Soon after the class was filled with more silence, suggesting that wasn't the question being asked. Tentei's stomach would soon growl quietly at his own visualization of food. Whispers would follow, before the girl to the left of Tentei looked towards him and explained the actual question. "Um, Tentei. He asked what we were learning at this current moment, not what you had for breakfast."

That explained so much. Tentei was taken aback by his own stupidity at the time, his own mental weakness breaking down to food. He tilted his head towards the girl in a 'Oh really?' gaze, before looking back to Kenshin to answer the right question.

"Oh, well besides the fact that breakfast was delicious, this teacher hasn't been teaching anything worthwhile. At least to me, these kids seem to be learning all of this for the first time, like chakra and all of that nonsense. I have no time for it all really, I rather learn the jutsus necessary to escape this hell hole then anything else."

Tentei would be telling the tale of the failure of his academy experience. The boy truly was learning nothing at all, mentally advance then all that this place had to offer. He made his way down the aisle during his speech, and slowly walked down the stairs to be level with Kenshin's current floor level. The whole time having his left hand in his pocket and his right hand swinging freely like a leaf blowing throughout the air. As he made his final descent to Kenshin's level, he would walk up to the boy about 3 feet apart, exclaiming after,

"I have no time for this place. It bores me, and I can't wait to leave and carry out my true goals elsewhere. However to be honest, I need help learning these jutsus since this damned teacher won't teach me a damned thing. So, maybe you can help me learn this crap and it'll all be dandy."

Tentei didn't want to do it, though he knew that this alone wouldn't patch up all that happened before. He had to apologize, and would have to just swallow his pride and do so. However the man had it coming, no way in hell was Tentei willing to accept all of that disrespect,  though to be frank sometimes you had to do things you don't like in order to get what you want. Something he swore he would never do again, he looked the other way rolling his eyes a bit,

"Apologies about earlier...As you can tell I don't take kindly to being called "blondie." Though I hope you accept my proposal as a willing acquaintance.

He would then look at Kenshin as the whole room gasped in surprise. Tentei never apologized for anything, carrying a very hateful and cruel backbone with him. It was a first for him of course, and he felt ashamed even more to hear all the gasp within the room fill the air. However, you gotta do what you gotta do to get success, and this seemed the only plausible way to achieve such. 

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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Mon May 16, 2016 5:26 am
Kenshin would watch in amusement as Tentei stood up from his desk and jumped away from the mist of the chalk, he was not sure just why the blonde haired kid had reacted like that but he found it extremely amusing. He only found the situation even more amusing when he saw Tentei give him a look that screamed hatred, he would be on the verge of reaching for another piece of chalk when he noticed the look simmer away into a rather cool stare, he would watch with a smirk on his face as the boy crossed his arms and began to shift his weight onto the right side of his body, he would watch in confusion as the blonde kept his right leg straight but bent his left leg a little. ‘Does this kid think he’s a model or something?’ the silver haired teen would think to himself with confusion as he took in the pose that Tentei was currently doing, but nevertheless Kenshin still asked Tentei his question and waited rather patiently for the blondes answer, he saw and heard the rather short and small laugh that Tentei gave but he had no idea what he was laughing about

Kenshin would watch in amusement as Tentei seemed to stare off into space for a few seconds, no doubt trying to either remember what Kenshin had said or what their real sensei had been teaching them in this class. He stayed like that for a few seconds before finally answering "Well you see. I actually went and cooked some finely cut bacon strips from the market down the road, before preparing a fresh batch of sunny-side up eggs. A usual, typical breakfast. Though I'm unaware why it is you're asking that to be fair." he would say in a rather perplexed tone, something that made Kenshin raise one of his silver brows beneath his hair, he had asked the boy what they had been learning not what he had for breakfast, why would he care what this kid ate before he came to class. Kenshin was about to inform him of his mistake when one of the girls in the class beat him to the punch "Um, Tentei. He asked what we were learning at this current moment, not what you had for breakfast." she would say, something that caused Tentei to give her a look that almost literally said ‘oh really’

"Oh, well besides the fact that breakfast was delicious, this teacher hasn't been teaching anything worthwhile. At least to me, these kids seem to be learning all of this for the first time, like chakra and all of that nonsense. I have no time for it all really, I rather learn the jutsus necessary to escape this hell hole then anything else." Tentei would say as he walked down the aisle of the class and towards Kenshin who stood behind the podium in the front of the class. Kenshin took note of the hand that the boy had in his pocket and the hand that he had swaying freely as he continued to walk towards him, eventually coming to a stop 3 ft in front of Kenshin who still stood behind the podium. "I have no time for this place. It bores me, and I can't wait to leave and carry out my true goals elsewhere. However to be honest, I need help learning these jutsus since this damned teacher won't teach me a damned thing. So, maybe you can help me learn this crap and it'll all be dandy." Tentei would say in a rather disinterested tone, obviously based on his words he wanted to get out of the academy as soon as possible, something that Kenshin himself had felt when he had first joined Hoshi and was informed that in all technicality he was still an academy student

Kenshin would watch in slight confusion as Tentei looked away from him and rolled his eyes "Apologies about earlier...As you can tell I don't take kindly to being called "blondie." Though I hope you accept my proposal as a willing acquaintance." Tentei would say, something that caused most of the class to gasp in a rather comical fashion, obviously this Tentei was not the type of person to apologise to people. Kenshin would give Tentei a smirk and give him a small nod “Apology accepted, I suppose I am partially to blame to, I should have asked for your name before calling you blondie, but your teacher hadn’t left me a roll or anything of the sorts, only a little note scribbled down that said there should be 20 kids in the class, so I had no way of knowing any of your names” he would explain in an irritated tone, he didn’t much like the classes original teacher and it was starting to show in his voice.

"But since I'm only gonna be your teacher for a single day we'll not learning about the ins, and outs of chakra like your teacher had been trying to make you learn, instead I will be teaching you something a lot more practical, I will be teaching you the Clone and Transformation jutsu, the very two that you will be expected to show in order to graduate from this 'hellhole' as you so eloquently put it Tentei." Kenshin would announce to the class with a small smirk, he actually agreed with Tentei when he called the academy a hell hole so he felt like teaching the class what they needed to know in order to escape. Kenshin went through the required handseals to perform the clone jutsu and allowed one clone to pop into existence beside him "Those were the hand seals required to learn the clone jutsu, the jutsu is a useful distraction on the battlefield but keep in mind the clone is does not have physical substance and thus is unable to attack and injure enemies, in fact all it does is imitate your actions, but as I mentioned it is a rather useful distraction" Kenshin would explain before allowing the clone to pop out of existence. Kenshin would then go through the hand seals required to use the Transformation jutsu, causing his form to be covered by a cloud of white smoke, and when it cleared it showed Kenshin in the form of one Akihiko Eden, but before long he would allow the transformation to drop. "And those were the hand seals required to use the Transformation jutsu, this jutsu is useful when you are trying to infiltrate somewhere or even in a combat scenario when you use the jutsu to transform into one of your enemies and thus cause chaos within their ranks when you attack" the silver haired teen would explain, before giving the class a look that clearly said 'get going'

WC: 1139
Keita Akiyama
Keita Akiyama
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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Tue May 17, 2016 11:38 pm
Tentei would watch in awe as the new teacher began the lesson he's waited for, for what felt like decades. It all seemed as if it went by in a flash. Jutsus and everything revolving around chakra really always intrigued Tentei, they lived within a world filled with imaginative abilities that could be pushed more and more with one simple hand. This was amazing, watching all of these jutsus going down. He studied the handseals for each as best he could, and finally felt as if he was learning something in this room. Even the children who have been present longer then Tentei seemed to be at a dazed, seeing that they actually learned something rather then the usual dumb lessons thrown around. 

Soon after his transformation jutsu, the whole class went into a frenzy to try what the boy had just showed off. The classroom was finally being filled with noise other then senseless chatter. In it's place, the grunts and noises of actually progress and training within the room took place, and Tentei was actually excited to see the damn rugrats paying attention. Seems like he wasn't alone on the thought that this class was utter bullshit. Good to know. He even saw his little fan boy attempt the clone jutsu, and actually succeed in it unlike the many students within the room, failing again and again. Who would know, the kid actually had some skill behind him. Noted.

It would now be Tentei's turn to attempt to see how far he can actually go, now given the proper tools to do so. He would swiftly make the handseals he had imitated from the visual image of Kenshin in his mind, and after the final hand seal produce a clone beside him. It was a spot on image of Tentei, as he looked over it with admiration and pride. Being his first attempt, all was going well so far. Until he noticed a white spot on the clones right hand. He would then look over himself, and see the identical white spot on his own right hand, particuarly the knuckle area. 'Well shit, guess the guy actually got me with that chalk.' Tentei thought to himself, he would brush it off of him with two strong sweeps, and now freed of such an unnecessary mess, would continue on with his lesson. Tentei then decided to take the jutsu to the next level, allowing his own creativity to overcome him. 

He would conjure himself to do the transformation jutsu on himself, then turning into the previous teacher Tentei knew oh so well. He was a bit overweight, also having white patches through his brown, inconsistent hair. Donning brown eyes and a poorly trimmed beard, overall he looked like an idiot having on an extremely poorly crafted overall setup, looking more like trailer trash then anything else. It was about two sizes too big for him. He had a red nose and oversized ears as well( The ones bestowed upon clowns) and just looked idiotic, bringing the whole classes attention to him. Tentei began to laugh hysterically, alongside the class at the juvenile humor being presented. After taking a moment to catch his breath from a minute or two of pure laughter, Tentei would decide this laughter wasn't fun anymore, his teacher already being too much of a fool to become worse. He would turn the transformation off and go back to his more reserved and serious tone.

A moments of quietness filled the air, and then Tentei would look back at Kenshin. He'd walk up to the sit in teacher with a glowing expression across his face, a foot away from the boy, before speaking intently,

"Thanks for the lesson baba, appreciate it. I can see the future of this friendship going well. Now that I've learned something in this damn place, I suppose it's time to call it a day and end class. Yes?"

Tentei would then let out a few more laughs from the memory of what just went down, the stupid expression he could picture the former teacher had with his clown like nose and ears, before ceasing to exist. A memory he wouldn't mind making a reality one day. His manner would now be cool and relaxed. He being in his previous model like position as before. The boy had a knack for being a model, maybe the village could use some that would be an interesting job indeed. One to laugh at as well, an Undead, Sadistic Blonde Model. Seems legit indeed. The gates have now opened within Tentei's vast mind of the endless opportunities he could make once he graduates and becomes an actual ninja. He was lost in thought of the potential ideas waiting for his question to be answered, and being relieved of this area for the last time.

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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Thu May 26, 2016 3:46 pm
Kenshin would watch with a large smirk on his face as all of the students immediately began practicing the two jutsu that he had demonstrated, the grunts of exertion that each of them were releasing with each attempt telling him that they were truly trying to learn the jutsu, something that only made his smirk grow larger with each passing second. He watched as the kid he threw chalk at earlier tried to perform the clone jutsu, honestly he had expected the kid to fail at his endeavour like a great deal of the other students had been doing over and over again, but he was pleasantly surprised to see an exact copy of the child appear next to him, well not really an exact copy as he could see a few differences between the child and his clone but he could tell that with some more practice the child would have the jutsu down. As he watched some of the other students he noticed that they were not getting the jutsu as fast as their classmates, but honestly Kenshin didn’t know how else he could help them, he had gotten both jutsu down almost instantly and thus he hadn’t really had much experience in correcting learning difficulties like they were experiencing.

It was at this point that Kenshin would turn his head to face Tentei, who at this point was performing the hand seals required to perform the clone jutsu, he assumed that much like the other kid he singled out that Tentei would perform the jutsu on his first try, but the silver haired substitute teacher figured that much like the other kid Tentei would be able to perform the jutsu but there would be a couple of differences between the clone and the original. When the clone was revealed Kenshin had to admit he was impressed, he wasn’t able to spot even a single difference between the clone and the original, hell the kid had even managed to give the clone the white spot on his hand that came from the chalk he had thrown earlier, which he gave a smirk at when he saw the original look at his own hand and quickly rub the chalk dust off. Kenshin would then watch in interest as Tentei began to go through the hand seals for the Transformation Jutsu, and he wondered if Tentei would be able to master it on his first try like he had with the clone jutsu, if he did then the silver haired teen would truly be impressed, because even when Kenshin himself was learning the Clone and Transformation jutsu’s he had been unable to perform them perfectly on his first attempts, he had made some mistakes the first time he performed each but by the second tries he had the techniques perfected

When a cloud of smoke obscured Tentei’s form the silver haired substitute teacher found himself wondering just who or what Tentei had transformed into, but when he saw exactly what had come from within the smoke he would be unable to suppress the chuckle that made its way out of his mouth. What the young blonde had transformed into just looked so ridiculous that Kenshin found himself believing that the boy had failed the jutsu in a rather spectacular fashion, unless of course he had been attempting to transform into an extremely shoddy looking clown, in that case then he had performed the jutsu flawlessly. As the pale skinned teen took in the sight of what he assumed to be Tentei’s failed attempt at the transformation jutsu he was barely able to hold in his chuckles, as he found the blondes result to be so terrible that it was hilarious, and based on the raucous laughter that the rest of class was giving they felt the same way. But when the silver haired teen saw Tentei himself roaring with laughter when he released the jutsu he figured that he had intentionally transformed into what Kenshin took to be a third rate clown but in reality was the true teacher of the class. Kenshin would watch with an impressed smirk on his face as Tentei began to walk towards him, the kid had truly managed to impress him in performing both the clone and transformation on his first try, sure a part of him still believed that Tentei had screwed up the transformation but the fact that he had managed to perform the clone perfectly on his first attempt was impressive, and Kenshin personally felt that a failed transformation was better than no transformation, which he noticed quite a few of the students in the class had ended up with.

“Thanks for the lesson baba, appreciate it. I can see the future of this friendship going well. Now that I’ve learned something in this damned place, I suppose it’s time to call it a day and end class. Yes?” The albino would hear Tentei say, something that caught Kenshin by surprise, surely that much time hadn’t passed since he had come into the class. But after he took a quick peek at the clock in the classroom he realised that it was indeed time for all the students to head home “Well guys, looks like time passed a lot quicker than I had expected, it’s time for you all to go home, of course you’re welcome to head straight to the training grounds to train those two jutsu more if you’d like, give your teacher a pleasant surprise when he comes back tomorrow” Kenshin would announce to the class with a smirk, he was almost certain that barely anyone would actually head to the training grounds but who knows, maybe there was a couple here who wanted to improve faster than the others and was willing to put in the hard work to do so. As the rest of the class began to head out Kenshin would turn to face Tentei “You actually did very well today Tentei, in fact you actually managed to impress me, something that not one other member of your class managed to do” Kenshin would say with a smirk on his face “And much like you I can see the two of us getting along well in the future, if you ever feel like training or having a spar then look for me” Kenshin would say with the same smirk on his face, before turning away from Tentei and walking towards the door of the classroom
“See you around Tentei” Kenshin would say before leaving the classroom, his destination now was the room he was renting where he would write up a report on his mission to turn in later in exchange for his pay. But on the way back he would focus on opening his minds eye, something that he had been learning how to do in recent times, and based on the fact that he was able to sense people's chakra signatures to a much finer detail than usual he had finally managed to succeed. 


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Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei) Empty Re: Kenshin Teaches a Class (Mission, P, Tentei)

Thu May 26, 2016 4:07 pm

Approved @ Kenshin <3
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